Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 992: Congratulations to the third

In an instant, the two palms meet!

There was a loud noise, like a thunderous thunder, and the space was like the surface of the water. Stones fell into it, causing ripples and spreading to the surrounding area. {{ W]. ] The ripples in COM contain the terror forces escaping from the confrontation between the two Hongmeng forces, seemingly ordinary, but the devastating atmosphere from them makes people desperate!

Xiao Chen murmured in her mouth, her green robe suddenly slammed, her black tumbling flying, her feet stepped back a few steps, each step fell, the space was broken, and fine cracks spread quickly, spreading to the whole sky!

Ling Yaozi's body was slightly paused, and she was stopped by Shengsheng's palm. Although she did not back away, her face was slightly pale.

In an instant, the two had a confrontation. On the surface, it was Xiao Chen who fell into the downwind!

He stepped down the last step, forcibly resisting the powerful force swept by the tide, and the sky full of fine cracks was completely broken in one step, turning it into a dark color!

Suddenly lifted, indifferent eyes fell on Ling Yaozi, a violent warfare suddenly burst from his body, the body's inherently powerful breath, soared again at this moment, powerful coercion fell from the clouds, big 6 Countless monks at Ares Palace suddenly turned pale, and their pupils contracted, revealing a monstrous shock!

With a low drink, he lifted it with one hand, and a golden light flashed on his fingertips, as if a small golden sun appeared in the sky, and he wanted to point forward!

"Xiao Chen stopped!" Ling Yuanzi suddenly appeared between the two of them. "Ling Yaozi, stop! You two are the middle lords of the War God Palace. You must kill each other!"

A layer of sweat was born on the anode. In order to offset Xiao Chen and Ling Yaozi's destruction, he also took great measures. At this moment, he nodded hurriedly and said, "You and I should be close, what? You can say everything well, and you have to fight for it. "

Xiao Chen was silent, and his eyes fell coldly on Ling Yuanzi and others, saying lightly: "Although the king promised not to be the enemy of the War God Palace, if the fourth respect dared to take another shot, he would blame the king's mercy "During the conversation, the rich golden light on his hand slowly dissipated.

Ling Yuanzi nodded suddenly and said, "Xiao Chen, you can rest assured that the deity can assure you that there will never be a second time for this matter. Ling Yaozi's shot is also anxious to know what Zhan Laogui has left, you Don't keep it in mind. "

"Ling Yuanzi, you don't have to say a lot! The deity must be afraid that he will not succeed! Today I must know what Zhan Liezi left behind. Today, he has to say, and he must say!" Ling Yaozi said sharply, all over his body. Breath is endless.

Xiao Chen frowned suddenly, his eyes fell on Ling Yuanzi, and said, "She is Ling Yaozi?"

Ling Yuanzi said: "Yes, I am fighting the fourth statue of the shrine, and I am No. Lingyao."

Xiao Chen suddenly became silent, and after a few breaths he said lightly, "Even if you know something, the king will never say a word. But you are a spiritual Yaozi, and the king will not embarrass you. , After all, I have a third respect, and I deserve to respect his wishes. "

"Zhan Liezi mentioned me? What did he say!" Ling Yaozi's face changed suddenly, and she suddenly showed nervousness.

"I think there should be a lot of things to talk between you and me. Do you have to say it here?"

"Xiao Chen is right, everything is not in a hurry, it is not too late for you and I to enter the war shrine." Ling Yuanzi said.

"it is good!"

Under the leadership of Sandao Zun, the four feet stepped forward, the figure had torn the space and appeared directly in a towering temple. Lingyaozi couldn't wait to speak before he could sit down. "What exactly did Zhanliezi mention about his deity? Now we can say."

"The third Taoist left a sentence, entrusting the king to compensate Ling Yaozi." Xiao Chen's remark was true, but he disappeared the second half of Zhan Liezi to remind him that he couldn't even the people around him. Tell, nature will not say a few words about the Three Taoism. Although he has inherited the inheritance of the third respect, he is still very strange to the God of War Palace. The two sides have not even established the most basic trust, and everything is prudent.

Lingyaozi remained dull, and her complexion appeared in her eyes. After a moment's silence, she suddenly sneered and said, "This old ghost has died a hundred times. Do you want to use this sentence to let the deity lay down all the grudges in his heart, he delusional! This deity does not want you Compensation, you can't compensate me on his behalf! The deity will always hate him, even if he is dead, don't even think about being safe one day! "By the way, she waved her hand to tear the space and walked away.

Ling Yuanzi and Anode looked at each other, and sighed at the same time.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly. He was never annoyed, but showed a thoughtful look.

"Xiao Chen, presumably you also noticed something, Ling Yaozi's nature is not like that, but ... Well, it can be said that you have been hostile to her and have been implicated by Zhan Laogui. But you can rest assured that there is Zhan Laogui Although this word is hard, she will never embarrass you in the future. "Ling Yuanzi said.

"Anyway, Xiao Chen has inherited the third respect, and should be responsible for some accountability." Xiao Chen did not take Ling Yaozi's actions to heart after knowing the reason.

The anode nodded and said, "You can think that way, it's nothing better. But there is one more thing, the deity needs to speak to you. After you inherit the inheritance of the third deity, you will automatically become the third deity of the Palace of War God. . "

"Becoming Dao Zun, what kind of obligations does the king need to fulfill, and what can he get?" Xiao Chen will not feel complacent for a name, which must be inquired clearly.

"Xiao Chen, you don't have to worry. I respect the status of God of War God Palace, but there are not too many restrictions. As long as you ensure that the interests of God of War Palace are not harmed, and you can shoot when the security of God of War Palace is threatened, it is enough. But you rest assured, In the Great Thousand Realms, there are very few people who dare to provoke me, and there will be no labor for you. As far as you can get a lot, the training materials and information systems provided by my Ares Shrine provide you with your monks. Calling on dispatch and so on. But one thing, the deity should remind you that the power of our War God Palace can spread among the eight empires because it is promised not to participate in the battle of the Thousand Realms. Although you are now the Lord of Dongyan, I will not provide any help for your annexation and expansion, "said Ling Yuanzi.

Xiao Chen nodded and said, "That is to say, you will not intervene in any dispute between nations."

"Yes." Ling Yuanzi said: "When you are acting as the Lord of the East Yan, the status of God of War God Palace will be invalid. Of course, if you are not in the state, someone will try to embarrass you, and I will never Stand idly by. "

"I already know about this. There are still other matters in my kingdom, and I can't stay in the God of War. How about this?"

"Anyway! I enjoy freedom in the Palace of War God, unless you need to stay behind when encountering enemies in the Palace of God, the rest of the time can be freely chosen. As you can see, there are four Taoists in the Palace of War God except you, just the first I left a long time ago, and I don't know where I went, these years are only occasionally keeping in touch with the palace. "

"First respect?"

"Since Xiao Chen has returned, presumably soon, the first deity will return, and you can meet each other naturally."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly and got up and said, "Because of this, the king will not stay in the palace for a long time now, and leave."

"I'll send you two." Ling Yuanzi and anode got up. Xiao Chen was already the God of War Palace, and they naturally wanted to show their due importance.

"The two Taoists stayed, and the king said goodbye." After the words came down, he stepped forward, the figure had appeared on the clouds, the wind blew, and the robes rumbling. Walking in the void, the big 6 is isolated from the chaos of time and space. At this moment, the golden gate is displayed in the fluctuation, tall and tall, solemn and magnificent!

Such specifications can only be enjoyed in the God of War Palace!

Ling Yuanzi and Anode Zi drank at the same time, "I'm not waiting for the third respect, but when will I wait!" The voice spread, like a wave, echoing on the Big 6 and clearly entering the God of War Palace. In the ears of every monk.

Numerous monks in the Temple of War shivered, showing respectful faces, saluting respectfully, and drinking together: "Subordinates, wait for the third master!"

Xiao Chen never turned around. He pushed the golden gate open, his body flashed a little, his figure disappeared into the chaos of time and space.


"Cough! Cough! Cough!" A series of heavy coughs came from the hospital, and the young man's face suddenly showed a bit of sentimentality. He took a breath and adjusted his mentality before reaching out to open the hospital door and walk in. among them.

"Disciple see Master." The young man saluted respectfully, with a respectable face on his plain face.

On the wooden wheelchair in the courtyard was a skinny old man. His head was silver withered, his face was wrinkled like a ditch, and his legs were covered with a thick blanket. The old man was extremely weak. Because of a series of coughs, his face rose with an abnormal flush, his eyes fell on the young man, a hint of relief appeared in his eyes, and he barely smiled: "Although I am weak for the teacher, I can't die in a short time. Hello cultivating is that you don't have to visit every day. "

"Where the Master speaks, the disciples are the only relatives in the world today. Now that the Master's injuries are getting worse, can the disciples not serve them?" Li Yuanshan stood up and carefully covered the blanket for Yun Zhongzi. , Took out several bottles of elixir from the storage ring, "This is the medicine that Master needs in the coming month. I also ask Master to take it on time every day. After using it, the disciples will naturally go to the warehouse to collect it."

Yun Zhongzi's mouth was a fierce cough, and the injuries he had tortured in the past were innumerable and aging, and there was no trace of immortality, just like the old man in the world, only to decay.

After coughing for a while, he hurriedly said, "Yuanshan, have you used your share of the dominance again and exchanged elixir for the teacher to suppress the injury!"

Li Yuanshan is low. He never lied since he was a child. Such a move is equivalent to having already admitted.

"I told you for my teacher that my internal injuries could not be cured at all, and I could only suppress it by taking too much elixir. Even if I did n’t eat it, I wouldn't be able to die in a short while. If you use your share, how can you exchange for cultivation Need, your cultivation will be affected in this way! Yuanshan! What you should do now is to work hard to achieve great magical power one day, so that even if the teacher dies, you can glaze underground! You are fast Return these elixirs and replace them with what you need! "Yun neutron was emotional, and caused another cough, and his breathing became harder and harder.

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