Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 950: Scent of the Lord of the Fairies

In the loud noise of "嘭", the two met in an instant!

The next moment, the red thunder collapsed and scattered, and numerous small electric rushes passed, shattering the space. The confrontation between the two turned out to be the absolute advantage of Xianshu Broken Mountain, squeezing the Thunder Giant Claws by nearly a hundred feet!

Without any warning, the thunder claw suddenly shattered, and the force of the thunder that engulfed the palm print inside, forcibly curbing it.

At this time, another Thunder Giant claw quickly protruded from the prohibition and directly caught Xiao Chen's speedy retraction!

There was a roar in the fairy king's mouth, he waved his sleeves, and the ban of the fairyland suddenly collapsed in the distortion! The fragment of the ancient fairyland in the chaos of time is completely destroyed at this moment!

The ban of the fairyland collapsed, and the sight suddenly became cheerful, and then between the heavens and the earth in the distance, the nine horror thunders swept across with the power of destroying the heavens and the earth, wherever they were, everything was erased directly under the power of the thunder! It was a thunder dragon who rescued Xiao Chen, and at the moment a roar, its shape dissipated directly, turned into a thick blood mine, disappeared with Xiao Chen into the nine thunder!

The whole world is instantly filled with the thunderous and overbearing thunder power, blocking all the chaotic space-time power!

Xiao Chen's face was pale, but his breathing had calmed down. The fast-growing force in the gold seal quickly restored his attrition and his injuries were gradually controlled. He looked up, and now he had entered the mine again.

Above the clouds, Lei Long Wanli opened his body, "Master, are you injured? Who hurt you, I will kill him!" Thunder Dragon roared, thunder in the clouds, Wan Leiqi sounded terrible. !!

"Small blood, the one who hurt me is the fairy king of immortal world, powerful enough to be comparable to the heavenly monk! Can you master all the power of thunder, so you and I have a fight!"

"Master rest assured, I have finished the thunderous will, and the power of the nine thunders is in my hands!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, "Okay! Little blood, the next thing, you obey my command!"

The immortal king's eyes fell on the terrifying thunder of Jiudao, and his eyes were slightly dignified. "Jiulei was blocked. I didn't expect my king to lay down his guardian power, but now he is used to compete with me." He whispered, his eyes turned cold, and if his strength was not too great, he would be able to defeat Jiu Lei by shooting it directly, but now he has to be more cautious to deal with it. But the immortal king is not worried. Now every minute passes, his power is recovering fast, and it is not difficult to defeat Jiu Lei.

Suddenly, in the sight of the fairy king, the nine red crests that are connected to each other quickly merged with each other as if they were manipulated. In a short time, they turned into a thunder, combining all the powers of the nine red crests. Thunder The sound of thunder is like the roar of hundreds of millions of thunder beasts at the same time, and the thunderous breath emitted is actually stronger than that at the time of nine thunder! Splashing and falling, tearing and shattering chaotic time and space power!


With a roar, the fused red thunder suddenly squirmed, and huge pieces of scale armor emerged on the surface of the thunder, and the claws emerged under its own feet, gradually separating the body and the head and tail ... This thunder turned into a thunder dragon directly. Its huge eyes were cold and ruthless, without any mood swings. It stretched out and stretched out from the body. It looked out of its body with an oppressive coercion.

This thunder dragon is the aggregation of the thunder power controlled by the little blood! Looking at the fairy king, Lei Long roared suddenly in his mouth! The giant tail swept away, breaking through all the forces of time and space, the figure burst out, opened its mouth, and went straight to the king of the swallows.

The immortal king had a dignified face, his fingers were painting in the void, and a complicated immortal text appeared quickly. He reached for his finger and shattered it, and grabbed at Lei Long fiercely, "Immortal, sleepy dragon!"

A thick dark cyan rope shot directly from the void, I do not know where it came from, extremely fast and extremely flexible, as if it had its own wisdom, entangled towards Thunder Dragon! His huge body could not escape under the ropes at all. Thunder Dragon was tied directly, and his body was struggling madly, causing the dark blue rope to tighten tightly. "Beep" and "Beep" rang, and a flash of green flickers, which was about to be born. Break in general! Pulling Shengsheng pulling the rope and continuing to rush forward, the distance between him and the fairy king is constantly shortening.

The immortal king's face remained unchanged. A thick golden glow appeared on his fingertips, and he fell quickly in the void. An extremely complicated immortal text was almost finished in his hands. The last stroke fell, and the whole golden light of Xianwen flashed, and there was a breath of fierce and killing sent directly from it, which made people feel a sense of stiffness, and the whole body of blood seemed to condense directly into ice!

The corner of his mouth slightly tilted, showing a sneer of sneer, reaching out a little, Xianwen collapsed directly, and said lightly: "Immortal, soul killing!"

Xianwen dissipated, a touch of black light appeared instantly, the speed was amazing, and it shot into Thunder Dragon's body instantly!

Immortal Soul Slaying, one of the higher-order immortals in the fairy realm, cast with the power of the fairy king, can directly kill any soul that exists below the heavens! No matter who controls Thunder Dragon, everything will come to an end as soon as the soul kills.

Successive shots of high-end immortal art, a flash of tiredness flashed in the eyes of the immortal, but fortunately, the golden square seal of the national instrument was about to supplement his power loss.

Lei Long struggled suddenly and stiffly, his eyes closed gradually, and the thunderous thunder slowly dissipated.

"My king came out of his seal, and if he lacks a mount, he will refine you into a puppet, thinking that it is a substitute!" Fairy King said lightly, he reached out a move, and Thunder Dragon approached him under the binding of the dark blue rope. .

The golden light on the hand continued to sketch the fairy tales, and a few pens were completed.

But at this moment, Lei Long closed his eyes and suddenly opened, the violent thunderous breath burst suddenly, and he wanted to destroy everything!

The immortal king showed shock for the first time, his pupils contracted slightly, and an angry growl was heard in his mouth. But he didn't give him more reaction time right now. The whole Thunder Dragon's body completely exploded at this moment!




Just as the billions of thunders blew at the same time, the red crimson thunder swept like crazy waves, releasing the endless destruction. Any creature that falls into it will be completely incinerated under the fury of Thunder!

And the fairy king, fell in the center of the thunder force, withstanding the bombardment of all thunder forces! The whole space, at this moment turned into a thunderous ocean, all the power of chaotic time, was screened out as much as possible!

In the distance, King Xu and King Yinyue joined forces to counter the power of chaos with the help of a silver shuttle-like treasure. At this moment, looking at Lei Long's self-explosion, there was no trace of blood on his face! Although far apart, the horror was clear to both of them. Under Thunder Dragon's self-explosion, even the monks who step on the sky may not be able to retreat from their bodies. If they are close to the slightest point, they may be torn into pieces instantly!

The horrifying thunderous power fluctuations continued for an entire moment before slowly dissipating, revealing the figure of Thunder Dragon, which shrank to a hundred feet in size, the whole body of the scale was more fragmented, the dragon's eyes were dull, and the breath was quite faint. Even though it was the Thunder Master, Thunder Thunder who controlled the mighty horror caused his self-detonation to suffer a lot of trauma. At the neck of Lei Long, there was a monk lying on his back. His green robe had been soaked with blood and his face was extremely sickly pale!

This monk is naturally Xiao Chen!

The reason why the fairy king's soul-slaying magic failed, and finally let Xiao Chen control the thunder dragon to complete the self-explosion is because he resisted the soul-slaying magic as much as possible! With the guardian of the golden seal, even if it was the king of the fairy, he would never dream of erasing his original god! However, suffering the damage caused by the magical power still made his serious injury worse again!

Not far away, the figure of the immortal king appeared, and his face became pale, and the corners of his mouth even bleed, but the luxurious robe on his body was not made of any material, and was not damaged by the thunderous attack of Thunder Force.

His eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and he said coldly, "My lord admits that he despised you and was able to compete against the soul-slaying supernatural powers, giving you a chance! But now that my king is safe and sound, you will all die!"

There is a hint of golden light in the Chinese hand of the fairy king. He is unwilling to make any further delay, and he must shoot Xiao Chen directly!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's slightly drooping eyes suddenly shone brightly. He suddenly lifted up, reached out to point down the fairy king, and shouted: "Immortal, settle down!" On his fingertips, a dazzling burst burst out. Golden Light! This shot was not the power of Xiao Chen, but the golden seal from his Yuanshen space!

The immortal king's body suddenly froze, and his eyes suddenly showed fear.

Because in this designated body technique, he felt the breath that made him tremble from the heart.

This breath comes from the Lord of the Immortals!

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