Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 961: Sword of the Six Kings

Xiao Chen's dim eyes showed anxiety and hurriedly said: "Don't blame yourself, you just forgot me for the time being, this can't blame you ..." At this point he stopped abruptly, his eyes burst into endless ecstasy, "You ... your memories are restored?"

"Fu Jun, we all remembered, I'm sorry, we don't know why this is so! I'm sorry!" Ziyan's eyes were hazy, and she looked at Xiao Chen's robe soaked with black blood, and her heartache was like a knife stabbing. Bear it all. [Eight (one Chinese network

Yuewu, Xiaoyi, and Qingmei also kept shaking their heads. Obviously, it was difficult to accept that they shot their own and hurt their favorite man in life.

"Okay, okay, I really didn't blame you. You and I can meet again. I have to talk about the four swords. Even Qianjian and Wanjian, I am willing to bear it! Do n’t cry anymore, you and my couple will meet again. It's a great event, and you should be happy. "Xiao Chen was impatient and affected the internal injuries. He murmured in his mouth, and blood dripped from his lips, which was actually dark.

"Fu Jun!"

Zi Yan exclaimed exasperatedly, regretful of her guilt, and hurriedly gathered around him, reaching out to hold him. I just looked at the long sword that was not in my body, but couldn't help but burst into tears, and hurriedly lowered his desire to let him see.

Xiao Chen had a smile on his pale face. Although he was weak, the joy was in his heart. He tried to wipe off the black blood on his hands and wipe the tears on the faces of the four women, but the more so, the more they It was crying badly.

He felt the warm tears on his hands, knowing that the tears were flowing for him, it seemed that the injuries in his body, all the pain, no longer mattered. As long as they are all good and the couple can see each other, that's enough.

Holding Ziyan and Yuewu in his left hand and Xiaoyi and Qingmei in his right hand, the smile on Xiao Chen's face revealed a faint taste called happiness, and this feeling he flew from Xiao Qianjie, Never felt it again.

"From today on, unless we die, we will never be separated again." He whispered, as if his oath, and his promise to the four women. It's low and calm, but it's like a rocky reef on the ocean floor.

Qian Yuanzi's face was gloomy. He looked at Xiao Chen. All that was cold and murderous, and a sudden roar in his mouth.

His voice came, and Zi Yan's four women were stiff, and her face suddenly showed pain!

Xiao Chen's eye-catching masterpieces roared, his eyebrows screamed, his powerful, forward-looking breath merged into his own will, and he broke out!


The noise is loud and silent, but in the sense of Yuanshen, it seems that two shocking waves collide with each other, and the sound is shaking!

Qian Yuanzi groaned, stepped back slightly.

Xiao Chen took the shot and forcibly defeated the will of Qian Yuanzi to raise the four women! He stared at the weird, "Today, King Wang will kill you!"

Qian Yuanzi's eyes became more gloomy when he heard his words, and he chuckled, "If you want to kill the old man, maybe you don't have such an opportunity again! Dear friends, Xiao Chen has been severely damaged now. Late! "

His voice has just fallen, how can people wait for the murderous and writhing people already!

Lord of the Great Northern Yan Dynasty, King of the Great Qin Dynasty, King of the Great Qin Dynasty, King of the Great Wei and Red Alchemy, King of the Great Zhao Tianlu, King of the Great Qi Yueling, King of the Six Kings of the King of the Heavenly King stepped forward, and Xiao Chen and Ziyan were besieged by the sub-station. Included.

Going further, King Lingnan of the Tang Dynasty frowned slightly, for some reason, at this moment he still did not choose to shoot.

"If you want to kill him, you must kill me first!" Zi Yan suddenly turned around and protected Xiao Chen behind her. She screamed in her mouth, her eyes filled with firmness.

Yuewu, Xiaoyi, and Qingmei also open their hands to meet the six old immortals, and their faces are definitely!

At the time of Xiao Qianjie, Xiao Chen could not regret his life to save them. What fear do they have today? Even if he can't be saved, he can die together!

King Luocha's face was as deep as water, and he chillyly said: "Girl Ziyan, my king came to marry him under the order of the Qin emperor. If you quit now, my king promises that my emperor will not be held accountable for the previous things. You can still marry Daqin, since then, the honorless, the billions of people alone!

Zi Yan shook her head. "If you want to kill, do it. My four sisters today will never step back!"

"That's the case, then you can't blame the king!" King Rakshaa's eyes swelled sharply, Ling Ye's killer broke out, and the powerful coercion suddenly dropped! In the breath of the creation Xeon, the four women of Ziyan became paler and more painful.

The King of Great Battles of Chu stood shoulder to shoulder, he also chose to stand by, and suddenly said at the moment, "Dongyan King, the King, the King Xu, and the Silver Moon are the best friends. You have saved his life in the fragment of the ancient fairyland. Today, the King will not embarrass you. If you are deeply in love with your husband and wife, you will try to preserve your remains and bury you with the four gangsters! "Six Kings joined hands, Xiao Chen was seriously injured, and today ’s battle looks to him, the results are already doomed!

Xiao Chen turned around. Although he was weak, his expression remained calm, and he said lightly: "There are many people who want to kill the king, but the king is still fine. Soon, you will be glad for your choice." There was a roar in his mouth, and the four long swords submerged in his body were forced out by powerful forces, and blasted away in the harsh sound of the air. Black blood spewed out of the wound, dripping down his robes soaked with blood.

He took the next step and stopped all the coercion. Flicking his sleeves, the light in front of him flashed slightly, and a figure of gold armor appeared in front of him.

Xiao Chen reached out to the surrounding area and drank, "Kill them all!"

Jin Jia Xianwei respectfully saluted, "Yes, master!"

He slowly got up, and the terror suddenly rose into the sky, covering the whole space! Under this coercion, the space seems to condense into ice waters. All monks living under the coercion, except Xiao Chen and Zi Yan, are completely sealed off like fish swimming in the water.


Jin Jiaxianwei flashed outside his body, his figure disappeared instantly.

The next moment, I saw a sharp sword burst out of the sky, and it was so terrible that it penetrated the sky! In a short span of time, the figure of Jin Jiaxianwei reappeared. He still respectfully stood beside Xiao Chen, as if he had never left, and the terrifying coercion of the void disappeared completely at this moment, making people wonder whether the feeling just before was just illusory!

The emperor of North Anhui, the King of the Great Qin Dynasty, the King of the Great Qin Dynasty, the King of the Great Wei and the Red King, the King of the Great Zhao Tianlu, the King of the Great Qi Yueling, and the King of the Great Han Ling. The idea has not yet dissipated, but the breath in their bodies has disappeared as much as possible.


Suddenly there was a light noise from the forehead of the Northern Anhui Royal Master, and a **** crack appeared directly. At the next moment, the bodies of the six people collapsed completely, turning into pieces of flesh and blood, and even Yuan Yuan was killed together, leaving no trace.

With a single cut, the six kings were killed, and they were killed on the spot without any resistance!

Jin Jiaxian Wei's shot, his terror power instantly shocked the audience, except for the heavy breathing, there was no sound in the whole space!

The king of battles widened his eyes, and suddenly a coldness rose in his heart, making him almost frozen like a falling ice cellar! Only if he had shot, now I am afraid he has been killed in place! As soon as he thought about it, he felt lucky in his heart. Looking at Xiao Chen, he was already full of deep awe! He finally understood why the two kings, the King of the Moon and the King of the Moon, would entrust him to entrust him. If they met the king of the Great Yan Dongyan, they must not be against him! It turned out that he had such a terrible Jin Jiaxianwei in his hands! This kind of power, even in the face of the heaven-strength strong, also has a battle force!

King Lingnan had a stiff face, his breathing suddenly stopped, and then he gasped sharply after a long time, like a drowning man being lifted from the water.

A trace of blood was pouring from his mouth and nose.

This tragic sword seemed to have been cut into his heart, and only the sight of him had hit him hard!


[Ps: Strive for another chapter before 1am. 】

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