Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 157: Practice "Xuantian"

[The new week, you all support. Eight {a novel [<[<

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Xiao Chen's thoughts turned sharply. After a while, he had analyzed the situation and made a complete plan for future actions.

The fusion of the demon body recalled the small shop, entered Starfield Big 6 and devoured the human Tao Daogu, and then returned directly to the Moro cultivation world. After all the issues were resolved there, he returned to the cultivation world where he was born and settled many grudges.

Xiao Chen also thought about it. Although his fighting power is now comparable to the peak of the middle period of the fit, the six ancient ethnic groups are all hidden, and no one knows how deep they are hiding behind them, and whether there should be a late powerful monk. Xiao Chen didn't dare to take risks, so he had to wait until his strength was really strong enough to be fearless before he could show up and destroy them with a single blow. Moreover, Liu Qingmei was alone in Moro's repair world, and he could not rest assured that he had to settle her first.

Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, closing his eyes slowly, and fully urging the left eyebrow dojo to go to the demon center of Yuanshen induction center.

Within the turbulence of the space, full of destruction, a black stone was moving in a certain direction in the wind and waves.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen practiced cross-legged, at this moment slowly opened his eyes and frowned tightly.

In 1o years, in his telepathic sense, he is now close to the demons of the heart but is close to 1% of the distance. If you go forward in this way, it takes thousands of years to reach it!

The millennium time is enough to make the sea change, and Xiao Chen has not lost much time now.

"What to do?" Xiao Chen expressed impatience in his heart.

But at this moment he took a deep breath, barely suppressing the emotional fluctuations in his heart. The more the crisis is not optimistic, the more it is necessary to be calm, self-reliance is useless.

Xiao Chen thought about March in succession in succession, but could not find any way. He could only put down his thoughts and continue practicing.

The "Xuantian" method is derived from the golden seal. The minimum cultivation practice requires the integration of the realm. Xiao Chen has already imprinted it on the Yuanshen. At the moment, he started to retreat in the left eyebrow.

This method is mysterious and obscure, and the body and spirit are double-cultivated. There are nine realms: the first realm: the Qingming realm, the clear and transparent jade, and the pharynx. Second Realm: Xuantai Realm, retreating from the ordinary and congenital. The third realm: Tai Emperor's realm, the broken birth was broken, and Tai Emperor came out. The fourth realm: Dragon changes, Huangji rises, and Dragon leaps for nine days. The fifth realm, the virtual world, embodies nothingness and contains the world. The sixth state, Dongtianjing, Dongtianxiaodi, universe evolution. The seventh realm, without a photo, is enlightened, but I am too up. The eighth state, the state of esteem, seeks to return to ancient times, and turns into the ancestor. The ninth realm, the free realm, the world is flooded and wild, let me gallop.

Xiao Chen has a deep accumulation and an extremely powerful physical body. Yuan Shen is also not weak with the help of the ancient Bodhi tree. This time, the practice of this "Xuantian" method has progressed very fast.

The first state of Qingming, it took 5o years to complete!

Second Realm Xuan Fei Real Estate, it took 11o years to repair!

As for the third realm, Xiao Chen's practice progress was extremely slow. The time in 2oo was only rough and rough, and the distance from the practice to Dacheng Realm was not much different. But Xiao Chen was not anxious because of this. He knew in his mind that he could easily cultivate the first two realms because of the deep accumulation of Taoism so far. Starting from this third realm, accumulation and depletion would reduce the degree of cultivation.

At the peak of the mid-fitness, the practice of "Xuantian" can only be supported to the second level. I wonder if you want to completely refine it to nine levels. Perhaps at that time, Xiao Chen was really able to laugh proudly and crazily.

However, the matter is still far away, Xiao Chen converged and began to slowly sense changes in the body. This "Xuantian" exercise method is indeed extremely arrogant, but Xiao Chen has already felt a great change in himself, but he has cultivated to the second level of Xuantai.

With the help of Gongfa, Yuanshen Space expanded by nearly 30%, and the volume of the ancient Bodhi tree also skyrocketed, reaching a size of 15o in one stroke. The crown of the tree covered thousands of feet, and several roots were planted on the ground.

This 36o year of cultivation has made Xiao Chen Yuanshen's cultivation nearly doubled. But the biggest gain was in Xiao Chen's body.

In the first four realms of "Xuantian", the main body is the physical body, followed by the Yuanshen, and now the second realm is completed. Xiao Chen's physical body seems to have bred a change again. At this moment, there is no impurity in it, which is called the innate body. The bloodline inherits the family line. Xiao Chen's physical body has undergone a tempering, but now it is further transformed. The first two realms of "Xuantian" focus on the foundation, and the second realm is named after the black fetus. It means that the monk is reborn within the mother's placenta. After training and accumulation, once the breakthrough and promotion to the third realm is too imperial, the strength will be Crazy promotion. However, even after the accumulation process, after training into the second realm, Xiao Chen was still able to sense the changes of his own flesh, the flesh and fascia became tighter, the toughness was stronger, and the explosive power increased accordingly. The physical combat power was increased by at least 60%. . However, now that he has completed the second realm, what he needs is continuous accumulation in order to complete his own transformation. Once the third realm is too imperial, Xiao Chen's strength will advance by leaps and bounds.

Xuantian nine realms, each three realms a large level.

The third realm is too imperial, and the combat power is comparable to the monks in the early days of crossing the robberies.

The sixth realm of the cave is heaven, and the combat power is comparable to that of Dacheng mid-term monks.

The seventh realm is without a photogenic masterpiece, and you can try to overpower the peak, and you will be a giant in the small and realm!

The eighth realm begins to be respected. Once it is completed, its strength is comparable to that of the Xiaoqianjie Xeon.

The ninth realm is in the realm. After the completion, it can be recognized by the origin of the world and directly achieve the road of destruction! Once it is destroyed, it becomes a real power in the world, and it can be destroyed with anger.

"Xuantai Realm requires deep accumulation to survive. It is not something that can be done in a short period of time." Xiao Chen is very clear about his situation, but he is not in a hurry to advance. Only by solidifying the foundation now can he achieve higher achievements in the future. .

"I am now repairing but I am in the early stage of the fit, but because of various opportunities and combat power, it is about to force the late stage of the fit. If I am to be upgraded to the late stage of the fit in the future, I am afraid that the real combat power may not be weaker than that in the early stages. If we build this third emperor's realm again, our strength will soar again. "

Xiao Chen lifted his heart with confidence.

The left eyebrow dojo was 36o years, and the outside world was 12 years away. It was now the 22nd year since Xiao Chen left Moro.

"As I improve, I have more control over the left eyebrow dojo, and my progress has improved. But at the moment, it will take at least 5oo years for me to reach the birth space."

Although Xiao Chen was anxious in his heart, there was no other way to do this, but to continuously practice hard work to save time.

It took another 3oo years for the Zuomei Dojo. On this day, Xiao Chen was training with her eyes closed, but suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes were shocked.


Xiao Chen stood up instantly, with one hand stretched out in front of the void in front of him, and suddenly a layer of water wave-like picture emerged. At first, it was blurred and gradually became clear. From the information revealed in this picture, it is exactly Right now, the situation outside the left eyebrow.

This is also the ability that Xiao Chen has gained since he was promoted to fit the body. He can directly observe the external situation through the legal array.

The chaotic flow of space is permeated with the force of silver and white violent space, and there are even small or large pieces of space debris. The lethality carried by the high operation is extremely amazing. It is the same as it is. At first it may be extremely fresh. But Xiao Chen has been tired of watching 6oo for many years.

However, in today's turbulent space, the situation seems somewhat wrong, a strange wave of breath spread from a distance. The source of this fluctuation deviated from the direction that Xiao Chen needed to pass, and was located in the front left.

Xiao Chen's face showed a thoughtful look. This was the sixth time in 6oo that he felt a strange atmosphere in the turbulent space. According to the records of the classical books, the turbulent space is a dead place. The ancient flows are all the force of violent space. The only representative is the destruction of tyranny. Once any monk appears, he will inevitably die. But at this moment, Xiao Chen's sense of breath revealed a vitality. Although it was dim, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

"Go and see, the creatures that can appear in the turbulent space are absolutely no small matter, maybe they can get some benefits."

With the left eyebrow dojo outside, Xiao Chen thought he was safe and deviated in the same direction. Even if he looked in the past, he would not delay too much time.

Xiao Chen's thoughts moved slightly. The direction of the black stones in the turbulent space suddenly changed, and went towards the source of the wave.

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