Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 988: Time and space war shrine

Overseas islands have been sitting dead for 30 years.

This man in Qingpao is Xiao Chen!

At this moment there was a flash of confusion in his eyes, his eyes glanced around, his frown slightly wrinkled to reveal the color of concern.

In a few short breaths, he had known everything, and a little bit of Mingwu was revealed in his eyes.

Yan Zhenzi and the three kingdoms Hongmeng joined hands to kill the bureau. If he guessed right, it should be some kind of doomed disaster. The reason why he has to endure this ordeal is related to another mysterious will existing in his body.

Xiao Chen only realized this faintly, but what was hidden in it was still not clear. But after this incident, the most obvious change in him was that he could sense the existence of that mysterious will! Previously, this will was hidden in him, but was not under Xiao Chen's control. He knew its existence, but could not perceive it. And now, it has appeared in Xiao Chen induction.

This is a very strange feeling, just like the subject consciousness, there is another consciousness that can be sensed, but I don't know where it is. This consciousness has some independence, but it is controlled by the subject. So at the moment when he sensed the existence of the mysterious will, Xiao Chen had a clear intuition in his heart, and he could control this will! It's an unspeakable feeling, but it's real.

With a little groaning, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed firmness. He took a breath and tried to control it with his own will. And just as his thoughts turned, the mysterious will scattered in his body suddenly converged and actually merged directly into his Yuanshen!

At this moment, in the space of Yuanshen, Xiao Chen and Yuanshen suddenly burst into golden light, and in this golden light, a bunch of colorful forces continued to shine. His whole mind suddenly entered into some kind of absolute peace, but in this peace, it contained an extremely powerful self-confidence. It seemed that everything in the world was insignificant in front of him! A gamut of heaven and earth overlooking the thoughts of billions of souls rose from my heart. His expression was still calm, but his eyes became indifferent, and there was no slight mood swing. Naturally, there was a supreme coercion in his body. It was like a god, and it was unstoppable! No profanity!

Xiao Chen was slightly low, and felt the extremely powerful power hidden in the body. After counting his interest, he slowly raised his hand, and a thick golden light appeared on his fingertips, which was dazzling. But he knows that these are just appearances, and the colorful power hidden under the golden light is the real key!

Without hesitation, he moved slightly towards the sky, moving slightly. But just as he dropped his finger, the space shook slightly, and a layer of ripples quickly spread outwards from the space in front of him, where everything went annihilated. The clouds in the sky shattered, the winds cleared, and looked up to the scorching sun, and there was nothing above the clouds. Pei Ranwei pressure came, the rolling sea wave suddenly stopped, and the water surface was as smooth as a mirror, without any slight fluctuation.

On the entire cultivation star, the body of billions of souls suddenly became rigid at this moment, and a deep awe was born in his heart. The monks on this star can sense more than ordinary creatures, and they all look up at the endless sea with horror, their pupils shrink sharply to reveal the horror, and eventually become deep awe.

This finger may seem unusual and powerful-but the power hidden in it is comparable to that of Monk Hongmeng!

On Xiao Chen Yuanshen, a ray of colorful power and a large area of ​​golden light were lost in this finger. He was silent for a while, the indifference, indifference, and supremacy of his body slowly dissipated, the mysterious will integrated into his Yuanshen left, and disappeared into him.

He finally knew what the most precious harvest was after this dangerous calamity!

Mastering the mysterious will and using the power of Yuanshen's colorful, allows him to have the power to compete with Hongmeng in this state!

What an amazing harvest!

To get this, all the suffering he has suffered before are worth it!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't have much joy in his heart. He took out the colorful gourd in the silence, played for a while, and put it away in silence.

Then he kept silent, thinking in silence.

That year, Xiao Chen was hiding in the wild star field, hiding in a mortal city to repair his injuries, and only returned to Dongyan when he was intact. However, the Four Lords of War Shrine shot without warning and locked him by induction in the third tradition, killing billions of souls with a single catastrophe. Li Dayou and his wife, Yulian and many others died among them.

In all fairness, who was wrong in the day?

Xiao Chen was right in this matter. Because he was harmless, he never thought that he would hurt Li Dayou and his wife because of himself. In that horrible sword, he had wanted to save three people, but he was desperately resisting but he was seriously injured.

The four young masters of Xiaoshen Palace and Xiao Chen fight for the third inheritance, which is already doomed to coexist. Now that you know Xiao Chen's identity, knowing that he is not invincible, it is natural to take the lead to remove him. As for killing the Li Dayou couple and others, it was only unexpected. In this way, they are also doing nothing wrong,

The remaining Li Dayou couple and others are even more innocent. They live quietly in the barren star field, but are killed by this catastrophe.

Xiao Chen thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out. The same thing is right from your point of view, and it may be wrong from his point of view, because there is no absolute right or wrong in this world. So he sighed slightly and stopped thinking about it.

In any case, the death of the couple Li Dayou and Yu Lian, as well as the entire city, even in a wider area, was affected by him, and they were only affected by this catastrophe.

Therefore, after all, Xiao Chen owed them, and he himself recognized this.

It was just that this debt, accompanied by their death, became irreparable. Because the dead have dissipated in the heavens and the earth, and even the soul has not left any traces, where is the compensation needed? That being the case, all he could do was the last thing left.

That's how to revenge them!

Regardless of the right or wrong of the Four Young Master's move, the killings they created are an indisputable fact. Then they can only use death to regret their actions.

Xiao Chen stood up. He looked up into the distance, his eyes calmed as if he had broken through the space barrier. After a brief silence, the next step was taken, and his figure disappeared into the space silently and silently.


In the chaotic flow of time and space, one big 6 is quietly suspended, this is the Ares Temple.

And not far from this big six, there was a monk in the blue robe stepping forward, his face was dull, like walking in the leisure court, wherever he went, the forces of chaos in time and space retreated, unable to cause him any harm.

This monk is Xiao Chen.

On the same day, the four young masters locked him by virtue of the Taoist tradition, and he could naturally detect where they were. If they succeed in putting Xiao Chen to death, then everything will happen. Since he is not dead, he bears the hatred of Li Dayou and his many innocent people who are dying, so he will naturally come to them.

This was what he owed them, and he had to come back for it.

Xiao Chen's advancement may seem unpleasant, but each step can cross the endless space. After a few dozen steps, at the end of the line of sight, the big 6 of the Ares Temple is far away.

And at this moment, in his eyebrows, the battle-word tactics hidden in the flesh suddenly became bright, and a powerful war will continue to emerge from it, directly into Xiao Chen's own will. His blood was getting hot all over, and he finally seemed to be boiling!

His own will, blended into the war intentions of the battle-word tactics, turned into a horrible breath slowly emanating from his body, like the ancient monster awakened from his deep sleep!

For this breath, Xiao Chen has never suppressed it, because he is here to kill!


The powerful breath exudes infinite coercion. It is like a giant hitting the water with a punch, and the power of chaotic space and time around it is disturbed, rolling, ups and downs, and sweeping wildly in all directions, just like an earthquake and tsunami, it is shocking!

Such abnormal changes instantly attracted the attention of the monks in the Aresiya. Countless people lifted and looked at the man who was approaching from the chaos of time and space. His pupils contracted and his face was stiff. This breath makes them tremble!

In the temple, Si Shaozun closed his eyes and opened his eyes at the same time, feeling the trembling battles in the body in the advent atmosphere, and a little fear was born from them without being suppressed.

Because the four understood, Xiao Chen finally arrived!

Thirty years ago, when they learned that he had escaped from the wild star hunt, they knew that this day would come.

Ling Xiaozun's eyes flashed a bit unwilling and revenge. He took a deep breath, suppressed all the emotions in his heart, and slowly said: "Wait for thirty years, he has finally arrived, he can't escape, let's go . "

"Do you really want to surrender the stone tower and give up your qualifications for inheritance and competition?" Lingbo Shaozhuang bit his lip and hesitated.

Yuanshan and Xieyue also show complex expressions.

"Give up the stone tower and let the heritage pass. The Fourth Lord promises to save you and our lives. If not, it can only be erased from the world." Ling Xiaozun said coldly: "Death or hand over the stone tower Give up inheritance, you choose. "

With no words, he strode out.

Lingxiao Shaozun was calm on the surface, but his heart was bleeding, and he kept making a crazy roar!

If there is any possibility, he will not let out the heritage!

After learning about the pagoda's hidden Taoist heritage from a long time ago, he decided that he could inherit the Taoist heritage! Along the way, the blood was raining, I do n’t know how many words are on the brink of extinction, and I have endured countless sufferings until today.

There is only one final step to inherit the third respect.

But he just stopped there forever!

Xiao Chen! Xiao Chen!

All this should belong to him, but because of his appearance, he took everything away!

He was resentful in his heart, but did not dare to reveal it!

Because right now, the most important thing is to save your life. Only by being alive is everything possible in the future. He wants to live, work hard to live, and strive to one day, can recover everything he lost!

Behind him, Yuanshan, Xieyue, and Lingbo Sanshou faced bitterness, silent for a few breaths, followed behind him with heavy steps.


[Headache, these two chapters today, good night everyone. 】

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