Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1013: Aunt Yun's Worries

Aunt Yun thinks something is wrong.

She has been following the lady, but she never knew when she met the two girls from Weiyuanhoufu, and she noticed that the lady has always intentionally or unintentionally extended her in recent days, and she seems to be hiding something from her. .

This made her uneasy. This anxiety came from an unknown fear, but no matter how she asked, the lady always shook her head and refused, without thinking that she would reveal more than half a word. Just to reassure her, she's fine now. But Aunt Yun couldn't really feel relieved. As time passed, watching the lady gradually different from the past, she became more and more worried, and even gradually evolved into an inscrutable fear. It seemed that there would be some Some bad things are about to happen.

And she was powerless to change anything.

In her worry, three days passed. Although she wanted the two women of unknown origin to be farther away from the lady, she had to obey the lady's order to help her conceal their identity together.

On the fourth day, the Emperor Yan finally got busy and went to the Corning Palace.

"See you, Your Majesty." Chengcheng smiled brightly, in a refreshing corset light cyan dress, without too much Zhu Xi embellishment on his head, exposing the black show into a delicate pimple, with a red corner The flower, a jewel orchid, is particularly elegant and refined, with beautiful qualities.

Over the years, she has always been indifferent to Yan Huang's side, never dressing up to please him. Today, she dresses up with joyful expressions like this, but she has a big surprise in her heart. Looking at her gorgeous appearance, she feels more loving.

"Ai Fei flat body, between you and me, in the harem would not have to follow these false gifts."

"Cheng Qingqing and Cheng Baibai, see Your Majesty!" Another two women in palace costumes came forward, bowed down to the ground, and they did not apply pink daisies, and they were equally beautiful and pleasant, which made people feel happy at first glance. .

The Emperor Yan smiled: "You should be sisters of the emperor's concubine, busy with state affairs. It is a good thing that you can come to this to accompany the emperor's loneliness in the palace. Now that you have arrived, you should stay in the palace more Day is. Get up. "

"Xie Your Majesty." Cheng Qingqing and Cheng Baibai stood up, dare not to say much, and looked rather restrained. However, in their capacity, this kind of performance is naturally normal when faced with the dignified Lord.

Yan Huang was patient and asked them a few words in a warm voice.

Cheng Qingqing and Cheng Baibai are also very discerning people. After a short pause, they said, "Your Majesty and her sister haven't seen each other for a long time. If you want to come, you should have a lot of personal words to say, and our sister will go away first." Salute, turned back and went out.

Aunt Yun took the opportunity to say: "Slave sent the two young ladies out."

The three left, and only Yan Huang and Chengcheng remained in the hall.

"Your two sisters are considered to be the best. You don't want a little Weiyuan Houfu, but you can produce these many beauties." Yan Huang laughed, because of his honesty and honesty, his attitude Always easy going. Although it is a breakthrough now, the body of Xuan Nu is still the best cultivating furnace for him, and the natural grace is undiminished.

Chengcheng disobeyed: "Your Majesty was fascinated by the two sisters who met him, did you want to see the new one and forget the old one?"

The Emperor Yan laughed, "Sincerity is the treasure in my heart. This will never change. At any time, I will never abandon you!" Reaching and holding the hand, Yan Huang stood up and walked away, "You and I are more I haven't seen it yet, I miss you. "

Sincerity is low, but also tends to follow behind.

When infatuated, Yan Huang suddenly asked, "Sincerity, what rouge you use today is delicious and fresh."

"Carmine ..."


"The two watch ladies please stay away. Now Her Majesty is with her mother, and the slaves do not need to go to serve in a short time. I wonder if the watch ladies have time to sit in the slaves' room. The slaves need to discuss with the two watch ladies. Aunt Yun converged and said nothing strange.

Cheng Qingqing and Cheng Baibai heard each other a glance, then nodded slightly, and said, "Aunt speaks heavily, please lead the way."

"Two ladies, please."

The three entered the partial palace room. Aunt Yun closed the door, her smile converged and she turned and looked at the two women. She said slowly, "Slave did not know where the two ladies came from and why they came to the palace. Yes, but I hope the two ladies can stay away from their mothers and do nothing to do anything against her. "

Cheng Qingqing slowly shook his head and said, "Aunt Yun, I know you are sincere, but you do n’t know about it, and we ca n’t tell you. But at this moment, even if we want to leave, Chengcheng cannot escape from it. "

Cheng Baibai said: "Sister!" She turned to look at the woman who was stunned. "Aunt Yun, rest assured, the presence of our sisters will never harm the sincerity of sisters. Just this matter, it really cannot be said to you Know. Our sisters will be in the palace in April, and they will leave after four months. "

Aunt Yun still had doubts and said, "What you say is true."

"No word of falsehood!" The two girls nodded at the same time.

"Okay, then I believe you first, I just hope you have faith and don't hurt the lady! Otherwise, even if I die, I won't let you go!"

After leaving Aunt Yun and returning to his home, Cheng Baibai showed an uneasy face. "Sister, although you and I haven't harmed Chengcheng, she is unavoidable to be infected by poisons, even if you have a solution that you and I configure. Medicine is also extremely dangerous. "

"Xiaohua! Since you and I entered the Imperial Palace, we must not hesitate to act any more, otherwise we will not be able to do anything, we will have to bury you and my life in vain, and Chengcheng can not escape from it! Now, you must not be soft-hearted, things have already At the beginning, you can't stop before you succeed! "Cheng Qingqing said anxiously.

Cheng Baibai was slightly low, and after a while he slowly said, "Knowing my sister, don't worry, I won't do it again."

"Everything is for Brother Xiao Chen." This sentence, she thought slowly in her heart.


The imperial ministers such as Yanhuang Study, Xia Leyi, etc. are all listed, and they will return to the domestic army transfer and various preparations.

"Your Majesty, the assembled army has rushed to the border for 66 days, and it can be completed in half a month at most. Compared with my Dayan, the military transfer of Dawei is slightly slower, and it may take two more days. But after 20 days, The armies of our two countries can come together at the Dongyan border, and we can fight war against Dongyan from different directions at the same time! "Le Yi said with a deep voice, his eyes full of calmness," Dongyan has exhausted the domestic army and divided between the two places. My big Yan and big Wei confronted each other across the border. Once the war begins, we will inevitably encounter a fierce counterattack! And the commander of the Dongyan Army, Quan, is not handsome. Under his control, Dongyan's military strength cannot be disparaged. Please be cautious. . "

The Emperor Yan nodded slowly, his face was ruddy, his eyes were bright and bright, and the spirit of the whole man was as good as he could be, majestic: "Even though the state of Dongyan is not weak, Quan is even more handsome, and he can't turn things around. Keep Dongyan a country! This Panyu teamed up with Dawei to completely destroy Dongyan at all costs! Zhu Qing stepped up urging to complete the army assembly as soon as possible. After the completion of the battle, Xi will be sent to fight for the battle. Success in one fell swoop! "


The courtiers in the study saluted the place, took a few steps back, and turned away in a hurry.

Le Yi stayed, hesitating slightly, and said, "Your Majesty, Chen Wen has recently gone to the Corning Palace."

Emperor Yan frowned slightly, but never revealed it, leaned back on the back of the chair, and nodded, "Well. I have often thought of the imperial concubine in my heart recently, and I will visit her once every other day or two."

"Your Majesty, at the moment of the National War, please don't take your mind off. The death of Dong Yan is the most important thing right now."

"I see." Yan Huang paused for a few moments, and said lightly.

Le Yi's heart was a little stunned, knowing that what had just been said had displeased His Majesty, and now he didn't say much anymore, bowed his hands deeply, and turned away. Out of the study, he slightly looked up towards the direction of the Corning Palace, groaned slightly, and a bitter smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. Taking His Majesty's cultivation as the present, naturally it won't hurt the spirit by indulging in men and women. I think I should think more about it. His Majesty now has to glimpse Hongmeng Avenue. The heavier he is, the more careful he will be in the future, so as not to offend His Majesty. Things like today do not have to worry about it anymore. Presumably until the war, Her Majesty will be able to concentrate on the state affairs, and will no longer be affected by the affairs of men and women.

With this in mind, he strode away.


Corning Palace.

Sitting in front of the dresser, Chengcheng looked at the more beautiful figure in the bronze mirror, couldn't help but raised his hand and touched his cheek, and murmured: "The carmine works really well, it can make a woman look more beautiful than before. . "

Behind her, Cheng Baibai was carefully applying pink carmine to her. At this moment, she heard her fingers slightly stunned, but soon recovered, whispering: "Although carmine is good, the mother must remember to eat on time. I give you my elixir, and I must not leave it out. "

"Um." The man in the mirror nodded slightly and said nothing.

With a sigh in his heart, Cheng Baibai no longer talked, his fingers were dexterous, and he carefully applied it, and his sincerity suddenly became more beautiful, vivid and flowery.

"White, how long can carmine work?"

"As measured today, time should be after April."

"That said, there are still the last twenty days."


Chengcheng paused for a moment, and was about to speak. The voice of Cheng Qingqing suddenly came from outside the hall, but Yanhuang arrived.

"Carmine has an attractive effect. Although it is not obvious and extremely difficult to detect, the mother-in-law needs to be cautious. The emperor Yan must not be aware of it."

"I see, let's go out and welcome your Majesty."

Outside the Corning Palace, the Emperor Yan stepped down to look at the jewel orchids spreading out in front of the palace, and the delicate flowers swayed in the wind, looking extraordinarily delicate and beautiful. For some reason, he suddenly thought of Cheng Cheng, and his heart was fiery.

At this time, Cheng Cheng and Cheng Qingqing, Cheng Baibai and others had greeted them.

"Welcome to Your Majesty!"

The Emperor Yan smiled: "You don't have to be polite, you two get up too. This gem orchid is pure red, and it looks festive!"

"Mulan orchid means good luck and great joy. It is a good sign. The imperial concubine is full of jewel orchids in front of the hall. I hope that my great swallow will flourish and thrive!" Cheng Qingqing laughed. They have come into contact these days. Yan Huang was no longer too restrained in front of him, and seemed a lot more casual.

"Oh, what does Concubine think about this?"

Cheng Cheng said: "Sister Qing said."

"Haha! It's Ai Fei's intention!" Yan Huang laughed, took her wrist, and strode toward the palace.

Cheng Qingqing, Cheng Baibai and other concubine salutes did not follow. Seeing that the two figures did not enter the Corning Palace, and then looked at the jewel orchids in front of this hall, I did not know what I thought of, and sighed gently in his mouth, then turned away.

Day after day comes closer.


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