Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 996: Concubine Yingyu returns to the palace

"Brother Xiao Chen, the National Normal University is in Chunxi Pavilion in front of you, so you can go by yourself.

Xiao Chen glanced over her, and Lingzhi's abnormality failed to conceal his eyes, and frowned slightly, but didn't say much, saying, "My king knows, you can go and do other things yourself."

Lingzhi's heart was slightly loose, and after a gift, he turned and hurried away.

Xiao Chen looked at her back and frowned again, before walking towards the pavilion. The palace people here have been carefully dismissed by Ganoderma lucidum, and there are court guards around them, and they will never be disturbed.

"Your lady is quite interesting, and I will be scared when I see it from a distance." Quan glanced at the figure of Ganoderma, and said, "But the more so, the more interesting, and it would be better to send her to me. How come around. "

Xiao Chen took his own seat and said lightly, "Although Ganoderma is a court woman, but to me, she regards her as her own sister. If you are interested in her, all you have to do is pursue, and Ganoderma nodded, the king will fulfill you. .But if you just want to play around, it's best to stay away from her. This is the warning my king gave you. "

Quan's face was calm, not being annoyed by what he said, but showing a thoughtful look, "You value her."


"Okay, I know." Quan nodded and no longer mentioned the matter, and turned to sit, only in the deepest part of his eyes, but at the moment there was a faint color, which was not even noticed by Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on him, solemnly: "You better have really remembered, the king does not want to remind you again."

"I think you and I don't know each other. To entangle this topic, you should have something to ask me. If you don't ask me, I'm leaving."

Xiao Chen took a deep look at him, slowly slowly: "My king asked you, before you went to Wei Kingdom to open up the treasure of the magic machine, you had asked my king to bring a lot of elixir. Anticipate a calamity that the king will endure. The king must listen to the truth, and you must not hide it. "

Quan simply nodded and said, "Yes."

Xiao Chen's eyes were slightly bright, "In other words, did you perceive the mysterious will in the king? Or, do you know what it is? Then tell the king everything you know."

"No." Quan shook his head again, leaving no room at all. "Until it is completed, no matter how much you want to know, I can't say this, even if it is a word. I can only tell you, This thing is not harmful to you. "

Xiao Chen frowned, and his eyes were extremely heavy.

Quan looked at him with a look of indifference, but no sign of shrinking.

The two were deadlocked for a long time. Xiao Chen suddenly sighed and said, "Quan, Wang hopes that you won't hide anything from me."

"I hope too, but sometimes I have to hide it."

"Well, I won't ask more about this."

Quan got up, he wanted to walk, but suddenly stopped, and said, "I am now in a hidden place in the wild starfield. I have called a monk of God Machine to make the fairy guard. If you want to find me, you can go Finding a **** machine is ... Besides, I won't hurt you, this time I hope you can remember. "Yu Luo, he waved torn through the space, and the figure walked directly into it.

Xiao Chen looked at his direction of departure, and sighed suddenly after a short while, saying, "Quan, the king also hopes that you will not be the one who hurt me ..."


The return of Xiao Chen and his public appearance on the court made Dongyan's monks up and down the whole country, and the anxiety in the heart disappeared due to the absence of the lord. Dongyan, a country, will flourish with a faster pace, and every day will become more powerful.

Quan disappeared since he appeared that day, busy with the matter of Xianwei refining. Regarding Li Qian, under the inquiry of Xiao Chen, he replied that there were some eyebrows, but the specific matter had not yet progressed. After Xiao Chen slightly urged, it was determined that Quan would try his best to help Li Qian wake up his memory as soon as possible, and had to temporarily suppress his impatience and wait patiently.

Li Qian is the reincarnation of the ancestor of the Li family and knows a lot of secrets. Those who need to be careful of the people around him must know his identity. If he can regain his memory one day earlier, it may be possible for Xiao Chen to avoid a great danger. However, the matter was finally anxious, Xiao Chen's life gradually returned to peace, and most of the time was usually dedicated to cultivation. In her spare time, she spent time with her four daughters.

Huitong's commercial shops have been quietly spreading in the territory of Dongyan. There are semi-colons in each of the main cities, and even a Genesis Xeonjing general manager has been sent to host the things here. Not at all under the eight empires.

Huitong's attention is equivalent to that of the Ares Temple. Such a move makes Dong Yan's prestige more and more serious. The monk Daqian only knew that the War God Palace valued Dong Yan, but he did not know that there was a secret that the world did not know.

That's Xiao Chen's identity!

In addition to the Lord of Dongyan, he is also the third respect in the God of War!

Even if the war shrine showed that their position would not help Dongyan's expansion, to the extent allowed, they did not mind expressing implicit support for Xiao Chen in this way to deepen their relationship. After all, the presence of Huitong Company will bring numerous business opportunities, create a lot of wealth in the territory of Dongyan, and promote Dongyan's exhibition.

Tong Baoshan is the chief treasurer sent by the War God Palace to preside over the business affairs of Huitong in Dongyan. He was sent because he had contact with Xiao Chen. Although not so good, it made him a little more awed by Xiao Chen and he was more cautious in doing things. Before leaving, Ling Yuanzi personally ordered that there was no need for the monk of the War God Palace to disturb Xiao Chen, so as not to cause suspicion and reveal his identity.

A war **** shrine establishes a kingdom and joins the battle for the territory of thousands of realms. Once things are known, it will inevitably lead to turbulence. Although the War God Palace is not afraid, it is unwilling to cause trouble.

After Tong Baoshan stationed in Dongyan, he did behave extremely low-key and acted with great care. In his contacts with Dongyan officials, the monks who were waiting for the war shrine also showed enough respect, but it made the unknown Dongyan officials feel contented. Meaning. The repair of the War God Palace, which has always been known for its toughness among the eight empires, was so cautious about them, did it not prove from the side that their Dongyan is now powerful.

But on this day, Tong Baoshan felt a bitter mouth after receiving the urgent information from the Chu Guohuitong branch. In the past, Ling Yuanzi's order was used as an excuse. Now that he has a bright reason to refrain from visiting him, is it because he doesn't take Master Taozun into his heart. So even if he was full of anxiety and did not want to see Xiao Chen, he could only go to the palace to meet him. Since he is going to go after all, where can he dare to delay more, if in case of misunderstanding of Dao Zun, it would be a self-death.

In the shortest period of time, Tong Baoshan rushed to the palace by car. In his capacity, even the palaces of the eight empires were able to go in and out. After verification, he was immediately welcomed into the palace hall and his own staff went to pass.

After a short while, when there was a faint footstep outside the hall, he hurriedly got up from his chair, slightly lowered to show respect.

Xiao Chen stepped in, and his gaze swept over Tong Baoshan, frowning slightly, waving his side and waiting for others to leave.

After there was no one else in the hall, Tong Baoshan immediately went to worship, respectfully said, "Subordinates see Lord Dao Zun!" He witnessed the powerful power of Xiao Chen burst out in the War God Palace that day, naturally respectful. Although the broken arm has been restored under the action of the Lord Son of the Son of the Son, now it seems that there are tingles again and again, making him more awed.

"Tong Baoshan, what are you doing here?"

A faint voice came, but there was nothing wrong with it. Tong Baoshan was slightly loose in heart, but the more he dared not to care, he said respectfully: "Return to Taoist Supreme, today I received a message from the King Xu of the Chu Kingdom, and my subordinates did not dare to delay. Come see me. "

"King Xu!" Xiao Chen's face changed. "Bring Yujian to me."

Tong Baoshan did not dare to delay, took out a jade bamboo slip, and held it with both hands.

Xiao Chen took it in his hands, and there was nothing wrong with a slight induction. He directly penetrated into a trace of divine knowledge, and only a few numbers were printed in his eyes: people lived up to expectations, and now the Silver Moon Palace.

He slowly raised, his eyes gradually brightened, and a touch of excitement appeared on his face!

Yu Ji, I finally found you!


Da Chu, Ba Du.

A special guest came from the Silver Moon Palace. She came from the palace in a blue carriage, and there were only two personal nieces around her, living in the backyard of the Royal Palace. During the daytime, she was handled by two nieces. He never stepped out of the hospital and looked quite mysterious.

This mysterious guest is Yu Ji.

In order to avoid any trouble during the insurance period, King Yinyue didn't ask the Emperor Chu, but let Yu Ji take the drug into a state of death, causing the Taiji Hospital to skip the test and report it directly to the Queen.

Everyone in the palace is a person who has never been favored. The Queen did not even report to the Emperor Chu, and ordered her to be buried outside the palace.

Without much trouble, he took Yu Ji away from the imperial palace and settled in the palace.

"See King Xu Xi, see King Yinyue." Yu Ji salutes his expression with respect.

King Xu Yan smiled and nodded, "No need to be polite, get up."

He turned to sit down, and King Yinyue continued: "Before I was worried about the accident, I never told you about it. Thirty years ago, Xiao Chen had left the wild starfield and left without a trace. Until the exact news came back a few days ago Xiao Chen has returned to the capital of Dongyan King, you can rest assured. "

Yu Jijiao's body was slightly stiff, her eyes were turning red, but her heart gave birth to a heartfelt joy. She took a deep breath, not letting herself be too morbid, and whispered, "I know, Xiao Chen will never be wrong! He will definitely come back safely!" Her voice trembled slightly, and she worried for a long time to let go. Extremely relaxed.

King Xu Yu treated her with a slightly more stable mind and said, "The news about you has been sent out. If it is fast enough, it may already be in Xiao Chen's hands. After his reply, the king will try to send you out of Chu. "

"His Highness King Xu King and King Yinyue have great gratitude. Yu Ji has no return. Please worship me." Yu Jiyingying knelt down and saluted deeply.

Waiting for her to worship, King Yinyue hurriedly pulled her up and said, "Well, my two are also entrusted by Xiao Chen, and I will be enough to accept you as a gift. I don't need to keep it in my heart in the future."

But at this moment, King Xu Yan's face suddenly changed, and he screamed angrily, "Excessive! Who dares to break into the Silver Moon Palace without permission!" His voice did not fall, his next step was taken, and the figure had appeared directly outside the courtyard.

King Yinyue's face changed, and she hurriedly said, "You stay here, don't say anything!" After that, she hurriedly chased out.

Over the palace, the space suddenly appeared layers of ripples, and several figures stepped forward one by one. It is exactly the three-step monk Da Chu Tatian who appeared in the fragments of ancient fairyland.

The hearts of King Xu Yan and King Yinyue sank at the same time, but they did not dare to be extravagant. They salute them, "See Master Audition."

Proud eyes glanced at the two men, and said lightly, "The Emperor Chu Chu ordered that this special visit to the Silver Moon Palace, and welcome Yu Yu to return to the Imperial Palace."


[Yesterday I felt a lot better, so I stayed up late for the night, and the sad cold cold aggravated again. Headache, this chapter is a bit late, go up first, and wait for another chapter. 】

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