Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1022: Xiao Chen's Road to Practice

Xiao Chen was speechless for a long time, and the countless fogs in his heart disappeared at this moment. Bayi

He knew why Zuo Yan's ancestors had opened up the space and sent the people into the realm of the world when the bloodline was threatened and about to go extinct.

He knew why the Huo tribe would establish an extraterritorial university in the human world, using human monks as nourishment to cultivate human Taoism.

He knew the origin of the sky-high shadow in the Ji's dead world.


Perhaps they all noticed, or faintly sensed the existence of the sealed treasure!

After talking about the secret hidden in his heart, Quan quietly waited for Xiao Chen to think about the things in it, suddenly tearing away all the fog in his heart, he naturally needed time to digest.

After a long time, Xiao Chen slowly lifted.

"I know everything and I have told you everything. If you have any questions, you can ask me. If I can answer, I will not hide." Quandao said.

"Fairyland collapsed in the First World War, the heavens were broken, and most of them were the ancestors of the Li family. Where are the other parts now?"

"The heavens are not correct, and the true spirit cannot be broken. Kun Wuzi must still be in the Thousand Realms. But the specific thing is that because the ancestor of the Li family evaded Kun Wuzi's pursuit, I don't know what he is saying now. Perhaps Li Qian's memory wake up can explain everything But during his reincarnation in this life, he has been secretly intervened and his memory has been extracted or sealed. "

"Who is the shooter?"

"Those who can intervene in the heavenly reincarnation, naturally, only heavenly."

"Kunwuzi! Why did he do this, now that he has found the ancestor of the Li family, why not swallow him directly."

"I don't know about it."

Xiao Chen remained silent for a while and continued: "In the immortal mountains, the bottomless black grotto, the thirteen bones in the grotto, the bottom of the grotto looks like a dragon but not a dragon, what is it?"

"Like a dragon but not a dragon, it is the main body of heaven. At that time, Luo Yun's death struck back and the Eli sword shot through the ground and formed the bottomless grotto in the immortal Budu Mountains. As for the 13 skeletons, they are Kunwuzi."


"Or more precisely, his turn and reincarnation avatar, or a continuous stream of reincarnation, in order to get the heavenly body. He may want to use this to find another halfway, or to find opportunities to strengthen his strength. , Or for other purposes. But from that bone, I sense his breath, and there is nothing wrong with that. "

"The ancestors of the Li family reminded me to be careful of the people around me, and the third deity of the War God Palace reminded me of this. Are they the same person? Who are they asking me to be careful about?"

Quan frowned, and said, "I don't know the relationship between the ancestor of the Li family and the third Taoist deity, but they are the ones who are careful to watch out, most likely it is him."


"It's very likely." Quan continued: "In the first battle, Luo Yun fell down, the heavenly path collapsed, and the non-blooded soul was half-stepd. The real spirit was hit hard. Sealed treasure. Now that both are by your side, the possibility of Kun Wuzi is naturally the greatest. Or, the calamity that I sensed comes from him. Otherwise, no one in Da Qian Realm can do it. It has such a strong sense of crisis. "

Xiao Chen said calmly: "So, I can't let you leave. You and I join forces. There may still be a battle in the face of Kun Wuzi. If not, it is destined to be broken by him one by one."

"Kunwuzi has not been swallowed up by the heavenly path, he has a half-step true spiritual practice, and then manipulates the heavenly path to counterattack Luo Yun. Even if he is damaged, he can retain most of it. Today, I do n’t know what state he has reached. Entering the true spirit, its strength is by no means what you and I can compete with now. So this time I will not only take the booklet to Baobao, but I will also leave with Li Gan, and try my best to avoid Kun Wuzi's pursuit. So as not to bring you calamities. But you'd better prove to Daqianjie soon that you do n’t have a secret book in your hands to avoid attracting Kunwuzi. ”Quan Dandan said,“ You do n’t want to persuade me, I ’m here. This decision was the result of careful consideration. There are not a few monks in the realm of the Xuanhuang world, but there are real opportunities, even if there is only one line that can be promoted to the Supreme Master, and there may not be one person in hundreds of millions of years, because this requires It ’s not just power, but a fundamental change of the primitive gods. You are one of them. As long as you take care of yourself, it is the greatest comfort for me. If you can train a Supreme Master And it will be me forever Glory! "

"But you remember that the most fundamental point of achieving the Supreme Master is to have the power of creation. This creation is not the creation of the kingdom of God opened for the creation of the world, but the creation of the real There are thousands of realms, countless small realms, as many starry realms. A complete world that can evolve by itself and can give birth to souls! And to do this, you need the necessary prerequisites, which is to gather All the supreme origins of creation in this world. "

Speaking of which, Quan Yan's eyes shimmered, gradually showing the excitement.

"The origin of heaven, or the origin of chaos, evolved from the five elements of Yin and Yang, and finally merged!"

"Humanitarian origin, experience all kinds of life, feel the life in various ways, joy, sorrow, joy, hatred, and mastery of the origin of seven emotions, will be humane!"

"The origin of time and space, the fusion of space and time, is the foundation of opening up the world."

"The origin of life and death, the extreme of death is life, and the blend of life and death is the great achievement. When the world has life and death, it is truly complete."

Quan looked deeply at Xiao Chen, revealing endless enthusiasm and admiration, "The origin of the heaven and earth, the origin of the ancient demon, the origin of time and space, the origin of time and space, the origin of life and death of the Huangquan Grinding Disk. Are you present now, even if no one guided it At that time, you have already embarked on the right path to the supreme paradise of all law. I am only a guide to guide your inherent strength so that you can take fewer detours and move in the right direction. "

"Xiao Chen, you are a rough man born of the Supreme Master of Supreme Masters, which is unusual in itself, so I will help you to enter the Supreme Master of Supreme Masters at all costs, and I will never allow any obstructions! What I can do now It ’s all done, leave for a while, and take away the sight of Kunwuzi, is the last thing I can do for you. For example, today, time and space have become, be humane, life and death are completed, they will come to you naturally, when the time comes What you need to do is to find a way to integrate the four origins. Only then can you reach the supreme power! I do n’t know how to do this. I can only rely on you to find out. But I heard that death is resurrected, Only when one is shabby and united, the profound meaning of this will be figured out by yourself. "

This is Xiao Chen's cultivation path.

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