Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1023: Quan sees death as home

Xiao Chen was trembling. Although he knew that Quan was leading his path of practice, he didn't know that what he was going to follow was actually such a path. [<{?

"I understand!"

Quan's face was dignified and he slowly said, "Xiao Chen, you have to be more careful in all things. If you want to be the Supreme Master, you must go through a lot of hardships before you can achieve anything. The ancestor of the Li family, the third respect, make people feel refreshed. Beware of the people around you, maybe they are faintly aware of it, or maybe Kunwuzi has no idea when he came to you. He interfered in the reincarnation of the ancestor of the Li family and did not swallow it. Well. Maybe he is beside you, waiting for an opportunity. But whether or not such a guess is correct, today's situation, you and I are the best choice. "

"Right now, I should leave as soon as possible, maybe I can be more secure. Before I leave, I will help you take control of another thing. You will get the colorful gourds in the Sin Sin field, which is not a thing of the great realm. It comes from Xuanhuang. It should be It is the supreme treasure of all ways! I do n’t know how you can get it, maybe this is your condition. The mysterious will of the awakening in your early years is what we call the strange state of the image of God, which is all things. The primordial body of Supreme Will is your awakening power on the path of climbing the Supreme Realm. After struggling through the wild starfield and passing through the tribulation, now it has been integrated into your Yuanshen, which proves that you have achieved The possibility of Supreme Master is possible, and for this reason, although you can't really control the colorful gourds, you can use some of these powers to display the supernatural powers of the Supreme Master!

"What is the supremacy of the law is that the law does not touch, the law does not invade, when the word is spoken, I am the law, everything is in the mind and rotation. Although you have reached such a point, but with the colorful gourd The power to suppress Hongmeng and break its magical powers is enough! In this way, it will allow you to annex Great Swallow smoothly. But remember, even with the power of colorful gourds, you are by no means a half-step true monk opponent, perhaps humane, You can only compete with the two basic causes of life and death. Therefore, you must be cautious and cautious before you have enough power. Kun Wuzi's eyes may have noticed you. Don't let him realize that you have no promotion. Opportunity to go up, otherwise he will ruin you at any cost! In addition, colorful gourds are treasures of innumerable levels. From now on, you will bring it on your body and never take it off! "

With a word, he pointed out, flashed a golden light on his fingertips, and directly fell into the heart of Xiao Chen's eyebrows. Then he wrote a method to imprint it directly into his mind, detailing how to borrow the power of colorful gourds.

Xiao Chen silently thought of what appeared in the Yuanshen and was sure that he would not forget the slightest bit in his heart, so he nodded slightly. The colorful gourd has been taken out of his hand, and at this moment it is exuding a faint colorful color, which is very beautiful.

Quan stretched out his hand. "I'm leaving. Before that, I needed you to take away four things from you."


"Small bones, small bricks, Thunder Dragon, Dojo."

Xiao Chen frowned.

"I know you are puzzled, but I have said before that you are not unusual. The path you ’ve taken since the path seems to be random, but it has implied the Supreme Master. If so, how can they appear for no reason? Beside you. The small bones are born from the same vein as the wild bones. Although the Great Thousand Realms are extinct, there must be bones in the vast and wild star domains. With the inter-pulse interaction, it can find them. Small Bricks engulf the same treasures for promotion, there is almost no limit to growth, even I have never seen its true identity, it is not strange to stay with you, it is better to let me take it away, and it may open up a whole new world for it. "Thunder Dragon In order to grasp the power of thunder and fire, it is the dragon of heaven and has the bloodline of the dragon emperor. It can find the dragons that are far away from the wild and not in the world. The three of them leave, maybe in the future, they will be able to bring you enough powerful assistance! "

"As for the dojo, I think you should have begun to doubt that, just as he said, he can only repair the ruined situation, and He Dehe can master the powerful dojo that changes the flow of time by 30 times. There must be hidden feelings in it. Today, although the dojo has lost its blessing of time, it has been planted with funeral flowers. You have been in Daqianjie for a long time. In addition to the funeral monks you saw in the year, have you seen anyone else? As far as I know, the funeral flowers were long before ancient times. It is extinct, and the world ’s funeral flower may only have this last one. I do n’t know why you can get this thing, but I know its preciousness, or maybe in despair, it is your only vitality. I will The dojo is sealed and hidden in the vast world to ensure its safety. "

Xiao Chen pondered for a long time, fluttering his sleeves, flashing in front of him, and seeing small bones, small bricks, and Thunder Dragon appearing directly, all were saluting and said, "See the master."

"If you leave with Quan, he will take you to find a way to become stronger. All three of you have followed the emperor from the world, and I have never seen you as the treasure card in your hand, but each other around you. Support the supportive brothers. When you leave today, you will be given your surnames Xiao, Xiaogu, Xiaozhuan, Xiaoxue. I hope you and my brother will see you again in the future! "

"Thank you brother!" The three said excitedly.

Xiao Chen took out the dojo, "Quan, take care all the way, the three of them and Shubo in the dojo, Master Zuomei, the residual soul, will take care of you together."

Quan nodded, reached for the dojo, and flicked his sleeves to include Xiao Gu, Xiao Zhuan, and Xiao Blood, turning around and taking a step forward, his figure disappeared.

"Xiao Chen, I hope you and I have goodbye!"

Man has left, and in the void, only a faint voice echoes.

Xiao Chen was silent for a long time, turned around and slowly sat down, his brows frowned tightly, his breath slowly calmed down, his mind quickly turned! Quan's departure, although quite calm, but it must be extremely dangerous, otherwise, with his temperament, how would he know everything he knew. Maybe he left without thinking that he could return again, and he was ready for the worst. Xiao Chen never persuaded him to stay because he knew his temperament, and since he had already decided, he would not change it easily.

Knowing all the news today, knowing what happened before the rescue years, and also almost all the fog in his heart!

After quietly pondering for a long time, he exhaled softly in his mouth, and his face returned to firmness. Even if I learned from Quankou that he would be very likely to land on top of Ten Thousand Laws, Xiao Chen was not too ecstatic. After all, this is only a possibility, not an established fact. Moreover, there is the presence of Kun Wuzi in the secret! The terror hidden in the secret may have noticed him because of news from Dawei, or, as Quan said, he came to his side in silence, watching Xiao Chen quietly, and at a certain time, Will shoot suddenly! This unknown threat made Xiao Chen heart afraid.

But no matter what, there is still work to be done. He can only continue to strengthen his power in the shortest possible time. Only in this way can he truly grasp his destiny!

Da Yan, he must swallow it up this time!


In the ripples of the void, a golden portal was opened, and the door opened wide, and the spring stepped out of it. He stepped out, the portal behind him hadn't dissipated yet, another step under his feet, and a second portal appeared before him.

In this way, he walked from one door to another, and Du Xunji continuously walked through the space without any pause. He left Dongyan all the way, left the enveloping area of ​​the Nine Empires, and headed towards the endless barren starry depths.

Until deep into the wild star area, his figure was suddenly stopped, his sleeves fluttered, Xiao bone, Xiao brick, Xiao blood appeared at the same time.

"This seat will wait for you from Xiao Chen to discuss with you. This is to allow you to enter this vast star field, to find the strength you need, after becoming strong or powerful enough, you can return from the wild. Help Xiao Chen. What I can do is to take you here, and the rest of the way, you can go by yourself. Remind you some, do not look for the direction of discrimination, follow your heart, it will Take you to where you should go. Let ’s go and stay here, maybe it is the real danger. ”Quan said lightly, looking calm.

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