Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 958: There is no way to stop the dragon

Dayyan is a country, Kai. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W] W). 〉 8? 1> ZW. Com

In a palace somewhere in Wangcheng, the old man with a Chinese robe opened his eyes sharply and waved to tear the space. The figure appeared directly above the temple, his pupils contracted sharply, his eyes looked towards the far sky, and his expression was horrified. meaning.

A touch of black, spreading with an amazing degree, followed by the continuous roar of thunder, the powerful and thunderous breath of thunder, awe-inspiring!

The sky was covered by thunderclouds, and a thunder dragon figure rolled forward in the thunderclouds. The terrifying breath like the abyss of the ocean emerged from its body, falling down, and repaired by the old man of the Chinese robe to create the kingdom of kingship. Compete with it!

Moreover, with his sight, he faintly saw a tall figure on the back of Thunder Dragon. Although extremely vague, but his eyes fell, it caused a coldness in his heart, and Yuan Shen was almost frozen!

This person must be the strongest person in the world. If he wants to kill him, maybe only one look is enough!

His body was tight, and he did not dare to stop at least the thunder dragon roaring from the king city!

It wasn't until Lei Long went away that the sky and thunder cloud dissipated, and the old man's stiff body slowly recovered, and it turned out that his robe was soaked with cold sweat.


Outside the border of Dayan, several monks stood in the starry sky, looking dignified.

"There is a thunder dragon coming from the direction of the wild starfield, and heading straight for Dayan, if it has not changed direction, it will soon reach you and me." One of the monks in yellow robes said in a low voice, his face was slightly dignified. .

"This mighty thunder dragon, if you can kill it, you and me will be divided into blood and scales, it will be a great harvest!"

"The dragons have died for a long time. Such a powerful Thunder Dragon has long ceased to exist in the world. This time is indeed your chance!"

"You must stop it here. If you let it enter the territory of Dayan, even if you fight for Thunder Dragon, there will be no chance for you and me!"

Just in the conversation of several people, the thunder roar came from the depths of the star field, the shining thunder, far from countless distances, can still make people clearly sense the terrorist power contained in it!

"Come here, get ready!"

Several eyes were hot at the same time, and in the roar, the body was bursting as many as possible, but they were all monks from the creation world. Several people joined forces, and their strength should not be underestimated. Between the hands, the supernatural powers do their best!

However, the direction of Thunder Dragon has not changed in any way, but the speed is three points faster. With a roar in his mouth, the giant tail swept across like a rolling mountain, smashing all the supernatural beings, and all he paid was the number on his body. Squama scales are broken.

The eyes of several monks of Genesis King widened instantly, and screamed in fear! Thunder Dragon showed strength, far beyond their expectations! But now it's too late to escape!


The giant tail fell, and several people's body protection was destroyed. The body suddenly burst and was smashed into a mist of blood!

Lei Long smashed several people at the end, his figure kept on, and Lei Guang shouted as he shone away.



King Xiaoyue looked dignified, his eyes flashed with suspicion, slightly lowered.

Beside him, the Longnan emperor frowned slightly, and said, "Why the King Xiaoyue is so cautious. This Thunder Dragon has not yet entered the level of the Creator Xeon. You and I will join forces, can we still take it?"

King Xiaoyue shook his head and said, "Longnan Yu's words are wrong. The king just guessed where the Thunder Dragon came from ... wait, wait until you see it first, and then you'll make a misunderstanding."

Among the ancient shards of immortals, Xiao Chen had long heard about the thunder dragon's control over the immortal king of immortals, and now naturally murmured in his heart. If this Thunder Dragon is this thing, he would never dare to stop it. Now he is the king of Xiaoyue in Dayan Town, but also the emperor Xiao Chen's repair!

There was a scorn of contempt in the heart of Longnan Royal Master, only that he was frightened in the ancient fairyland, and nodded slightly.

Suddenly, the thunder rolled like a rushing horse, and the momentum was shaking. In this shining thunder, Thunder Dragon Miles screamed!

King Xiaoyue and Longnan Emperor's faces were slightly dignified, and the breath of Thunder Dragon actually made them feel a slight threat.

But at this moment, a low drink suddenly came, clear in the thunderous thunder, and fell into their ears.

"Let it go!" The voice was calm, but cold and cold, like a cold wind coming from the bitter cold, making the two bodies instantly stiff. The intense crisis lingered in their hearts instantly, let them have no doubt, if they do not retreat, the next moment waiting for the two of them must be the end of the killing scene!

When Xiao Yue Wang heard this voice, he almost instinctively pulled the Longnan Royal Master to retreat and watched Lei Long whistling away from the two, and soon disappeared into sight.

Longnan Yuzhu barely swallowed a spit and trembled: "King Xiaoyue, this person ... who is this person?"

"King Dongyan, Xiao Chen."


"The king of Dongyan drove the Thunder Dragon and ran into my territory. What did he want to do? Dayan was the king, and he could not leave the land without permission. Did he still look at him?" Crush the jade in his hand, shoot the royal case with one palm, his face was gloomy like water, and cold light flowed in his eyes.

The face of the light did not change, but my heart couldn't help sinking a little. Yan Huangfang Xiao Chen left the thistle because he had no choice but to find a reason to be difficult for Xiao Chen. Today is such an opportunity, I am afraid I will not let it go!

"Your Majesty! King Dongyan disregards the laws of my big swallow, and breaks into the territory of my swallow in private, relying on cultivation for rampage! Such acts must not be spared, otherwise my royal swallow will sweep the face!" Speaking, the chilling frenzy. As the Great Yan Emperor, he will spare no effort to protect the interests of the Emperor Yan!

The Emperor Yan suddenly lifted up, and said in a cold voice: "Passing the will of the king, the king of the south of the town took the army and shot Xiao Chen and escorted him into Beijing to listen and fall!"


Zhennan King Camp!

"His Majesty's imperial order has been ordered to let the king capture Dongyan King and be escorted into Beijing! The generals listen to the orders, Budi Shatian array, capture King Dongyan, if they dare to resist, let alone death!"

"Yes, King!" His Majesty's generals suddenly responded and turned to leave the account.

The king of Zhennan showed his face, "Xiao Chen! Before the shame and shame, now the king will return to you! If you dare to come to my Zhennan military camp, the king will want you to come back forever!"

The south military camp of Yanzhen is located on the border between Yan and Qi. After crossing, you can enter the territory of Daqi, not far from Datang. Teams of elite Yan army soared into the sky, set up a large array in the star field, strong and strong spirits soared into the sky, suppressing the entire space! Even if you perform the technique of torn space, you will be forced out of it by no means!

The king of Zhennan stood in the middle of the army, his eyes surging.

"The king, the king Dongyan has arrived!" The messenger came quickly, holding the scout Yujian, kneeling on one knee and drinking lowly.

"Good come!" King Zhennan stood up and shook his arm. "Listen to the king's order. If you resist, let's kill it!"


The army was called, and the sound of the waves was rising. The rich murderousness came overwhelmingly.

Behind Lei Long, Xiao Chen's eyes widened, and he stared blankly at the head of Zhennan Wangjun in the front. The word in his mouth was still cold, "Let's go!"

Zhennan Wang Senran said, "King of Dongyan! Your Majesty has ordered that the king should take you, and escorted the thistle to be tried! If you can't catch it, you'll blame the king!"

Xiao Chen's look remained the same, but the coldness in his eyes became heavier. Today, Mo said that the king of the south of the town, even if the emperor Yan arrives, he will not hesitate to shoot! Today, no one wants to stop him at all!

Because time is running out.

Thunder Dragon seemed to feel the master's heart, and roared back. The infinite thunder cloud suddenly gathered in the star field. Thousands of thunder went straight to the army!

The King of Zhennan is not angry and rejoicing. Even if Xiao Chen wants to capture his hand, he may not give him the opportunity. Now it is better to resist. In this case, no one can attack him even if he is killed by the army!

The shame of that day can now be repaid together!

He sneered at the bottom of his heart and was about to order the army to shoot, but at this moment he hadn't waited for him to speak, but Xiao Chen had already taken the lead! I suddenly saw a golden figure behind Lei Long, stepped forward, and the sword in his hand was utterly cut off!

The fierce sword-like whistle came out, tearing the space directly, and the surroundings were all dark. Before it came, the horror sent from Daomang had made Zhennan King's body stiff, his face pale, and his eyes turned into despair.

"Do not!"

In the scream, Daoman fell, and the army of Zhennan King was cut in half by this knife silently and silently. All the people shrouded in Daoman, including Zhennan King, countless soldiers from the Zhennan army camp It was completely wiped out with one stroke!

No one thought that in the face of Zhennan King and His Majesty's army, Xiao Chen dared to take the lead! And the shot is such a terrifying magical power, powerful and irresistible!

The King of Creation, the King of the South, was killed instantly!

Lei Long whistled along the blank line of the Chinese army, but no one in the entire Zhennan army dared to move a little bit, and watched Lei Long go away, his face pale and pale.


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