The layout of the Great Chu, the Three Kingdoms Hongmeng joined forces to create the power to defeat Xiao Chen!

Not only did the Emperor Chu not want to see the emergence of the Ninth Empire, but they also didn't want it!

Even so, they would naturally not miss the opportunity to kill Xiao Chen right now. {[August One? ((<文<(W)WW.81ZW.COM

But at this moment, Quan's figure did not know when he had appeared, he pointed it out and fell onto the clouds. On the fingertips, golden light shines like the sun! An inexplicable force suddenly emerged from the void, tied down, causing Yan Zhenzi, the lord of Jiuyou Digong, and Wei Yuantian to halt at the same time, and were frozen.

As a price, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of Quan's mouth, and his face became pale and almost transparent.

After completing this, his eyes swept across Xiao Chen's body, but without any pause, he flicked his sleeves and opened a golden portal, and walked directly into it and disappeared.

In the nine-fold emperor, Chu Huang’s expression instantly became extremely ugly. He hummed, suddenly stretched out his hand to pat the seat, and suddenly got up, the great Chu national fortune on the sky, immediately condensed and blessed on him, the horror was enough to contend with the aura of grandeur. Break out!

At this moment, the Lord of Great Chu could not take care of what he had said before, and he would never let Xiao Chen leave!

Xiao Chen's eyes suddenly brightened, as if he had already expected this. He didn't wait for Emperor Chu to make a move. He stretched out one hand from the sleeve of his robe, and pointed forward!

Shining golden light at your fingertips! The same is Xianshu fixed body! The person he settled is above the nine-fold emperor, the lord of the great Chu!

Xiao Chen and Quan shot at almost the same moment, fixing Wei Huang and the four others at the same time.

Although there is only one breath, it is enough.

There was a slight flash of spiritual light outside his body, and the space-time clone appeared directly, grabbing Yu Ji and stepping forward. The figure had directly torn the space and disappeared for a moment. But it was the rescue of Yu Ji. At this moment of delay, Yan Zhenzi, the lord of Jiuyou Digong, Wei Yuantian and Chu Huang shouted in low voices, and the power of fixed body magic was broken!

The roar of anger was shaking the earth, and the terrifying aura of San Hongmeng and Emperor Chu broke out, and the entire space was completely sealed!

Chu Huang's face was as sinking as water, and he said coldly: "Xiao Chen! Now that you have arrived in Yingdu today, I will let you come back and forth!"

Although Yan Zhenzi and the others did not speak, their eyes were equally murderous!

The four people joined forces to seal the town's space, and Xiao Chen Yuanshen's colorful power was consumed by more than half. At this time, he really did not have the power to struggle and contend. If there is no other hand arrangement, he will definitely die.

But at this time, his face was still calm, and he spoke lightly after hearing the words, "Since this king dared to come, I am not afraid that you will take action, I am afraid that you will not have the chance to kill this king! Ling Yuanzi, Yangzi, and Lingyao are not ready yet. When will you wait more!"

The four of Chu Huang and Yan Zhenzi changed their faces when they heard this. At this moment, three terrifying and powerful auras suddenly descended on Yingdu, and the powerful force teared the four people into the sealed space!

Wei Yuantian sternly shouted: "The Three Dao Sovereigns of the God of War! Could it be that you have to intervene in today's affairs!"

The lord of the Great Qin Jiuyou Underground Palace spoke with a cold voice, and the whole body was cold and cold, "The God of War Palace actually intervened in the affairs of the nations of my great thousand realms. Does it mean that I want to tear up the ancient contract, so I am not afraid that my eight empires will join hands and completely destroy you. !"

"Huh! My line of the God of Wars has never participated in the disputes of thousands of countries, but it does not mean that the monks of the Gods of War must not resist when facing persecution! You join hands to kill my third deity in the God of Wars, how can this deity sit idly by! "Ling Yuanzi said in a cold voice.

Yan Zhenzi's pupils shrank violently, and she lost her voice: "What? Xiao Chen is the third Daoist in the Palace of God of War!"

The anode nodded and said: "Yes. And today's matter is not a conflict of state affairs, even if I intervene in the God of War Palace, it is not a violation of the rules. If Daqin a country wants to make things difficult by this, wipe out the veins of the God of War Palace, you might as well try!"

The face of the lord of Jiuyou Digong suddenly changed.

Chu Huang's face was as sinking as water, and his eyes flashed brightly. The Palace of Wars suddenly intervened and disrupted all his arrangements. It was a mortal game, but at this moment it has been completely destroyed. Hearing what Yingzi said, he said gloomily: "The third Daoist of the Gods of War has built a nation in the great world. This way, is it a violation of the ancient contract? Perhaps, my eight empires should join forces and go first. The matter is resolved!"

Ling Yaozi dressed in a palace robe, and at the moment heard the words, his pretty face was cold and his eyes were cold as electricity, and he fell directly on Chu Huang, and said coldly: "Xiao Chen had already established Dongyan before he inherited the position of Taoist from the God of War. My God of War Palace has never given any help. Could it be because of the existence of the ancient contract that he asked him to give up his many years of hard work, isn't it a joke! In this matter, my God of War Palace can promise that we will never give Xiao Chen any help in the battle of state affairs. .But if someone wants to join hands with him in spite of his face, my God of War Palace will never stand by! If you wait for this matter to be solved in this way, then you will expose it. If you really don’t hold back, I will not be afraid of it. World War I!"

The expressions of Emperor Chu, Yan Zhenzi, Lord of Jiuyou Digong and Wei Yuantian changed at the same time.

"The fourth Dao Zun has a big tone. Could it be that I really think I have no one, but let you be so arrogant and unreasonable in Yingdu!"

Suddenly there was a low drink, and the voice did not fall. The figure of the old man in hemp robe has appeared. His body is burly as a mountain, and although his beard is all white, he is still unparalleled in his eyes, just like a god!

The horror aura burst into the sky from his body. Compared with Yan Zhenzi, the master of the Great Qin Jiuyou Digong, and Wei Yuantian, they have to be more powerful.

This old man is Da Chu Hongmeng, Emperor Xiong!

Xiong is the surname and the emperor is the title. He sits in the Nanli Mountain. Although he rarely enters the world, he is the real first person in the Great Chu Kingdom!

Emperor Chu bowed and saluted, with a respectful manner, not daring to be presumptuous.

Seeing the identity of the incoming person clearly, the expressions of the three Dao Zun Ling Yuanzi, Yingzi, and Lingyao changed slightly, and there was a deep jealousy in their eyes.

But at this moment, there was a faint voice from the end of the clouds, "I act in the Palace of the Gods of War, and always follow the standards, and there is no need for Xiong Di to discuss!"

When everyone looked at it, a figure came from afar. He was wearing a gray robe, a high-belt bun, and a small purple sword in between. His face was thin, but his eyes were unusually bright, and he seemed to be able to see through all obstacles in this world. .

At first, his figure was very far away, and he walked slowly and slowly, but only a few steps before he was close in front of him.

Xiao Chen's eyes fell on the incoming person, and the corner of his eyes jumped slightly!

Even though his gaze fell, he suddenly gave birth to a great warning sign in his heart, the whole body was slightly cold!

This man is so strong!

The Daoist in gray sensed his gaze, turned to him, and nodded slightly.

Ling Yuanzi, Yingzi, and Lingyaozi were slightly overjoyed, and the three saluted at the same time, saying, "See the first Taoist deity." In their behavior, they showed deep respect and awe, like a teacher.

Xiao Chen heard that his pupils contracted, and this grey-clothed Taoist was actually the first Taoist in the God of War Palace!

No wonder there is such a repair!

Unexpectedly, he would show up today.

The Taoist in gray slicked his sleeves and said lightly: "The three Taoist priests don't need to be polite, please start." After saying that, he turned to Xiong Di, and said lightly: "I haven't seen him for many years. The style of Xiong Di Daoist is as good as before, really gratifying. He. It’s just that today, in the Palace of the Gods of War, there seems to be some misunderstanding. If the things of today are not revealed, how about?"

Hearing this, Emperor Xiong's face changed slightly, his eyes were full of solemnity, he was obviously extremely jealous of the first deity, and only sneered after a long while, "This time, since your line of the God of War has violated the contract, you must regress, otherwise today Things will never be revealed so easily!"


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