Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 991: Second warning

One person, one tower, the two auras echo each other in a distance, and merge quickly as they approach, turning into a monstrous fighting spirit, releasing infinite coercion!

Above the void, Ling Yuanzi and Anyangzi appeared at the same time, silent. ?八一[(中?<文〔

Countless cultivators of the God of War Palace lifted up and looked at the figure in the green robe, and their eyes became more in awe, because they knew in their hearts that he had automatically inherited the position of the third Daoist in the God of War Palace.

But at this moment, the gate of the black tower suddenly opened, and a traction force directly acted on Xiao Chen. He did not resist, and his figure moved with it. In a flash, he plunged into the stone tower, and the gate of the stone tower closed.

Ling Yuanzi and Yingzi's eyes suddenly widened, and their faces were shocked. It was obvious that this incident was also unexpected to them.

The fourth Dao Zun couldn't help but whispered, the aura from his body flickered slightly, and he wanted to approach him.

"Ling Yaozi don't want to be impulsive!" Ling Yuanzi flashed to stop her.

"Get out of the way! Zhanliezi may have left a glimmer of hope, maybe he is going to regenerate when he inherits and gathers, and the deity will help him! If you stop me again, don't blame the deity for making ruthless moves!" Ling Yaozi (the fourth way) Zun) speak sharply.

Yingzi sighed and said: "Ling Yaozi, among us, you should be the one who knows the old warriors best. His life is bright and upright, and he will never do small things. How can he plan the successor to rebirth during the inheritance? And Back then, his soul had collapsed and disappeared. It is what you and I have seen, how can there be any falsehood. Maybe he left some secrets in the inheritance stone tower, but it is definitely not what you think. What you and I should do now is Wait patiently. After Xiao Chen came out, if he could tell, he would naturally not hide us."

Ling Yaozi's face was slightly stiff, a trace of sorrow appeared in her eyes, her body's violent aura converged bit by bit, and she stood in silence.

Ling Yuanzi and Yingzi glanced at each other, and a faint sigh was in their hearts.

Xiao Chen did not resist, but was directly pulled into the stone tower under the traction force, and his figure appeared in a palace. It was quite empty here, but there was nothing but a stone table not far away. With a slight hesitation, he stepped forward.

On the stone table was a piece of paper, and when he approached, the abnormality became steep.

I saw that brush floated up and wrote on the paper by himself, with a few words and a single wave.

Xiao Chen's heart was shaken slightly, but at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it.

"Compensate Ling Yaozi for me."

"Be careful of those around you..." There was a handwriting behind, but it seemed to be exhausted, and he pulled a heavy stroke and was forced to interrupt. But in this brushstroke, there are strong mood swings, unwillingness, self-deprecating, anger, regret, incomparable complexity, all in this ink.

Seeing this clearly, Xiao Chen's expression changed drastically.

When the ancestor of the Li family turned to the body of reincarnation, Li Gan, when he recovered the fragments of memory, he once warned him, and that was what he said. And here, for the second time he met, the forewarning person was the third Daoist of the God of War!

Could it be that there is also a relationship between this third Taoist priest and the ancestor of the Li family?

Or perhaps, he had noticed something, so he would use this method to warn his successor.

There was a faint intuition in Xiao Chen's heart that what the ancestors of the Li family and the third Dao Zun of the God of War said were probably the same person!

Just what they said, who is it?

A faint uneasiness emerged from Xiao Chen's heart, causing his brows to be slightly frowned. In his mind, a figure flashed quickly, and finally only Quan, Guangguang and Li Qian stayed in his heart.

Since let him be careful, it naturally shows that the hidden person has the qualifications to threaten him. The three of them are obviously the most likely to do this.

The spring is the immortal who does not cross the depths of the mountains. The mysterious grottoes are like dragons and not dragons in the depths of the remaining power, plus his wisp of primordial spirit. It can be said to be his third clone, but he has his own independent and complete consciousness. Moreover, there is a lot of mystery in his behavior. For example, he knew a lot about the ancient immortal world, and he didn't want to explain more. But thinking about Quan's actions, Xiao Chen slowly suppressed his doubts about him. If Quan really wanted to be against him, he would definitely not easily expose these doubts and arouse his suspicion. So the more he was like this, Xiao Chen became more assured of Quan. Of course, it is not that there is no reason to hide the confusion, but he believes that his feelings are not the one he needs to guard against.

Guang Guang was born in the royal family of Da Yan, and the blood of Zuo Yan that was the same as Xiao Chen's was flowing in his body. They accidentally met in Jidu. After that, Guang Guang tried to help him with many things. There was nothing wrong with what he saw right now, but he couldn't be sure for the time being whether there was anything hidden in it.

Relatively speaking, in Xiao Chen's mind, Li Gan made him most suspicious of the three. The ancestors of the Li family have vast magical powers, and their identities are extremely mysterious. They can even predict things in the future. They plan ahead and help Xiao Chen several times. This ability is amazing! At least now, no one he has seen can do it! Although he mentioned that at a critical time, he hoped that Xiao Chen could give him a hand, but he has not yet received any return. There is no giving and help for no reason, this has to arouse his suspicion. Even Li Gan said that "be careful of those around you" might have been deliberately broken by him to confuse Xiao Chen's judgment and not to doubt him.

Of course, the above is only Xiao Chen's own inference, without any basis. So after thinking for a while, he took a deep breath and suppressed all the thoughts in his heart. But even so, he still left a cloud of suspicion in his heart, a beware. Before this matter, he would never tell anyone around him, not because he was too suspicious, but because he had to. If by any chance, there is really some kind of conspiracy hidden around him, any carelessness may put him in an impossible place!

At this moment, the pen and paper on the table in front of him suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

In the next moment, countless pieces of information suddenly flooded out of the Zhan Zi Jue, and the brand entered the depths of Xiao Chen's soul! This information is the complete inheritance of the third Dao Zun of the God of War, and all his insights during his life as a monk!

Any cultivator in the Heavenly Stepping Realm can increase his cultivation base with this inheritance, and even break through the bottleneck and open the road to Hongmeng.

It goes without saying how precious it is!


Outside, under the attention of Ling Yuanzi, Yingzi, Lingyaozi Sanhongmeng and countless cultivators of the God of War, the huge stone tower of thousands of miles high suddenly trembled, and its black tower suddenly collapsed and dissipated directly in this world. When the stone collapsed, they heard a faint long howl in their ears, and then a back hand appeared in their sight. Although it was just a vague back view, the fierce, powerful, domineering and terrifying warfare sent out from his body made people tremble! It seems that in this world, the hundreds of millions of creatures in the world are not to be feared in his eyes!

"Zhanliezi!" Ling Yaozi cried out sadly. She already understood that this was the last trace he left in the world, and it would disappear completely from then on.

Ling Yuanzi and Anyangzi were silent, but at the same time they gave up their hands and said silently: "War old ghost, go all the way!"

The stone tower collapsed, Xiao Chen's figure appeared, his feet standing on the void, a calm expression on his face.

Ling Yaozi's body flashed slightly, and the figure appeared directly in front of him, reached out to him, and shouted in a low voice: "Tell my deity, what exactly did the warriors leave for you!"

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly opened. Facing this grabbing palm, his eyes were indifferent without any mood swings. He stretched out his hand to shoot forward with a palm, and his fingers shone with golden light.

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