Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1033: Facing the capital

Regardless of the Lord of the Immortal Realm or the Dark Qin Emperor, all the powers of the two have gone out of their ordinary layers, releasing powerful coercion under confrontation, even if they are stronger than the second ancestor, Xiongdi and others. Eight W] W. 81ZW. A few of COM's faces were slightly white, and they stepped back carefully to avoid being affected by the fierce battle.

Yi Shenyuan sneered at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he suddenly shot and saw that he reached out and shook forward. The entire star field was suddenly completely covered by darkness.

The Lord of the Fairyland gave a cold hum, and the dazzling to the extreme golden light spewed out of him, rolling, just like a fierce burning flame!

The entire star field was directly broken at the moment of the confrontation between the two, and the violent and terror powers fluctuated like a torrential rain. Any creature falling into it will be wiped out instantly! Even if it is a whole star, it will be easily broken!

The battle between the two great powerhouses was astonishing!


I am a true star.

The kingdom of Chu surrendered to the master of the immortal world, and the monks of the Great Chu naturally became the slaves of the master of the immortal world. This time the Qin State invasion, the army was assembled everywhere, countless strong people were drawn from the country to resist the Daqin corpse iron ride!

The monk stepping into the sky also joined the battlefield to fight, and the rest need not say more.

In this battle, King Xu and King Yinyue followed a Dachu royal monk who stepped on the sky to fight against the Qin strong. Feeling the horror from the sky above them, their faces paled. Such a power, even if only a trace, is enough to make them both completely obliterated. The three cadavers on the opposite side are all at the level of creation Xeon, their combat power is sturdy and the dark attribute power is amazing. And in the battle is not afraid of death, the magical power is extremely fierce. If it wasn't for the king to control the origin of space, the strength was more than that of the monks at the same level, and the two were afraid they could no longer support it.

The Daqin has accumulated for years, and the hidden power is amazing. At least in this battle of Qin and Chu, the power of high-end monks has the absolute upper hand.

With a single palm shot by King Xu Yan, several space cracks appeared instantly, spreading forward in an astonishing degree, releasing a sharp edge. The cutting of space power, even the monks of the Qin corpse, who is famous for their physical strength, did not dare to lighten their front, and was forced to retreat in the roar. But in order to do so, King Xu's face became paler in an instant.

At this moment, a sudden cry came from behind him. The King of Silver Moon was slapped off his shoulders by the rival corpse strongman, his shirt shattered to reveal a large white skin, and the black palm print on the fragrant shoulder looked shocking! As he flew backwards, Yinyue Wang's mouth overflowed with blood stains, and a black breath exuded from the palm print, rushing into her body, causing the blood in the corner of her mouth to quickly turn black, more and more shocking!

"Silver Moon!" Xu Yan Wang Xiao Xiao suddenly turned back and pointed forward, and the space in front of him collapsed to reveal a black hole with the thickness of a finger.

Is about to chase down the silver moon king corpse strong face changed, snarled with a palm forward shot, billowing black corpse gas bursting out. The space in front of the corpse suddenly shattered, revealing a black hole of the same size, and a touch of silver and white burst out!

There was a loud bang, and the corpse strong screamed in pain. His palm was directly penetrated by the force of silver space killing. A terrifying penetrating wound also appeared on the chest, which can be seen faintly. The purple-red viscera slowly creeping, the edges have been torn by powerful forces, and the injuries are terrible.

King Xun Wang hated his shot, and the instantaneous damage was enough to seriously damage the monks of the same rank. But now, he has to pay for it! Driven by the cracks in the space, the two corpse strongmen took the opportunity at this moment to sacrifice the whole body's body madly during the roar. The whole body was dried up, and the skinny palms were photographed forward.

Two ebony bone claws appeared instantly, grabbed them outright.

King Xu Yu waved his hand to distort the space, but wanted to block the magical power, but only then hit and kill the Silver Moon King corpse strongman. He himself was extremely depleted, and the distorted space was bombarded by the corpse two creational supreme monks. Shattered by students! Although the power of the black bone claw weakened a lot, it still fell and fell on him.


There were several horrible wounds on King Xu Yan's body, black blood poured out, and his robe was wet. The flesh flung from the wound had decayed and died under the attack of corpse poison and dark power, and was continuously spreading into him.


King Yinyue struggled to step forward and hugged him. The two rolled over the ground and smashed several walls of the palace one after the other due to the huge impact.

"Ahem ... Yinyue, it seems that you and I can't escape this time." King Xu Yan's mouth was filled with black blood foam, and his face was helpless and bitter.

King Yinyue wiped him out in a panic, "I already let you go, why don't you just listen!"

"You and I managed to come together. How can I have the heart to leave you alone. Life can be with death at the same time. This is my commitment to you."

"You fool!"

Before being hit by the King of the Scorpion, the corpse strongman was struck with a smile on his face. He licked his chapped lips with his tongue, thinking about waiting to eat the two, and his injuries were almost healed. Xiu You can even improve. When he thought about it, his eyes suddenly became hot.

The faces of King Xu Yan and King Yinyue suddenly became extremely ugly. They naturally knew what would happen if they fell into the hands of the corpse monk. When they looked at each other, they saw the determination in each other's heart.

Rather die, the form and spirit dissipate in the heavens and the earth, and never be in the belly!


The assassination between the returning Lord of the Immortal and the Dark Qin Emperor naturally attracted close attention from the powerful and powerful men of the kingdoms, but only reflected the terror forces that emerged in the battle between the two of them, and they remained silent.

This power is beyond their expectations!

Swallows and thistles.

The light stood against the fence, looking at the direction of Da Chu, his brows frowned, his eyes dreaded. After a short while, he slowly said, "It's so strong!" There was deep fear among Yu Feng.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly. "The power that these two people are showing now has reached an extraordinary level."

"How do you compare to them?"

"Although they are not sure of victory, they may not be able to defeat the emperor."

There was a loose heart in Xiaoguang's heart. Since Xiao Chen opened her mouth, she had a certain degree of confidence in her heart. With your strength, it is enough to accomplish all things, but now it seems that things have become tricky again. "

"Why the elders are worried, the Western Qin and Xinxian Realms are strong, but my Dayan may not be afraid of them either. The Emperor always thought that what was easily available would not be considered precious. One day, Ben The emperor will step them all under his feet! "Xiao Chen said lightly, but the firmness and confidence between the verbal fronts was clear.

"Haha! Good! The deity is waiting to see you rule the world!

Xiao Chen frowned suddenly at this moment, he thought a little bit, and said, "The elders are staying at Jidu, and the emperor needs to go to Jidu."

"Going to this muddy water at this time, I'm afraid it will cause trouble."

"The relationship that was owed that year is ultimately to be repaid. The elders don't have to worry, the emperor will go back when he goes." In other words, Xiao Chen waved to tear the space and stepped into it.

He stepped up, people were in the territory of Dayan, and they fell into one step, and people have entered the territory of Dayu. The person who controls the origin of time and space has enough strength to support him, and in terms of degree, he is proud of any monk of the same level!

In the star field, a panic and roar suddenly came at this moment, and the sound was rolling like a thunder, followed by the breathtaking and overwhelming breath! The cry was that the corpse burst out, but I don't know what happened, so that this horrible monster was so scared!

The corpse's body was tense and keenly sensed the arrival of the familiar breath. This breath was deeply imprinted in its mind and was the source of its greatest resentment and fear. The monster's eyes were staring into the depths of the stars, and a figure came out of the space fluctuations. When the black and black eyes hit the blue shirt, the calm and calm face seemed to it to be the most terrifying existence in the world, so only at this moment there was such a fierce roar. It can't wait to hit it directly. In the future, people will tear it apart, but his keen sense will make his body taut, and he won't dare to move at all, otherwise it must be it!

During the fierce battle, the two figures suddenly receded, and the horror of the diffused space slowly dissipated. The vision of the Lord of the Immortals fell, and a little dignity appeared in his eyes. He said slowly, "Xiao Chen, you and I have met again."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and he said bluntly: "The emperor did not expect that the creatures in Doronagar's blood pool had actually been taken away by the Lord of the Immortal Realm, and by this rebirth came to the world again."

"Huh! The solitary soul wandered around the world in that year, and entered the blood pool by chance, and it was fateful! Now that you have returned, you should also return the sealed treasure to the treasure."

Xiao Chen frowned, and at this moment did not wait for him to say anything, Yi Shenyuan had sneered, "Xiao Chen, it seems that there is not only the Emperor who has grudges with you, I am afraid that the Emperor will have today. "

"Yeshenyuan, the Emperor had no intention of resentment with you when Xiaoqianjie, but it is only today that you push against you repeatedly."

"What's the matter now, why don't you think you can open up the hatred of the Emperor by opening your mouth like this! Although the Emperor can have today, and most of all thanks to you, you still want to die." Disgusting.

"My emperor was never afraid of you then, and now it is not. If you want to kill me, naturally you are shot, why bother to say more." Xiao Chen said lightly, his words were calm, but his absolute self-confidence was overbearing.

Yishenyuan's face suddenly became gloomy, and a dangerous breath came out of him.

Xiao Chen looked at him indifferently, with a calm look and no fear at all. With the help of colorful gourds, he has strong combat power, and he may not be afraid of him. If he let go of the war, he will have a certain degree of confidence in his heart. And more importantly, the Lord of the Immortals looks sideways, and if the two fight with all their strength, regardless of the victory or defeat, once the damage occurs, it will inevitably be profited by the fisherman. Yishenyuan has always been cautious, it is impossible to be unaware of this, and naturally it will not be easy to shoot. Moreover, the Lord of the Celestial Realm and Yishenyuan are now in the same situation, and are afraid of each other. There is no possibility of joining hands with him.

Since Xiao Chen came to the capital, he thought about everything.


[There is a chapter before 12 o'clock]

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