Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 976: Four Young Masters join forces

Somewhere a mountain came out half-waist, a stone cliff suddenly stretched out, hanging over the abyss of a million feet, white clouds below, and clouds lingering above. [Eight? One {<< Small

Howling winds, hissing to tear eardrums!

A white hall was built on a lone cliff, and the whole body was piled up with some pure white stones. It naturally exudes a faint fluorescence. As if attracted by the massive force of heaven and earth, it is continuously swallowed into it.

At this moment, Yuanli's engulfment was suddenly interrupted, and a furious roar came suddenly! The entire space was shaken, the clouds around the palace were shredded and shattered instantly, a layer of invisible force spread outwards, crashed on the mountain, and instantly stirred up the gravel and penetrated the sky!

The gate of the temple opened slowly, and a young monk stepped out of it. He was wearing a cloud-white robe, handsome and beautiful, his face was immaculate, and his robes swelled in the wind. Between the whole body, there is naturally a little coercion, let him look, noble and noble like the Son of God!

Such handsome men are rare in the world. If they add their own dignified temperament, they will not find one among the billions of souls. Perhaps, there is only a fountain in this world that can compare with him, both of which are such perfect figures of heaven and man.

This man is called Lingxiao, in the God of War Palace, the first youngest statue under the third gate, stepping into the realm of three steps, the strength of the battle is amazing!

But at this moment, his handsome face was dignified, and his eyes became very gloomy towards Xin Xinran. With a flick of his sleeve, Ling Xiao directly tore the space in front of him. He stepped into it and disappeared.

The next moment, when he stepped out of space, the figure was already on a large lake. Within this lake wave, three mountain peaks were arranged in a triangle shape, looming in the mist and mist.

At the moment when Lingxiao's figure appeared, the three air machines exploded directly from the three mountains in the lake, locking him firmly, and the ensuing was the low drinking. Two men and one woman, three figures appeared at the same time, looking coldly towards Ling Xiao, eyes full of fear.

"Ling Xiao! You are here today, is it because you want to do one more game with us and **** the Taoist heritage!" Yuanshan Shao Zun said in a deep voice, his voice chilling.

Xieyue Shaozun sneered: "If Ling Xiao is certain to defeat the three of us and join forces, he can do it!"

Lingbo Shaozun is a beautiful woman. She is not born beautiful, but she has a tall and round body. The exposed large skin is red and white, which is quite attractive. A pair of eyes were shining with water, seemingly weak, but if anyone dared to belittle her, they might not know how to write the dead words.

Ling Xiao Shao Zun's look remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "Ben Shao Zun came here today, not to fight with you, but to tell you something." Having said that, he paused briefly before continuing to speak, "Ben Shao Zun already knows, except for you and me, who is the last remaining young reverence. "

Yuanshan, Xieyue, and Lingbo San Shaozun's complexions suddenly changed, and then sneered.

"If you find the fifth young respect, you have already shot him to kill him and devour the stone tower in his hands to grow and repair. Why would you come to tell me and the other three?" Xieyue young respect smiled coldly, "Is that what you want Tell us that the fifth youngest respect you have is too strong, and because you are not so sure of your strength, you are invited to take a shot ... For such reasons, do you think I will believe them? "

Shao Lingxiao said: "You can choose not to believe, but the facts are just as you said. If you do n’t want to go through today's ordeal and get everything you have taken away, it is best not to delay any longer, because he always It may come. By then, it will be too late. "He slowly said, his expression was dignified.

Yuan Shan, Xie Yue and Ling Bo suddenly broke into each other's hearts, and the three became silent for a moment.

After a short while, Ling Bo Shaozun broke the silence among the four, "Who is he?"

Yuan Shan and Xie Yue's eyes gathered at the same time, and they clearly believed in what he said.

"Dongyan Kingdom, Xiao Chen." Ling Xiao Shaozun said lightly. Although he tried his best to keep calm, there was still a hint of fear between his eyebrows.

"It's him!" The three of them exclaimed at the same time. As the pupils contracted, an irrepressible fear developed in their hearts. They finally knew why Xiaoxiao, who had always been tough and overbearing, would actively seek them to join forces. The fifth youngest was Xiao Chen!

In the First World War, Wei Weihong and Wei Huang projection teamed together to retreat. Xiao Chen's strength has been recognized by all monks in the Great Thousand Realms! This kind of practice must have been stepping into the sky! Because, even if Ling Xiao Shao Zun, he never has the qualifications and courage to face Supreme Hongmeng! The difference between the three steps of stepping on the sky and Hongmeng is the difference in strength. This shows that Xiao Chenzhi's practice is above all of them, and even Lingxiao Shaozun is not his opponent. Between Shao Zun, it is destined that only one person can finally achieve the avenue. Once Xiao Chen arrives at the War God Palace, the four of them can be imagined.

"How can you guarantee that what you say is true?"

"If the three of you are willing to join hands with Ben Shaozun, you will naturally know his identity when you do."

"We can't believe you."

"You and I can make a great wish for Hongmeng at the same time and work together to deal with Xiao Chen. During this period, we must not harm each other, or even if we gather hundreds of stone towers, we still cannot step into Hongmeng!

Yuanshan, Xieyue, Lingbo and San Shaozun stared at each other, then nodded fiercely, the cold flashes between their eyes! They went through endless slaughter before they entered the palace of war, and they have everything today and no matter who they are, they never want to take them away!

Shaoxing Lingxiao said: "In this case, you and I should not delay time. Ben Shaozun already has a plan in mind. I'll wait to discuss it. If you don't have any objections, please prepare early. You and I are in great trouble! "


Tenth year of Wild Starfield.

In the room, Xiao Chen's eyes slowly opened, and he spit out a ray of faint gas, a layer of fluorescence flashed on his face, and the mana flow in his body was sensitively sensed. Nowadays, his internal injuries have been more than half, and he will recover as before in a maximum of three or five years.

In order to avoid being perceived by the eight empires to where they are today, in these years, Xiao Chen has never left the city half a step.

I don't know what the situation is about Dongyan now, are Ziyan well?

When he thought about it, his eyes were lightly missing. In the past ten years, he did not immediately pass through the retreat, but just like a mundane mortal, the sun rises and rests. This period of time seems extraordinarily long. But for him, this peaceful life is not without its benefits. Nowadays, the calmer his breath, there is a sense of exhaustion and return to life.

In the voice of "squeak", Xiao Chen pushed out the door, and Li Dayou was wearing a thin shirt and stood outside the door. For several decades, he had not lost any effort, and when he saw Xiao Chen go out, he nodded slightly to him but did not speak.

Xiao Chen went to the street by himself, watching the long street that was getting lively in the morning, and he couldn't help but feel astonished. Soon after, he will leave here, away from this peaceful and peaceful life, and return to a world full of conspiracy and blood. He was reluctant, but he did not contradict, because he had a responsibility to bear. Because of this, people sometimes cannot make choices on their own since there are too many external factors that will affect the choices themselves.


[Wait a chapter. 】

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