Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 987: National Games Promotion

The vast empires and the eight empires each have their own side and each other is staring at each other. In recent years, the situation in various countries has become increasingly tense. {[ W}.> 881] ZW.COM) If the great magical person ascends into the distance, he can clearly see that the eight empires are located in eight golden beams Soaring into the sky, solemn and solemn!

The different heights of the Eight Light Columns represent the strength and weakness of the national empire of the Eight Empires!

The Western Great Qin Empire is the strongest. Since the salty capital, the golden beam of light has penetrated the endless sky, straight into the stars, and its national strength is the eight empires. The shadow of the cash dragon is hidden in the beam of light, looking at the eastern nations, with greedy and hot eyes.

The Southern Great Chu Empire is slightly weaker, but still has the power to compete with the Great Qin. The capital of the golden dragon in the pillar of sky is roaring constantly, and it does not fall into the wind. In addition, the six national powers of the Great Wei, Da Zhao, Datang, Dayan, Daqi, and Korea were weakened in turn.

Each of the eight golden beams of light burst out with a mighty breath, confronting each other, forming the basic pattern in the great realm.

But at this moment, inside the pillars of light of the National Games of the Great Qin Dynasty, the Great Wei Dynasty, and the Great Yan, the ghost of Jinlong suddenly emerged, and a roar came out! This roar is silent, but the real masters of the Daqian Realm can clearly sense, and all of them jump hard, suddenly lifted up, and show shocked face!

In the roar, the golden light in the pillars of light of the Three National Games collapsed and disappeared between the heavens and the earth. At the moment, the Three Kingdoms's luck was weakened! Among the three, the Great Wei National Games weakened the most. Nearly one-tenth of the National Games collapsed directly. The manifestation of the Golden Dragon's shadow reduced the number one obviously, and his eyes were deeply tired.

Suddenly, the Wei of the Four Kingdoms of the Four Kingdoms was slashed below the Tang Dynasty and was dropped into the ranks of the Four Kingdoms! What a horror of such a cut!

But at the same time, there is another change in the National Games, which has attracted the attention of the entire community!

Above the border of Dongyan, the National Games suddenly boiled and boiled. During the tumbling, countless air fortunes appeared out of thin air. As if attracted, they converged in a crazy direction toward Wangdu!


Hundreds of thousands of national transports converged, and a golden pillar of light condensed directly into the sky from where the palace was located, and a golden ghost dragon phantom emerged from it. It wobbled its tail, bathed in the Eastern Yanyan National Games, and made a sound like joy and roar of pain!

Along with its roar, the wind and clouds in the entire territory of Dongyan changed, the wind came from nine days, the convergent clouds gathered in the sky to become dark, and a mighty coercion filled the sky. At this moment, all monks in Dongyan's body were stiff and lifted violently, with incredible and ecstatic excitement in their eyes!

This is the promotion of the National Games!

Ascension to the sky, you have to meet the situation, so the dragon!

Once the metamorphosis is completed, the dragon travels for nine days, and the world is no longer ordinary.

In the Great Thousand Realms, in addition to Qi Chuyan, Han, Zhao, Wei, Qin, and Tang empires, the Ninth Empire will finally be born! It is not the Hun who is considered to be very likely by the world, but the Dongyan who has been in the country for more than a century!

A silent roar full of solemn authority suddenly came. In the column of Wang Du's national light, Jin Xi broke out of his four feet under his abdomen. His shape suddenly increased by an astonishing degree, and the scales on his body continued to grow larger and thicker. Coercion!

The entire Dongyan National Games turned crazy into golden at this moment!

The golden dragon turns the dragon, the national transportation is golden! Although Dongyan is a weak country, it is on the same level as the eight empires above the national transport product level!

On the border of the star field, above the army of Dongyan, a golden dragon ghost suddenly appeared. The golden auspicious clouds rolled beneath it, and the terrible coercion filled the star field. It stood high and faced the joint army of the 13th affiliated country of Dayan. !!

Shouting, above the Allied Forces of the Thirteen Nations, the ghost of the Dragon of Fortune in each country suddenly appeared, kneeling down under the pressure of this true dragon, his body trembling.

The monk in the army's military account suddenly opened his eyes, and his pupils shrunk sharply to reveal his anger. The population groaned. The body was blown away like a blow, the blood in the nose and nose overflowed, and his face was sullen. pale! He looked up towards Dongyan, feeling the mighty pressure of the mighty national movement, and an instant of fear came to his mind!

The National Games are promoted, and the true dragon is transformed!

How could this be!

The ancestors joined hands with Hong Qin and Da Qin and Da Wei to seal the barbaric starfield and kill the game. Only when Xiao Chen died, Dongyan National Games was bound to collapse, and he would force his way out, enough to sweep Dongyan with no effort.

But in front of me, the wild starfield killing has obviously come to an end, but the result is far too different from the imagination! He didn't know what had happened, but he also understood that the thought of annihilating Dongyan would be defeated!

This person was trembling and did not dare to stay long. He took a step to tear the space and left.

The Allied Forces of the Thirteen Affiliated Countries, at this moment will not defeat themselves!

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the king!"


Dongyan army suddenly burst into cheers from the mountains and the sea, the sound of billowing billowing into the sky!


In the palace of the king, the four women, Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, and Qingmei, hugged each other tightly, showing excitement and joy in their eyes. Since this time, all the fears and fears in their hearts have disappeared.

They knew that he would be fine!

The wind and rain in recent years have come to this day. He has paid so much, how can he fall on the way to the top!

Despite the joy, the four women's eyes were crystal clear, and tears fell along the beautiful cheeks.


The spring stands on the top of the mountain. He looks at the direction of Dongyan, feeling the rise of the National Games, his lips are tightly clasped together. Although he tries his best to keep calm, his eyes have become extremely bright, with comfort and joy!

God machine stood behind him, his face full of ecstasy. As Dong Yanzhi Xiu, no matter where you are at the moment, you can feel the rising national movement!

"Master National Teacher?"

Quan nodded, and said, "I know what you want to ask, yes, he succeeded!" In the robe sleeve, the handsome palm clenched his fists!

The danger of this calamity, although he has never experienced it, he can imagine it! The danger is unimaginable! If Xiao Chen is half a step away, he can't survive this torture, and even if he keeps himself, he will never be able to land in the supremacy of law!

Fortunately, he didn't read the wrong person!

The fountain was slightly lower, but his eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and a touch of excitement gave birth to his excitement.

The significance of taking this step is far beyond anyone's imagination!

Before, Xiao Chen only had the hope of reaching the supreme realm of all laws, but now this hope has begun to turn into a road that is sufficient for him to pass. Although he is doomed in the future, he finally has the hope of letting go and stepping into the mysterious yellow!

"Xiao Chen, you will be the highest achievement in this life. I will at all costs help you to become the fifth Supreme Master in this world!" Secretly groaned, spring slowly raised, eyes firm, mouth corner There was a smile.


Jidu, imperial palace.

At the light retreat, he closed his eyes and suddenly opened, showing endless shock!

At this moment, the Dongyan National Games blessed by him suddenly rose wildly and climbed upwards. Finally, with a dragon chant coming from his ear, he broke through that layer of invisible barrier!

National Games promotion!

Turns out to be promoted by the National Games!

What happened to Xiao Chen in just a hundred years?

But soon, the shock in his heart was overwhelmed by the ecstasy that followed.

The golden square seal of the national instrument suspended in front of him suddenly appeared a light "hum". The golden light on it, and the connection between light and light, became more intimate in an instant! With the blessing of the Dongyan National Games after the promotion, the refining and chemical industry suddenly increased greatly! But at the moment, the person who trembled him most was his own lack of luck. Now, under the blessing of the Dongyan National Games, he is filled instantly! In this way, the invisible bottleneck that blocked the road climbing on his avenue was directly broken, like a gust of wind, blowing away all the fog in front of him, showing him a path to the supreme magnificent realm!

Light has long existed in three steps, trapped in place for countless years, and now seeing the path of promotion to Hongmeng and Meng, the whole body is weak and suddenly boils, a faint sense of enlightenment haunts my heart. He murmured and laughed abruptly after half a ring, "That's it! That's it! This seat is finally understood! Within 500 years, when there is a place in this world, there should be a place for this seat!"

"Xiao Chen! I have a junior like you in Zuo Yan, enough!"


The National Games of Yan, Qin, and Wei were weakened by birth, and the National Games of East Yan were promoted to the empire, which swept across the Thousand Realms like a hurricane and caused endless shocks!

The hearts of countless monks in the Eight Empires became worried.

Today's situation, Dong Yan's rise has become inevitable! The emergence of the Ninth Empire will inevitably have a severe impact on the inherent structure of the Great Thousand Realms, making the tension between countries even more severe. Maybe it wo n’t be long before the war that envelopes the whole world will really come!

A battle in the world, the battle of the heroes is approaching!


Wild Starfield.

On a deep-sea island of a certain star, a blue robe figure sits cross-legged. His face is rosy, and his body naturally exudes a breath. With a slight tremor, the situation can be changed, and the sky is clear and the rain is heavy!

Many ferocious beasts living on the island, no matter how strong they are, are afraid to approach this place. A coercion from the level of the origin of life made them fear.

He sat cross-legged like this, ebb and flow, and it took him thirty years to blink.

Without moving for thirty years, the man's blood-stained tattered green robe became shabby, but his face became redder and smoother, his skin was whiter and brighter, with a faint glow like jade, and the whole person was extremely clean. a feeling of.

The breath emanating from him has disappeared and no longer affects the surrounding environment. He is like a mundane man, sitting quietly on this wild island and sleeping.

This day's stormy sky, the sky is dense with dark clouds, the thunderous sound of thunder is all over the world, and the dense raindrops are almost connected in a line. It seems to be pouring down from Jiuxiao, it is really pouring rain.

But all the raindrops would cut off by himself when he was sitting close to the crossed knees. The ground was still dry as ever, and there seemed to be an invisible force to isolate him from the outside.

Although in one place, there are two spaces.

Suddenly, the sky and thunder flashed wildly, and nine thunders blew in succession, with a mighty thunder roaring.

At this moment, the figure sitting cross-legged had a slight breath in the body, and the eyes that had been closed for thirty years were slowly opening at the moment.

At this moment, between heaven and earth, the storm suddenly stopped!


[I have a cold, my head has been aching, and the codeword is very slow. It may be delayed after the update, sorry. 】

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