Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 997: Chu Huang's plan

Yu Fei!

The faces of King Xu Ying and King Yinyue changed greatly at the same time. Although they didn't know what had happened, they suddenly had a very bad feeling in their hearts. (? [{[Bayi Chinese {W] W> W>.> 8> 1? Z] W>.> C] O] M>

Slightly stabilized his mind, Xu Wang reverently said, "Master, please excuse the younger dull, I wonder what you mean?"

"Hmm!" A proud sigh of coldness, his eyes fell coldly on the King Xu, and the pressure on the sky made his face pale instantly. "Since this seat has arrived, it means that Your Majesty has mastered everything. Maybe you still Want to conceal it! Give up Yu Fei, Your Majesty will make a great contribution to me in both of you, but for the time being, you will be relieved of this guilt, otherwise you will blame this ruthless and take you into the palace of the emperor condemn!"

King Yinyue was about to speak, and the back door suddenly opened. Yu Ji stepped out, her face calmed down, and said, "Yu Ji is here, please let go of King Xu and Yinyue, and I will not involve them because of me."

The pride of the whole body slowly converges, and the expressionless expression arches, saying: "Mrs. Yu, please go back to the palace with your seat, Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time."

Yu Ji nodded and said nothing to him.

"Yu Ji!" Wang Yinyue hurried.

Yu Ji stopped and said to her: "It is a blessing for Yu Ji to get help from two His Highnesses. If I can't live without the capital city, this is also my life. The two Highnesses need not blame themselves. The king and the king of the silver moon helped me take care of the people around me, so that they would not be wronged. "

By the end of the speech, she had gone to Ao Zhan, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Pride glanced around, and whispered coldly: "The Emperor Chu Huangyu ordered to temporarily seal the Silvermoon Palace. No one in the house should leave half a step, or he would be punished for treason!" Take Yu Ji directly to tear the space and leave.

Several monks arched behind Pride: "Where the responsibility lies, please ask the King Xu and the Silver Moon." Several people then dispersed and each stood at the corner of the palace. The powerful gods formed a large invisible net. Cover the entire Silvermoon Palace.

King Xu Yan's face was dignified, and he cried, "Go to the study."

King Yinyue nodded.

When the two entered the study room, King Xu Yi waved the cloth to restrain him, and carefully took out an oil lamp from the storage ring and lit the lamp to illuminate the room. Then he was slightly relieved and said, "Okay, avoid the magic lamp, even if Her Majesty ca n’t quietly hear you or me. ”

King Yinyue hurriedly said: "Xu Xun, Your Majesty apparently knows Yu Ji's identity, for fear of threatening Xiao Chen with her."

"Or, Your Majesty knew about Yu Ji's existence long ago. After all, the proud Lord knows about Yu Ji. Her Majesty has always been calm, and even if you take her out of the palace, maybe you just want to I have to borrow from you and tell Xiao Chen about it. If Xiao Chen falls into the wild starry killing game, Yu Ji will have no use value, even if she leaves her. If Xiao Chen does not die, Yu Ji is a useful chess piece. His majesty's thoughts are as deep as the ocean, which is unpredictable. "The King Xu slowly spoke, his face was full of emotion," His majesty is a rough outline, and he has long since annexed all nations. " The appearance of Xiao Chen obviously affected His Majesty's plan, so His Majesty will make a layout. This time, obviously, he intentionally led him to Baandu, kill, or surrender. "

"So what can we do now?"

King Xu Yan smiled bitterly and said, "Before leaving, let Ji and Yu take care of the people around her. It seems that she is talking to her sister-in-law. However, she implied that you and I should stop Xiao Chen. It would be dangerous for him to come to him. Although she has a good heart, but since Her Majesty has made a move, she has already made perfect preparations. Would you not be able to prevent you and me? Now, you and I can't do anything. But rest assured, Your Majesty temporarily blocked the palace, but I do n’t want to continue to be involved with you. The news that Yu Ji was invited back to the palace, even if you and I did n’t say it, it would be transmitted to Xiao Chen ’s ears. Otherwise, why would His Majesty send an arrogant adult to come in person and create a great momentum. "

King Yinyue lost his voice: "You mean, your Majesty deliberately sent news."

"If not, how can you lead Xiao Chen to come in person." King Xu Xi whispered, "My King is extremely impressed by His Majesty's plan, but he has a terrible premonition in his heart, and maybe His Majesty acted like this, Will give me a strong enemy under the big Chu tree! Do n’t forget that when Xiao Chen was able to escape from the Sanhong Mongolian Alliance in the past, it weakened the National Games of the Three Kingdoms and promoted the promotion of the National Games of the East Yanyan. You and I can imagine. "

King Yinyue's face changed again, and he was silent for a long while, and said, "Since Her Majesty has laid out, she has already made full preparations. If Xiao Chen arrives, it will be extremely dangerous. With his mind, this must be clearly seen. Maybe he is learning After the news, weighing the pros and cons will choose not to come to the capital.

King Xu Xu shook his head, "What you and I can think of, Your Majesty must be ready. Since he has shot, he can be sure that Xiao Chen will come. You must have forgotten what happened back in the year. Xiao Chen's affection, I am afraid I know right now It ’s a trap, and there is no need to look back. The matter is unstoppable, you and I can only watch it. If the king speculates that it is not too long, Xiao Chen will come. "


Grand Chu Emperor Palace.

Chu Huang Gao sits on the Nine Emperors. His body is burly, he is dignified, and his whole body is filled with awe-inspiring power. The power that holds the world and the power of hundreds of millions of souls to kill and kill is in his hands, which is unconsciously awe-inspiring.

But Yu Ji was not in awe. She quietly looked at the master of Chu who had let countless women in the imperial palace conceal it at any cost, only to be his favorite pet of Chu.

"Yu Fei, sit."

"Your Majesty's words are heavy. Yu Ji is only a female nun in the lower realm. She is so blessed and short-lived that it is fortunate that the emperor can only rise to the Thousand Realms. She has never hoped to serve Her Majesty and be a person below that person.

"I said that you are qualified, you have it." Chu Huang laughed with a smile, as imposing as a tiger and a tiger.

Unmoved, Yu Ji asked: "If Yu Ji has nothing to do with Xiao Chen, will Her Majesty value our female nuns like this?"

The emperor Chu slightly paused, his eyes fell on her, and he said earnestly: "It wasn't before, but today I talk to you for a few words, but I really value you a lot. There are countless beauties in Harem, but like you , But there is no one. He can promise you that no matter what the outcome, your position as Yu Fei will be guaranteed. "

"Your Majesty is kind, Yu Ji can't bear it."

"Women in the world, don't want to enter the palace gate and serve beside You. Since then, you have been respected as a noble figure, and you will be the one who refuses directly. Tell me, why?"

Yu Ji said indifferently: "His Majesty is the Lord of the Great Chu. He has a respected identity. He has the power to destroy the world when he thinks about it. There is nothing the world can do. But now I use a woman in my district to slap Xiao Chen. Heavenly vigor. Yu Ji doesn't have much requirements, but she also hopes that her husband can be the bright and clear person, who is righteous, but the gift of Her Majesty is nothing attractive to me. "

The emperor Chu was silent, and the atmosphere inside the hall suddenly became dignified.

After a long time, he slowly began to say, "You dare to talk to me like this!"

Yu Ji's face was white, but she still didn't want to be low. "Yu Ji is just a dead palace in the imperial palace. If you are dead, what is your fear? If your majesty is angry, you can kill me, so it is also a name. To the end. "

"Ha ha ha ha! If you want to die, Xiao Chen will come to save your mind, but I advise you not to do so. Xiao Chen's temperament should be known. If you die, he will inevitably die with him. He will surely kill him to avoid future troubles. "Chu Huangchang laughed and said," As for what you said earlier, I always thought that the person who achieved the big thing was informal, and Xiao Chen also had the qualification to let him shoot! Cheng Wang defeated Kou The world ’s events have always been narrated by the victors. As long as I can laugh at the end, no matter what method is used, future generations will still praise and praise throughout the text! "

Yu Ji was silent and suddenly spoke after a while, "Your Majesty is certain that Chen Chen will come?"

"I have a lot of confidence when I have shot."

"In other words, does Your Majesty have any assurance that he will leave him?"

"I even want him to surrender to me."

Yu Ji whispered softly: "But I thought he wouldn't come. If he appeared in the capital, he would have the means to protect himself. Maybe he wouldn't take me, but his majesty would never be able to keep him."

Chu Huangdao: "I am looking forward to it!"


[This chapter is a bit exhausting. It can't hurt the cold. Ming continues to update, good night everyone. Ling, the end of the month is approaching, Daoyou who has a monthly pass in hand, please drop one, thank you! 】

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