Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1034: War of the Great Thousand Realms

Yishenyuan murmured, "You and I have resentment, and the Emperor will find the opportunity to liquidate with you!"

"My emperor awaits. (? Eight 8) 1> Z? W).) C] OM" Xiao Chen made a stop and looked at Luo Yun. "Presumably today, the Lord of the Immortal Realm should not be embarrassed with the Emperor."

"The sealed book is in your hands. Even if there is nothing today, Gu Gu will certainly not rest with you in the future." Luo Yun's eyes were cold, but just as Yi Shen felt the threat from Xiao Chen, he did not dare to take it easily. .

"The Emperor can only say that the sealed book is no longer in my hands. Believe it or not, the Lord of the Immortals judges it for himself. The Emperor has no intention of interfering in the battle of Qin Chu, only in return for a human relationship that year. He will leave. "In other words, his foot stepped forward, the figure had directly torn space, appeared on the star of Xidu Xiuzhen, and moved forward.

King Xu Ying and King Yinyue saw the people clearly, and their faces suddenly showed excitement.

In the eyes of the wounded corpse monk, there was a cloud of uncertainty, his dark eyes stared at Xiao Chen with a threatening roar.

Xiao Chen turned suddenly, his gaze fell on the corpse, and a low hum in his mouth!

The corpse monk's mouth was suddenly miserable, and if his body was thrown back with a heavy blow, the flesh had been split into pieces of black blood before falling to the ground. The surrounding monk monk's face suddenly changed, and his feet receded, and he did not dare to move forward a little bit.

Yi Shenyuan looked calm. He didn't look at the world-first Xeon corpse monk. Besides, when he went to challenge Xiao Chen, he was seeking his own way. That being the case, it is not a pity to die.

When Xiao Chen waved his sleeves, a powerful force poured out directly, removing all the corpse poison and dark power in the King Xu King and the Silver Moon King. He frowned slightly with no trace of his eyebrows, and he had a strong aversion to the dark power! And this disgust is exactly the same as that of Yishenyuan. He converged in his mind, and said lightly to the two of them, "The Chu Kingdom is dead. If you two are willing to leave with the Emperor, regardless of allegiance to Dayan or hermit, the Emperor will not block. If you do not wish, the Emperor will leave immediately Then the relationship between you and me is written off. "

King Xun and King Yinyue stood up and saluted each other, "I am willing to leave with Her Majesty Yan."

Xiao Chen nodded, "OK!"

The monks in the surrounding Da Chu, at the same time showed envy. Being able to be taken away by the Lord of the Great Swallows can at least be able to break away from today's fierce war situation and compare their unknown prospects of fierce life and death. I do not know how much better.

Xiao Chen turned around and was about to take the two of them away, but his body was slightly paused, and then he went silent. In his sights, it was a Chu woman who stepped into the sky to cultivate a beautiful woman. She was born in many beautiful places, her gown was broken in many places, her face was pale, and it was still difficult to hide her natural beauty. Covered by his eyes at this moment, the woman's face changed slightly, and she hurriedly gathered her salute to show respect.

Xiao Chen has seen this woman's appearance.

In the funeral garden of the Ji family, the funeral bamboo was entrusted to him before delivering the bloodline seeds. If he sees this woman in the future, ask him why?

Since Moro ’s return to the real world, when he defeated the Big 6 and destroyed King Nine Bloody Vine, Ji Changkong also showed him an image, and asked him if he had a chance to meet this woman in the future, wait for him to ask, Have you ever really loved that person?

This woman is now in front of her.

Xiao Chen suddenly said, "Who are you?"

The woman in the palace costume was a little embarrassed in her heart, and gave birth to endless awe, hurriedly saluting, "The junior was born in the royal family of Da Chu, I don't know what the Lord of the Great Yan called?"

"My Emperor asked you something, and you should answer me truthfully, you must not conceal anything at all." Xiao Chen slowly spoke. "A long time ago, you may have left Daqian Realm and entered a realm."

The woman in the palace costume suddenly froze. She was shocked and lifted. She didn't know why he knew about it, but she didn't dare to hide anything. She said a little bit, respectfully, "Back to the Lord of the Great Swallow, the juniors had been distracted into the realm , I was ordered ...

"So, then there is nothing wrong." Xiao Chen nodded, and he gave the woman a deep look. "A long time ago, one person asked the emperor to entrust the emperor. If one day I could meet the person they said, I would ask for it. Two questions. First, why? Second, have you ever really loved that person? "

A hint of confusion flashed through the eyes of the woman in the palace dress, and she thought for a moment, and whispered, "I don't know who the Lord of Yan said."

"Ji Changkong." Xiao Chen said, but the result had been faintly guessed. For the monk stepping into the heaven, a fascinating memory will not be preserved at all. This woman was indeed the person Ji Changkong was looking for, but she probably didn't have him in her memory.

Sure enough, the woman in the palace costume heard the thoughts and thoughts and drew a few breaths, and finally shook her head. "The junior did not know this person."

Xiao Chen shook his head, thinking about his dead place in the star field, and endured the endless loneliness alone, but in the end it was such a result, he could not help but give birth to some compassion. He looked at the woman in the robe. "What's your name?"

"Younger bear spirit."

Xiao Chen took a note, turned around and waved his sleeves, and brought the King Xu King and Yinyue King together, taking a step forward, tearing the space and leaving.

Xiong Ling looked at his back, and a flash of confusion flashed in his black and white eyes. She suddenly felt that the name of Ji Changkong was really familiar, but she was sure that there was no trace of him in his memory ...

Yi Shenyuan watched Xiao Chen leave, and his dark eyes surged slowly! I thought he had a dark heritage, enough to grow into the highest peak in the world, easily kill Xiao Chen, and let him endure endless pain, but he did n’t want to, he has reached the state of today, even if he shot, there is no absolute Keep it! But this situation is only temporary. As the source of darkness, his power growth is extremely horrible. Soon, he will be able to enter the half-step true spirit level. By then, Xiao Chen will surely die!

With this in mind, he looked up at the Lord of the Immortals and said coldly: "Now you and I are evenly matched. If we continue to fight and the results are indistinguishable, it may give Xiao Chen an opportunity. The Emperor proposed that Da Qin should conquer the army from now on, Da Qin Dachu and Dachu have already revised their stars to divide the territory into new territory. In the future, you and I will fight again. "

The Lord of the Fantastic World frowned slightly, then nodded slowly after a while, "Okay, this matter is promised alone."

Yishenyuan turned directly, his figure suddenly dispersed, and turned into countless subtle dark fluid forces, disappearing into the space.

The corpse yelled angrily in the direction of Xiao Chen's departure, turned to tear the space, and followed Yishenyuan.

The second ancestral corpse and the Lord of the Nine Youdi Palace ordered that the Daqin black corpse iron rider who did not dare to shock the imperial dynasty to stop siege slowly stopped the siege, and arranged in a neat line in a silent manner, and slowly retreated to the star area.

The Lord of the Fairyland waved his sleeves, and the Shouling Fairy King and the three recalled Emperor Level Emperor Realms appeared directly in front of him. "The solitude is about to be closed, and it will be fully restored. The matter of rebuilding the fairyland will be left to you. The day when you go out of control is the time to unify Daqian and completely rebuild the fairyland! "

"Yes, master!"


The battle between Qin Chu came to an abrupt end when the fierce battle of Batu Xiuzhen starburst ended. The two countries laid down defensive forces along the line and redefined the territory. The situation gradually stabilized. As a result of this battle, it appears that Qin Kingdom has the absolute upper hand, but the Chu Kingdom is still strong, and many powerful men recalled by the Lord of the Immortal have joined. The country's power has not weakened but has expanded tremendously! According to rumors, there are as many as three immortal emperors at the level of Hongmeng and the rest of the monks who step on the heavens and below are naturally more. And after the battle between the Lord of the Immortals and the Dark Qin Emperor that day, the terror forces that burst out in the killing of the two have completely shocked Monks Hongmeng, and even produced an irrepressible fear in their hearts! Because of this power, they have reached the limit they can compete with.

This is a power that is almost ordinary, and among the nations, only the Lord of the Great Yan can compete with it!

For a while, people in various countries were panicked and felt that the general situation had gone irreparably.

A few months later, the Emperor Chu officially announced his abdication and surrendered to His Majesty the Lord of the Immortal World. The existing territory of the Great Chu is the Immortal World. After this incident, the borderless kings of the Chu rushed out violently, and simultaneously entered the territories of Korea, Tang, and Qi. The Lord of the Immortals recalled the strong to join them.

At about the same time, under the leadership of the three ancestors, the Great Qin Jiuyou Palace, and the Horror Corpse, the Daqin black corpse iron ride directly into the three kingdoms of Zhao, Wei, and Han. , The three powers can not stop!

During the fierce fighting, Da Wei Wei Yuan Tian, ​​Da Zhao Zhao Tuotian, Da Han Han Fei, Da Tang Li Muzi, Da Qitian Qi Jun and the five Hongmengmen joined forces to attack the crisis. However, the results of this battle were struck by the tacit understanding of the powerful men of Qin and Chu and fled the war. From this day, the five-nation war situation officially entered the stage of defeat, and a large area of ​​the country fell wildly. Every day, countless monks died in the war!

The entire Daqian Realm is officially in the midst of war!

The only one who remained silent was the Great Yan. It slowly accumulates its power in silence. Only when the right time comes, it will reveal the horrible fangs that have been prepared for a long time and pierce the body of the prey fiercely!

As time goes by, this day is getting closer.


[Things are a bit late today, and tomorrow is an early update. Good night, friends. 】

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