Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1012: Scarlet Gem Orchid

The hidden man at Corning Palace turned around and said, "Do you know this seat?"

"The elders stayed for a while in the feast of the imperial palace in the early years, and the body saw the elders at that time. <[〔八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

The light frowned slightly, and then I remembered that the last time I was invited to attend the court banquet by the Emperor Yan, it was more than 2,000 years ago, and I couldn't help laughing: "This is true, the Royal Concubine really remembers."

"The elders are respected, and the officials and ministers dare not call them that." Sincerely, he said, "I don't know what the elders are doing today."

"Here I am here, I just want to ask my mother, does your body feel unwell after taking Xiangxin Pill?"

Chengcheng heard that her face changed suddenly, and she hurriedly hit a color on the woman, and asked her to go outside the hall to guard her from intrusiveness. When she left, she paid her respects, respectfully said: "In the past, there was no reason for the Xiangxin Pill in the Corning Palace, and Chen Xun's heart was originally suspicious.

The light waved his hand and said, "Mother-in-law, rest assured, I have no intention here. I just asked the mother-in-law, who has been reluctant to breed children for her Majesty these years, but because of the current master of Dongyan?"

Chengcheng was silent for a moment and whispered: "The elders have guessed that Chen Ye can't deny it." She slowly raised her eyes to the light. "But Chen Ye didn't understand, why did the elders help me?"

"The reason is very simple. This seat and Xiao Chen are the same blood monks, both have deep hatred with the royal family that is now in charge of Dayan. And Xiao Chen had entrusted this seat to take care of you before entering the Sinister Realm. So When I knew what you had in mind that year, I found Xiangxin Pill and you. But just taking this material, you have to suffer a lot of pain. I want to come over these years, my mother is afraid that she has suffered a lot.

"The elder is a monk on the national public side?" Chengcheng was surprised.

The light nodded and said, "Yes. The reason why this block has not left Jidu is to hope that Dongyan can gain more time and accumulate strength. But now the Emperor Yan can't wait for a breakthrough, a fierce battle, I am afraid Inevitable. "

Sincerity has always been clever. He has been living in the palace all these years, and he has a little bit more thought. At this moment, when he hears the words, he knows what he said. He said, "Elders who want to come to the palace today should have been determined. I will never be right. The Gongfu is not good. In that case, the elders are asked to state clearly what they are doing here? "

"Okay! That's it, this seat is blunt." The light looked dignified, she said in a deep voice: "Dare to ask my mother, would you like to save Dongyan a country?"

"What does the elder say? Is there something wrong with the Grand Duke?"

"Xiao Chen is still okay now, but Da Yan and Da Wei have secretly joined forces and intend to solicit Da Yan. In the joint efforts of the two countries, even if this block and Xiao Chen shot, they could not protect Dong Yan and ended up in ruins."

Sincerity is low, raising after a few breaths, the eyes are full of determination, "What can I do?

"Poison kill Yan!" The light slowly spoke, and the words were chilling!

Chengcheng's face suddenly turned pale.

"As soon as the Emperor Yan died, the two countries' joint efforts to encircle Dongyan will inevitably break. Xiao Chen, a descendant of Zuo Yan, has the blood of imperial rank. After Emperor Yan's death, he is fully qualified to compete for the Emperor Yan! As long as he succeeds, he They will be able to focus on the national strength of the Great Swallows and the Great Swallows and become the most powerful party in the Great Thousand Realms, and even have the opportunity to challenge the Great Thousands and dominate the whole world! Here we are asking our mother-in-law, dare to poison Yan Emperor? "

Chengcheng's body trembled slightly. After a long time, her face gradually returned to peace. After thinking about it for a long time, she nodded. "I can help Guogong, I dare." The reason she thought for a long time was not hesitation, but she didn't know What method to use. Even if she didn't expect it, she should respond. What can happen if it is unsuccessful, but it's just dead. The stubble exists in the world, and she doesn't have much attachment to life. If he could die for him, he would still be able to remember her in the future.

This is enough.

Although Emperor Yan has been good to her these years, it is not what she wants, and there has always been a resentment deep in her heart. Had it not been for his purpose to greet her into this city, perhaps now, she has been with the Gonggong. Since Yan Huang had ruined her life, how could she have a little affection for him again. As she said to the woman before, when Xiao Chen was thrown into the Sinister Realm that year, her heart was dead. The purpose of living was just to wait for him to return or to take revenge.

The light said, "You need to think clearly about this matter. If you do it, you should understand whether you will succeed or not."

"Elders rest assured, since I should have thought about everything right now. I just hope that after the incident, the elders can help and take me away with Aunt Yun. I don't want her to be involved in this matter."

"This seat promised!" The light stood up. "Tomorrow, the maid can ask the House of Government, and only say that two sisters from this house will go to the palace to accompany loneliness. The rest of the things, this seat is arranged to leave." He stepped forward, disappeared into the space silently and disappeared.

Chengcheng watched him leave, took a deep breath, and gradually looked calm again.

After waiting for a while, the woman walked into the temple and saw that the light had left. She hurriedly asked, "Mother, what is Elder Light doing here?"

"Aunt Yun, you see today, I hope you can forget, don't mention it to anyone, and don't ask a few more questions." Chengcheng slowly spoke, a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Now my heart is very calm."

The woman looked worried, but before she spoke, the voice of the palace girl came, "Mother-in-law, the man in the flower room came to give flowers."

Chengcheng said: "Let them set up outside the hall. Aunt Yun, accompany me to see the words."

The woman had to do it.

The palace man in the flower room obviously knows who is the person who should be the last person in the harem. The emperor ordered the name of the gem orchid, and they exhausted everything, and wished to send all the orchids in the flower house.

Outside the Corning Palace, there is a lot of ground, and the red flowers swaying in the wind, and then sprinkled countless fragrances, which floated far away and passed into the nose. It's just that it took too much, stretched into pieces, and looked from a distance, like a pool of blood, covering the ground of the Corning Palace.

Looking at Gem Orchid in good faith, I didn't know what it was, and his expression was slightly hesitant. After a while, he said, "Speak to the people in the flower room. The Gem Orchid Palace likes it so that they can send more and spread it in front of the hall."


The next day, the imperial concubine sent a report to the House of Government. Two sisters from her family had arrived at Jidu and wanted to access the palace and accompany her to resolve the loneliness in the deep palace.

Regarding the request of the imperial concubine, the people in the Palace of Internal Affairs dared to take care, accompanied the smiling face carefully, and hurriedly sent someone to pick up the two ladies into the palace. Just entering the palace is naturally not so simple. The House of Government has secretly sent someone to check the identity of the person who entered the palace. Naturally, a large amount of information was quickly collected.

Dong Yan Wei Yuan is a woman with a bloodline next to her husband. Cheng Qingqing and Cheng Baibai have real identities. They are in good shape and have the same appearance. They met the emperor and concubine in Hou government and had a good relationship. It took eight months to reach Jidu by taking a star ship, and even two people in the Archives of the House of Government even took a copy of the Yujian agreement when they took the star ship, and they have been sent to verify it. Three days later, everything was completed, and the two maids from the side branch of Weiyuanhoufu were taken away by the Kangning Palace.

The people in the House Palace looked at the two cyan cars and left, and straightened their bodies, with envy in their eyes. Who doesn't know that our emperor and concubine were not from the same background. At that time, they were only the unloved young lady in the Marquis Mansion of the affiliated country of Dayan, and the two met at that time. Now that the emperor and concubine are alone, the two Miss Weiyuan Houfu can also rise to the sky. Living in the Corning Palace, if one day our Majesty fancy it, wouldn't it also have to fly into the sky, turning into a phoenix in that branch.

All eyes of Daqianjie are focused on an empire battle between Dayan, Dawei and Dongyan. Apart from a few envoys from the House of Public Affairs who are envious and jealous, no one notices that Cheng Qingqing and Cheng Baibai are unknown The woman, riding in two cyan cars, entered the Great Yandi Palace on this day.

They came silently, but they want to make a hole in this day!


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