Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1001: Mighty Battle Shrine

The first Zun's face remained unchanged, and he refreshed his robe and calmly said, "How to step back? Emperor Xiong might as well talk with this Zun. Listen to the eight. One novel [<〔<

Ling Yuanzi, anode son, and Ling Yaozi stood aside, and faintly protected Xiao Chen among them, so as not to make people secret. Ling Yuanzi nodded slightly to him, indicating no need to worry, there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth, and he had no fear at all.

Seeing the self-confidence of the three Taoist statues, Xiao Chen looked at the man in the gray clothing without looking, and it seemed that the cultivation of this mysterious first Taoist statue was truly terrifying.

Emperor Xiong looked slightly, glanced at Yan Zhenzi, Jiuyou Di Palace Lord, and Wei Yuantian, and read those vague thoughts from their eyes, then nodded slightly, and said: "The War God Palace stands in the Qianqian, don't interfere in the land Territory contention, maintaining absolute neutrality, is the content of the ancient contract, presumably the first deity should not need more reminders. However, as Xiao Chen is now the third deity in the Palace of War God, he must never be an East Yan state. Lord. The deity gave him two choices, one to dissolve Dongyan and one country, and the two gave up the status of God of War God Palace. Otherwise, the Lord will contact the Eight Kingdoms and ask a statement from the God of War Palace! "

The first respected his head nodded slowly, "It sounds like there seems to be some truth to this, but the deity of the God of War Palace can't decide everything, and always ask the parties what they mean." He looked at Xiao Chen, "Two requests from Emperor Xiong, what do you think?"

The man in the gray clothing did not ask you how to choose, but asked you how to look. It may seem the same on the surface, but the taste is very different.

Xiao Chen's heart moved slightly, and he already understood what he meant. He sneered at once, approving the four-character conclusion and saying, "No shit!"

Xiong Di's face suddenly gloomy, his eyes fell on Xiao Chen coldly, a trace of absolute power overflowed outside his body, making the void tremble slightly, and the bend was slightly blurred.

"Presumptuous! Even if you dare to speak to this deity!"

Xiao Chen has not spoken yet. The first deity shook his head and said faintly. "Xiong is wrong. As Xiao Chen is the third deity of my war shrine, naturally there is no question of daring. As for his conclusion, the deity feels very reasonable. In fact, in addition to shit, I believe that it should be more appropriate to add shit. "

"The first Taoist spoke like this, apparently not ready to make concessions." Xiong Di said with a deep voice, his brows frowned, his face became even more ugly!

The first respect said: "The Emperor Xiong was wrong again. This error is not in our war shrine. Why did the deities give way? By the words of Ling Yaozi, my war shrine promises not to help Xiao Chen in any state battle. If If all the Taoists answered, today ’s event was unveiled. If you do n’t want to, I wo n’t be afraid of the war. ”He said lightly, but his weight was countless heavier than Ling Yaozi, Emperor Xiong ’s face slightly changed, Yan Zhenzi and others They also discolored, feeling stunned.

The Ares Palace has been traversing thousands of realms for many years. With the help of Huitong's business to hoard supplies, it is bound to hide extremely terrifying power. Moreover, in the God of War Palace, even the five Taoists including Xiao Chen are powerful men of the Mongolian and Mongolian levels. Once the war begins, it is impossible to predict how far things will go.

Emperor Xiong was silent for a few moments, and then suddenly sneered, and said in a cold voice, "Is the first respect threatening my country?"

"You want to understand it this way, and this deity is not against it."

"If the Eight Kingdoms make a move, the destruction will be able to wipe out all the forces of Your War God Palace!"

The first Zun smiled, and said, "It's just some scattered industries. Even if the entire Huitong is eliminated, it won't hurt me at the shrine." Speaking of this, his smile suddenly converged and his eyes were on the bear. Emperor, Yan Zhenzi, Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace, and Wei Yuantian swept slowly over the four of them, "But as long as you start, then you will wait for the four kingdoms to bear the crazy counterattack of my war shrine first! I do n’t know if I join forces together How much time will it take to destroy a nation ’s fortunes? This deity is really curious. Now I want to know if you Taoists really want to give this deity the opportunity to verify the matter. "

The space suddenly quieted down, including Xiong Di, Sihong's face was sinking like water, and his eyes were full of anger. As the first Tao said, as long as the five Taos are safe and sound, even if they level up the Huitong company and find it destroyed by the Battle of the Shrine 6 in time and space.

Even if the Eight Realms and the Eight Kingdoms can really join forces together, it may not be difficult to defeat the Five Taoists, but it is impossible to kill them.

And if Dao Zun is not dead, the War God Temple is still there!

So what is waiting for them is bound to be the endless mad revenge of the Five Taoists, until the society breaks down and the kingdom falls apart! The destructive power of Brother Hongmeng is beyond doubt! No country is willing to provoke monk Hongmeng, and there are still five!

This is the spirit of Ares Temple!

So in the face of the Emperor Xiong, even the Great Eighteen Kingdoms, they can be fearless!

After being deadlocked for a long time, the owner of Jiuyou Di Palace suddenly said: "Today's affairs will pass on the eight empires. The first respecter is best to keep his promises and not interfere in the territorial contention of thousands of worlds. Otherwise, my eight empires will at all costs , Destroy the shrine of war! "

Wei Yuantian's face was gloomy. Although he wanted to kill Xiao Chen, he knew that it was impossible today. In the face of the really toughened God of War Palace, Da Wei was also reluctant to face it.

He took a step back, albeit very small, but he showed his attitude.

The old man chose to give in.

Yan Zhenzi looked at Xiao Chen, who was respected by Ling Yuanzi, Ling Yaozi, and Anode. Suddenly, he had a terrible premonition in his heart, making him feel heavy and his face stiff!

In Xiao Chen's body, the blood of the imperial royal family is flowing. This is the noble blood that can only be possessed by the Lord of the Great Swallows. If it is an ordinary person, it will be a huge threat to him! And Dongyan is located in the territory of Dayan's subsidiary country, which is closest to the territory of Dayan. Once he is given enough time, Dongyan's national strength will inevitably skyrocket until he grows into Yan Guo's confidant! Yan Zhenzi suddenly regretted it, and never shot him back that year. But now, even if you regret it, it's too late.

The old man sighed in his heart and made a step backward after Wei Yuantian.

Xiong Di's face was ugly. He said nothing, but knew that today's overall situation was set!

The first Zun arched his hands, faintly said: "So, the deity waited one step ahead and said goodbye." He said as he walked, turned and walked away from the stars, the gray robe swelled in the wind. The sky is taller than the ground!

Ling Yuanzi, Ling Yaozi, and Anode Zi arched at the same time, turned and followed.

Xiao Chen's face had become calm. When the first respect appeared, he knew that there would be no accidents today, but he did not expect that he would force Xiong Di and others to retreat with such a tough attitude.

Such a means, how overbearing!

He was slightly silent, looked up to Chu Huang, and said, "Today's affairs, the King remembers in his heart, if there is a chance in the future, he will certainly be repaid to Da Chu." He was silent, he did not care about the emperor Chu and Xiong who were even more ugly. The two turned around and walked away in the void.

The Five Gods of War God Palace gradually disappeared in the sight of Xiong Di, Yan Zhenzi and others, and eventually disappeared.

The Lord of Jiuyou Di Palace suddenly said: "This is the end of the matter, the deity takes a step and leaves." He stepped back, the figure silently breathed into the space and walked away.

Yan Zhenzi and Wei Yuantian both sighed at the same time, slightly arched their hands, waved to tear the space, stepped into it, and the figures went away.

The four nations joined forces to eliminate Xiao Chen, but they still fell into disgrace and lost ground.

The anger on Xiong Di's face gradually disappeared, his face was gloomy, and the lower half of his mouth suddenly said, "If Xiao Chen is not eliminated, the appearance of the Ninth Reich is unavoidable, and the situation in each country will inevitably follow. I do not know when a big war will come! My Dachu imperial family ran a business with painstaking effort, so that one day, they would be able to flatten the seven nations and unify the big ones! Xiong Tong, can you be prepared? "

Chu Huang respectfully salutes, Shen said: "My ancestors rest assured! I am a big country in Chu and do not lose any country in the country. When the troubled world comes, this is when my Da Chu rises and fulfills the aspirations of the ancestors of all generations!"

"Okay! The deity will wait a day. You will go north to sweep the nations! Even if you ca n’t kill Xiao Chen today, the next day my big Chu soldiers will be slain in the East Yandu City! Who can save him! "



Chaos time and space war shrine.

Xiao Chen'an sat in the Temple of War, and the three worshipers sat opposite each other in turn.

"The first Zun always doesn't like the excitement, and has already left. Dao Zun's temper has always been this way. Xiao Chen shouldn't care." Ling Yuanzi said with a smile.

"Ling Yuanzi talked a lot. If the Dao Zun had not shot it today, the King would already be fierce. How would he be dissatisfied with all the things?" Xiao Chen laughed, and the warlords' affairs, he and the Gods of War God Palace The relationship has become much closer. So after hesitating a little, he hesitated to say, "My king saw the first deity today, and he was really strong, undetectable like the sea of ​​stars. But the three deities respect and behave like ..."

"Haha! Xiao Chen, but you want to ask, why did the three deities behave so respectfully when facing the first deity?"

"Exactly, this is really puzzled in my heart." Xiao Chen nodded directly, never concealing her confusion.

Ling Yaozi said suddenly, faintly saying: "I have the same respect for the status of Taoist God of the War God Palace. Although there is a ranking, there is no order of priority, but this one does not include the first one."

"Before the deity had achieved Hongmeng, he was instructed by the first deity. Although he is the same as the deity, in the deity's heart, he regards him as a teacher, and he should be respectful and arrogant." The anode said abruptly.

"That's right. When my war shrine was first established, monk Hongmen only had the first Supreme Master, and later I waited for 6 to join. This deity and Wudao stepped into Hongmeng without the teachings of the first Supreme Master. Guiding, only the five deities exist in the War God Palace. "Ling Yuanzi said," The War God Palace can have today's status, but it is above all other countries. The first Supreme Master lives great! So I waited in front of him, Although they have the same status in name, they are willing to honour the younger generation. Xiao Chen, in the future, you have to be respectful before the first respect. "

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