Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 990: Kill the four young stone towers together

Xiao Chen nodded, "OK!"

When the voice fell, his entire breath suddenly changed, and he was arrogant to the heavens and the earth, and the spirit of all living things in the world slowly diffused from his body. [((Eight

This power is not the power of Hongmeng, but it is comparable to Hongmeng!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's mind entered absolute coldness and calmness. Although he was sober, he would never be affected by the outside world. He looked to the fourth Tao, revealing a pair of indifferent eyes without any emotional fluctuations, and slowly opened his mouth. "I don't know if the Fourth Lord thinks that this is enough?" He said lightly, but his voice seemed to contain some powerful power, and fell into the ears of the monks of the War God Palace, as if the **** was roaring. A coercion from the fundamental level of life made them frightened, and the only thing left in their hearts was awe!

The fourth body is slightly stiff!

What kind of eyes are full of absolute coldness and indifference. Under its attention, a chill suddenly developed in her heart, and a sense of danger haunted the Yuanshen, which made her heart tremble slightly.

She didn't know what kind of method Xiao Chen was using at this moment, but she was very clear in a snack. At this moment, Xiao Chen absolutely has the power to fight against her and even damage her! In other words, Xiao Chen at this moment can face Fr. Hongmeng without fear!

No wonder he was able to escape from the wild starfield siege that year, it turned out that he had such a means!

"Stop!" In the low drink, the two figures of Void appeared directly. To avoid misunderstanding of Xiao Chen, the figures were not close to him and the fourth respect, and their faces were full of dignity.

Xiao Chen's gaze swept across the two. This cold look instantly changed the faces of both of them, and hurriedly said, "Xiao Chen, you must not misunderstand, the two of you have no intention to embarrass you, but just want to mediate today thing."

The one who spoke was a slightly thinned man wearing a black-bottomed gold jacket, with a bit of helplessness in the corners of his mouth.

On the other hand, the ruddy and slightly fat man nodded and said, "The fourth respect, today's thing is that you broke the rules. Presumably, Xiao Chen has shown the power to make you face up. If so, stop. "

The beautiful woman in the palace dress turned cloudy and snorted after a while, "How does the deity act without the guidance of the fifth deity! Xiao Chen, if you have this practice, naturally the deity will not embarrass you again, But what happened today, the deity remembered! "Yu Luo, she turned directly, took a step forward, her figure disappeared.

Xiao Chen was expressionless and fused with the mysterious will. His whole mind was not affected by the outside world at all. The fourth Tao said that there was no threat to him.

The slightly fat monk shook his head helplessly. He knew the fourth deity without years, so naturally he wouldn't be annoyed by this. Xiao Chen arched his hand and said, "This deity is the fifth deity of the shrine. This deity is a junior, but the strength in the field of cultivation is the highest. Since you are strong against Hongmeng, you and I will be equal in the future. "

Black-gold gold-patterned robe monk said: "The deity is the second deity of Ling Jing."

Xiao Chen arched his hand and said, "Xiao Chen."

The anode shook his head and said, "The deity is no stranger to you. When you entered the Daqian Realm, I have realized your existence. But I never imagined that in just a few years, your cultivation can reach the realm of today. Although the deity Very curious, but presumably you will not tell the truth. In this case, the deity will not ask much. But you need to remember that you are the cultivation of my war shrine, after all, it is not feasible to do things that are not good for my war shrine. " Speaking of it, the language front was already dignified.

Ling Yuanzi nodded suddenly.

"The two Taoists are assured that there is no opposition between the King and the Ares Palace. If the future is not shot by the Ares Palace, the King will never be the enemy of the Ares Palace." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"it is good!"

Ling Yuanzi and Anode Zi nodded with satisfaction, and they turned back. Cultivate to such a state, they act with heart. Since Xiao Chen spoke, if there is no accident in the future, he will never oppose the battle **** palace.

The fourth Taoist departed, Ling Yuanzi and Anode retreated, apparently indicating that they would not interfere in today's affairs.

Xiao Chen turned, and his eyes fell on Lingxiao, Yuanshan, Xieyue, and Lingbo, the four young masters. These four eyes suddenly showed despair! He knew from his previous actions that none of them would be missed today.

Despair in Lingxiao's eyes gradually turned into resentment and unwillingness, and a roar of madness broke out in his mouth, "Xiao Chen! I'm not willing! I and the four of us have not endured many hardships since we received the Taoist Inheritance Stone Tower. Today, what is yours? Appear, deprive me of everything and everything! Why! I'm not willing! "

"Xiao Chen, I hate it! I hate myself for not being able to show your identity early and giving you time to grow up. I should have killed you earlier, and there will be no today!"

"I hate it!"

Xiao Chen expressionless, he said lightly, "It's a pity you didn't, and I won't give you any chance, so no matter how resentful and resentful you are, everything will disappear. The king will use your death to sacrifice those who died in you The dead in his hand is also the only thing that the king can do for them. "

He waved his sleeves, the space in front of him shook slightly, and then twisted and twisted into a blur, and in this blurry space, the bodies of the four young children such as Ling Xiao suddenly stiffened, and then burst into a mist of blood.

The monk stepping on the sky may be powerful and prodigious, which can be called the peak of the world, but in the face of Hongmeng level power, he is still vulnerable. It's easy to obliterate them, only in the backhand.

When killing four people, four stone towers suddenly appeared, the color is dark, each breath is extremely powerful! This stone tower is the thing of the Four Young Masters!

The storage of Xiao Chen's hand flashed aura, and the stone tower under his control appeared directly, and a slight tremor gave out a force of devour! Under this devouring power, the Four Shao Zun Stone Pagodas suddenly collapsed and turned into four groups of deep black with extremely powerful energy! Under that swallowing power, a trace of power was continuously separated from it, and was directly swallowed by the Xiao Chen Stone Tower! Along with this process, all of his stone towers continued to increase at an astonishing degree, and the surface black gradually became richer, and a layer of black light spread out from it.

Extremely horrifying breath fluctuations slowly emerged from the stone tower, accompanied by the powerful coercion that was almost unmatchable!

Ling Yuanzi and anode sensed the breath coming out of the stone tower, and at the same time there was a trace of sentimental color in their eyes. From this breath, they sensed the breath of the third respect. This is the legacy of his legacy.

Whoever can get it can inherit everything from the third Taoism!

On the earth, countless monks of the War God Palace fell to their knees, and then Tong Baoshan, the merchant name of Huitong who was cut off by Xiao Chen that year, was among them. He was deeply buried and his face was terrified, but today he finally understood why the ascension of Qingliu Xingxing was suppressed, and he himself was severely sealed and he should not be mentioned again.

So this is the answer!

Xiao Chen has now killed the four young deities such as Ling Xiao and assembled a hundred stone towers. He is destined to inherit everything from the third deity and become the new third deity in the God of War Palace. And his own practice can even compete with Monk Hongmeng! There was a little bit of resentment and unwillingness in Tong Baoshan's heart. At this moment, it disappeared directly. The only thing left in his heart was deep congratulations. Fortunately, he was not too tough then, otherwise, as Xiao Chen, even if he was killed in place, the War God Palace would never shoot for him!

"Hundreds of stone towers came together, what you and I did in the past, and now it finally comes to fruition." Ling Yuanzi whispered, with a sense of emotion.

The anode nodded, "After the war veteran's death, he can get such a good successor. If he knows it, he should be satisfied."

"Until reaching the state of Hongmeng, but with the power of Hongmeng, it's true that talents are rare in the world. The deity really wants to know what secrets he has hidden in him."

"I'm afraid you can only think about it. This must involve Xiao Chen's secret. If he doesn't want to say more, who else can force him to speak in this world."

Ling Yuanzi nodded, but acknowledged Xiao Chen's cultivation, and had the power to cross the whole world!

Facing Hongmeng, don't be afraid!

"It will take some time to complete the fusion of the stone towers. You and I will leave first. After everything is done here, it is not too late to talk to him." The anode word took a step forward, and the figure disappeared into the void.

Ling Yuanzi took a deep look at Xiao Chen, waved his sleeves, and said lightly: "You have to wait for your own way, don't disturb Xiao Chen Xiaozun." In the rolling sound, the old man turned and left.

Above the ground, countless monks of the War God Palace heard that they were all light, but Ling Yuanzi took the shot to isolate Xiao Chen from Shita. Respectfully, they turned back to their respective residences and did not dare to move in the slightest.

Under the stone tower, Xiao Chen sat down on his knees, his eyes closed slowly, waiting for the stone tower to be swallowed.

Time passed quietly in silence.

In an instant, 137 days had passed, and the engulfing of the stone towers on the clouds had reached its final stage. The volume of the black energy group transformed by the four Shaozun stone towers has been reduced to less than one-fifth the original size. All the stone towers of Xiao Chen have been skyrocketing in shape. Now they are tens of thousands of miles high, and they are devouring massive amounts of power every moment. Keep growing! The violent violence in the writhing was surging, the "Booming" was endless, the sound was terrifying!

The four groups of black energy volume are constantly shrinking with the naked eye. As time goes by, the reduction is also increasing a little bit! A day later, with the last black force being swallowed up by the stone tower, the volume of the stone tower has also grown to the extreme. It suddenly trembled, a powerful, overbearing, and intolerable terror war exploded suddenly, rushing into the sky, the entire God of War palace Big 6 was shrouded in this war.

At the same time, Xiao Chen's body trembled slightly, his eyes suddenly opened, he got up, his body breath was crazy and uncontrolled! At the center of his eyebrows, the battle-word tactic suddenly became a masterpiece. Its shape suddenly grew up, the texture of the shape became more complex, and its radiance gradually became golden as time passed! A wave of powerful fighting intentions spewed out from it, into Xiao Chen's own breath!


[The head hurts a little, and I can still stick to it. 】

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