Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1035: Choice of Ares

Time and space turbulent, Ares. Eight [<(? One Chinese {<文 网 W} W) W ?. ] 8? 1} Z] W & gt ;. ? C) O? M]

In the Temple of War, the three respects gather.

Ling Yuanzi frowned and said slowly: "The first respect was a sudden retreat, and it was strictly prohibited that things other than life and death could not be disturbed. Now the situation is urgent and no further delay is left. You and I have to discuss it. Qin The kingdom of war and the immortal world sent troops, the Daqian world was caught in the flames of war, and our war shrine was also implicated. Although a lot of materials and monks were secretly transferred back before, the losses were still very heavy in the flames of war. Requisition of all supplies. "

"The war broke out, Daqian interface was a battle of catastrophe. The old order will be completely broken. This is an inevitable thing. I will also have to deal with some of the shrines." The anode said in a deep voice.

"Huh! The situation is turbulent, the nations are about to perish, and the ancient contract will no longer have the power to restrain. If I do n’t want to wait and die, I can only intervene!" Ling Yaozi's face was tense, and his voice was cold.

"Ling Yaozi, what do you mean?"

"Ling Yuanzi, why can't you think of it, why should you know it? Now Luo Yun, the Lord of the Immortal Realm, returns to Daqian, and the Dark Qin Emperor Yishenyuan rises. The strength of the two is already above ordinary Hongmeng. However, no matter who can finally unify Daqian, my war shrine has only two options, surrender and destruction. How can it maintain its current status. Today, the only person in the Daqian world who can compete with the two is Xiao Chen! He is the Lord of Dayan and the third deity of our war shrine. Now that you and I help him, there may not be a fight for it. And helping Xiao Chen is also helping us, how to choose, you and I should be early Make a decision. "

The anode nodded, "Yes, my dear agrees with Ling Yaozi's words. Helping Xiao Chen to rule all over the world, my war shrine can still guarantee my status, so that I won't fall into a situation where I can't help myself. Come."

Ling Yuanzi frowned, and gritted his teeth after a long while. "Okay! The first retreat, you and I will make the decision, join the forces of the shrine to join the Dayan camp, and fight for the power of a thousand leaders!"

Ling Yaozi got up and said, "So, don't continue to delay, you and I set off for Jidu. Presumably, Xiao Chen has been waiting for you and me for a long time."

Dayyan has accumulated strength in her silence. Why not wait for the War God's Palace to make a choice, and it's not difficult to figure this out with the thought of the three city statues.

The three got up, waved their hands to tear open the space, and stepped out of the way, they were outside the big 6 guardian formation, waved their sleeves to open the portal, the aura of light burst into the chaos of time and space, and galloped towards Dayan.


Thistle palace.

Xiao Chen stood high on the throne in the hall, and his eyes swept down, Shen said, "Zhu Qing must go all out, don't have the slightest intention, and deal with the immediate battle! Wait for you to retreat and make the final preparations. Don't go on a business trip! "

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

His Highness Dayan Zhongchen respectfully said that he quit a few steps after saluting before turning around and hurried away.

The light sat down and waited until the ministers left, and then said, "Now the force left in Zhongyan's veins of Dayan has been cleaned up, the adjustment of military strength is also under control, and domestic material preparations are tending to be completed. In the war of the nations, Qin The power of the kingdom and the fairyland is amazing, the army is advancing madly, and the five nations cannot support it for too long. The time has come for the shot, otherwise it will be a bit late. "

Xiao Chen said: "My emperor knows what the elder said, but now I haven't waited for the result I wanted. But please rest assured that, no matter what, my big swallow will be shot within one month!"

"Since you understand in your heart, the deity will stop talking." The light nodded, but his frown could not help but wrinkle slightly. "It's just the current situation. The middle deity of the God of War Palace should be able to see clearly, why he didn't respond."

"Perhaps they are still hesitant, but the Emperor believes that they will soon make a decision. If they want to maintain the position of Ares Shrine, then my big Yan is their best and only choice."

Just then, Xiao Chen suddenly lifted a smile, "Elder, it seems you and I don't need to wait any longer."

The light paused for a few breaths before they sensed the three powerful breaths that entered Dayan's territory, and laughed: "Since the Battle God Palace has come, Xiao Chen, you should greet me to show my sincerity."

"Elder said so."

The two got up and stepped forward, and the figures directly integrated into the space. The next moment, they appeared again, and they were already outside of the Jidu cultivation star.

Not far away, the space suddenly appeared ripples, and the three figures came from it. It was the three gods Ling Lingzi, Ling Yaozi, and Anode of the God of War!

"Three Taoists came, and the emperor came to meet him." Xiao Chen laughed.

The light arched a gift.

Ling Yuanzi, Lingyaozi, and Anode did not dare to entrust them, leaving Xiao Chen Dayan's lord and third Taoist status as his own strength, and he had already reached a common level. Be careful.

"I've seen Lord Yan and I've seen friends in the light." This time, they have stated their attitude. They don't talk to each other as Taoists, but stand on the side of Dayan and the God of War to have a dialogue.

Xiao Chen smiled, and was slightly respectful between the three voices, but did not show a slight strong state, saying: "My emperor and thistle have been waiting for you for a long time, but I do n’t know where the first respect is, why not Come with Dao Zun. "

"The first deity has a sense of understanding, and cultivation may be able to make another breakthrough. It has been closed for a long time. As soon as the affairs in the Palace of War God, the three deities are in charge." Ling Yuanzi said.

Xiao Chen was a little surprised, and the first respect was unpredictable. Now he is retreating again. If he really breaks through, his realm will definitely be improved, and his combat power will rise to a higher level. "So, we want to congratulate the first Dao Zun, when the customs day will be out, the emperor will come to pay homage. "Speaking here, his face suddenly became calm, slowly said:" Since the three Dao Zun come today, presumably the battle shrine has made a choice . "

"That's right! From now on, I will do my utmost to help Yan Lord and help Dayan to seize the power of the Great Thousand Commander!"

"Okay! The emperor is the Lord of the Great Swallows, but he is also the third deity of the Ares Palace. Since the Ares Palace is willing to help, the Emperor has made a guarantee that if there is a unified rule in the future, the Ares Palace will not be subject to any restrictions. Supreme is even better now! "Xiao Chen Shen said.

There was a smile on San Dao Zun's face. They shot, and of course they wanted to get Xiao Chen's promise. Now the results are happy for both sides.

Guangzhao laughed: "The War God's Palace helped me to swallow up the great nations, and it will shake up the nations of thousands of nations, making me even more prestigious! Today, on the day of great joy, please also invite three respects to enter the palace. I will be a banquet to show my sincerity ! "

Xiao Chen said: "The elders said very much, three Taoists, please."

Ling Yuanzi, Ling Yaozi, and Anode Zi nodded with a smile, "So, it's better to be respectful."

The five people stepped forward and entered the Great Yan Emperor Palace directly. At this moment, on the sky of the imperial palace, the endless national games of Haohao Tangtang poured out directly, and they were used madly here to directly integrate into the golden pillars of the national games, making the golden pillars more solid, taller and larger. The shape of the golden dragon's ghost has grown madly, the scale armor has become thicker and larger, the minions are sharper, and the pressure of the whole body is constantly rising! The entire Dayan National Games soared at this moment and nearly doubled!

The Ares Palace has a strong foundation and its strength is at least comparable to the strength of the two countries. Joining the Great Swallow will naturally cause such a crazy surge in the National Games. Such a change, since it shook Daqian, the news of the War God Palace joining the Dayan camp spread wildly and spread throughout the country in a short time. The thoughts of countless monks in the Daqian world came to mind, and the long-stagnant Dayan was afraid that he would shoot soon! Da Qi, Da Wei, and Da Zhao were all very tense. They could not compete with the attacks from Qin Kingdom and the Immortal World. If Da Yan joined the army, the three kingdoms would be destroyed!

This is the last word, and will not be mentioned for the time being.

The arrival of the Three Supreme Masters was a feast for the Emperor Yanyan Palace. The palace maids and waiters served beside her, all with joy on their faces. They were slaves of the Imperial Palace of the Yan Kingdom, and they had a close relationship with the Royal Family of the Yan Kingdom. If the Yan Kingdom fell, waiting for them would be an extremely tragic end. Now that the National Games are soaring, they should rejoice.

Xiao Chen took the lead, and the left and right sides of the light and the three Daozun seats in turn.

"My Dayan is ready for everything, and now I have to go to the shrine to help me, so I do n’t have to wait anymore. In a few days, my big Yan will go all out to join the battle of the thousand! This battle, there is no victory!" Xiao Chen toasted and drank in a low voice.

"There is no victory!" The light and Ling Yuanzi raised the toast together, their faces were astonished.

A banquet ended when the guests and hosts did their best. After a brief discussion, the Three Taoists returned directly to the Temple of War and assembled their Majesty's strength in order to cooperate with Dayan's shot. After the light feast, he left in a hurry, and now there is a war going on, he still has many things to arrange.

Xiao Chenping stepped back and forth, slowly walked out of the hall, his mind was twitching the mana flow in his body, and a burst of strong wine fragrance spread out all over his body. He had dispelled all the wine in his body.

Thistle has no night, the sun star's rays are shining on the earth all the time, he looked up at the blue sky and day, his frown gradually. Luo Yun, the Lord of the Immortal Realm, returned, and Yishenyuan emerged without warning. Both of them have inevitable contradictions with him, and conflicts are inevitable. There is that mysterious Kun Wuzi in the secret, perhaps looking at it, and not to be underestimated! Nowadays, it looks like Dayan still has a battle, but it is extremely dangerous in secret.

He took a breath and pressed down his thoughts, his eyes turning firm again. The matter has come to this day, he has no possibility of retreating, only to be cautious and keep coming forward!

At this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and she looked forward, Ganoderma rushed forward, her face was full of worries. I don't know why, at this moment when I saw her coming, Xiao Chen suddenly jumped a little in her heart, and suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable. She didn't ask her to ask, "Lingzhi, what happened?"

Ganoderma lucidum was embarrassed and gave a ritual, saying: "The four maidens are not allowed to report to the sister-in-law, so as not to delay your immediate events, but the maidens are getting worse recently, and the sister-in-law does not dare to hide any more. I know everything. "

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