Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1029: The strongest in the realm

Emperor Xiong frowned, looked up into the depths of the star field, sensing the strong aura fluctuations that gradually subsided in the direction here, the old strange expression was solemn, and the different colors in his eyes flashed for a while. [[{Eight? (一(小<{[?说网W]W]W.81ZW. COM After a long time, it turned into a sigh.

"The rise of the Yan Kingdom has become inevitable. From now on, there will be more powerful nations in the Great Thousand Realms vying for the power of the Great Thousand! My Da Chu has to prepare early to deal with a future war."

After groaning down, Emperor Xiong waved his hand to tear the space and walked directly into it and left.


The decayed coffin was suspended in the air, and a jet of dark and cold corpse aura filled the surroundings, and the tumbling, revealing a chilling aura that made people freeze. At this moment, there was a low growl from the coffin, revealing fear and unwillingness.

Although the lord of Daqin Jiuyou Underground Palace chose to retreat for the time being, he wanted to force Dayan, Dawei, Daqi, and Da Zhao to besiege Xiao Chen. If there is a chance, he will definitely intervene. But the result of this battle was far beyond his expectation.

Xiao Chen's combat power was so strong that he defeated the Four Kingdoms Hongmeng together! The cultivation level was terrifying, even he couldn't help feeling chills.

"My Daqin Corpse Clan has tolerated millions of years and accumulated countless strengths. There is bound to be no enemy to the soldiers! Xiao Chen, even if you cultivate to the world, you never want to protect Dayan. Soon, my Daqin black corpse cavalry I will step into Jidu, when Hao Tang Guoyun will be suppressed, even if you can't resist it!"

The corpse qi around the coffin trembled slightly, and the space was shredded silently, and disappeared.


"The rise of the Great Yan, Qin and Chu will no longer tolerate it. Once I try my best, my Datang will be in danger... alas, maybe when that day comes, the deity will have to make more preparations, at least it can preserve the blood of the Tang Dynasty. It won't be completely cut off." Luxuriously drove on, Li Muzi sighed in enchanting posture, and his voice was soft and pitiful, and he would feel a little closer and affection before he knew it.

The first-born triangle, the whole body of the snow-white alien animal moves with four hooves, pulling Luan away, disappearing into the ripples of space.


Han Fei's expression was even more indifferent, but above his eyebrows, there were worries that were so strong that they could hardly be resolved.

He stepped forward and headed directly to the end of the star field, only a faint voice echoed in the star field, "The chaos is approaching, the deity can only make a full shot to protect the Dahan line..."


Hongmeng of the Eight Kingdoms joined forces to block Xiao Chen, and so far they have left, not only giving up the idea of ​​blocking Xiao Chen, but also proving from the side the powerful power he possesses now.

The rise of Yan Kingdom will be completed in the hands of Xiao Chen, this is no longer possible!


Dongyan imperial capital.

The light shines up to the sky and laughs, heartily, and extremely happy!

The laughter spread throughout the imperial palace, spreading to a wider space.

From today onwards, Zuo Yan's line is officially in charge of Dayan. If the ancestors who had been murdered knew about it, they would be able to rest in peace with a smile. All the unwillingness in his heart disappeared at this moment.

And all of this is due to Xiao Chen's existence. If it weren't for him, how could Zuo Yan's lineage have today.

"Xiao Chen, this deity, on behalf of me, Zuo Yan, has countless deceased clansmen, bowing to you!" As he drank low, the light bowed his hands and bowed deeply.


The four daughters of Ziyan, Yuewu, Xiaoyi, Qingmei and Xiao Chen were originally husband and wife. When he was approved by the Great Yan National Destiny, the four of them could also be protected by the Great Yan National Destiny out of thin air, and naturally they knew what happened. the result of.

The four women cried with joy, tears welling up in their eyes!

"I knew that my husband would be fine!" Qing eyebrows choked and said.

Xiaoyi wiped her tears and glared at her, "As far as you know, how come you seem to be most restless after your husband left."


Ziyan and Yuewu smiled at the two women bickering, their faces filled with happiness. In fact, they didn't want a higher status or greater power. What they wanted was Xiao Chen's safety, which was enough.


"Hahahaha! Six brothers are brave enough to retreat from the Eight Kingdoms and complete today's feat. You should drink a swig!" The Dragon King stood up and toasted, "Brothers, you and I have a full drink, congratulations today!"

"it is good!"

Bei Guzi and the others got up, and the five drank it from one side!


Tong Sheng's face flushed, his face was full of excitement, and he saluted Dayan away and said loudly: "Disciples congratulate Master!"


Xiao Chen, the lord of the Eastern Swallows, stepped into the Big Swallow and forced the Eight Kingdoms Hongmeng to join forces to stop him. For a time, his reputation rose to the sky, and he was hailed as the number one strong under the true spirit. The two countries of Dayan and Dongyan merged, and the vast territory of the country soared, and it was close to the two countries of Da Qin and Da Chu. The strength of the country is also the pinnacle of the great world, and it has the potential to look at all countries!

The two swallows merged and the country was still named Yan, and the capital was moved to Jidu in order to better control the vast territory under his command. As the line of Zhongyan was completely abolished, the various star regions within Dayan declared allegiance and recognized Xiao Chen as the lord of Dayan. No one dared to contend.

On that day, the mighty golden pillars of national destiny on this capital, the coercion of the mighty national destiny swayed down from the clouds, and the great officials and generals of the army all returned to participate in the ceremony of the new emperor's ascension.

Xiao Chen wore a Kowloon court dress and a purple-gold emperor's crown. He walked and walked and stepped ascending to the seat of the emperor on the upper nine floors of the court. He flicked his sleeves and took a seat. With his eyes turned, he naturally possessed the majesty of the world. In awe.

The four girls of Zi Yan are all dressed in full costumes, decorated with tassels and pearl hairpins, and luxurious robes are often dragged behind them. The phoenix bloodline in the four females is nourished by the national destiny, the appearance is more refined, the grace is extraordinary, and every move shows the noble style of the sky.

Guang Guang sat on the emperor's stage, slightly inferior to Xiao Chen, with a solemn face and excitement in his eyes.

His Royal Highness ministers sensed the emperor's majesty, and at the same time, they prostrated on their knees and drank respectfully, "See Your Majesty for ministers!"

In this respect, the mighty national destiny was tumbling violently in the territory of the Great Swallow. The golden dragon phantom in the golden pillar of the national destiny of thistle capital shook his head and swung his tail straight into the sky.

Immediately, Xiao Chen became the master of Dayan!

The rest of the matter is naturally to vassalize the ministers, soothe their hearts, and stabilize the turbulent country. Although the two swallows have been merged and completed, the traces of the Zhongyan lineage left in the big swallows have not completely disappeared. The transfer of power at various levels and localities will take many, many time to complete.

Yan Guo gradually became silent and began to slowly integrate his own strength. After everything was completed, it was time to show his sharp claws to the great nations!


The silence of Dayan does not mean that the nations can also keep quiet.

The Da Qin and Da Chu events are frequently mobilized, and the army is gathering on the border, and there are signs of doing all they can.

Soon, Dawei, Da Zhao, and Da Qi announced on the same day that the three parties formally formed allies. Brother Hongmeng swears that the allies must not harm each other at all. If a foreign enemy invades, the three countries will join forces to fight!

Tang and South Korea immediately followed and announced the formation of allies. The opening of the border between the two countries, the complete reorganization of the military, and the merging of the forces of the two countries to deal with the upcoming dangerous situation is also a force that cannot be underestimated.

With the merger of the two swallows by Xiao Chen, the situation of the countries in the Great Thousand Realm changed suddenly!


Daqin, Tianqi Mountain.

Inside the gloomy underground palace is a full-body black carved and luxurious coffin, and the obscure and deep aura fluctuations continue to spread from it, cold and cold, containing endless aura of destruction. Suddenly, the breath in the coffin directly boiled, and pieces of pure black like cotton-like power overflowed from it, dragged by the invisible force, hovering quickly along the periphery of the coffin. The black cotton-like power grew more and more, and gradually enveloped the entire coffin, and a low growl suddenly came out from it.

The entire underground palace, and even the earth, trembled slightly in this low roar. In the underground, countless corpse cultivators opened their eyes at this moment, their eyes were pure black, without any impurities, and the whole body aura was even colder! At this moment, toward the direction of the underground palace, roars mixed with awe and joy came from his mouth.

Above Tianqi Mountain, the sky suddenly became dark, and the range of its influence was also spreading to the surroundings with an alarming degree.

Under the darkness, there is no light!

Under the envelope, any creatures that are contaminated with dark power will become dark slaves!

Lishan, Xianyang.

The temple is built on the mountain, above the ground is the Afang Palace, below the ground is the Jiuyou Digong, which is the Holy Land of Daqin.

At this moment, a furious roar suddenly came from the decaying coffin in the Jiuyou Digong, and the rolling corpse gas instantly gushed out, shattering the space, and the black coffin flashed directly into it!

At the same time, a certain temple in the depths of the Afang Palace trembled violently, and the earth was about to crack, and the thick and dark corpse aura spewed crazily from it, and one of them was faintly audible. Sensing a coercion from the bloodline, he suddenly knelt down toward this place with fear.

"See Lord Ancestor!" They didn't know what happened, and they were able to wake up the second ancestral corpse who had been sleeping for thousands of years, but it was absolutely extraordinary!

The ground shattered with a loud sound of "bang", and the broken soil and rocks shot in all directions, blessing with extremely terrifying power, rubbing against the air, and making a piercing sound. A black shadow broke through the ground and rushed directly into the air. His body was shriveled and only a huge skeleton was left. At this moment, he breathed hard, and suddenly a huge amount of heaven and earth energy gathered in his body crazily, and his body was also In the process, he quickly became plump, turning into a pale middle-aged monk, with a majestic appearance and majesty!

This person looked up in the direction of Tianqi Mountain, his face was extremely solemn, and his eyes were full of chill.

"Dare to do something in my Daqin territory, **** it!" In a low drink, the second ancestor's corpse foot stepped forward, waved to break the space, stepped into it and left.


Above the clouds, the rotten black coffin came from shattered space!

The lord of Jiuyou Underground Palace appeared, feeling the more ugly expression of the powerful aura coming from the bottom of Tianqi Mountain. The corpse cultivator was already known for his cold breath, but the strength of the ground made him feel the biting chill, and he couldn't help but feel a deep fear in his heart!

But at this moment, he suddenly looked up, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

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