Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 975: Right and wrong

Xiao Chen was expressionless, his eyes fell on this person and said nothing. Although he did not act at all, there was an invisible pressure that filled the space, and the air seemed to freeze into ice!

Yun Zhongzi's face gradually turned pale, and the panic in his eyes became more and more serious. Although he hadn't seen him make a move, Yun Zhongzi knew in his heart that if the mysterious monk in front of him wanted to kill him, he would have no resistance at all! Perhaps in the next instant, he will become a dead body. The feeling that life and death were controlled only in one thought made his mind endure a great deal of torment, and his robe was completely wet with sweat. Although there is only a few breaths, in his senses, it is extremely long. Just when his mind gradually couldn't bear it, the mountain-like pressure suddenly disappeared.

"Get up."

A faint voice came into his ears, and the feeling of being separated from the world was born. Yun Zhongzi took a deep breath, and then stood up with difficulty supporting the ground with his hands. He did not dare to give birth to the slightest bit of resentment in his heart, his face was full of awe, and he saluted deeply, and said respectfully: "Senior don't worry, juniors will leave immediately." What he wants now is to leave here, and then how far and how far. , Even the sect will not return for the time being, and I will hide out for a hundred years.

But at this moment Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up and said, "Stop, did this seat let you go?"

Yun Zhongzi's body stiffened, but where he dared to go against his will, he turned around with a weeping face, "I wonder what the seniors have to order? If the juniors can do it, nothing will happen."

"You have become Li Jiahai's teacher. Could it be that you are going to leave like this? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world. Since you have become his teacher, you must take up the responsibility of being a teacher and teach him well."

"Senior! The younger generation is really wrong! If you know that this baby is a congenital fetus that you cultivated in advance, how dare the younger generation compete with you! Please also consider the younger generation's unintentional loss, don't go into it!" Yun Zhongzi With a look of grief and regret, seeing Xiao Chen unmoved, he gritted his teeth and took the storage from his hands. "The juniors have been practicing the Tao for more than two thousand years, and they also have some savings in their hands. All of them can be left to the seniors to pick and make up. The fault of the younger generation."

For a monk, storage quits are where all the accumulation is. Handing over storage quits is equivalent to taking out most of the accumulation of one's own cultivation so far, and the price is not heavy. But in order to save his life, Yun Zhongzi could only dig out with tears and blood!

Xiao Chen glanced away, and said lightly: "The ancient Jiuqu cultivation base, but the cultivation base has reached the bottleneck, and the distance is still far away. The seemingly precious treasures in your storage ring are of no use to this seat. , Put it away. You don’t need to panic today. Although the youngest son of the Li family is the one who took the initiative to wash the essence to complete his congenital womb, as you said, when he was born, you can come to this city, and you will be with him. There is a destiny, and this seat is not a suitable teacher, so I will let the Li family decide with you as a teacher and apprentice. Otherwise, if this seat intends to block, you think you can really enter the Li family."

Yun Zhongzi was dumbfounded, "This... Senior... What does Senior mean?"

"This seat will not stay here for a long time. The youngest son of the Li family will officially worship under your door." Xiao Chen's hand flashed a little, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. "The jade slip was chosen by me for him. The exercise is most suitable for his physique. Remember, this jade slip is for him, you only need to give it after he gets started."

"Senior don't worry, you shouldn't watch it, but juniors won't watch it more."

"It's fine if you understand, but this seat won't let you do anything for nothing, and will naturally give you some benefits." Xiao Chen said, suddenly raised a pointer, he seemed unhappy, but Yun Zhongzi didn't have time to dodge. , The fingertips have touched his forehead. With a finger down, he withdrew his hand and said, "Return to the gate of the mountain for careful meditation, and you will be able to break through the realm of destruction for up to three years."

Yun Zhongzi's eyes slowly opened, and his eyes showed shock and ecstasy. He directly knelt on the ground, and slammed, "Thank you, senior! Thank you, senior!" With his qualifications, there is little hope of breaking through in this life. , But under Xiao Chen's finger, the bottleneck of the cultivation base was directly broken, opening a path to destruction for his life! With such a method, even with the cultivation base of the Sect Master's Creation Realm, he can't do it... Could it be that this person in front of him is actually a powerful person in the Creation Realm! Thinking of this, Yun Zhongzi's face became more awed.

Xiao Chen received his gift, waved his sleeves, and pulled him straight up, "This is what you deserve. This is what you deserve, and you don’t need to thank you any more. But for what this seat says, you must Remember, the youngest son of the Li family is predestined with this seat. Now this seat transfers this fate to you, which is also your chance. I hope you can take it well and don’t let this seat down. Otherwise I can give you something , It can naturally be recovered."

Yun Zhongzi was awe-inspiring, and he was respectful. After a short pause, he continued: "Senior made him the youngest son of the Li family, and bestowed him the opportunity of immortality because he hit the nobleman. So he asked the senior to give him another gift and name him." When he spoke, he was sincere and sincere.

Xiao Chen didn't refuse, he frowned slightly, and after a few breaths, he said faintly, "Let's call it Yuanshan. This seat hopes that he will not be affected by foreign objects when he enters the avenue in the future, he will retain Yuanzhen and have kind thoughts."


"Yuanshan! Yuanshan! A good name, really a good name!" Li Dayou's face flushed, I don't know whether it was joy or wine. "Thank you, Master Xian, for giving the child a name. I will offer another glass of Master Xian, please feel free to."

Yun Zhongzi's face became a little stiff, and he moved his **** a little uneasy. Xiao Chen was on the table, and he naturally felt uncomfortable after taking the lead. But at this moment, he still nodded with a smile, toasted and drank, and was never seen as inappropriate.

Li Dayou couldn't help but be even more happy when he saw the immortal master's face.

The banquet did not last long, Li Dayou was already drunk and unconscious, muttering something in his mouth, but his face was full of smiles.

The teacher and apprentice Yun Zhongzi didn't stay long that day, so he left directly. Xiao Chen sent Li Dayou home, returned to the house and sat cross-legged, his brows frowned slightly, and he sighed suddenly after a long time. In the end, I still brought him into the path of cultivation. I don’t know if it was right or wrong. I just hope that this child will come back thousands of years later, don’t blame me for not giving him the opportunity to choose, he has already decided for him. future."

In a blink of an eye, seven years later, the Li family and his wife are more than forty years old, and their temples are born. Xiao Chen concealed the mortal world and did not want to shock the world. He also used the technique of illusion to make his appearance naturally age until he was standing, but his temperament was even more extraordinary.

Over the years, there have been so many young ladies in the city who have been tempted by this handsome man from outside, wanting to commit themselves to him. But even though the matchmaker ran countless times, all the hints and hints revealed, but they were all rejected with a smile. Li Dayou and his wife persuaded him that Xiao Chen also laughed and said nothing, but said that he was used to betting on celibacy and did not want to be restrained. Seeing that he really did not intend to marry, Li Dayou and his wife-only then reluctantly gave up.

Li Yuanshan has grown from a baby in a swaddle to a child running around on the ground. He has been healthy since he was a child and has never been sick. He is a famous kid king in the streets of far and near.

"Uncle Xiao! Uncle Xiao save me, Dad is going to spank my ass!" A stubborn little guy burst into the door like a gust of wind, pulling his sleeves and hiding behind him.

Li Dayou's angry voice soon came from outside the door, "Little bastard, don't run! How young actually learned to watch the widow take a bath, and see if I will not slap your **** today!"

Xiao Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Brother Xiao, you can't protect him anymore if you say anything this time! This little guy is relying on you to love her. Recently, he has become more stubborn. If he doesn't teach well, he will have to go on a detour sooner or later!" Li Da took in his right hand. Holding a bamboo vine and full of anger, Xiao Yuanshan hurriedly hid behind him.

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "When I was naughty when I was young, I saw that Yuanshan was pure-hearted. Even if you don't teach me, he won't be able to walk crookedly in the future. Fight fire, the old Li's in the east of the city is good. Wine, let's order two small dishes to taste. Walk around, Yuanshan, go out and play, and don't make your father angry in the future." While talking, he pulled Li Day right and walked outside the door.

Xiao Yuanshan took the opportunity to "slip" and jumped out, smiling: "I knew that Uncle Xiao was the best! I'm going to play!"

Seeing the little guy running away, Li Dayou gave Xiao Chen a helpless look and sighed.

Xiao Chen said: "Don't worry, I think that the fairy master Yunzhongzi is a person of good quality, and Yuanshan will not follow him on the wrong path."

"I know, but when I think that Yuanshan will be seven years old in a few days, I feel a little uncomfortable."

Xiao Chen stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "You can't stay with him for the way Yuanshan is going. You should let go when you should let go. This is good for him. Besides, Qi Baishan is not far from here. Once Yuanshan’s Taoism is successful, it’s very simple to come back and see you."

Li Dayou nodded, "Brother, you are right, but your sister-in-law and I are always a little bit overwhelmed...nothing, let's not mention this, let's go have a drink!"


Four days later, Yun Zhongzi came again, and his cultivation level had successfully broken through to the destruction state, and his status in the sect rose greatly. But the more so, the heavier the awe for Xiao Chen in his heart. If it weren't for Xiao Chen's unwillingness to reveal his identity, he would have to respectfully respect his disciple. In Li Jiayun, Zhongzi formally received Li Yuanshan's tea, which is regarded as a complement to the ceremony of apprenticeship.

When he left, Xiao Yuanshan cried very sad, so he coaxed for a long time before agreeing to leave with Yun Zhongzi. When he left, he waved his little hand, saying that he would study hard, and strive to come back to visit his parents and Xiao Shu earlier because Yun Zhongzi told him that he would let him go home when he was qualified to leave the mountain gate alone.

In the evening at Li’s house for dinner, Sister Li left early and went back to the bedroom to wipe her tears secretly. Li Dayou, a man who could still talk and laugh when he accidentally broke his leg while hunting by a wild boar, broke down and cried after being drunk. Fell asleep on the low table.

Xiao Chen picked up his wine glass and drank it. In his silence, his face was complex, and the thought arose in his mind again: He did this, whether he was kind to the Li family or ruined their family happiness...

But he couldn't figure it out, so he could only continue to drink, one cup after another, until dawn, without any drunkenness. This is the pain of cultivating the Tao, the easiest way for a secular person to get rid of a thousand sorrows, but he will never have it again.


In the turbulence of time and space, the colorful colors shine, seemingly beautiful, but they represent destruction and death!

But in this dangerous and desperate situation, there was a large 6 quietly suspended, a layer of pale white light, which completely isolated all the power of chaotic time and space. The Yuanli of Da 6 is rich and dripping, the scenery of exotic flowers and trees is pleasant, and the stretching palace is located in the mountains, forests and lakes, with clouds and mist rising, just like a fairyland.

Here is the unfathomable God of War Palace in Daqian's legend!

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