Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 971: Wei Huang Projection

"Who dares to come to live from the Palace of Fire! Wanton!" In the roar, the King of Fire suddenly reached out and patted him. Above the sky, a flame palm suddenly appeared, and it fell suddenly, and the endless violent atmosphere came out from it, the whole sky Under the flame of the palm of the fire, it turned into red! Before it has fallen, the hot breath coming from it seems to ignite the air!

Xiao Chenchan, he is rumored that the thing about Li Xiu Xiu is not groundless, this person's combat strength is comparable to a monk stepping on the sky! If you add the blessing of territorial air transport, it is not too much to call it a peak. {[ W}.> 8? 1] ZW.COM

But his face was still calm, without showing anything strange. Even if it is comparable to the monk who stepped on the heavens, when he had not yet opened up the chaos world in the evil horoscope, he had killed Wei Zheng like a monk on the sky. Now it is a combination of the power of time and space, the strength of combat, Hong Meng is invincible!

From the fire king, no fear!

Xiao Chenpao reached out with one hand in his sleeve, and held his hands to the sky. With the mastery, the space suddenly twisted and twisted, and the flamed palm that was red with the sky was directly crushed in this bent space, and there was no resistance at all.

The King of Fire was shocked, his face paled instantly, his eyes were shocked and he looked at Xiao Chen, his pupils could not help but contract sharply. At this moment, he finally saw Xiao Chen's appearance, and a sudden fear came out of his heart!

"Xiao Chen!"

In the screaming, he instantly burned a crimson flame outside his body, so he wanted to use the magical power of fire to escape directly!

In return, Xiao Chen was distracted with an arrow and killed Yan Huang. This is known to all countries in the world! However, until the creation of Dongyan, Dayan still did not respond, so in the rumors, Xiao Chen was qualified to fight against Hongmeng! Whether this is true or not, it is an indisputable fact that he has a horrible Jin Jiaxianwei in his hands. Back in World War I, this Jin Jiaxianwei could even force the Empress of Tang Dynasty back to life. What a terrible power he had!

Xiao Chen dared to break into Dawei alone and had to rely on him, so after his identity, there was no war at all in the heart of the Fire King. All he could think of was to escape as quickly as possible to save his life!

But then he wanted to leave, but it was too late.

The purpose of Xiao Chen's visit was to make things big and attract the attention of monks at the peak of the entire Wei dynasty to open up treasures for Quan and Shenjizi. Having said that, it is obviously the easiest way to kill a monk who stepped on the sky!

He sneered and snapped to the palm of the man!

Li Fire King's body suddenly tightened, and a strong death crisis lingered in his heart instantly, making his whole body blood almost freeze to ice. The surrounding space suddenly condense at this moment, like ice, and he is in the block! It is comparable to stepping into the sky to repair, in the face of the pressure of this town, there is no slight resistance!

Suddenly a tremor came, and his face suddenly showed a sense of terror, and there was no blood at all in an instant. The next moment, the condensed space suddenly shattered, and the body of the King of Fire also collapsed along with the shattered space, and Yuanshen annihilated it.

Dawei Huoliang's pulse from the Fire King is comparable to the monk who stepped on the peak and was killed in place! With his death, the power of the territorial beliefs gathered in all directions collapsed and disappeared between heaven and earth! The whole fire was cold and fortunate. At this time, Xiao Chen was crushed. Even if he re-aggregates in the future, it will inevitably be lowered by several levels.

In Yuanshen space, the dead soul of the King of Fire emerged, and was directly engulfed by the golden seal in the roaring struggle, quickly refining, and released a pure and powerful force. After the achievement of time and space avatar, the strength soared, the "Broken Element" technique became unnecessary for him. Therefore, there is no need for the soul to remain in the golden seal for the occasional need, and it will be directly refined after devouring. The obtained soul power, Jin Yin and Xiao Chen each got half.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered with the strong power that was constantly flowing from the golden seal. In the Primordial induction, all the fire clan creation worlds from Mars, and even from Mars, are repaired to the above strong ones, all appearing in his mind! There must be a war between him and the fire clan, and the results of the war can only end with his death or the extinction of the fire clan. That being the case, naturally he wouldn't mind shooting ahead of time and killing some of the fire tribe first.

When Xiao Chen stepped on his feet, the ground was slightly shaken, his figure disappeared into the space silently and disappeared.

After he left, the earth suddenly trembled violently, and huge cracks soon appeared, and spread to all directions in an amazing degree, and the entire Lihuo Palace was completely destroyed in this turn of events!


Imperial City of Wei, Liangdu!

In the imperial palace, the fire in the secret room suddenly awakened from cultivation! The luck of the family was broken. As the ancestor of the family, he naturally felt clear. And the thing that made him most angry was that, in the induction, the breath of the fire king had disappeared at this moment. This means that he has been beheaded!

"No matter who it is! This seat must kill you!" During the roar, he waved and tore the space in front of him, his figure disappeared.

At the same time, Wei Huang's face in the Imperial Study suddenly changed. He suddenly got up, his eyes seemed to penetrate the space, and fell directly on Mars. His eyes were extremely gloomy, and the cold light in his eyes shone deep!

"The Lord of Dongyan, Xiao Chen! How dare you come to the territory of my great Wei, and I will let you come back today!"

Drinking low, over the entire imperial palace, Dawei Qiyun suddenly twitched like boiling water, implying that the mighty Jinlong of the Wei Dynasty National Games suddenly snarled in his mouth!

This roar did not make any sound at all, but all the monks who existed at the level of the heavens throughout the territory of Dawei could hear it clearly! No matter what they were doing, their faces changed, shocking in their eyes!


Southern Wei, somewhere in the star domain.

In the opening of the meteorite, Quan and Shenji sat cross-kneeling. They converged all the breath in the body. Even if a monk passed by here, if they did not board the meteorite, they would never be able to detect their existence.

The fountain suddenly lifted, and a faint golden light came from her eyes. He rose to his feet, sensing the fluctuations of the Wei National Games, and whispered, "It has already begun."

God machine then stood up, his face solemn.

The two stepped forward and the figure appeared directly in the star field, facing a void in front of them.

Chuan said lightly, "Go ahead."

God machine respectfully said that, taking a step forward, he took a deep breath, his eyes flashed brilliantly! At the same time, a touch of light appeared on the fingertips, the ten fingers quickly touched each other, and each rune came out directly, whistling forward, but disappeared into the space directly in front of him.

Ripples suddenly appeared, spreading to the surrounding space.


From Mars, a pale-faced Fire clan creation monk waved to tear the space. He was about to step in and out, and a faint humming came from his ear. The voice was not heavy, but made his body suddenly stiff, and the flame pattern on the center of his eyebrows quickly faded, his eyes still retained the meaning of his terror.

Xiao Chen's figure appeared not far away from this man, his expression was cold. Based on his cultivation, it is only in the backhand to kill the creation monk!

At this moment, he suddenly looked up at the sky, and the mighty Great Wei National Movement screamed from all directions, accompanied by a huge amount of heaven and earth, and a figure gradually appeared in the gathering.

This figure is wearing a Kowloon imperial robe, wearing a purple gold crown, his face is calm and self-anger, and the mighty atmosphere is overwhelming!

With the help of the National Games, the Lord of Wei came out in an instant! Although it is not the ontology, it contains the Great Wei National Movement and endless power. The power that this projection can explode is only slightly weaker than the ontology. Even in the face of Monk Hongmeng, there is also a battle force!

"Slay my great Wei strongman, be dead!" The roar is like a thunderous thunder, and it is like the roar of a god. The horror breath bursts out.

The projection of Dawei's master suddenly pointed, and infinite elemental force spewed out. Dawei National Games directly merged into it, and the two turned into the force of killing and killing.

During the shot, Wei Huang's murderous show was revealed!


[Today ’s update is complete. Goodbye everyone, tomorrow. 】

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