Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 156: Can't stay

[The first change of the new week, buns need the firepower of your friends, don't forget to vote! Update early at 12 o'clock, hey, go to the list! 】

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Xiao Chen shook her head, suddenly lifted at the moment, and said lightly: "Since Xiao Chen has arrived, you have the assurance of getting away. You two should wash your heads and wait for me to collect them someday!"

After finishing his speech, Xiao Chen waved his hand suddenly, and the figure of 50,000 monks appeared densely in the void, all wearing armor, with a magnificent spirit, and the trend of killing was rising endlessly. ? Eight

"Meet the Lord!"

Fifty thousand soldiers fell down on one knee. The weakest person in the body was also the mid-level of the Infant. The strongest were like the five million captains, and several thousand captains had already been promoted to the level of not falling.

"Get up, follow me and break the **** in front of me!"

Xiao Chen stood next to the little blood junior, fifty thousand soldiers stood up, and a roar rang out in their mouths.

Taking Xiao Chen as an example, the war will be carried out in an instant, and the endless evil spirits will condense out in an instant, forming a magnificent trend, twitching above the void, and faintly heard the sound of the golden iron and iron mingling soldiers and horses killing.


The fifty thousand corps soldier Zuomei Daojin has been practicing hard for hundreds of years. At this moment, he has reappeared at the moment. He is more powerful than that year and has endless blood. He has been transformed into a surging tide under the integration of war will all be integrated into Xiao. Morning body.

The blood strength of the fifty thousand soldiers was superimposed. After integration at this moment, Xiao Chen was suddenly running crazy in his body, causing his explosive momentum to skyrocket, causing tens of thousands of miles to change. The strength of this breath is actually not weaker than the powerful monks in the later period of the fit.

Xiao Chen's body was swollen, and the blue muscles were violently raised under the flesh. The body was forcibly elevated again, and it looked awe-inspiring like a **** of war.

"Break me!"

Drinking like thunder, hit with a punch!

This punch burst all of Xiao Chen's actions, and the superimposition of 50,000 soldiers on the left eyebrow dojo represents the most powerful blow that Xiao Chen has done so far. With a punch, silently, Lei Tao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist Zicheng Tiandi magical power was forcibly broken, the solidification space was restored again, and there were thousands of horrible black holes on the side of the void.

Xiao Chen shot in a blow, blasting his own extreme combat power, and his physical body was already damaged. At this moment, he had no time to look at it. He waved his hand to bring 50,000 soldiers back into the left eyebrow dojo. With a thought, the little blood giant tail swung, and the figure instantly flew. Go out to the black hole.

Lei Dao Tianzun, the unrecognized Sovereign changed greatly at this moment, but his heart gave birth to endless shock.

"The mustard world! This Xiao Chen absolutely has such a treasure in the mustard world!"

No wonder this little **** is so bad against the sky, thinking of this precious treasure that is passed down from the ancient mighty one, all these things that cannot be explained are all solved.

"You must not let him escape!"

At the moment, the two immortals were staring at each other at the moment, and they all saw the enthusiasm in each other's hearts.

"Leave it for me!"

"Where is the little bastard!"

This time, the two shot fully without any reservation.



Above the void, the palms of the two parties condensed out in an instant, all of which were large and small, and mixed with a mighty shot. The palms of the two parties were transformed by the powerful in the later stage of the integration of the spiritual power of the heavens and the earth. They contained the coercion of will, and it was easy to kill the monks in the later stage.

Above the void, Lei Long leaped straight into the thousands of black holes, and the sides behind him looked like the palms of gods and monsters. The lightning flashed on one side, the darkness was dark on the other, and the murderous moment came instantly.


In the eyes of Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist, the meaning of ferocity is exploded. Even if this Xiao Chen resorts to the sky, it is hard to escape!

But at this moment, Xiao Chen on Thunder Dragon suddenly turned around, and the blue shirt slammed to welcome the two powerful late-powerful supernatural powers. His face was calm and fearless. At this moment, he suddenly waved his hand and drank softly, "Guard!"

The two-word exit, his face paled to the naked eye, and his breath was extremely weak.

A phantom of a majestic palace in the void slowly emerged. Although this temple was only a thousand feet in size, everyone's eyes fell at this moment as if they saw the entire universe as a famine, vast and immeasurable.

Dignity, majesty, and majestic breath burst out from the imperial shadow of this temple. This thing is the most expensive existence in the world, and no blasphemy is allowed.

The shadow of Dianyu shrouded Xiao Chen and Xiaoxue, and the palms of the two sides fell in the next moment.

There was no expected roar and explosion, and the palms of the two sides disappeared in an instant. And the palace ghost appeared for a short time, as if it had run out of energy and disappeared, but that was enough.

Thunder Dragon was extremely fast, and at this moment the figure burst into the black hole and disappeared.

"Qing Mei, wait for me to come back!"

A faint voice came, though a little weak, but no one dared to belittle it.

The two major monks shot later, but still couldn't leave Xiao Chen.

Lei Long's mount, 50,000 armored soldiers, and a grand palace ghost like before the ancient times, there are too many secrets hidden in this man, enough to allow him to resist the two late monks who are fit together and retreat.

For a time, countless monks looked complex, and their eyes were full of envy and awe.

Lei Dao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist watched Lei Long's figure disappear, his face was extremely gloomy, but he was afraid to chase after all. This black hole was opened by Xiao Chenxiu for the superimposition of 50,000 soldiers. It was not ordinary space fragmentation, but broke the Moro cultivation world and led to the most horrible space turbulence, even if it was able to enter in the late stage of the integration. But under the prestige of heaven and earth, it is still extremely fragile, and will be completely hanged in a moment!

"I just hope that this boy will die in the turbulent space and never come back."

Neither of the two old monsters could see what each other thought, but for some reason, they had a very bad feeling in their hearts. It seems that the boy who was forced into space by them today will return with a mighty power one day.

"You two wash your heads and wait for me to collect them tomorrow!"

At this moment and Xiao Chen's words, Lei Dao Tianzhuang and the two elders who have no chance in their hearts have a chill in their hearts at the same time.



The small body of more than five hundred feet of small blood entered the black hole, and immediately fell into the chaos of space. The force of violent space tearing and destroying came madly, and wanted to completely tear it up and destroy it.

The space is turbulent, even if the powerful monks entered it in the later stage of the integration, they cannot persist for too long. If they cannot find the direction of departure in time to break the binding and leave, they will eventually escape.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered. At this moment, he had already envisaged the situation. Although the situation was in crisis, he was not panicked. At this moment, he woke up, a small growl burst into his mouth, his figure shrank sharply, and disappeared into Xiao Chen's eyebrow space.

The next moment, Xiao Chen stepped forward directly, the figure disappeared instantly, a black stone suddenly appeared in the turbulent space, and the force of the terrifying space tearing could not cause any damage to it.

It's inconspicuous, moving slowly in this turbulent space, thinking of going somewhere.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen was pale, but his dark eyes were calm. At this moment, he noticed external changes, his face was slightly loose, and groaned, "Fortunately, I broke through the state of fit and barely gained control of the left eyebrow dojo. Power, in the end, the Dojo guardian will smash the Thunder Dao and the Five Yuan Taoists. "

"With my current strength, even if I try my best, I am not a fit monk opponent."

Xiao Chen lifted his face with anxiety, and after a moment he slowly lifted his expression into a firm face.

"Although I was able to escape from Moro Xiuzhen this time, but I did not have the means to break through the turbulent return of space again." Xiao Chen was able to blast the turbulence of Moro Xiu directly connected to the space because of him. Superimposed 50,000 soldiers repaired to explode comparable to the late combat power can be achieved. But in this turbulent space, Xiao Chen can barely protect himself. As soon as 50,000 soldiers appear, they will be broken into pieces by the force of space.

So Xiao Chen has no way out.

"Now that I ’m trapped in a turbulent space, the only thing that can be sensed by Yuan Shen is the space where the demon is located, and this Moro cultivation world cannot go back. I have to return to the place of birth. The heart is in Zhao Guomu. The family cultivates the demon body, and the store fuses the body at the gate of Wanzongzong. No matter what they have achieved, they can work with me inside and outside to break up the space and turmoil, and regain my freedom. "

"In the depths of Starfield Big 6, the old man of the clan and the Tao of Humanity are the great opportunities I left for myself, and now I should have the strength to collect. When I merge the demon avatar and recall the small shop, the inevitable strength It skyrocketed, and when it reached the depths of the star field, it swallowed the human Taoism, and it was soaring again, and it was impossible to shake the power of the fit later! "

"Small bricks were left on me by Lin Yuan. No matter how far away, I can sense the position of Moro ’s true world. After my strength increases, I will return with the power of heaven and earth and return that Thunder Road to Heaven in one fell swoop. , Five yuan Taoist kill as many as possible! "

"Qing Mei, wait patiently for me!"

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