Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 970: The Fire Cultivation is Extinct

The corpse opened the earth, and looked at it, and could not find it. Bayi Chinese Network W & gt; W & gt; W>. & gt; 81ZW. COM Because of this, it is a vast burial place!

At the end of the line of sight, a black robe monk stepped forward. He had black long and black eyes, and his lips were bright red, conspicuous as blood. When he arrived, the sun in the sky seemed to dim suddenly, and it seemed that all the light was consumed by him.

This man is a source of joy. The centuries passed, and the more faint the breath in his body, even if standing here, no one can detect his existence. Looking at the burial place in front of him, he closed his eyes, his mouth slightly tilted, and smiled slightly.

The next moment, an obscure, deep and extreme breath wave came out of him, and the whole sky suddenly darkened, like the night fell in an instant, covering everything! It's an extreme darkness, cold, pure, powerful and irresistible! The source of Yishen standing between heaven and earth is like a king in the dark!

Above the earth, a large black net appeared from under his feet, and it spread extremely fast outward!

Several screams of anger came from the ground. Under this wave, the ground was trembling slightly, and the corpse strongman who slept in the dark ground was awakened from his sleep! But their roar quickly revealed fear, and then disappeared.

In just an hour, the darkness disappeared between the day and the day, except for a few huge fissures on the ground. There is no change here compared to the previous one. But through these cracks, you can see the deep black force of the ground, like cotton wool, like living things.

Yishenyuan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes became darker, like two endless abyss, and could devour everything in the world. And his breath at this moment is actually more powerful than before!

He looked up to the void, and said lightly, "Xiao Chen, the ever-powerful person in this world is not the only one. You still have at most 500 years. During this period, hope that there will be miracles, otherwise you will die. As the words fell, he took the next step, the figure gradually became illusory, and eventually disappeared completely.


Tian Mars in the northern part of Dawei, away from Mars.

As the only top-class cultivation star in the northern part of the Wei Kingdom, there is no doubt that it has become the most prosperous cultivation star in the north. There is no one! The person who controls the star domain here is the branch of the royal blood of the Great Wei Dynasty. The ancestors of his blood are cool and fierce. The existence of this person has ensured the prosperity of his royal blood. In the entire Wei Dynasty, he is one of the three major families outside the royal family. He has deep foundation and possesses extremely powerful power.

And away from Mars, is also the place where the blood of a series of fires takes root. Today, the person in power is a descendant of the fire and blood, inheriting the throne of the fire king, and cultivated at the level of the creation of the strongest. Liang Yimai, the most outstanding junior in countless years, is likely to become the second monk to step into the heavens after the fire is cold!

With such a powerful force, Lishu Mars has become one of the few cultivation stars in Dawei who has no defense, because anyone who dares to come to life will be easily torn into pieces. According to records from Mars, there have been tens of thousands of years without any accidents.

Five suns hung high in the sky, and the hot sun fell on the ground, and the air seemed to be burning. The dark red stone slab paved on the ground is a flame stone collected deep in the center of the earth. It can absorb the heat stored in the sun and slowly dissipate it, so that the temperature of the air is more than doubled! This kind of environment is the best for monks of the fire tribe. However, they can naturally absorb the enthusiasm of the heat, so that their cultivation can be continuously improved.

On this day, a monk stepped away from the east gate of Huocheng, wearing a red robe, and a hood covering the entire face. This is the most common clothing of the monks of the Fire tribe. But in the space around his body, there was no trace of hotness, and all the hot forces would dissipate naturally. Wherever he does it, in this hot environment, he will not be affected by the slightest heat.

The fire monks in the surroundings showed awe in their faces, respectfully retreated.

The monk in red robe stepped into the city in the eyes of everyone, striding forward in a certain direction. His pace seemed unpleasant, and his degree of life was amazing, but in a short period of time, he had traveled more than half of the city and came outside the Palace of Fire.

"From the Fire Palace, you must not approach unless you summon, retreat!" He has not yet approached, and a warning has been issued in the mouth of the guard wearing a red armor.

However, the man still stepped forward if he hadn't heard it. He walked uncomfortably and made a faint sound on the ground.

"Stop!" The guard drank sharply, the spear in his hand was already raised, and looked alert.

But at this moment, the monk in red robe suddenly swaggered his sleeves, and the void suddenly burst out with mighty force, sweeping out like mountains and rivers! The eyes of dozens of guards suddenly widened, and before they made any noise, their bodies were directly torn by this terrorist force!


In the loud noise, the gate of the Royal Palace was broken by life, twisted and deformed and flew far to the rear. It landed on the ground and made a loud noise, and several huge cracks emerged, spreading rapidly to the surroundings, arousing the dust of the sky!

Monk Chipa slowly lowered his hood, revealing Xiao Chen's calm face, his eyes glanced coldly, and he walked directly towards the palace. Quan let him choose his own shot, and mastered the fire and coolness of the sky Mars, and naturally became the best choice.

The monks regretted their lives, and most of them hated those who threatened their lives. And Xiao Chen was never a saint who complained with virtue, nor did he want to move closer to this aspect. He has always believed in clear grievances. There is graciousness, gratitude and grudges. When the ancient immortal shards were broken, Da Wei Huoliang wanted to put him to death. Since he had not been successfully killed, he must be prepared to accept his revenge.

And now he's here.

Da ... Da ...

The faint sound of footsteps came from the dust, and Xiao Chen's figure gradually became clear. His red robe had faded, his blue shirt was neat, and there was no trace of dust. In the dark eyes, the cold light shines, and the killer is like a tide!

The guard of the royal palace was like an enemy. After seeing his appearance, he was angry and roaring in his mouth, "Exotic monk!" Because he didn't have the blazing flame clan pattern in his eyebrows!

"Kill him!"

"Guard the palace!"

In the roar, the guards of the royal palace faced a huge body, and the killer broke out!

There was a cold hum in Xiao Chen's mouth, his voice was not heavy, but he fell into the ears of the opposite guard, but it blew like a thunder, making their faces suddenly white, and the blood in the nose and nose spewed out. , The light in the eyes has dissipated, and the flame family pattern on the eyebrows quickly fades away!

In an instant, all the guards blocking the former royal palace were killed and none survived! Such horrific means suddenly frightened the monks who were constantly flowing out of the palace. Looking at the figure of the blue robe, there was no trace of blood on his face.

Xiao Chen slowly lifted up. He seemed to be seeing a scene on Starfield 6 in the human world. Under the nine peaks, in the valley, the countless ancestors who provided nourishment for blood vines ... the colder his face, the more shocking his eyes were!

"The repair of the fire clan, when the extinction is exhausted!" His voice dropped, and a layer of ripples appeared in the space around the body, and then spread to the surrounding area with an amazing degree. In this water ripple-like space fluctuation, there is a terrifying space power, and everything involved in it will be completely shredded!

Sensing the destruction of the space, the surrounding monks screamed and the aura of light flashed out of the body, and they wanted to escape to the surroundings. But at this moment they suddenly appeared that they had shot with all their strength and their movements were countless times slower than before! At this time, it is not their motion that is slowing down, but the time flow of the space in which they are slowing down, and each of their motions is infinitely extended! Seeing the destruction ripples sweeping around, they couldn't escape at all, and their eyes suddenly showed despair.

With Xiao Chen's body as the center and the space ripples sweeping through, countless fire monks were directly wiped out, and Wang Gongyu was razed to the ground!

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