Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 962: Kill Qianyuanzi

Qian Yuanzi's face changed wildly. He looked at Jin Jiaxianwei, his pupils contracted violently and murmured, "Variable, this is variable. [? 八

At this moment, he was suddenly startled and suddenly lifted up, and saw Xiao Chen's eyes fall, his murderous power was sharp!

"Kill him!" With a single finger, Jin Jiaxianwei's breath instantly locked Qianyuanzi. He took a step forward, raised his long knife in his hand, and slashed forward, violently slashing out of the sword!

Suddenly, there was a chuckle in the void, "The wanton killing in the territory of my Tang dynasty, and such guilt, was compensated by the Jinjia Xianwei. I think the King Dongyan should have no objection."

The sound didn't fall, and the space in front of Daomang suddenly twisted, turning it into an invisible seal, suppressing it instantly! This tragic sword was scattered quietly and disappeared without a trace!

Qian Yuanzi's body suddenly froze. The figure of a woman in a palace costume appeared behind him. Her body space constantly trembled at a very small and fast frequency. When she looked down, she could only see the figure faintly. . But just a chuckle and a blurry figure have caused the monks to revive here, which is enough to determine that this woman must be a national beauty! But at this moment, no one dared to have a bit of blasphemy to her, slightly low, and did not even dare to look at her at all.

She stepped forward, and said lightly, "Qian Yuanzi, is it not too much for you to stay in the Uighur for your cultivation, and then return to Chang'an with you?" Her voice was dull, but she said In the ear, it seems to be particularly tender and affectionate, which makes people want to be intoxicated.

Qian Yuanzi was briefly silent, bowing and saluting, saying, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Xiao Chen heard the two answer. His face turned into a dignified moment, and he looked at the woman in the palace costume. He did not expect that this woman was the Empress of the Tang Dynasty! Today she stepped in, and things became tricky!

But Qian Yuanzi must kill him, even if the Empress of the Tang Dynasty, he never wanted to stop him!

After receiving a satisfactory answer, the Empress of the Tang Dynasty suddenly looked up at Xiao Chen and said, "Dongyan King, as long as you surrender the Jin Jiaxianwei, you are willing to take the shot to protect you. In the Tang Dynasty, you can still retain the king, I wonder if you will? "

Xiao Chen was briefly silent, shaking his head slowly, and said, "Thanks to Her Majesty Tang, but the King did not join the idea of ​​Datang, and would like to remain immortal, please Her Majesty's permission."

The Empress of the Tang Dynasty shook her head suddenly when she heard the words, "Hui is ultimately a state of the Tang Dynasty. Although He is not in the realm of the Tang Dynasty, he can still take advantage of the national power. Jin Jiaxianwei in your hands may not be weak, but he is definitely not an enemy of He. Wang, are you sure you don't want to consider any more proposals? "

"My King's mind has been set, and the Emperor Tang doesn't need to say much." Xiao Chen said lightly, his tone was calm but firm as a rock, leaving no room to turn around.

The Empress of the Tang Dynasty was slightly silent. It seemed that Xiao Chen would have been so determined and slowly said, "With that being the case, I won't say much more. I won't kill you today, but the Jin Jiaxianwei will stay at the price. I am Tang. "The words fell, she poked out her hands and grabbed Jin Jiaxianwei. There was a slight tremor in the void, and a palm descended from the clouds. Although it was about the size of a bird, it was as beautiful as the hand of a goddess, and it was flawless. A powerful wave of force came from it, and before the fall, the entire space was closed.

At this moment, the emperor ’s practice revealed by the Emperor of Tang Dynasty is comparable to the three-step monk stepping on the sky, and it is only one step away from Supreme Hongmeng! The powerful force shrouded the Jin Jiaxianwei, the ground under his feet shattered instantly, and huge cracks spread quickly in all directions!

But at this moment, a sudden roar burst out of Xianwei's mouth, like a thunderous explosion. His outer armor suddenly released a layer of golden light, and the powerful breath in his body was soaring at this moment, and the power of repression was earning. broken!

The long knife in his hand was raised, and it was cut sharply towards the sky!

A dazzling dagger shot in an instant. It was like lightning and thunder. In a flash, it had cut off the flawless jade. The collision between the two suddenly released the terrifying force that destroyed the world! A layer of destruction waves burst from the confrontation between the two and swept towards the surroundings. The place where they lived shattered in wailing, and the space collapsed in distortion! All existence is completely destroyed!

Xiao Chen reached out to embrace the four women, and the figure shot towards the rear.

The Emperor Qianyuanzi, King Lingnan, King Baizhang, and surrounding monks also retreated. Those who are less able to avoid it, once swept by this wave of power, the body will collapse silently and completely into powder.

The entire Qianyuan Taoist Palace was completely destroyed by this blow! Fall apart, keep falling apart!

Jin Jiaxianwei bowed slightly, and he stepped on it suddenly under his foot. A piece of Dao Palace fragmented completely, and the figure blasted out. He flew straight to the Empress of Tang, and the violent and tragic violent atmosphere surprised Tang Huang. !!

After Quan Quan's transformation and repair of the complete Jinjia Xianwei, despite all the explosions, the power that was rushed out to chase the strongmen in the Three Realms of Heaven! Coupled with his fierce fear of death and fear of pain, even the real monk who stepped into the Three Realms might not be his rival!

The horrible killing exploded in an instant!

The violent stepping heaven and the three realms of confrontation uploaded by Yunxiao brought down all life and sensed the horrible breath fluctuations, and his face was pale. Even if a trace of power swept through them, it would be enough to wipe them out countless times!

The fight between Jinjia Xianwei and the Empress of Tang Dynasty was difficult to distinguish between victory and defeat.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's face suddenly changed, he suddenly turned around and shot it!

Not far away, Qian Yuanzi's figure was forced out of space, and the old man's eyes were murderous. His fingertips were faintly golden, and when he walked in the void, the book became a fairy tale, pointing to Xiao Chen. Immortal, soul-breaking thorn! "

In the void, a black thorn spewed out instantly and whistled.

Xiao Chen's mind moved slightly, and the purple beast armor appeared in his body. He covered his whole body, took out the black sword with his backhand, took a step forward, and cut off directly! The black sword is special, nothing is not destroyed, nothing is broken, the magical power is already in it! This dark black soul stab was cut off under this sword!

Immortal art was destroyed, Qian Yuanzi's face paled instantly, but at this moment he didn't wait for him to respond. Xiao Chen's finger had fallen to him. On his fingertips, there was also a golden light pouring out, rich and incomparable.

"Determine my king!"

Fairy, settle!

Under this finger, Qian Yuanzi's body suddenly froze, and he was actually settled! This one-finger finger was Xiao Chen's shot with the help of the golden seal, and even the immortal king would be held still under this finger, not to mention the Qianyuanzi!

As soon as he pointed out his hand, Xiao Chen's killings skyrocketed in his eyes, and an aura of light flashed outside his body.

A sudden roar in the mouth of Qianyuan Zi broke away from the immortal magic at this moment. His eyes suddenly turned golden, cold and temperatureless, seemingly a high god. He ran straight to Xiao Chen's chest and photographed the golden light on his fingers. shine!

In the face of Qian Yuanzi's backlash, Xiao Chen saw it suddenly, and the black sword fell off!

At the next moment, Xiao Chen flew away in a loud noise, and a clear palm print on his chest was broken. As if it was burned by the high temperature for a moment, the flesh was steamed and disappeared through the wound. , Can clearly see his rational beating heart!

Blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and the sword wound that had barely healed on his body was broken again at this moment!

Qian Yuanzi's body was stiff, and the gold in his eyes quickly dissipated. He slowly looked up at Xiao Chen, but a strange smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he whispered: "Xiao Chen, we will see you again, you can't kill me." A bloodstain appeared on his brows, and his entire body split into two!

Due to the damage of Xiao Chen ’s body, the Ziyuan Beast Armor was automatically condensed into the flesh and disappeared, revealing his extremely pale face. At this moment, his brows were wrinkled and his eyes were extremely gloomy! But at this moment, he didn't wait for him to think about it. The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty suddenly heard angrily from the sky: "Yan Emperor! If you don't take another shot, you will immediately retreat and don't get involved in today's affairs!"

The voice fell, and among the monks in Dayan, a person in the bloodline of Yan's clan suddenly lifted at this moment. He was expressionless, his eyes looked at Xiao Chen, revealing a monstrous murder! The person's body slowly lifted into the air, the horror breath emanated from his body, and he was in a realm of heaven!

"Xiao Chen! Today I shot it myself and cut you off here!"

The Lord of the Swallows is distracted by the monk bloodline monk!


[Today is a bit tiring. This chapter originally wanted to write two thousand, but it ’s okay, but it ’s not easy to interrupt the plot. It ’s written now. The update is a little late, and you Dao friends should not blame me for it ... Good night everyone. 】

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