Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 985: Supreme Master

In the distant sky, a glimmer of light suddenly stopped, and one of the monks was revealed after convergence. It was the person Xiao Chen had seen in the river of time. , Eyes suddenly enlarged, showing ecstasy!

He did not expect that such an opportunity could fall on himself! Before entering the blocked star domain, the monks in the Three Kingdoms have each promised, no matter who they are, as long as they can trace Xiao Chen, there will be a reward! But this time, Xiao Chen was seriously injured and had no resistance. If the **** can bring him back without even knowing the ghost, the ancestor's reward will be even heavier! The thought of this, the more intense the tumbling in his heart. ? Bayi Chinese? W) W> W). ] 8] 1] Z] W>. ) C) O> M]

Xiao Chen is the chance, and the chance is lying in front of him. How can he delay it once, and once he is revealed, will he regret his death.

Monk Yan Guo stepped forward, and the figure appeared directly in front of Xiao Chen, and his hand went straight to his forehead to shoot. This palm fell, and then he could really worry about it, and then take him away no later. Those who can step into the sky to cultivate themselves will be naturally meticulous and act without leaving any hidden dangers. There was a burst of excitement in this person's eyes, and it was obviously an exciting thing to be able to slay the prestigious Dongyan Kingdom Lord in the great world.

But when his palm was not far enough from Xiao Chen's eyebrows, his face turned abruptly, and his pupils shrank violently, revealing a horrible shock! An invisible force immediately enveloped him from Xiao Chen's body explosion. Under this force, if his body was blocked, he could no longer move.

On the grass, Xiao Chen closed his eyes and slowly opened them. It was cold, calm, and indifferent. There was no mood swing. A faint golden light emerged from his eyes, but in the depths of his eyes, it was colorful. !!

The image of God!

Xiao Chen's will fell into darkness. At this moment, the awakening person was the mysterious will inside him!

His body rose under the influence of an invisible force, and suddenly raised his hand to point it out. His movement was unsatisfactory, but monk Yanguo Tiantian showed despair.

Because of this finger, he couldn't dodge at all!


In the muffled sound, a blood hole appeared directly in his eyebrows, Monk Yan Guo's eyes were dim, his Yuanshen was killed by this finger, completely wiped from the world, leaving no trace!

In Yuanshen space, this person's dead soul appeared, was directly swallowed by the golden seal, and started crazy refining! This time it did not stop at all, and the power contained in the monk's soul of stepping into the heavens melted into Xiao Chen's body as much as possible. But at this moment, the powerful force that emerged from the golden seal could not be absorbed by him at all! The worsening injuries have completely destroyed Xiao Chen's physical body. Yuan Shen is in the midst of disintegration. If he cannot draw his strength to repair, maybe his Yuan Shen will completely collapse after a few breaths, and he will really die!

The mysterious will frowned slightly, but there was no panic. The aura of light in his hand took a jade box in his hand. After opening, the colorful gourd obtained by the evil star domain lay quietly in it. He took the gourd in his hand, and there was a layer of aura on his fingertips. The light was colorful, mysterious, and mysterious!

After receiving the colorful gourd for hundreds of years, Xiao Chen did not interrupt his exploration. He has infiltrated into the retreat many times with the spirit of the gods and let it absorb the power of the colorful in order to make a difference, but the result was futile. .

But at this time, the colorful gourd in the hands of the mysterious will suddenly became glorious, and the colorful aura rolled over, and it spewed out fast! When the power of colorful appeared, an invisible coercion came, and all the fluctuations here disappeared, and even the time came to a halt. The entire space is completely isolated from the Daqian Realm and is unknown to outsiders. The colorful forces spewing from the gourd, when they came into contact with Xiao Chen's physical body, they went directly into it! This mysterious and colorful power has a shocking power to repair. The horrible injuries in Xiao Chen ’s body, which disappear directly like the thin sun frost!

The mysterious will complete the matter, the colorful colors in his eyes flashed slightly, and his mouth whispered, "If you want to be the Supreme Master, you need physical and mental robbery. If you pass, you can expect it. If you don't succeed, you will die. "

"If this is not the case, how can we get rid of the cocoon and take this crucial step."

"Xiao Chen, there is nothing wrong with your choice!" His voice didn't fall, and he stepped forward suddenly, his figure disappeared.


In the starry sky, a happy laugh came from one of the golden towering palaces, "Ha ha ha ha! But the horror, how can it be a boulevard! In this dark yellow, another Supreme Master is about to appear!" The sound shook the world, echoing Jiuxiao!


At the poles, the flames burned into the sky, and the hot temperature was enough to easily incinerate everything in this world, and the vast sea of ​​fire was endless. But at this moment, the flames of fire and sea suddenly burst into a madness and turned into a man's figure. His body was thousands of miles high, and two firelights shot in the eyes were nearly 10,000 miles away. The barrier that penetrates all time and space.

"The Supreme Master, there will be a fifth person!" He whispered, but roared like a god, causing the sea of ​​fire to stir and the flames to blaze.


On the endless ocean, a huge gourd floats on the water, and a young man in a short shirt lies on it. At this moment, he senses the change in the atmosphere of the yellow sky, a person stands up, smiles with a loin on his back, and looks proud, "Thief old God, even if you are more powerful, you ca n’t control me, I will just throw things away! Little guy, when you arrive, you have to prepare some good wine for me. I do n’t borrow the gourd for nothing! I do n’t know When you will arrive, it's really exciting! "


Somewhere on the streets of mortals, a thin body, wearing a robe and sitting on the floor holding a Gua Pan old road, said something in his mouth: "Calculate the heavens and the earth to count the yin and yang, know the past, know the present and the present! Yes, please come tomorrow tomorrow. "

The body-wide and fat red robe member stopped and heard the words outside. He was surrounded by a delicate and pretty woman, his **** were pressed **** his big hand, and his mouth kept eating and laughing, his appearance was not attractive.

"My fortune teller, my wife is happy, you can give me a prediction for the master. My son is male or female. If he is accurate, the master will have a reward!"

"Oh, my lord is so bad. He has just been pregnant for two months, and Lang can't distinguish between a man and a woman. What can this old man know? Let's go. The hot sun makes people feel tight."

Xiao Fengzi lifted a glance at the two of them, and was about to start flickering some money from the old money, but his face suddenly changed, and a smile of joy was revealed deep in his eyes. Extremely, wonderfully, things in the world are like this, mysterious and mysterious, it is difficult to spy on the whole territory, and one peck and one drink are already doomed! "

The woman took a step back carefully, looking at Xiao Fengzi with a look of disdain, "Where is the madman, Master, let's go quickly, don't get tarnished."

The Dahongpao member thought it was right, nodded and was about to turn away, but Xiao Fengzi suddenly said, "This immortal teacher is in a good mood today, and he is very compassionate, pointing you to the Scriptures, so that after 100 years, you will earn all your fortune in your life Put it to others. Your yang has faded, and the essence is closed. Even if you rely on medicine to maintain a barely viable intercourse, but you are already a posterity, how can the old tree blossom. The old man said that, believe or not, When the baby is born, it will be known at the first test. "

He turned away and took a step. The figure had disappeared. Only the faint reverberation kept echoing. "The old man said that he had broken the sky, but didn't want to touch the cause and effect. No matter what you want, don't hurt the baby in this female belly, otherwise there must be Disaster. "

The next moment, Xiao Fengzi appeared in the star field, and arched a hand and laughed, "Taoyou, old man, etc. are waiting for the drive!" The voice spread, between the heavens and the earth, echoing for a long time.


Yan Zhenzi suddenly opened her eyes, her face became extremely ugly. Only in his induction, the monk's breath suddenly disappeared, but despite his careful induction, he never noticed anything wrong, and could not even find the position of the monk who disappeared.

The matter was completely unexpected to him, and a slight anxiety haunted him.

In this constellation of stars, it seemed that something he hadn't noticed was born. Could it be related to Xiao Chen? With this thought in mind, the anxiety in his heart suddenly increased, without further delay, and he hurriedly passed the matter on. "The demon monk's breath suddenly disappeared the next day, things may have changed." The old man said in a deep voice, his breath and nine The Lord of Youdi Palace and Wei Yuantian are connected. What they say can be heard by the two.

"When will it happen?" The main voice of Jiuyou Di Palace came, dignified.

"It's just now."

"Does the disappearing breath appear?" Wei Yuantian said coldly.


Yan Zhenzi's voice just dropped, and then he heard the anger and growl of the Lord of the Nine Palaces, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

"Damn, the connection between one of the three corpses of the deity and me suddenly dissipated, for fear of being poisoned!"

Wei Tianyuan's heart sank fiercely, but he did not wait for him to speak. In the sense of Yuanshen, the breath of a monk who stepped on the heaven disappeared directly. This strange man lifted suddenly, and the terror burst out from his body. Heart magma blasted!

"What happened, one of my monks, Wei, disappeared!"

The three monsters suddenly quieted down, and in a short period of time, the monks of the Three Kingdoms disappeared in the blockade. The speed is so fast, it means that someone is hunting the monks of the Three Kingdoms at this moment, and their Majesty is stepping on the Heavenly Strong. Contending power! This method can only be achieved by Hongmeng!

Is there a mysterious Hongmen hidden in this blockade?

"It's Xiao Chen! It must be him!" Yan Zhenzi roared. "We miscalculated his condition. He must have hidden some kind of power that we hadn't noticed! Recall your monk and your monk quickly, otherwise they will be difficult. Escape! "

The master of Jiuyou Di Palace, Wei Yuantian also thought of this, but they were unwilling to admit it. At this moment when I heard the words, my heart jumped so hard that I didn't dare to delay. The monk stepping into the sky, even among the three empires, is a very small number of peak powers, and it is extremely difficult to create. Even if it has accumulated for millions of years, it will definitely not withstand this horrible loss.

Anything that exists on the horizon is extremely precious! And in this short period of time, in their induction, the number of monks from the Three Kingdoms has fallen by 13!


[There is a chapter after 12 o'clock. 】

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