Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1031: Advent of the Fairy Land

"Master, your subordinates are fully prepared to welcome you back! Your return will be the beginning of the glory of the fairyland again! The chaos and turbulence of the thousands of nations are the best time, and the master can calm all parties in one fell swoop. , Rebuilding the ancient fairyland! "

The immortal king roared, and his whole robe was rumbling without wind. His eyes turned golden, and the terrible breath burst from his body. A layer of golden flames jumped and burned outside his body, and instantly lit the entire altar! The complex and delicate textures quickly lit up, turning into extremely dazzling gold, and a large number of golden tongues of fire were pouring out! Inlaid with the blood-colored stones in the formation method, the weird blood stalks are scattered in this flame!

"The Lord of the Great Fairy, please return!"

"Please return!"




Billowing sounds, echoed for a long time in the star field. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W>. 〔8〉 1] Z> W ?. ? C} O] M

Above the altar, the golden flame burned more vigorously, a powerful and strange power emerged from it, then disappeared directly into the void, crossed the obstacles of time and space, and went to an unknown place.


There are hundreds of thousands of small worlds under the world of thousands, and billions of worlds like dust and sand float below the world of thousands. These small worlds are the bottom of the whole world, their spiritual power is thin, and the monastic system is low.

But in these seemingly humble worlds, there is a special place.

On the lonely peak of the coastline, a middle-aged man stands with his hands on his shoulders. He looks very heroic. At this moment, he is facing the sea and turning his eyes slightly, and then he naturally reveals a worldly spirit. But I don't know why. At this moment, the man's eyes flashed with complex expressions such as blankness, hesitation, and expectation. He noticed something faintly, but seemed to have nothing.

This person is exactly the blood king! The realm of the human world, the land of blood, a powerful creature born in the blood pool of [Dorona Yan]! As the years passed, he had already left the town. It was just because of the faint induction in his heart that he didn't rise to the Xiaoqian Realm, but stayed in the human realm all the time, waiting patiently. He didn't know what he was waiting for, but he knew he needed to wait, and his heart was inevitable.

But today, he suddenly felt something, and he has been waiting all the time, and finally it is time to announce it. Soon he will know everything.

A phoenix screamed in the distance, approached and converged, revealing one of the young people. He walked quickly to the side, saluting politely, and said, "Master, you call me."

The Blood King nodded slightly, and he looked up at Yun Xiao, and said, "Gan Er, there will be major events today, and the teacher may leave this side of the world, and you can go with me."

The young man remained dull, and then rejoiced, "Thank you very much, Master!" He saluted, but a subtle figure appeared in his mind, and a complex meaning came to his heart. At that time, his first master was also the highest existence in this world, but he seemed to have forgotten the existence of his disciple. But it doesn't matter, Master Blood King will take him to the higher level of the world of cultivation. Maybe in the future, they will have a day of goodbye. At that time, Gan Er wants to let the first Master know that giving up his disciple is definitely his loss.

Gan Er didn't complain, some just breathed in his chest, he had to prove himself!

Suddenly, the space above the sea suddenly collapsed without warning, and rich golden light spewed out from it, condensing into a luxurious Tongtian Avenue. The solemn and magnificent atmosphere suddenly enveloped the whole world, and the majestic momentum attracted countless monks. , My heart is trembling! This power has gone far beyond the limits of the human world, which is the supreme realm they cannot imagine!

The Blood King took a deep breath and looked at the golden channel in front of him, and he knew that this was what he was waiting for! Without any hesitation, he waved his sleeves and waved Gan Er, stepped forward, and the figure directly entered the golden channel.

The next moment, the golden Tongtian Avenue on the sea disappeared directly, and the space was restored, and nothing seemed to have happened.


In the constellation of stars, the altar with a size of 100,000 miles is burning with a rich golden flame, just like a small sun star! At this moment, the golden flames on the altar suddenly skyrocketed, and numerous fire tongues converged towards the center of the altar, and a flame door slowly emerged.

Immediately, the immortal king's eyes showed excitement. He fell down on his knees and yelled, "Subordinate guarding the immortal king, welcome to the master!"

The flame door slowly opened, and a figure came forward. He looked blank, as if already in a strange state.

Gan Er stared at the scene with his eyes wide, and he had a terrible fear! The golden flame burning on the altar made him feel the power of incomparable horror, and even the slightest ray could completely burn him to ashes. But at this moment, these golden flames, like slaves, lay at the feet of Master Blood King, and dare not approach him at all.

Where exactly is this!

The Blood King suddenly raised his hand and threw, and the figure of Gan Er left the range of the altar directly under an invisible force, suspended in the void. He slowly raised his mouth, and there was a roar in his mouth. Above the altar, the innumerable golden flames rushed into him like a summon! Inlaid in the altar array, the **** stones melted directly at this moment, turned into blood in the flame, mixed in the flame, and drilled into the blood king together! This process lasted for almost half an hour. When the last cluster of golden flames was mixed with blood and incorporated into the body, the 100,000-mile altar seemed to have exhausted all its power. A crack appeared at the root and then spread to the surrounding area. Eventually Turned into gravel, and completely destroyed.

The blood king's eyes suddenly opened, his appearance changed slightly, and he was even more overbearing. His eyes turned into pure gold. At this moment, the golden light was surging like a burning flame. The breath of his entire person, and the earth-shaking changes that preceded him, stood so quietly in the constellation of stars, but seemed to have mastered everything in the world. This is a kind of control over everything, and I have the supreme momentum! The breath of horror exploded from his body, rushing into the world!

At this moment, all monks in the Great Thousand Realms clearly sensed everything born here, and their faces changed greatly, revealing shock!

Dachu Holy Land Nanshan.

Xiong Di's eyes suddenly opened, and his eyes flashed brightly, as if he could see through the obstruction of space. He punched and smashed the space, and walked directly into it.

In the capital, the emperor Chu roared loudly. On the border of Da Chu, the mighty National Games suddenly boiled and blessed him directly. He rushed out of the palace and disappeared above the clouds.

In the Dongshan Starfield, Shouling Xianwang sensed the familiar atmosphere from the person in front of him, and his face was shaking with excitement!

The Lord of the Great Fairy is back!

The blood king's gaze swept over him, then he looked directly forward, and said lightly, "Shou Ling, look at him well and step back."

Shouling Xianwang respectfully said that he got up and held Gan Er, and he did not hesitate to step back. This mighty-powerful, can Xiongdi and Weihuang not know, but the Lord of the Immortals has returned, and they can only surrender to surrender, otherwise there is only a dead end!

The sound of "Boom" was loud, and the space not far away was directly smashed. Xiong Di stepped forward. His eyes fell on the Blood King, his body suddenly stiffened, and a scream of terror in his mouth. There is a horrible fear flowing directly from the old strange mind! As the great Chu Hongmeng, in the ancient immortal period, he was already a monk who stepped on the top of the heaven and had seen the Lord of the immortal world, so he is naturally no stranger to his breath.

The blood king's eyes fell, and he said blankly, "The solitary has returned, surrendered or died!"

The emperor Xiong passed through the initial fear and felt that the breath of the Lord of the Immortals was only at the level of Hongmeng, and his heart was calm for a moment. At this time, the space not far away was broken, and the figure of Chu Huang emerged from it.

In this way, Dachu already has two Hongmeng levels of combat power!

Xiongdi gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Luo Yun! Even if you haven't been ridiculed, you have already fallen into the level of Hongmeng, if you haven't cultivated yourself, do you think you are still the master of the immortal world that ordered everything? Let me surrender to Chu and see if you have this qualification! "

The Lord of the Immortals (Blood King) did not change his face, and said lightly, "Xiong Tong, you had kneeled down in front of Ben Gu and sought the gift of solitude. Do you think you can compete with solitude now. Even if solitude is weakened, Isn't it that your humble Meng Xiu can compete! Since you are going to die, you will be alone! "

The voice fell squarely, with one hand out of his robe sleeve, and pointing forward, "Immortal, split the sky!" In the void, a powerful tearing force burst forth, and went straight to Xiongdi and Chuhuang. go with!

The faces of the two changed greatly. In the roar, they stretched out their hands and shot forward. The strength of Hongmeng's hierarchy burst as many as possible, locking the space in front of them! Combining the strength of the two, it is not to be underestimated that the best effort is made! But at this moment, the hearts of Xiong Di and Chu Huang couldn't bear a sharp contraction, and suddenly gave great warning signs.



This is the sound of the fragmentation of the locked space in front of the two. They shot, and could not stop the magical master of the fairyland at all, and they were directly torn.

The shirts of Xiongdi and Chuhuang were torn apart immediately, and a large amount of blood spewed out. The two people screamed and the strength of their whole body agitated, and they wanted to flee wildly to the rear. At the same time, within the scope of the Dongshan Starfield, the mighty Da Chu National Games converged here.

The Lord of the Immortals murmured, but he did not see any movement. The big Chu National Games that had come together had not yet blessed Xiongdi and Chu Huang, and they were directly defeated by a humming! He nodded his finger and retracted, slamming his palm forward, "Fairy, prisoner!"

The Xiong Emperor and the Emperor Chu were all around, and there was an invisible force suddenly appearing. They were sealed to death, and with their honour and repair, they could hardly compete! And at this moment, the breath of the Heavenly Immortal Spell caused the cold hairs of the two people to rise up behind them. As soon as they passed away, they could be torn apart and killed! This clear death is near intuition, and they are in great fear!

"Lord of the Immortals, we surrender, please forgive us!" Xiong Di said sternly.

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