Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1024: Zhongyan loses his heart

Xiao Gu, Xiao Zhuan, and Xiao Xue were slightly silent. At the same time, they saluted politely, nodded to each other and greeted each other, then they drove the light and left in the direction they should go in the induction. Bayizhong O} M] They have been quietly beside Xiao Chen for many years. Now that the state teacher said that they can get or find the power that can help him, they will naturally try hard.

Watching them go away, Quan was silent for a moment, turned and stepped forward, and the figure stepped into the portal again, marching forward.

This time, he has traveled a long way, and his figure appears on a certain star. Here is a Gobi desert, with gravel and gravel on the ground, and howling winds set off the wind and sand.

Izumi glanced around, nodded, and took the left eyebrow dojo in his hands, whispering: "No matter whether this seat is thinking too much, this thing has too many unexplainable doubts. Always be careful. Some. "He poured a rich golden light on his hand, like a river in a dyke, spewing wildly, disappearing into the dojo as much as possible.

Shubo opened his eyes in shock and looked at the golden color that was madly spreading from afar. Everything he had rendered rendered everything, but before he had any reaction, the golden color had roared, shrouded him, and turned towards him. Swept further.

The three layers of the entire dojo are covered with a layer of golden light, everything is like condensed golden ice, exuding a touch of golden light. All fluctuations were completely frozen, and it seemed that even time did not continue.

Outside, the golden light in Quan's hand dissipated, his eyes were slightly dim, but his expression was still calm. Just throw it away, and the body of the Dojo fell directly into the gravel. It was inconspicuous among the colorful small stones, and was quickly buried in the sand blown by the wind.

Quan stepped into the golden portal, his figure disappeared.

Here the sand is still flying wildly to cover the sky, and everything seems to be unchanged.

He stepped up, people stepped in the wind and sand, and the figure stepped out of the door, already in the vast star field. His face was calm, and he looked up into the depths of the stars, in that direction, a breath that made him jealous.

"Is it already there?"

Quan groaned, his eyes lightened slightly, with a sharp meaning.

What he and Xiao Chen had said before did not conceal it, but slightly modified it. After he realized Li Qian's identity, he felt a little uneasy in his heart. Kun Wuzi had already found the other half of heaven, why didn't he consume it? Is there a secret scheme? Before listening to Xiao Chen's words, I had been warned twice to be careful of the people around me. One of the reminders, more than half of the ancestors of the Li family who were transformed by Heaven, faintly imagined something!

The calamity he felt, the person Xiao Chen needed to watch out for, maybe the same person, was Kun Wuzi! This was not expected, but a faint intuition that made Quan almost certain about it. So this time he left with the booklet Zhibao and Li Qian, not only to understand Xiao Chen's current predicament, but also to make some temptations to lead him out! If the person in the dark is really a Kunwu son, its strength is bound to be difficult to counteract. But Quan itself is part of the book of treasures. If he doesn't hesitate to take his own shots, he may not be able to hit him hard in order to get more time for Xiao Chen. So from the beginning, he held the belief that he would die, and never thought that he could return safely.

Since it is to fight for time, of course, there is no rush to confront him. When it is inevitable, it is not too late to come back to fight! He glanced into the depths of the star again, turned and stepped forward, and disappeared into the golden portal.


Before he left, Quan said that in order to avoid accidents, Xiao Chen should prove to Daqianjie as soon as possible that the golden seal was not in his hands.

This is naturally true.

Now that it is correct, it should be done. So Xiao Chen was ready to take a shot and officially entered Dayan territory. In order to suppress this, in order to suppress his attempts to annex Dayan, Hongmeng of the various countries will inevitably stop him. Such a moment is naturally the best opportunity to prove that the golden seal is not in his hands. It is also necessary to tell them positively that this swallowing of swallows, they cannot stop them!

The light frowned and his eyes were full of worries, Shen said: "Xiao Chen, you'd better be cautious about this matter. You and I will enter Dayan together. Even if things are not right, the whole body's grasp will be better. It's bigger, it's better than you go alone. "

Xiao Chen shook his head, "The elders' heart understands that the emperor understands, but now the spring has left, the only people in Dongyan who can sit in town are you and me. If you enter Dayan together, no one in the country will stay behind, fearing accidents. We should know the emperor's temperament. Since he took the shot, he has a certain degree of certainty in his heart and will never act impulsively. "


"The matter is so decided, the elders need not say any more."

"Okay." The light nodded suddenly, "Then you are careful on this trip, if you can't do anything, get away early and look for the opportunity later."

Xiao Chen nodded, he took a step forward, and the figure had directly merged into the space, completely disappeared.

In the harem of the imperial palace, Zi Yan's four women, Yu Ji, and Lingzhi all felt the sudden departure, and they were worried but never thought to dissuade him. Because they understand that this is the difficulty he must face in pursuit of climbing the top of the avenue! What they should do now is not to dissuade him from distracting him, but to stand quietly behind him, give him psychological support, and silently pray that he can return soon.

Bei Guzi, King of Dragons, and others looked at each other, and it was difficult to hide their anxiety. Entering the Daqian Realm, they have learned about the situation in Daqian today and are naturally worried about Xiao Chen's trip.

"Why are all your brothers worried that the Sixth Brother is a man of great fortune? Otherwise, how could he go from the monk in the world to the present day!" Qinghuang Wang said softly, but his eyes were full of firmness.

"Haha! Wumei said it well, but I waited too much to think about it. Sixth brother went all the way to today, what storms have not experienced, now that he has shot, naturally have confidence in your heart. You and I just need to wait patiently, in After swallowing up the big swallow, you can drink this go together! "

Qi Sheng knelt down in front of the hall and saluted deeply in the direction of Xiao Chen's departure. "May Master's trip be smooth ..."


In the astral field, there is a monk in blue robe walking, his expression is calm, his eyes are calm. It may seem unpleasant to take a step, but if you step down, you can cross the entire galaxy. Just a few dozen steps, you have already arrived at the East Yan border.

This person is Xiao Chen.

Long stretches of military barracks, no end in sight, here is the Dongyan border camp. A star field separated by the opposite side is where the Dayan Border Garrison is located. The two sides confronted each other across the star domain, but the ferocious warfare between them disappeared a lot compared with before. As the identity of the Lord of Dongyan spreads among the big swallows, some subtle changes in the mentality between the two sides are waiting for further changes in things. If the two swallows merge smoothly, why should they continue to fight.

Xiao Chen kept silent for a few seconds, and then hesitated without any hesitation, stepping into the border of the Dayan formally. Just as he entered the moment, over the entire territory of Dayan, the mighty National Games suddenly boiled and boiled violently, such as the tide of the sea, the momentum was amazing!

This kind of change suddenly caused countless soldiers in the two camps to shake their hearts and startled, and then they saw the flashing blue robe figure above the stars, marching towards the depths of Dayan. In an instant, they disappeared into sight.

With the fierce fighting in the previous four kingdoms, this figure has spread across Daqian, and countless soldiers recognized his identity in an instant. Thinking of all the previous matters, it is natural for him to enter what Da Yan wants to do this time. Guess.

But because of this, the more shocked!

King Xiaoyue, ancestor, Zhang Liangdong and Fan Lin all bowed to their knees at the same time, yelling in their mouths: "Congratulations to your Majesty to enter Dayan!"

The soldiers around the four kneeled and said, "Congratulations to your Majesty to enter Dayan!"

Throughout the Dongyan border camp, hundreds of billions of soldiers fell to the knees at the same time.

Roaring in unison, like a thunderous thunder, banging!

Above the army, the endless East Yan National Games gathered from all sides, condensing into the golden claw and golden dragon phantom, watching the big swallow roar in the direction!

At this moment, the Dayan Border Camp, remained strangely strange. The entire barracks was quiet, without any sound.

Sometimes silence means acquiescence, silence means approval, and silence means expectation!

The heart of the swallows of the Dayan royal family gradually lost their hearts ...


[Good night, friends. 】

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