Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1021: Big secret between heaven and earth

Xiao Chen's face was gloomy, he had already thought of this. [八[[一[(<〈中<文[

Quan's eyes flashed with different colors, and his face was cloudy for a while, and only after a while did he speak slowly, "It's okay, I can handle this matter."

Xiao Chen lifted up abruptly and said, "What is your strategy?"

"If the Eight Kingdoms join forces to suppress, the root cause lies in the treasure of the seal. If you don't have this in your hands, they naturally don't have the need to join forces to suppress Dongyan."

"what do you mean?"

"I will take away the treasure for the time being."

Xiao Chen was silent and suddenly said: "Elder Guangzhao, this emperor needs to discuss some things with Quan, because it involves secrets and it is not convenient to show others, so..."

"The deity understands." Shi Guang nodded, got up and went out.

A trace of apology flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes, not because he didn't trust the light, but because the matter really involved secrets, and knowing that fewer people are better. When he left, Xiao Chen looked up at Xiangquan and slowly said: "The emperor has received two warnings so far. One was when Li Gan's reincarnation memory first woke up, he reminded me to be careful of those around him. The person was in the Palace of the Gods of War, gathering the stone towers, and when I got the inheritance of the Third Dao Zun, I also asked me to be careful of those around me. These two warnings made the emperor feel quite jealous, and he also thought carefully about it. People find out."

Quan frowned slightly, "Do you doubt me?"

"What the emperor suspects is naturally the people around me who have the ability to cause harm to me. You, Shiguang, and Li Qian are my initial suspects."

"What you said is very reasonable. In that case, this matter should be kept secret. Why did you mention it to me? Is it certain that I am a person who needs to be careful when hiding by your side, or have you excluded me."

"Of course it is the latter, otherwise you and I will not be able to sit here and talk safely."

"Why?" This question naturally asked why he chose to believe him.

Xiao Chen took a deep look at Quan and slowly said, "Because the emperor doesn't believe that if you really are the person hiding by my side, you will not hesitate to harm your own roots that day, and you will forcefully summon Chengcheng's dead soul, just to make her See me again."

Quan's body was slightly stiff.

"After all, there is a ray of my soul in your body. Although I can't know the thoughts in your heart, I can sense how much you lost to do what you did that day."

After Xiao Chen said, the golden light in his hand surged, and the golden seal slowly emerged from it. This thing has been by his side since he stepped on the road, and has never left his body until today. To be precise, if there is no golden seal, he can't set foot on the road, how can he go to this day. Taking it out, Xiao Chen felt both a sense of emptiness and a sense of relief.

"The gold seal is here, you can take it away."

Quan was silent for a while, stretched out his hand to take it, and the gold seal melted directly into his body and disappeared. He was slightly low, as if he was thinking about something. After a long time, he sighed, as if he had figured out some things. He looked up at Xiao Chen with a faint smile on his face, and said: "The treasure of the title was for you before, It is indeed a vital treasure, but now you are no longer inseparable from it. The road to the future can be walked with your own strength, going higher and further. This time I leave, I should disappear for a long time Time, if you can escape the catastrophe of induction, you will naturally come to you, if you can't escape, this will probably be the last time you and I have met."

Xiao Chen's expression changed, but before he could speak, Quan waved his hand to stop him.

"I know what you want to ask, but this catastrophe, I can only sense it, it is a catastrophe that must be endured. Perhaps this is the punishment I should receive for my vain attempt to teach the Supreme Being. What is it? But I don’t know. I am not waiting to die, but actively fighting to see if I can find a chance. Even if you know now, you can’t help me in this matter. But before I leave, I want to tell Everything you and I know will reveal all the fog in your happiness, because now you have the qualifications to know this."

Quan's eyes lifted slightly, his face showing reminiscence, and only after a long time did he speak, "The world I was born in is called Xuanhuang, which is what you call the real spirit world. It is the pinnacle of the world of cultivation, eternal glory, forever Immortal existence. In the Xuanhuang, there is a world of independent parties, just like you and me are now in the big thousand. Every big thousand realms can be born and only one true spirit monk can be born, with the door to open the true spirit Qualifications, enter the Xuanhuang Great World and obtain the canonization. And those who have the ability to canonize the true spirits, there are only the Heavenly Way and the Supreme Beings, they are the supreme beings in the Xuanhuang Great World."

"Millions of years ago, in the Great Thousand Realm of you and me, there was a monk named Luo Yun who was promoted to the true spirit after fierce competition and fighting, that is, the lord of the immortal world you know! After hesitating for a long time, he opened the true spirit Out of this world, the door of the door was finally canonized by the supreme of all laws, and was awarded the treasure of the book. And there are two consciousnesses in each treasure of the book, one is the consciousness of the treasure itself, cold, indifferent, and silent. One is that the Supreme Beings of All Laws are sent into it to guide the true spiritual monks and instruct them to move on to the Supreme Realm of All Laws. And I, the treasure of the seal, the second consciousness in the golden seal, The leader of the true spirit monk."

"Luo Yun stayed in the Xuanhuang Great World not long before returning to the Great Thousand Realm. But before that, he knew a non-physical creature, a half-step True Spirit Realm, and Luo Yun promised to let him in the Great Thousand Realm. But Luo Yun is a very ambitious person. After he got the existence of the supreme realm of ten thousand dharma from me, he came up with other ideas, he wanted to use this innate strength to condense the five elements of non-physical creatures. As an external clone, condensing the origin of the heavenly path, you also have the origin of the chaos that you have now. Soon after returning to the Great Thousand Realm, he couldn't help but shoot. What followed was a fierce battle. If there is no accident, Luo Yun will become the ultimate winner. There is still a huge gap between the strength of the half-step true spirit and the true true spirit powerhouse. Even if it is a tyrannical existence like a non-blood and flesh creature, it is still not an opponent. But in that battle. , But there was an accident Luo Yun could not imagine."

"The Hongmeng monk has only two choices for realizing the true spirit. One surrenders to the heavens, and the two merge with the heavens. The heavens I speak of are the heavens in the great thousand realms where you and me are, not the heavens in the Xuanhuang great world. If you say one of the two The relationship between them is like the main body of the tree trunk and the underground root system. The Xuanhuang Heavenly Way is the main body, and the Great Thousand Realm Heavenly Way is the extension of a very small part of its power. The cultivation of subduing the Heavenly Way is like Luo Yun. The canonization of the supreme Dharma. Incorporating the cultivation of the heavens, and entering the Xuanhuang, you will be canonized by the heavens. Luo Yun was able to defeat all strong competitors in the past because he conquered the heavens in the thousands of realms by chance, driving the power of the heavens, and making life. All hostile people were swallowed, deprived of their power, and achieved true spirit. All his opponents were buried in the mouth of heaven, but one person, who did not know what secret technique, actually preserved his own mind, has been lurking in the body of heaven, Dang Luo When Yun fought against the half-step true spirit powerhouse with the non-flesh gods, he brazenly manipulated the Heavenly Dao backlash and severely injured Luo Yun. This person was named Kunwuzi."

"Luo Yun was severely injured, and was torn apart the kingdom of God, spreading the flames of war to the immortal world. Under the joint hands of Kunwuzi and the half-step true spirits of non-blood and flesh, Luo Yun will be severely injured and killed! And the powerful immortal world was also in that battle, Was affected and completely destroyed. Although Luo Yun died, he also severely injured Kunwuzi, causing the collapse of the heavenly Dao ontology, and Xiaoban broke away from his control and escaped into the vast world without knowing where to go. And this small part of the heavenly Dao is loyal to Luo Yun. , Before leaving, take away the treasure of the envelop. The non-physical creatures half-step true spirits also suffered irreparable wounds in this battle. They cried away and disappeared since then."

"A few of the Heavenly Dao, only mastered one-third of the power of the complete Heavenly Dao, but almost took away the complete Heavenly Dao deduction ability. It transformed into a human body and actively plunged into the reincarnation world, with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao wheel, hiding the Kun The pursuit of my son. In this process, he relied on the power of heaven to deduced the fateful man who sought to end Kunwuzi in the future and avenge Luo Yun's revenge. He kept disorganizing in the reincarnation, waiting for his appearance. Went to the human world and left the treasure of the seal, because he had already calculated that the destined person in the deduction will receive it in the near future. At least half of the Tiandao is the ancestor of the Li family, and it can be said that he has never recovered Li Gan of memory. His identity was only confirmed not long ago by me. It is a half of Heaven’s Dao body, not its deliberately arranged confusing projection. And you are the destiny he saw in his deduction. people."

Quan Yu was unhappy, but with the shortest possible language, he slowly uncovered a period of dust-covered secrets for countless years, which is also the truth behind the fog that Xiao Chen has been pursuing since practicing Taoism.

The simple pictures outlined in a few words flow through his mind, but they are not as magnificent as an epic. He seems to have seen everything that was born that year with his own eyes.

Xuanhuang big world.


The supreme one.

The higher levels of content that had never been touched before were all shown in front of him. Although it was only an extremely simple picture, it seemed to show him an eternal and immortal world.

But at this moment, he didn't have time to think about it, and there was endless shock in his heart.

He thought of the magnificent cemetery that he saw in the Mu Family Trial World, the huge bones that were imprisoned! Because the name of this cemetery is Luo Yun. And the lord of the immortal world in the spring mouth is also named Luo Yun! Is this just a coincidence? A certain cause and effect has already been determined.

When he thought of the Little Thousand Worlds, the five secluded tribes living in a corner of the spiritual world, and the mysterious ancestors buried in Tibet. According to Quan, if the guess is correct, he should be the half-step true spirit of the non-flesh creature who fought Luo Yun back then! And he also said that it was because he believed that he was inhuman, and he was so calculated. There should be no doubt about his identity.

The mysterious ancestor of the Li family has been helping him. His true identity has been transformed by a little bit of heaven. The golden seal he seemed to get by chance back then was seen by him countless years ago, even in He arranged it.



[This chapter came out last night and at least this morning, and there will be updates in the evening, maybe later. 】

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