Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 155: Kill as many as possible

The moment Xiao Chen shot, the distance fleeing from the blood and Xiao Chen's body frantically, at the same time, his shot shattered a jade coat. ? Eighth} W>. } C) O) M. At the moment of Jade's fragmentation, a teleportation circle appeared instantly to wrap them in, and the figure disappeared in a flash.


"Just almost!"

Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist watched Xiao Xue disappear with Xiao Chen's figure at the same time, and his heart was full of resentment and almost spit out blood.

At the same time, they also sensed the crazy killings from the implosion of Price Huazong.

"Broken, this little hybrid tunes the tiger away from the mountain!" The two old monsters didn't pause for a moment, and rushed back to the circuit in a frantic teleportation. "Well, how can Xiao Chen cultivate the spirit body to a few years Dacheng Realm! "

At this point, let the two weirds want to break their heads, and they won't know that there is still a treasure in this world that can directly change the flow of time.

But now they can't wait a lot, just want to rush back as soon as possible to seize Xiao Chen! If the two powerful late-day powerful men still shot today after Xiao Chen's play, how could they keep their faces!

"Damn! Damn!"

The two old monsters shot with all their strength and even at the expense of burning mana, they exploded to the extreme level.

Over Puhuazong, Xiao Chen shot with all his strength.

The body turned into a ghost image, and he shot out with a force of Ben Lei, and punched forward. Who can stop him? The psychic avatar supernatural power of Bingling was directly broken up, and then cast away unabated, directly blasting his spirit body and sealing it away.

The spirit body was damaged, His Holiness was instantly pale, his mouth sprayed a blood sword, and he flew wildly to escape.

But when Xiao Chen shot, he didn't intend to let go of any one of Jin Yuzong today. At this moment, one arm stretched out in the void, and his own majestic force came out instantly, and he burst into the middle.

Click! Click!

The space can't bear the heavy pressure and split directly, but this time is not an ordinary space fragmentation, but the space rules in this circle of hundreds of feet were strongly destroyed by Xiao Chen, but he was suppressed by the repair and it did not spread to the surroundings. .

The terrible lethality caused by the collapse of the rules of space is extremely extreme. Within the scope of the collapsed space, except for the Bingling Lord who can still bear the hard support, Jin Yuzong's teaching and the disciples of the five elders died instantly.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed sharply, and he felt two crazy approaches, leaving him no time.

"Dead to this seat!"

Xiao Chen's fists shook his hands instantly, surging pressure burst.

Despair was revealed in the eyes of Lord Bingling, and there was only one scream in his mouth, and the body was forcibly crushed into powder, and Yuanshen died together.

Jin Yuzong, who was at the peak of the early days of the integration, died!

A dead silence!

On Puhuazong, watching the scene of tens of thousands of monks fighting from the beginning to the end, but at this moment it seems that people are pinching their necks, their chests are stuffy, and they just feel unable to breathe.

The Supreme Master Monk of Synergy is ridiculed!

Lord Bingling was directly bombarded and killed by Xiao Chen by brutal means, and the spirit body and itself were all destroyed, and even the Yuan Shen could not escape. For a time, in the eyes of these monks, the whole world of the cultivation world would change.

Since the death and injury of the Zhoushan combined battle 23oo years ago, there has been no Mighty Monk scorned in Moro's true world.

Countless monks gathered on that jade robe monk, all of which revealed awe and panic.

His body was soaked with cold sweat for a moment, and his mind set off a stormy sea. His body was equal to his strength, otherwise Puhuazong and Jinyuzong would not stand still in these years. But today this old opponent was killed instantly, without even a little resistance.

A chill invading the lungs and even the deep bone marrow made the weird body stiff.

Jiuxiandao's face was shocked beyond concealment, this old man is truly incredible. Ten years ago, Xiao Chenxiu was strong, but at most he didn't fall to accumulate extreme levels. There is still a long way to go before being fit. But today, he not only has achieved the avenue of fit, the power of the avatar is explosive, but he can easily fight Bing Lingzun By. . So to what extent does his ontology reach!

At this point, Monk Jin Yuzong, including the elder Elder Bing Ling, died as many as possible. The roots of the sectarianism collapsed and it will inevitably decline.

Karma retribution, today's situation is that this Jin Yuzong took the blame for himself, and can't blame others.


On the side of the jade robe Xiao Chen, two large teleportation arrays in the void appeared instantly, Xiao Chen's body and the small blood figure of five hundred feet appeared instantly, and the majestic power burst out.

Xiao Chen, a jade robe, stepped forward and disappeared into Xiao Chen's body.

"Blue eyebrow, leave with me."

Xiao Chen opened her mouth and raised her hand to take a virtual photo to take the little girl to her side.

But at this moment, there was a voice from Sen Leng who seemed to come from under Nine You, "Today, you can't go anywhere!"

"Xiao Chen, a hybrid, die for the old man!"

The next moment, the atmosphere of the entire space suddenly changed, and then completely solidified, like an incarceration cage, generally bound Xiao Chen.

Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist came from the vanity, all with old faces and gloomy eyes, murderous in their eyes. Today, the two of them sat down in person, but they did not expect that Xiao Chen could be murdered, killing Bingling Sect hard and making them look shameless.

Fortunately for Xiao Chen, it is difficult to fly with his wings in his eyes. When thinking of the treasures on his body, the eyes of the two weirds flashed hot at the same time.

A force of repulsion was born in the void, sending all the other monks. The space of thousands of miles is covered by Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist supernatural powers, but Xiao Chen and Xiaoxue are trapped in it.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. At the moment, there was no panic. His eyes turned to Qing Mei, and his eyes showed a little pity. He wanted to take the little girl away, but now it looks like he can't do it.

Qingmei Xian covered her mouth with tears, and the teardrops "ticked" and "ticked" slipped, but Qiao's face had to deliberately make a happy appearance, just because the little girl was unwilling to worry about Xiao Chen. Now Qing Mei is no longer a ignorant little girl. She knew in her mind what the monks in the later period of integration meant. Although Brother Xiao Chen was powerful, how could he be these two old undead opponents. in case. . If Brother Xiao Chen had an accident because of her, Qing Mei would never live alone.

Xiao Chen seemed to be aware of a certain emotion in the little girl's eyes. She smiled and shook her head at this moment, so that she did not have to worry.

Facing the killing of two powerful men in the later period of the fit, they can still maintain a calm look at the moment, without mentioning that it is enough to admire this style alone.

Xiao Chen turned around and looked at the two sneer and sneer, and said lightly: "On the trip to the medicine garden, Lei Dao Tianzun sneaked in, trying to **** the chance of inheritance somewhere, did not want to be forced to reveal his identity, and wanted to kill."

"Xiao Chen wasn't the one who held hands to be sacrificed by the captives. He countered and shot this old monster, so he drew hatred from this person and wanted to kill me."

"The alchemy association opened the medicine garden. If other monks were not allowed to collect treasures from it, why should they fake it? Xiao Chen got a mutant spirit body, and the news was revealed. He was hunted and strangled by the alchemy society's entire cultivation community. This is really ridiculous. . "

"But the above things are ultimately a grudge between you and me. You should not use any means to deal with blue eyebrows and force me to show up."

"Xiao Chen always has his own bottom line. Once touched, he will never die! Today you hurt Qing Mei, Xiao Chen vowed that in the future, you two will have to pay for the things we do today."

Xiao Chen's voice was calm and undulating, but it was precisely this voice that revealed the cold killings of Sen Leng, but it was enough to freeze the blood of the human god.

At this moment, countless monks can't help but change slightly. They got a lot of information from Xiao Chen's mouth. As long as they are not stupid people that day, they will naturally be able to guess things for seven or eight minutes. The two old strangers of Wuyuan Taoist and Lei Dao Tianzun are slightly weird.

Lei Tao Tianzun looked calm and turned a blind eye to the monks around him, so that he could reach the point where they did not need to be restrained. Even if they knew how things could be, would anyone dare to embarrass him.

"Xiao Chen's little hybrid, do you think you can save your life by taking advantage of the world's leisurely words? Your husband advises you not to waste your words. No matter who comes out today, you will definitely die!"

"I have the highest strength in self-cultivation. Do you not understand this?"

"As for the price of this seat and the five-yuan Daoyou in the future, hey, do you little hybrid think that you can't leave alive today?"

The old immortal spoke, his face was full of coldness.

Wuyuan Taoist sneered, although he did not speak, but the meaning is obviously the same as this Lei Dao Tianzun.

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