Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 977: A catastrophe

"Brother Xiao, what a hell, I'm going to have breakfast. <? Bayi.? 8] 1] ZW.COM" Li Dayou wiped his forehead with a towel, carefully avoiding the eyes in the room and treating him After a wink, he whispered: "The immortal aunt Qi Baishan is here again. You really don't mean anything to others. I don't think she looks right at you. You ca n’t miss such a good opportunity. The immortals of other people can see our ordinary people, that is a great opportunity. Maybe you can also enter the immortal road because of this, and you will be the gods. "

Xiao Chen came back to his heart, suppressed his thoughts, and laughed: "If Brother Li is interested, I can talk for you, as long as you can convince the sister-in-law to be young, I am happy to hear."

"Small? What's small?" Li Yan turned and turned in doubt.

Li Da frightened and waved his hands in a hurry, and said, "It's okay! It's okay! I'm joking with Brother Xiao!" After talking, he glanced at Xiao Chen so that he shouldn't say more, or the tigress at home might be in power. He can't bear it.

Xiao Chen smiled "haha", no longer asked him to turn around and take a seat at the table.

Yulian stood a little cautiously and waited until he sat down. It was only that her cheeks were slightly red today, with some grievances and shame in her eyes, but she could only hold the chopsticks and point them in the porridge, and did not dare to reveal anything. Based on her cultivation, Xiao Chen never concealed her before she and Li Dayou said that she could hear clearly. Xiao Chen obviously knew this, but didn't mean to cover it.

Li Yan has been familiar with her for many years, but she has no previous restraint. When she sees her face is not right, she asks if she doesn't have good porridge today, or whether the side dishes are bad.

Yulian shook her head repeatedly, but refused to say more.

Xiao Chen used self-care early and told Li Dayou: "During this time, is Yuanshan okay in Qi Baishan?"

Speaking of his son, Li Dayou fluttered with pride and pride, "The latest news from Yulian Xiangu, Yuanshan's cultivation efforts, has now become the best performing disciple among the brothers of the same period, and Jin Dan condensed a month ago! "The ten-year-old monk Jin Dan is undoubtedly a world in the realm of the world, but it is very common in the world of the great world.

But Xiao Chen nodded slightly, but there was some relief, Xiao Yuanshan really worked very hard. Because he practiced is the method that Xiao Chen chose for him. Although it is best for him, the practice is extremely difficult. Understanding and hard work are indispensable. Being able to form a dan within three years has already exceeded his expectations.

Although Li Zhi had known for a long time, at the moment he heard that it was Rong Guanghuan. He couldn't close his mouth with a smile, his eyes showed kindness.

Yulian said: "Master Yuanshan is already a key disciple of Zongmen. His progress is extremely fast. It does not take long to successfully condense Yuanying. When he reaches the state of Yuanying, Master will take him home to visit him. once."

"Thank you Yun Zhongzi Xianshi for your kindness!" Li Dayou and his wife suddenly expressed excitement upon hearing the words.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, but at this moment, his face suddenly changed, suddenly lifted, his eyes shone in the pupil's sharp contraction, as if he could penetrate space!

Above the city, the sky suddenly collapsed, and a blade of mang suddenly fell off from it. What followed was a powerful and terrifying warfare! And this moment of warfare appeared instantly, and he locked the breath of Xiao Chen, a strong sense of crisis, instantly haunting his heart!

In this knife, he sensed everything instantly!

Someone wants to kill him!

The people who killed him came from the War God Palace, from the joint of four young respect!

The horror sword, the power released at this moment, is comparable to that of Monk Hongmeng! Wherever it goes, everything is destroyed! Taking Xiao Chenxiu as his injury, he has no qualifications to fight with this sword!

But at this moment, he stopped walking and forced to suppress the thought of avoidance in his heart, because the Li family and Yulian were beside him. If he escaped, they would all die! And he has a clear intuition in his mind, and under this lock of war, he cannot escape this sword!

The horror of Xiao Chen's body exploded, and his foot stepped on the ground next step, and the figure rose into the sky!

Since you can't escape, don't dodge!

This is the simplest truth, but at this time, very few people can make a decisive decision in an instant, very few!

This has nothing to do with a strong state of mind or a rocky mind. It is more of a belief that is deeply integrated into the bloodline and is unyielding and relentless. Even in despair, it will subconsciously make the biggest resistance!

Xiao Chen's figure rises from the sky inside the city, his Ziyuan Beast Armor emerges from the outside, and the black sword falls in the palm. Regardless of the injury, he explodes all the power in the body!

Sword forward, cut it out!

Between life and death, there is only one battle!


The Black Sword and Dao Mang met in an instant, the rumbling sound sounded like billions of thunders blew at the same time, and the whole sky completely collapsed!

Xiao Chen's body suddenly trembled, and the black sword in his hand was released. His external defense force was instantly dissipated, and the sharp blade that swept away completely destroyed the Ziyuan Beast Armor! His body was suddenly broken, with dense wounds all over his body, a horrible wound on his chest, the sternum was almost cut off from it, a lot of blood and water poured out, and his body was knocked down to the ground!

And at that moment, Daomang stopped suddenly, a crack appeared from it, and then broke into two halves from the interruption! The next moment, the entire daomang suddenly collapsed, turned into countless small pieces, and blasted wildly in all directions. Even if it has collapsed, the power contained in each small shard is enough to easily kill any monk below the heavens.

Shooting into the star field, the space is fragmented! When you hit the ground, 6 places collapse!

The entire city was completely destroyed in an instant, with a radius of 100,000 miles, mountains and rivers collapsed, rivers cut off, and all vitality was destroyed! The entire cultivation star is shaking at this moment. Numerous volcanoes are gushing and bursting at the same time, the sky becomes dark, and a scene of extinction!

This is a true catastrophe!

Inside the Ares Palace.

The four young masters in the hall suddenly opened their eyes, and at the same time a blood spewed out from their mouths. The figure was blown up like a blow! At the same time, the four sculptures placed in the hall at the same time came a light sound, cracks spread all over them, and turned into pieces of land! And this sculpture looks like four young masters!

For a time, the hall was quiet and silent, all that remained was a heavy gasp.

A long time later, a frightened roar came, "No death! There is no death! How is this possible!" Ling Xiao Shaozun was full of fright on the white face, but it was difficult to hide the panic in his eyes.


"You and I poured all the strength into the stunt sculpture, locked him with war will, and released the strong kill at the cost of self-confidence. A combined shot is comparable to Hongmeng's shot, but he can't kill him!"

"Xiao Chen is not dead! We are all dead!" Ling Bo Shaozun screamed.

Lingxiao took a deep breath, pressed his fear in his heart, and chirped after a few silences. "Even if Xiao Chen is not dead, he will be more severely injured than you and me! Only then did you take the shot. Where he is now, as long as the sound of the wind is released, there will naturally be eight empires to shoot, clearing up hidden dangers for you and me! In this case, Xiao Chen will definitely die! "

"So, will the three Taoists respect it?"

"The scramble for Shaozun is to fight by means. You and I have not violated the rules with the power of the eight empires. Will the three Daoist statues intervene!" Ling Xiao's face was exposed, and he pressed down the internal injuries and took one back Yu Jian, branded Xiao Chen's star, raised his hand and threw it.

Yu Jian flashed into the void and disappeared.

Si Shaozun returned to silence again, but his heart was still full of fear! Although they did not see Xiao Chen, they could sense the sword that he soared into the sky, and the terrorist power contained in that sword!

Under this sword, none of them can resist, and it is impossible to escape the end of the beheading!

Before the shot, the four could sense where Xiao Chen was, and Xiao Chen could naturally lock their breath.

Today, the Four Young Masters can only hope that the eight empires will successfully kill Xiao Chen, otherwise ... they will all die!

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