Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 984: Worthy of the world

Wild Starfield. [? ([Eight {One small ([W?.? 8] 1? Z} W.COM

There were layers of ripples in the space, and Xiao Chen stepped out. His face was pale, his eyes were dull, and he was deeply tired.

After breaking through the space, he slightly sensed that he hadn't noticed anything wrong. Now he sat down cross-legged, took several elixir from his storage ring, swallowed it with one's head, closed his eyes, refined the elixir, and suppressed the internal injury with the help of medicine. Quickly replenish your mana.

Yan Zhenzi, Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace, and Wei Yuantian Sanhongmeng blocked the entire star field and refused to let any soul leave. Such a powerful and overbearing means cut off his hope to escape from here! Once close to the edge of the blockade, it is bound to be noticed by the three men, waiting for his ending only to be killed in-situ! Stuck here, in the near-carpet search of the Three Kingdoms monks, Xiao Chen could only use the power of time to see the picture of the future of the students in the river of time, and by means equivalent to predicting in advance, the monks in the Three Kingdoms Strictly searched the gaps to avoid being seen.

In the process, he was forced to use the power of time to perceive the future, coupled with the fleeing day by day, the internal injuries were not treated at all, but gradually deteriorated with the passage of time, although Xiao Chen could barely suppress it. But also gradually weakened. And with the passage of time, the search scope of the Three Kingdoms monks gradually narrowed, they seem to have noticed Xiao Chen's dodge, and the search has become more and more rigorous, leaving him less time to dodge to get a short break.

So after breaking through the space continuously and freeing the monks of the Three Kingdoms, Xiao Chen immediately swallowed the pressure injury of the elixir and recovered his mana. With every extra minute, he can recover one more strength, and he can persist longer. But he couldn't know for sure when he could support it. Perhaps not long after, he will be traced, killed, and buried in this star field forever.

But before this moment arrives, he will never give up.

Even if he was suffering enough to break the ordinary monk's mind, he still had to grit his teeth and persist.

He still didn't want to die because there was still so much in his heart and many regrets that had not been completed.

After an hour, Xiao Chen's eyes opened. He recovered some energy, but with a small amount of induction, he could now be weaker than the mana level before. Shortening his break and worsening his injuries will make him weaker and weaker. But at this time he didn't make any further delay, looking up to the void, the halo flowing in his eyes, revealing a mysterious obscurity, a picture about to be born in the future, appeared in his sight.

After a few breaths, the halo in his eyes dissipated, his mouth gasped a few times, his eyes were extremely tired, and most of his mana recovery had been lost. But at this moment he can't continue to postpone, because soon it will become a tight search area.

Xiao Chen stepped forward, and ripples appeared in front of him, and the figure disappeared into it.

After a short while, a crimson ray of light came from the end of the sky, and the overwhelming hot air swept across, never letting down any corner. Shortly after this fire monk left, another corpse strongman and monk Dayan never passed by.


When Xiao Chen was carefully struggling to survive in the blockade, Dongyan's border with the 13th affiliated nations of the Yanyan National Tigers watched as soon as the news of Xiao Chen's fall came, and the army would attack aggressively and level Dongyan!

The ancestors, Zhang Liangdong, and Fan Lin gathered together all the troops in Dongyan to confront the Allied Forces of the Thirteen Nations. These three men have been beaten for many years, each of them is a general on their own. Even in the face of the coalition forces of three times their own, there is no fear. They can do it today, bestowed by the King. There is an old saying that those who know themselves are dead. Even if the king is met with poisonous hands, they also swear to die together with Dong Yan!

The magic city has secretly sneaked into the territory of Dongyan. In the mustard world, the army of 20 billion evil secret troops is waiting for their lives. Once the war breaks out, they will suddenly appear on the battlefield and meet the coalition forces of all countries!

As for the Magic City itself, it is mainly to guard against Yan Guoqiang hidden in the opposing army. In the case of the 13 countries joining forces to conquer Dongyan, the shadow of the Emperor Yan must be hidden behind the scenes. Without his secret support, even if Xiao Chen and Quan were not in the country, the 13 affiliated countries would never have the courage to encircle Dongyan.

Tens of billions of troops stretched across hundreds of thousands of miles of starfield battlefields, and the terror was rising into the sky, and the tragic killing was enough to tear up the whole world!

The battle is imminent!

If Xiao Chen slumps, under the joint forces of the Thirteen Kingdoms, the great Yan Ding will help each other, and Dong Yan will be doomed. On the other hand, if he escapes safely, even if Dong Yan can use only one soldier and one **** to be available, the Thirteen Nations' coalition will fail without fighting!

In which direction things will go, all the key points will depend on the wild star area, and what the results of this killing will be.


Quan stood with his hands in his hands. He stood on the top of a mountain soaring into the clouds, but his eyes were calm and slightly blank, and he didn't know where to swim.

This situation rarely occurred to him.

Shenji subtly stood behind him, hesitated for a moment, still whispering: "Master, the wild star field is in distress, aren't you going to do it?"

Quan's eyes flickered a little, he didn't turn, and said lightly: "You have been in this heart for a long time to come to this matter, and you have a lot of discussions and even horror about this seat, but you do n’t know this thing, it ’s not that this seat does n’t want Shoot, but ca n’t shoot. This is his destined calamity. He can fly through the sky and have the opportunity to achieve the supreme realm. If he fails, then everything will disappear and disappear. This is a fixed number. The monks in this situation must pass the test. There is no need to say anything about this, you and I just have to wait here and be quiet. "

Speaking of this, he was slightly low, and said in his heart: "Xiao Chen, you have a lot of difficulties in life, it is not easy to get to this step. Therefore, you must hold on, not to lose in the last step! Jackie Chan traveled for nine days, It ’s still dust and dust, and all the rest, right now! ”

In Quan Yin's groan, he was holding a thing in his hand. This was the left eyebrow dojo. There was a funeral flower he already knew.

But now is not the time to use it.



Xiao Chen came across the space, and a spit of blood spurted out in the snoring, taking away the last strength in his body. He tried hard to stand upright, but his body gradually became numb, and slowly fell down, lying on the ground.

This is a piece of green grassland. It looks endless at a glance. The grass grows sullen, exuding a cheerful and strong breath of life. The blast blows from a distance, bending the waist of the grass, turning it into a turquoise blue wave, bringing a faint scent of wild flowers that is unknown in the distance.

Fall on the green grass and look up at the blue sky and white clouds. Although he could not escape, fortunately, there was still a short time before the arrival of the first monk Dayan, and he could enjoy the last quiet time in his life.

Is it at the limit?

Maybe he was going to die here.

At this moment, Xiao Chen's mind suddenly became quiet. This was an absolute peace. It seemed to be in the mother's body, but not without thinking. Instead, her thoughts were spinning in the air, and the picture was sealed in the memory. Every scene passed through my heart.

He remembered that when he was young, he broke his leg and was trapped in a mountain stream. The blood smell attracted the hungry wolf, and in his fearful scream, his father's generous back appeared in front of him. When he woke up from drowsiness, he saw his mother lying on the edge of the bed with red eyes.

He thought about sending him back to Xiao's house to participate in the selection of the Immortal Gate. In the hotel box, his father hissed and wept.

He thought of entering the Valley of Clouds for the first time, and at the first sight of Ji Yuewu, she was so beautiful, so beautiful and refined, she stood there, silent, but attracted everyone ’s attention, maybe there At that time, he was already adored.

He thought of the fierce danger in the ruins of 100,000 barren mountains, where he met Yu Ji. He promised to go to her, but now it looks like he might break his word.

He thought of Li Xiaoyi, a man dressed as a woman, and ordinary people who died in the hands of horse bandits. He wondered if he should have taken the lead first, instead of waiting patiently, to test Li Xiaoyi's identity, Xuanzhen and others ... But things have passed, the past cannot be changed, and he didn't have too much time to pause, so soon Let go of this confusion.

He continued to think about the sufferings of the Mu Family, the small bones, the small shop, and the small bricks, the Han Hai Da 6, the Ziyan, and the deep space of the floating aliens, representing endless hatred and suffering. Star field big 6.



Since his memory, he has set foot on Xiandao and traveled all the way to the present day. The more profound things in his memory have been repeated in his heart.

There is warmth, there is pain, there is sadness.

Now, after all, the rest is only a touch of calm and security.

He suddenly thought that if he used "Kill the God", can he be fine now? What a scene then, maybe he has safely left.

In silence, will you ask yourself a question?

Xiao Chen smiled slightly.

He doesn't regret it.

Throughout his life, he has had a decisive and cruel hand, and his hands were already stained with blood. So Xiao Chen never advertised himself as a righteous man, or he was going to be a great hero to save the world. Because sometimes it is tiring to be a hero, and in this world of selfish apathy and blood, and most people are keen to make plans, heroes generally die quickly. Therefore, he has been adhering to the separation of grievances and grudges, striving to maintain a firm hold in his heart, and guarding those who need to be guarded.

It is his own choice to abandon "Killing God" and cause himself to scorn, and when he makes a choice, he is ready to bear all the consequences.

However, there will still be some unwillingness in my heart.

His eyes widened hard, but his vision was still getting blurred, his body became cold, and he felt no pain because of numbness. This feeling of dying, Xiao Chen has experienced it many times, but this time, it may be the real end.

Feeling the approaching breath, he turned his last thought in his mind, "I have killed countless people in my life, but when asked about my heart, I can still look down on the sky, enough ..."

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