Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 957: Throbbing

King Dongyan announced the retreat to the public, and since then he disappeared and disappeared, leaving all matters under the control of his ancestors. Bayi Middle School [文 W? W] W]. } 8} 1> ZW. Com

The turbulent territory gradually quieted down after the initial rectification, and everything gradually got on track, and the surface looked calm and calm.

But soon, the Daqian Realm will be resurrected because of a period of time, and there will be violent tensions among nations ...


Wild Starfield.

Xiao Chen was sitting on a mountain with a low grade of repair, sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain. He looked calmly low, and the high-altitude turbulent wind was as sharp as a knife.

He sat here, waiting for Quan to recover.

Now everything is ready, just wait for the shot to help the space to consolidate the origin of time and space! Then he will embark on the road to return to life, and bring back the four beautiful girls.

The sun rises and sunsets, and in a hurry for half a year, he is motionless, like a sculpture. On this day, when the sun was rising in the east, the rays of light illuminated the mountains, reflecting his face, Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, a calm and peaceful color, "Quan, you are ready."

In front of him, the ethereal light flashed slightly, a figure appeared directly, looking back to Xiao Chen, slightly nodding his eyes, showing a little satisfaction, "Everything is moderate, but the desire is not reached. You focus on the safety of the lover, but not After a while, be patient and wait for me to complete the original fusion and devour.

Xiao Chen nodded. "Nevertheless, you and I don't continue to waste time. I don't know when my patience can persist."

Quan was also extremely straightforward. He turned around and stepped forward, and the figure rose into the sky and went straight out of the stars.

Xiao Chen's figure trembled slightly, seemingly still sitting still, until after a few breaths slowly faded away, but people have disappeared.


Scenic lake.

The famous and dangerous Jedi in the barren star field is not a real lake wave, but a space that is gradually falling apart, filled with chaotic and violent space forces, and black and white cracks appear from time to time in silver and white, as legendary , There is a monster mouth in Styx.

This is a territory of death, the force of rolling tyrannical space, shattering all life.

But now, in the Ming Lake, there is a blurry figure sitting cross-legged, and his body is undulating with layers of breath and waves, spreading out, and can actually control the space power around the body, control its power and the whole Ming Lake Against the forces of destruction.

When he first came, he could only struggle on the edge of the Minghu Lake. As time passed, he went a little bit towards the center of the Lake, and eventually came to the center of the Lake. Use your natural environment here to cultivate your own magical powers.

Suddenly, the figure's eyes suddenly opened, the silver and white light shone, and the power of chaotic space around the body stopped and fluctuated. He rose to his feet and walked towards the edge of the Ming Lake, where the forces of chaotic space retreated to the sides, like a king!

Black eyes, a silver robe, this monk is a space avatar! Stepping out of the Styx River, they saw two people not far away. Xiao Chen and Quan were already waiting here.

"The body, Izumi." He nodded slightly, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

Quan Tao: "The space avatar is not suitable for him due to his own qualifications. The ordinary cultivation environment is not suitable for him. I searched the wild star field now, and now he stays here. He will stay here to practice with the power of chaotic space. .The ancient demon avatar now has his own place, and for the time being it is inconvenient to inform you, you will know it in another day. "

Xiao Chen nodded. He believed that Quan would not be malicious. Since he did so, he should have his reasons. His eyes fell on the avatar of space. Now that he has achieved the world of virtual creation, his progress is amazing. Among them, there must be the credit of Quan.

"Space, the King and the Spring are here to help you unite the origins of time and space."

"I already know things. I have been preparing for a long time and can start at any time."

Xiao Chen didn't speak, his gaze turned to Quan.

Quan nodded, "That's it, let's start now. You and I enter the Underwater Lake, and I will set up a fairy array, and use the power of space to block the breath generated when the origins of time and space merge, so as not to be perceived. Stay outside the Sacred Lake and protect the Fa for us. Don't disturb me if it's not necessary. "

Xiao Chen handed over all the sands of time, the left eyebrow dojo, and the ancient temple to Quan, and Shen said: "Be careful!" Integrating the origins of time and space, such actions must inevitably involve great danger, although Quan never said , But it does not mean that Xiao Chen does not know.

Quan Fu sleeves turned, walked into the lake with a space to walk in, and disappeared into it.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen noticed a slight tremor in the gold seal in Yuanshen space, and immediately followed the sudden and violent upheaval of the entire Minghu Lake, becoming completely violent. Every tremor unleashes a palpitating force.

The fusion of the origins of time and space has begun.

Xiao Chen's face was dignified, his body was slightly tight, and his heart was filled with a sense of tension. If the original integration is successful, he will repair it soaring, and since then has the power to cross the world. If it fails ... no matter whether the space avatar or the fountain, any one of them has an accident, it is his unbearable loss.

Harvest is always proportional to giving. If you want to get, you must be prepared to give.

Fortunately, after a short while, the tyrannical Minghu Lake gradually calmed down. Xu Chen could not detect their breath because of the means of the spring, but with the mutual induction, it was possible to determine that they were not wrong.

Things seem to be moving in a good direction.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. Since there were no accidents at the beginning of the integration of time and space, although the next step still needs to be cautious, by the means of spring, the success has been extremely high.

Thinking of this, Xiao Chen's heart was slightly relaxed. He took a breath and converged as much as possible, and sat down on his knees in the void. Although the consciousness had not been detected, Yuan Shen felt the surrounding space carefully. His induction.

Before the origins of time and space were integrated, Quan had already told him that if everything went well, it could be completed in three to five years. If there were twists and turns, it would be no later than seven or eight years. For secular mortals, it may be a long time, but for monks, especially high-level existence, but between the fingers.

The things that were born inside this savage starry sky, Minghu, did not attract anyone's attention. Everything was done in a silent way. Time, like a trickling stream, passed away from your fingers.

Three years passed in the blink of an eye, beside Chenming Lake, Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened, his gloomy complexion became extremely ugly. Just before, a palpitation suddenly appeared, making his heart twitch violently and painful.

All this hastily come and go, it has disappeared in an instant, but the feeling of palpitations and pain is deeply imprinted on his mind!

To Xiu Chen's realm, Xiu will never have such a phenomenon for no reason. Perhaps there is something related to him. From this feeling, obviously, things are definitely not good for him!

Could it be that during this time, something bad happened in the Daqian Realm?

As he thought about it, he frowned, and his mind gradually filled with anxiety. And what made him most irritated was that after this palpitation disappeared, there was an inexplicable fear and confusion in his heart. It seemed that someone or something that was extremely important to him was about to leave him.

This feeling is extremely strong, and even made Xiao Chen have an urge to destroy everything!

No, something must have happened!

Related to him, and can produce such clear and strong warning signs ...

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly widened, and always calm eyes, suddenly burst into a panic at this moment.

Ziyan ...

Could this be related to the four women!

Xiao Chen got up, his face was extremely gloomy. He looked at Ming Lake, his eyes flickered slightly, or he tried to sense to Quan.

Soon, a straight passage appeared in the tumbling Minghu Lake, and Quan stepped forward, his brows frowned slightly, waiting for Xiao Chen's explanation.

"Quan, I feel that Ziyan has something wrong, and now I need to rush back to the territory to confirm it. If nothing happens, I will return immediately. Otherwise, I will wait for the space to complete the original integration, and you will let him go directly to me. Xiao Chen hurriedly said that the anxiety in his heart made him unwilling to delay even a minute.

"Okay!" Quan simply nodded. "This thing has been repaired. You should take it in case you ever need to."

The words fell, and a touch of golden light fell directly into Xiao Chen's hands, which was Jinjia Xianwei. Although the eyes are still closed, the whole body is permeated with terror! It's amazing enough before it's activated!

Xiao Chen didn't say much, closed the Xianwei, took a step forward, waved his hand to tear the space and left.


Dongyan Palace.

Xiao Chen's return was immediately evoked by Tao Xianxian. He sits high on the throne, frowns tightly, his breath slowly rolls around, the terror overwhelms the whole hall!

"Dao Xian see King!" Dao Xian came hurriedly, kneeling to the ground, his face paled slightly.

"Get up and talk back. My king asked you to investigate the case of returning to Qiangzi, the Yuan Dynasty, and to find four princesses. Is there any news?"

Dao Xian heard that "Tong Tong" fell to his knees on the ground. "On the Uighur King, the minister has found out that Qian Yuanzi, a Uighur master, did bring back four disciples from Xiaoqian Reality more than 5,000 years ago. Inviting royal families from all over the world to marry! Qian Yuanzi announced a year ago that he would marry four disciples publicly on the day of the flame festival next month! After receiving this news, his subordinates were unable to find the king and delayed I still ask the king to forgive me! "

Xiao Chen's body suddenly stiffened, he slowly lifted, and the whole person was like a volcano that was about to erupt, releasing a horrifying breath of horror that seemed to destroy the world!

"How many days are there before the Huihuo Torch Festival?"

"Twenty-seven days."

Xiao Chen got up abruptly, he stepped down, his voice appeared on the clouds, a dragon yin came in an instant, the whole sky suddenly darkened, layers of thunderclouds came together, and the thunderstorm flashed, and then there was a thunderous explosion. Sky! When Lei Long appeared, his body stretched for thousands of miles, Zhang Ya danced his claws, it seemed to feel Xiao Chen's heart, and Yang was a scream! The mighty majesty waved down, causing countless monks to lift it with fear.

"Qian Yuanzi, my king must kill you!" A low roar came from the thunder, like the roar of a thunder god, and the killer flooded the world!

Lei Long shook his tail, Wan Lei blew, and his shadow chased the wind and rushed to power, whistling away.

On the back of the dragon, Xiao Chen stood by his hands, and Lei Guang reflected the sharper and sharper angle of his face, cold like a sheath knife!


[Happy Daoists' Day! The first change, there is an update at night! ps: Chen Chen is going to find his wife, don't you hurry? 】

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