Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 974: Apprenticeship

The old man in white robe bowed his hand and said, "This little brother don't have to worry. The old man and the prince walked through this city. When he saw this family had a baby, his heart moved for a while. Perhaps this man had some relationship with the old man. See you. Eight {a novel [<[<

Xiao Chen shook his head and was about to open him. Li Dayou could hear his voice coming out of the room. When he saw two outsiders outside the door, he was a little surprised. "Brother, are these two?"

"Presumably you should be this master." The old man in white robes whisked and smiled, repeating what he just said. "The old man only took a look. If this man really has a destiny with me, the old man will naturally give him a blessing, otherwise I would also like to give him a protective jade, which can protect his health and grow up as an adult without disease and disease. "Opening his hands between words, I don't know when a white jade has been added to the palm of his hand, and there is a slight glow in the sunlight.

Li Dayou has already noticed that the two men are extraordinary, with a hint of mistiness, and now seeing the old man's generosity and willingness to send a good piece of jade at will, the more they feel that they are not mortal, the moment they show a bit of respect.

"Lao Zhang talked a lot. How can a newborn child be so precious? If you want to have a glance, there is no problem, please come with me."

The old man in white robe smiled and nodded, headed into the room under the guidance of Li Dayou. When the nun passed by Xiao Chen's side, he gave him a stern glance, but his appearance was beautiful. The eyes did not have much lethality.

Xiao Chen reluctantly shook his head. He intended to get rid of the two masters and apprentices, but was invited by Li Dayou to enter the door. It seemed to be seen as some clue. But now that he is born today, the two masters and apprentices just arrived. Could they really have any fate? For a moment, anxiety appeared in his eyes.

"Mother-in-law, there are two distinguished guests outside the door. They are coming to see our baby. For her husband, he will let the old man look at him." It ’s not good to be polite, and I ask the old man not to be surprised. "

"Anyway, Mrs. Zhuang is physically inconvenient and does not need to be polite." The old man in white robe smiled and nodded. The old guy's smile was quite warm, making people unconsciously close. Although Li Zheng was hesitant, he asked her husband to hold the baby carefully.

The old man in the white robe took a look, his eyes couldn't help but instantly widen, his skin trembled slightly, and the corners of his eyes were agitated. He just wanted to say something, but suddenly he turned to Li Dayou, hesitated for a while Ringing, only said: "Should the husband ask more, can you have other relatives in your family, or who are close?"

Li Dayou stayed a little bit, not understanding how the old man who looked extraordinary might suddenly become cautious or even a little careful. He seemed to be afraid of something, but replied in the mouth, "I and Neizi are alone, there is nothing in the family. There is no reason to say that if you say that you are close, you will only meet Brother Xiao at the door. "

The old man in white robe was slightly relieved in his heart, and then hurriedly asked, "How come some stranger have been here recently?"

"No. Lao Zhang asked these, is there something wrong with my baby?"

"Nothing is fine!" The old man in white robe waved his hand, his face gradually showing joy. The secret force could only be caused by the baby's birth. If so, that one would be so real. Look at him in the midst, but his body is full of purple, and it is obviously an excellent qualification for spiritual practice. If no one takes care of it, it is naturally a congenital birth. If you can bring it back to the gate of the mountain and care for it, it will have infinite achievements in the future. As soon as he thought about it, he coughed, his face returned to indifference, and he took out a state of Yuexian Fengdao, saying: "It's not a secret, the old man is a man of this world. If you look at your child today, you will know The relationship with him is deep. If your husband and wife are willing, the old man is willing to accept him as a disciple and pass him on the practice of immortality.

Whispering, he reached out a move, and suddenly two forces came together and merged into Li Dayou and his mother's body. The two spirited for a while. After seeing this method, and the old man in white robe opened his mouth, there was still a little doubt in his heart. At the moment, he looked more respectful and hesitated about receiving the apprentice. They also agreed. Although he was reluctant to leave his young son, he never wanted to ruin his great chance.

Praying to the gods, this kind of chance is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Good! Good! Good! Your couple rest assured that this child is extremely talented. When I enter the door of the old husband, I will inevitably meticulously adjust and become a great tool in the future!" The old man in the white robe was full of satisfaction, and he hesitated slightly. "Well, I ’m still thinking that the young son is still young. If the old man takes him away now, breaking up your flesh and bones and leaving them alone, it will also make him lose his parental love from an early age. It is not a good thing. The old man will stay with you for seven years. , He will be brought back to the mountain gate to practice after seven years. "

"Multi-line fairy teacher kindness!" Li Dayou and his wife rejoiced, and said, "The young child is unknown, as the teacher is also the teacher, please also give your name, his family name is Li."

The old man in white robe smiled and nodded. The person who gave the name was born or raised, or he was the master. He considers himself the teacher of the younger child. It is a matter of course that he gave the name. Good news.

But he groaned slightly, and when he was about to speak, a palm suddenly gripped his arm. The old man in the white robe was shocked. When someone approached him, he didn't know anything, and then his heart shrank fiercely, because his mana was locked up instantly, and his body couldn't move, and his face was white now.

Xiao Chen took his arm and laughed, "My brother is a little too hasty. Name my nephew, and at least let the immortal think about it, after all, it is a once in a lifetime event. Not ready today At the banquet, Quan Dang paid a tribute to my nephew. However, today, the sister-in-law was physically weak, so it should not be disturbed, so he went to my house to set up a banquet. When he was at the banquet, he asked the immortal to give his nephew name.

Li Dayou nodded quickly, "Yes, yes! This is really anxious, so I annoyed my brother to take the immortal home first, and I immediately went to Xu Ji Restaurant in the city to have a good dinner at the table to entertain the immortal."

"Brother is polite. When you go to the restaurant, Xianshi will be entertained by myself." Xiao Chen smiled and looked at the old man in white robe, and said, "I think there is a lot of adults in Xianshi, so I should not be displeased because of that. . "

The old man in white robes looked stiff. At this moment, he heard that his body had resumed his movements. Where did he dare to resist, he nodded hurriedly.

Under the joy of the Li Dayou couple, they did not realize that his face was not right. Li Dayou personally sent the three of them into the opposite room, and carefully instructed Xiao Chending to be respectful to the immortal master, and then hurried away.

When he left, Xiao Chen's face converged with a smile, and he let himself take a seat on the floor, and said lightly, "Li Li just gave birth, and there can't be no caregiver around him. Let the lady take care of one or two first." He watched It's like asking, but indifferent, it's more like an order.

The female Xiuwen eyes widened instantly, apparently never thought that a mere mortal in this area would dare to drive her so! But before she spoke angrily, the old man in white robes nodded again and again, and said, "Yes! It should! Xiao Lian, you should take care of the lady of the Li family. Be careful."

"Yes, Master!" The female Xiu promised dumbly, I do n’t know how Master would listen to this mortal, and his eyes gave Xiao Chen a stern glance, before he turned around and left.

Xiao Chen didn't care about her either, she waved her sleeves, and the door closed by herself.

The sound of the closing door scared the old man in the white robe, and he had not waited for him to speak. He actually knelt down on the ground and begged for mercy: "Seniors forgive! Seniors forgive! Younger generation is Qi Baishan Yun neutron. Today is not intentional You are fighting for your disciples, and you are asking your predecessors to be magnanimous, and the younger are willing to leave immediately, and will not step into this city for a lifetime! "


[Third change, today's update is complete, see you all tomorrow! Necessary excessive plot, will return to the subject soon. 】

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