Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 999: Resist the Great Wei National Games

Every inch of space in front is filled with extremely horrible power, and this power comes from the sky, the tumultuous Chu National Games!

The rope tied to Yu Ji's body suddenly appeared a faint layer of gold, and the light was slender and thorn-like, deeply immersed in her body, making her face suddenly pale. Yu Ji bit her lip tightly and did not make any sound, but she gradually became bloodless, but it could show that she was suffering. Bayi

Xiao Chen's body suddenly tightened. He looked at Chu Huang stubbornly. The rolling intention in his eyes could tear him countless times!


Chu Huang smiled lightly, "Can't stop, choose to stay in, you still can't interfere. But I might as well remind you that the light thorns released by Broken Soul Cable can hurt the monks, and piercing the flesh is equivalent to her. God pierced. It seems that Yu Fei really cares about you very much and doesn't want you to worry, but she can bear this kind of pain in the heart. But I might as well remind you that the broken soul cable has begun to move, and as time passes, it emits light The thorns will get stronger and stronger until the pieces of Yu Fei Yuanshen's thorns are broken and scattered. If you want to save her, it is best to take the shot as soon as possible, otherwise you may be too late. "

"Despicable!" Xiao Chen growled. Although he was anxious to shoot directly and kill Chu Huang, in the territory of Da Chu, Chu Huang had the blessing of the National Games, and his strength was at least at the level of Hongmeng. It was easier to kill him. The most important thing is that Yu Ji can't support it for too long, and there is not much time left for him.

He resisted killing in his heart, stepped forward, and the figure had fallen into the palace, looking at the space full of terror and pressure in front of him, and he stepped directly into it without any hesitation!

The next moment, Xiao Chen's body was a little meal, the horror-like pressure on him directly affected him! However, his body only paused, and then he continued to move forward. His pace was not fast, but he was steady and firm, moving along the straight line in the direction of Yu Ji, step by step.

At each step, the pressure on the body will increase by a few points, seemingly not much, but the increase is extremely amazing! The Yuanshen colorful and golden power are quickly transformed into a powerful defensive force to counteract the heavy pressure released by the National Games!

He stepped forward in silence, getting closer and closer to Yu Ji.

After more than half of the journey, Xiao Chen's pace suddenly stopped. At this point, he had reached his physical limit. He felt the sound of flesh tightening in his ears, like a big bow pulled apart! I heard the sound of bones squeezing and rubbing, like gold and iron staggered!

He lifted a glance at Yu Ji, his face was calm, as calm as ever, without showing a little fear. Suddenly a low-drink in his mouth, the strength of his body flowed madly, becoming more violent and decisive, Xiao Chen continued to step forward.

But when he came here, the pressure of the void had exceeded his limit, and if he continued to move forward, he would cause damage to himself!


The flesh and blood that broke out of the left leg suddenly collapsed, and the blood was stained with red and green robes, but did not continue to gush. Xiao Chen frowned slightly, but didn't pause for a moment, stepped out in the second step, the flesh of his right leg was also shattered.

He continued to go forward like this, and every step fell, a wound was added to his body, which spread from his legs to his chest, abdomen, and arms, and his green robe was completely red with blood.

But even so, Xiao Chen ’s powerful momentum did not dissipate, but gradually became more condensed and fierce!

Stepping down, the ground shook slightly, and the sound was thunderous!

Step by step, blood-stained blue robes, imposing momentum!

Just in the thunderous thunder, he moved forward in silence as a tiger.

Yu Ji Yuanshen was pierced by the broken soul cable Jinguang, and it hurts. But at the moment, her heart hurts even more. Seeing Xiao Chen step by step, she shook her head desperately, tears had blurred her eyes.

Chu Huanggao sits on the Nine Emperor Emperor's eyes, his eyes fall on Xiao Chen, more and more cold.

He remained silent, but the fierce killing on his body had not weakened at all.

Being able to live against the suppression of the National Games of the Great Chu, Xiao Chen, you are really an ordinary person, but the more so, the more I ca n’t let you go.

In the Great Thousand Realms, eight empires are enough. He will never watch you rise, and become another powerful obstacle on the way of Unifying Great Thousands.

So today, no matter what, you must die!

A series of silent growls emerged from the mouth of Jinlong, which was transformed by the Dachu National Games, releasing more powerful repressive forces, but even so, it could not stop the ground, the figure of the blue robe that kept moving forward. Even though his blood was dyed through his shirt, his back was still straight, and he never bent down a bit.

After each step, after walking, the ground slate will be shattered and shattered!

A "snap" sound, and Xiao Chen's neck was torn by a horror pressure. Although the blood was stopped quickly under the powerful physical self-control power, the instantaneous gush had already stained his neck. Scarlet was dazzling. His face was pale, not knowing whether it was due to blood loss or an injury caused by the viscera caused by external pressure of terror. But at this moment his face was a little mild, and even the influence of mysterious will could not completely cut off his emotions.

He crouched slowly, stretched out his hand and held the Broken Soul Cable, regardless of the golden light that could pierce the Yuanshen above, and with a little force on his hand, Broken Soul Cable shattered directly.

Under the power of the Hongmeng level, there are few treasures in the world to resist.

Xiao Chen held Yu Ji's hand and said, "Sister, I finally found you."

This grip has crossed countless barriers of time and space. The two people who separated in those days finally came back together today. He secretly vowed in his heart that he would protect her for the rest of her life and never let her suffer any wrongs!

Yu Ji could only nod, she threw herself into Xiao Chen's arms, grabbed his waist, and disregarded the blood on his shirt, dyeing her body red.

Above the clouds, an unwilling roar uttered in the mouth of Jinlong, which was transformed by the Dachu National Games, and the pressure of terror that had fallen from the clouds slowly dissipated.

Chu Huang clapped his hands and praised with a smile: "It is indeed the Lord of the East Yan, not into Hongmeng, but has the power of Hongmeng, I really wonder how you did it." He sighed with a smile, but his eyes were cold. No temperature.

Xiao Chen got up slowly, the physical wound was being repaired with an amazing degree, but only half of the colorful power of Yuanshen was lost, but it could not be recovered in a short time. But even so, facing Chu Huang at the moment, he was still not vulnerable, and he stood up with Yu Ji, his robes shook, and the stained blood was scattered as powder and scattered, making the green robe as new.

"How King Wang did this has nothing to do with Emperor Chu. Now he just wants to know if Chu Emperor has faith."

"Haha! It is said that Yunjun has no jokes, and Jiugui is the master of Da Chu. He is a jealous writer, and he must do what he says. Xiao Chen, since you can resist the suppression of the National Games of Chu, I will not stop you Leave. "Chu Huang said here, the smile on his face is heavier, but the front of the words suddenly turned," but letting you go does not mean that other people have agreed to let you leave. Several, you have shot, the rest It's up to you. "

When the voice of the Emperor Chu fell, there was a sudden hum in the void, and three figures tear the space at the same time and descended on the imperial palace!

The three of them are the true son of Yanyan Yan, the master of the Great Qin Jiuyou Palace, and the Great Wei and Wei Yuantian!

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