Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1030: Dark Qin Emperor Yishenyuan

The space not far away suddenly shattered, and the second ancestor stepped out of it, and the two instantly exchanged a look. [Eight (one Chinese network

"Second, how could you wake up early?"

The corpse of the second ancestor looked diligently towards Tian Qishan, and said in a deep voice: "The deity was awakened by the great warning coming from the outside world while he was asleep. Now it seems that the root of this warning sign should be here . "

The main face of Jiuyou Di Palace is heavy, "Tian Qi Shan is the largest burial place, and the deity will check it every other time, but never notice the fault. Obviously, the people in the ground can not hide the respect. . "

"No matter who he is, if you dare to come to my Da Qin and wanton, you will die! You and I will try to force him out of the ground!"

"it is good!"

The second ancestor corpse and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace simultaneously stretched out with one hand and grabbed the ground fiercely.

Between heaven and earth, Hao Hao Tang Tang gathered together endlessly, and the whole mountain was torn directly in the severe tremor, and the rift spread to the ground sharply, heading directly to the source of the cold and cold breath. But the next moment, the faces of the second ancestor's corpse and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace suddenly changed, and they felt that they had magical powers and disappeared at this moment. It's not dispelling, it's more like being swallowed directly by some force!

The horror of the power revealed by the people below the level of being able to easily devour the two great powers of the Hongmeng Meng, and the power of the second ancestor, is far beyond their expectations!

Without waiting for them to react, a chuckle suddenly came from deep in the ground. "The two Hongmeng corpses are presumably the ones hidden in Xianyang by induction. If you surrender you, Da Qin will fall into the control of the Emperor. The voice didn't fall, a figure came from the ground in the cracks in the ground, black robes, dark, dark eyes, thin lips like blood stained, a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, his face calm and unrestrained, even when facing the first Monk Liang Hongmeng, the ancestor of the second ancestor and the master of the nine palaces, also gives people a sense of control.

This person is the source of Yishen lurking in the Daqin! He walked like this, he could see it with his naked eyes, but in the induction, it was just a piece of darkness that was constantly inwardly collapsing. Any power near him would be directly swallowed up!

The second ancestral corpse and the main body of Jiuyou Di Palace snorted at the same time, and shocked in their eyes. The consciousness they discovered was not close to this person, so they were directly deprived and devoured by him, and there was no resistance at all! He wanted to come to the magical powers, and it was resolved by him in this way. How strange and terrifying such a means, even if he was standing here, they could not cause him any harm!

At the same time, both corpses turned into a deep fear, and at the same time, they resigned a little. In the face of this black robe man, even if the two of them joined forces, they didn't feel half-win.

Yi Shenyuan smiled suddenly. He glanced deeply at them, and the dark mang rolled in the depths of his eyes, which made the second ancestor and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palaces cool at the same time, giving a feeling of being thoroughly penetrated. An extremely dangerous breath suddenly came, making them suddenly stiff, stepping on the next step, and wanting to break up and leave. At this moment, the great ancestors of the two great ancestors of Daqin and Qin Dynasty joined forces to face Yishenyuan, but they did not have any countervailing thoughts at all! The horror of its power can be seen from this!

But then they wanted to leave, but it was too late.

The second ancestor, the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace, stepped down, and the space was suddenly shattered like a mirror, but from the fragmented space, there were countless pieces of black power like cotton wool floating out and swept away towards the two. .

The eyes of the two corpses were widened, and anger and roar came out of their mouths, and the corpse gas spewed out of the body, trying their best not to let this thing contaminate their bodies. Although they didn't know what the cotton-like black power was, they felt a great danger from it. They knew that they could not be contaminated by it, otherwise there would be a huge trouble. With the two hands of Hongmeng Xixiu as their best shot, the whole body should be able to protect Wu Xun, but at this moment facing the black cotton-fleece object, they have caused infinite fear in their hearts! Their own power poured out in a frenzy, they could not be destroyed at all, and the strong corpse that spewed out was directly swallowed by the black floe!

"Calling the Great Qin National Games!" Under the crisis, the second ancestor and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palaces had no worries. In the roar, they would summon the Great Qin National Games and break up here forcibly!

Yishenyuan's dark pupils suddenly increased, and the entire eyes were occupied in an instant. He waved his sleeves, and countless black flocculent forces quickly merged with each other, turning them into a layer of black eggshell, sealing the two dead bodies directly inside.

"Da Qin is the thing of the emperor. How can the National Games be corrupted by you?"

The faint sound has not yet fallen. In the black egg shell, a terrible horrible sound suddenly came out at this moment, and the sound was extremely violent, and it lasted for a long time before it dissipated slowly. At the next moment, the eggshell was broken, and it turned back into a large amount of black flocculent force, rushing into it madly, and quickly integrated into the main body of the second ancestor and the Nine Youdi Palace, making the two figures gradually revealed. The two of them did not seem to change much on the surface, but their eyes became dark, and the strong breath overflowing from the whole body was even colder!

And the real change lies in them, in their primordial spirit! After being attacked by darkness, they will become slaves of darkness, and even monk Hongmeng will be unable to resist.

"See Master!"

The corpses fell to their knees at the same time, with awe in their expressions.

Yishenyuan glanced, and his face suddenly showed satisfaction. He nodded slightly and said, "From now on, you two will be the dark servants of the Emperor. Now I need you to take a shot. Within three days, let Daqin submit to this Emperor! Go now and complete the mission entrusted to you by this Emperor! "

"Yes, master!"

The second ancestral corpse and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace respectfully should have withdrawn a few steps backwards before turning around and tearing away.

At this moment, there were countless corpse monks appearing on the ground of Tianqi Mountain. They knelt toward them at the same time, and their mouths screamed wildly, "See the master!"

Yishenyuan suddenly lifted his eyes, his dark eyes looked towards the end of Yunxiao, and his mouth roared, "From now on, the emperor is the master of Daqin!" The moment he spoke, within the vast territory of Daqin, there were countless burial bodies. There was a sudden shout from the ground, monks of the corpse awakened from their deep sleep, all of them had dark eyes, they were all dark servants!

And darkness is the source of joy!

Following the Great Yan Incident, Daqin, recognized as the first power in the Great Thousand Realms, had no warnings and changed hands. The Dark Qin Emperor officially came to power in Xianyang. With the help of the ancestors of the two great Mongolian ancestors in Daqin, the entire Daqin had been replaced in just three days. Take control!

Above the territory of Qin Kingdom, it was immediately shrouded in a layer of dark power! The imperial capital of Xianyang, the national pillar of gold rising from the sky, is now directly transformed into a dark color, the golden dragon is transformed into a black demon dragon, the mouth is fangs, and the scale armor sacrum pierces the body, and the dark flame burning around . After the Great Qin Kingdom turned black, its power has not been reduced, but it is more powerful than before!

This sudden change shocked Daqian!

At the time of Qin Kingdom, Darkness was called by the Daqian monks!

The name of the dark Qin Emperor Yishenyuan spread throughout the world in a day!


Thistle is.

Xiao Chengao sat on the emperor's face, his face was dignified, and his eyes were all calm.

Sitting under the light, his face was slightly gloomy. He was silent for a while, and suddenly said, "Xiao Chen, can you be sure that the Dark Emperor Qin is the person you say? Maybe it's just the same name and the same name, otherwise how can he achieve this in thousands of years based on his cultivation? General state, seize Daqin in one fell swoop. "

"Although the emperor has not seen the dark Qin Emperor Tu Yingyu Jane, but after he came out, the heart will naturally feel inducted. This person must be the source of the **** of joy within the Xiaoqian Realm." Xiao Chen slowly said, "At that time, he transformed into a corpse monk. After flying up the Thousand Realms, he pursued and killed me in the chaotic starry sky burial ground. The emperor originally thought that he had been ridiculed for a long time and did not want him to lurk in the Daqin all the time. So much. "

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "As for Xiuwei, since the emperor can reach today's situation in a shorter period of time, he also has a reason to do it. Perhaps this person also has you and I unexpected Distinctive chance. And there is a kind of intuition between the emperor and me, and I will finally make a break between Yishenyuan. This resentment started from the small Qianjie, entangled to this day, and it is time to completely resolve it. "

The light nodded and said: "As you said, Yi Shenyuan will come to my Dayan soon."

"Good." Xiao Chen said slowly.

"Yishinyuan can directly capture Daqin, and even persecute the second ancestor and the principal of the Jiuyou Digong to obey him. It must be cultivated as a powerful player. Can you be sure to defeat him?"

"The elders rest assured that the emperor could defeat him then, and he still can."

"Okay." The light didn't say much again, and he got up and said, "The Great Qin Incident may threaten my Dayan. The deity first made some arrangements to prevent accidents."

Xiao Chen watched him go away, walked up to the window of the main hall, and looked at where the western Daqin was, gradually showing his sharp coldness, "Yeshenyuan, if you really are my destiny enemy, then the emperor is waiting here You! "The low groan resounded in the hall, the killing power was sharp, and it never dissipated for a long time.


In a short period of time, strokes in the Daqian Realm surged, and subsequent events shocked the world.

Dayan and Dongyan merged into a new state of Yan, and Xiao Chen, the master of Dayan, was so powerful that he was hailed as the first strongest in the realm.

The Western Qin Dynasty changed hands, the Dark Emperor Qin Yi Yi Shenyuan ascended the throne, and surrendered the two great ancestral ancestors of the Qin Kingdom. The methods were strange and unfathomable.

And just when the nations have not returned from these two shocking events, another major event that nearly exploded the entire Great Thousand Realms again.

The source of this time is Dachu!

Dongshan Starfield.

In the constellation of stars, a huge altar stands quietly, its volume is extremely large, 100,000 miles in size, and the whole body is engraved with exquisite texture. It seems to be complicated but has its own mystery, and no slight deviation is allowed in the meantime. Between these textures, fist-sized blood-colored stones are inlaid according to certain standards, and the surface shape is uneven, and the faint breath fluctuations spread out from it, covering the entire star field without being affected by it. No one is aware of the existence of a huge altar.

The whole altar is more like an extremely huge formation!

King Dongshan of Chu, the immortal king who survived in the ancient immortal realm, is now on this altar, his face is frantic!


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