Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 972: Immortal fixation

Xiao Chen had a dignified face, and in terms of repair alone, he was not afraid of Wei Huang at all, but after Emperor Wei shot and blessed the Great Wei National Games, he couldn't tolerate any care! Otherwise, you may encounter fierce danger and be killed here!

The situation is in crisis, but this is his purpose, to use himself as a bait to attract the peak existence in Wei, and create opportunities for Quan and Shenji to take away the treasure. [八一 (Chinese? [? [W] W] W].] 8> 1] Z] W] .COM

So at this moment, there was no fear in his mind, and in silence, he punched forward! The wonderful combination of chaotic origin, time origin, and space origin allows him to have enough power to face Wei Huang's projection and have confidence in a battle!


The two forces that are so horrifying and desperate meet in the void without fancy. This is a confrontation at the pure level of strength. The strong wins and the weak defeats!

There was a slight pause between Wei Huang's projection and his behavior, and the condensed figure showed a slight fluctuation.

Xiao Chen grunted, and the figure stepped back several steps in succession, his face pale. With his current strength, Wei Huang's projection was extremely reluctant. In this momentary confrontation, he has suffered a lot of trauma. But the power he showed at the moment was amazing enough! Wei Huang projection, in the territory of the Great Wei, even has the qualification to fight against Hongmeng, Xiao Chen can hardly shake him with a single finger, the strength has been amazingly improved compared to a hundred years ago!

Wei Huang's face became extremely ugly for a moment. His eyes were completely gloomy. Xiao Chen's strength was far beyond his expectation! But the more so, the more murderous he was! Xiao Chen's origins are extremely clear, and the enmity between him and his Dawei Huo tribe cannot be resolved at all! And the power that Xiao Chen has now has threatened the fire clan. If he is given time again, once he breaks through the boundary and enters the state of Hongmeng, it will become a big confession for Wei.

Today is the best time to cut him off. If you miss it, you want to kill him in the future, hope is slim!

During the roar, Wei Huang's projection reached out and shook the void suddenly. The mighty national movement was drawn from the entire territory of Wei and infused into his body. At the same time, his breath continued to skyrocket at an alarming degree!

Such a wanton extraction of the National Games, although it will allow Wei Huang projection to have more powerful power in a short period of time, but it will inevitably cause some losses to the National Games of Wei. But in Wei Huang's view, it was still worthwhile to kill Xiao Chen at the expense of a little national transportation.

At this moment, on a ruined fire palace, the sky suddenly shattered, and the fire-cooled figure emerged from it. This old man's face was slightly white. In order to get away from Mars as soon as possible, he successively performed mystery, and the natural loss was not light.

Looking at the completely destroyed palace, it felt the breath of countless blood monks dying, his cool body trembled slightly, a layer of pale white flame burst out from his body, and his eyes turned red instantly!

At the heart of the eyebrow, the flame family pattern is golden!

There was a beast-like growl in his mouth, and he waved his hand to tear the space, and the figure appeared again. He was not far from the battlefield, and his eyes instantly fell on Xiao Chen, and his eyes suddenly revealed the heinous resentment and crazy killing!

"Xiao Chen, this seat wants you to die!" During the roar, the breath inside him burst wildly, and a seven-colored fire lotus gathered in front of him and went straight to Xiao Chen and shot down!

The monks who stepped on the sky and shot at any price were equally amazing in their strengths. Although Xiao Chen was not afraid, he would be somewhat restrained. And this kind of restraint, in his rivalry with Wei Huang, is likely to be transformed into a deadly danger!

Xiao Chen frowned slightly, waving his sleeves, and saw a flash of golden light in the void. The figure of Jin Jiaxianwei had already appeared, and his figure had not paused. The long knife was cut off violently, and the white swords swept out like a sword. Big river, go forward!

Cut it with a single knife, smashing the fire lotus outrageously, forcing the fire to cool back! Despite this weird roar, it was impossible to escape the entanglement of Jin Jiaxianwei. The two fought fiercely, smashing the sky, tearing the earth, and gradually away from the main battlefield.

But at this moment, Emperor Wei once again shot, "With the body of the great Wei Tianzi, gather the Wei National Games, kill this person!"

In the roar, he fluttered his sleeves!

In the empty space, a golden dragon ghost appeared instantly, with a length of thousands of miles, nine feet underneath, and full-scale scale armor in golden color. This golden dragon was formed by the Emperor Wei with the Great Wei National Movement! At this moment, Yang Tian roared, the dragon yelled like a thunder, the golden dragon's giant tail swung, the figure came roaring, and it opened with a big mouth and swallowed fiercely.

Before Jinlong arrived, Xiao Chen's air-conditioner was locked firmly, making him feel a chill suddenly in his body's slightly stiff heart, and the cold hair behind him started to rise! This Jinlong mighty power is enough to be comparable to Monk Hongmeng's full-fledged shot, which is unbearable with the power of Xiao Chen!

The fire of hatred in his heart was burning, and he wished to be able to kill Wei Huang and make it hard. But today the Emperor Wei Emperor projection is in the territory of the Great Emperor Wei. Compared with that time when the Emperor Yan was distracted, the Yan Emperor was distracted and powerful, and in his hand, there were no days like a compass.

Inhaling slightly, Xiao Chen's state of mind was calm and he had never been controlled by anger. He drank in his mouth, the whole body space suddenly faintly rippled, and the time flow was reduced accordingly. With the power of time and space, Xiao Chen broke away from the lock of Jinlong's breath. Although it was only a short moment, it was enough for him.

The next moment, in the ripples of space, Xiao Chen's figure disappeared directly and reappeared tens of thousands of miles away, getting rid of Jinlong's airlock! But his figure just emerged from the space, his face changed suddenly, his pupils contracted violently, and his strong breath of death completely covered his mind!

Xiao Chen snarled in his mouth, without any hesitation, before the figure walked out of the space, and the surrounding area rippled again, and once again flashed into the space again.

The palm of the flame appeared suddenly in the next instant, grabbed forward fiercely, and slipped past him with a slight difference.

After a few breaths, Xiao Chen appeared in the star field, his face rose directly, the blood in his body seemed to be burning, and he spit out a spit of blood, which burned directly after leaving the mouth! Although the palm of the flame didn't catch his body, the hot and terrifying breath swept away, and he intruded into the body and caused him a serious injury! Fortunately, as the blood spewed out, most of the hot fire in the body was released, and his injuries did not continue to worsen.

"Huh!" A cold hum came from the void, and the figure of an old man in a red robe appeared directly. The golden flame pattern on his eyebrow burned fiercely, and the hot breath permeating his body seemed to burn the whole world!

The visitor is Dawei Hongmeng!

"Little guy, since you came to my Dawei territory, you don't want to leave alive."

And at this moment, at the end of the line of sight, Wei Huang's projection came from the sky, with coercion like God's prison and murderous sky!

Although he had anticipated this scene, Xiao Chen could not help but jump hard in the face of the old man in red robe and Wei Huang at the same time. His strong sense of crisis made him nervous, but his face was still calm.

Now that the two are together, then Quan and Shenji start, and no one in Dawei can stop them!

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, revealing a strange smile.

I don't know why, with a smile on Xiao Chen's face, the old man in red robe and Wei Huang burst into a sudden burst of heart, and suddenly had a bad feeling. The next moment, a violent breath fluctuation suddenly appeared in their induction.

The root of this fluctuation is in the southern part of the Great Wei Territory!

The magic treasure of the magic machine opens!

The elders of Chipao and Wei Huang suddenly expressed their anger. When the treasure was opened, the Great Wei National Movement was actually weakened by one point. Seemingly not many, but based on the entire Wei national movement, it is already extremely amazing damage! This shows that what is happening has a great impact on the entire Wei national movement!

"Damn!" A roar broke out between the two populations, the violent breath broke out, and the entire star space was completely shattered!

But at this time, Xiao Chen didn't give them a shot, and he stretched out one hand and pointed forward.

On your fingertips, there is rich golden light!

"Immortal, fix yourself! Fix it for the king! Fix it! Fix it!"

In the roar, the old man in red robe and Wei Huang suddenly had a sudden meal, and as a price, Xiao Chen flew backwards with a severe blow, and blood rushed out from his mouth and nose, his face suddenly pale and there was no trace of blood! Fixing the cultivation of Yuan's own realm with fairy magic will inevitably cause the magic trick to back bite. The greater the gap between the strength and the target of the spell, the stronger the counter bite! If the golden seal did not offset most of the power of the fairy arts counterattack, Xiao Chen used his own strength to fix the two old monks at the level of the Red Robe and Wei Huang.

The price was paid in order to stop the two for a while, but it was enough for a while.

Jin Jiaxianwei roared with a slash and drove the fire coldly, and the figure shouted. Xiao Chen flipped his sleeves into his storage ring and flew backwards into the space and disappeared into the space.

The old man in red robes and Wei Huang became extremely ugly in an instant. Xiao Chen's breath had completely disappeared from their induction. Even if they searched with the help of the Wei National Games, they could not even detect where he is now!

There was an angry roar at the same time between the two populations. The old man in red robe waved and tore the space and left, while Wei Huang projection collapsed and dissipated.


Off Mars.

It was only after a horrific killing that it was severely affected. The big 6 on Xiuzhen collapsed, the city was damaged, the flames were burning endlessly, and the monks of the Fire tribe were killed and injured!

The fire-cooled monster looked at the place where the family was founded, and spit out blood, "Ahhhh! I hate this! Xiao Chen, I must kill you!"


The mysterious treasure of God Machine Zong, which has been sealed for years, has been opened. In the collapsed star space, a small spiritual star gradually emerges. On a cultivating star not far away, numerous monks of the Fire clan raised in horror, watching the scene at this moment.

Quan stood with his hands, he was slightly lower, as if waiting for something.

Suddenly, he lifted suddenly, looked at the void, and pointed out!

"Immortal, settle down!" On the fingertips, the golden light is flourishing, and it seems that a new sun has been born in the dark star field!

The monk in red robe stepped out with half a foot, the figure was instantly fixed, the supernatural power was interrupted across the space, and he was forced to return in the hum.

The Great Wei National Games screamed, the world strength was boiling, but all things stopped at this moment! Wei Huang's projection had not yet appeared, but he was blocked under the finger of Quan!

Quan Junmei's face suddenly turned white, not pale, but the whole person seemed to be thin, the flesh was almost transparent, and the veins of blue blood vessels under the skin could be clearly seen, but the more perfect and delicate it was like heaven.

Shenjizi rose to the sky from the treasure repair star and nodded hurriedly to signal that the treasure had arrived.

Quan's face was calm, and his fingertips walked out of the air. A golden portal appeared directly. He reached out and pushed away. The two stepped out of it and the golden portal dissipated.

The next moment, an angry roar came, the entire star field space collapsed, the old man in red robe appeared with a gloomy face, and Wei Huang's projection was almost condensed. Both bodies exuded a mighty coercion and filled the world!

For a moment, he was settled twice, watching Xiao Chen and others wait and retreat. The rolling fury in their chests almost made their blood burn! Can't find any leaked objects!

"Old man, is this here?" After a short while, Emperor Wei broke the silence between the two.

The old man in red robe turned to the small star in the star field, and said coldly, "This deity has been heard for a long time. The **** machine has once treasured the precious materials collected in the family in a treasure. Only then did the deity sense the **** from here. The breath of a pulse, presumably here is where they treasure! "

The Emperor Wei was startled, his eyes immediately revealed the heat, "Treasure in a vein of magic machine! Although they opened the treasure, but for such a short time, they could never take away all the treasures in it."

"Huh! But the most precious thing in the treasure must have been taken away!" The old man in the red robe thought of this, his face could not help gloomy, he took a breath and suppressed the anger in his heart, saying: "Maybe there is still here There are some precious things left, you and I searched to see if you can gain something. "

The words fell, the two stepped forward, and the figure whistled into the star of the magic machine, the treasure repair star.

But after a few breaths, the two came roaring and screaming. The next moment a wave of terror power burst instantly, and the entire treasure Xiuxing star instantly turned into a huge fireball, falling apart in the explosion ...

In the flickering of the jumping flame, the faces of the old man in red robes and the projection of Wei Huang were reflected. They looked like they had swallowed a hundred flies, and their grim faces could drip water.

An angry roar sounded in the star field, echoing for a long time.


[Chapter four thousand words, ask for a monthly pass! 】

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