Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 157: In trouble

Even if the left eyebrow dojo is not moving fast, but one month later, the source of that breath is already in sight. ? Eight

"Here!" Xiao Chen flashed with joy on his face, then waved his hand to open the restraint to investigate the external situation.

"Huh?" Eyes fell on the picture in front of him, and Xiao Chen's face changed instantly, with shock in his eyes. "What the **** is this!"

The picture mapped from the prohibition at this moment clearly shows that, in this turbulent turbulent space, there is a strange place that is relatively still, with a radius of tens of thousands. Any space fragmentation near it will suddenly stop and slowly Flutter.

At the center of this still space, a silvery white dazzling circular object is constantly shrinking and stretching, just like the human heart. It is in this shrinking and stretching that the strange wave of breath is constantly spreading out.

Xiao Chen's face was calm, but there was no impression in his mind. As far as he knows the practice, he has never heard of the scene in front of him.

In the turbulent space of the death place, there is actually a sun-like existence, and from this, Xiao Chen sensed a weak breath of life. However, this breath is different from any monsters and human races seen before Xiao Chen. It is obviously a very different kind of special life.

Mo said Xiao Chen, I'm afraid that even if he has lived for tens of thousands of years, he won't know what it is.

In the turbulence of space, under the circumstances, thousands of years of time have accumulated and accumulated, and there is a chance to achieve the heart of space. This thing is a real treasure. It can only be born within the turbulence of space. If you can grow to When you become a realm, you can open your mind, and you can even become a person and grasp the origin of space naturally, becoming the world's top powerhouse. This kind of treasure has a probability of almost zero, plus a little spirituality, it will be good fortune and avoid evil, and will continue to move to the depths of the turbulent space to avoid being taken away by now. Within the turbulence of space, even if the strength is far away, this object does not want to capture it.

For various reasons, the heart of space has appeared countless times in countless epochs. Once the monk opportunity is obtained, the benefits are also amazing. For example, after getting the heart of space, the monk can refine it into a treasure and integrate it into the body. Obtain this talent from space to get the magical power of space. You can freely pass within the turbulent space, and even use terrifying means such as space blockade, storm destruction, and escape ability.

After all, in this world, you can confidently break into the space and not ridicule too few monks, at least if the monks in the later stage of the integration can't leave in a short time, they will still die. Therefore, once Xiao Chen got this thing, if he was in danger, he could smash the space and directly enter the turbulent space, and presumably he dared to enter the hunt and kill few people. And even if there is a powerful monk chasing and killing, with the help of the heart of space within the turbulence of space, Xiao Chen is completely like a fish in the water, and can even use the power of turbulence to kill the enemy. On the other hand, the opponent must resist the space. The strength of the turbulent flow is greatly reduced.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen didn't know that what he was seeing was a rare opportunity for countless times. At this moment, he looked at the strange and still place in the turbulent space, and his eyes were cloudy and uncertain. This thing is a treasure, which Xiao Chen is certain in his heart, and can be born within the chaos of space, which shows that this treasure must be extremely precious. But because of this, he was extremely hesitant. Although Xiao Chenxiu is not weak at the moment, he is still very fragile in the face of the might of heaven and earth, with some careless consequences. This treasure can make the space turbulent and still, which is enough to know how powerful the might is. If you collect it, you may even lose yourself. .

Gritting his teeth, Xiao Chen was secretly ruthless in his heart, but he refused to see the treasures. This is not his behavior, and he must try it anyway, even if he fails. . With the left eyebrow dojo guardian, it should not be difficult to retreat all over.

Xiao Chen hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to shoot.

The body of the left eyebrow dojo dangles, like a humble little black fish in the turbulent space, and slowly walks towards the still space.

Before entering the still space, Xiao Chen had already let go of the drive to the left eyebrow dojo Ren Yebao slowly drifted forward while tumbling under the force of the turbulent flow of space.

"Go in."

Xiao Chen felt that the left eyebrow dojo trembled slightly, and then, like the space debris entering this place, stood still, slowly turning around the heart of that space. After sensing it for a moment, he didn't notice the strange breath, so Xiao Chen drove the left eyebrow dojo a little, trying to go to the core of this space with an inconspicuous degree. However, in order to avoid accidents, it is extremely slow and I don't know how long it will take to arrive.

Xiao Chen looked cautious, and there was no irritability in his heart. This thing was so weird. It would be best if he could receive nature, otherwise he would not hesitate to turn away. It should be noted that although the treasure is good, it also needs to be used for life. Excessive greed will only kill its own life. He is very patient now, preferring to spend more time than to cause trouble.

According to this degree, after 5o days, the left eyebrow dojo was four years and two months, and the black little stones came under the bright and huge object like the sun. When Xiao Chen approached, Xiao Chen appeared. It turned out that the huge circular object about 100 feet in size was surrounded by dense space debris, and Yinguang was formed by the condensed space forces. There seems to be something in this circular object, and the absorbing force that holds it firmly holds them here.

Xiao Chen swallowed a spit carefully. Although there is no contact at the moment, through the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen can also faintly sense the force of space tearing these small space fragments in the egg shell expansion and contraction. Tears him to shreds in an instant.

"The powerful force of space is protected by this layer of shell. Even if I know that there is a treasure in it, I can only cry out." Xiao Chen reluctantly shook his head, and now he would not dare to show up, otherwise if he Detonation is bound to be the end of a dead place.

A lot of time was wasted in vain, and Xiao Chen felt quite depressed.

But even so, after exhaling lightly, he did not hesitate to drive the left eyebrow dojo slowly out. Although monks should be fearless and compete for treasures in the heavens and the earth to achieve success, this does not mean that they should advance blindly.

Treasures are collected, unless there is at least a 40% chance of success in desperation, otherwise it is not fearless but stupid.

Slowly wandering, after a few days, Xiao Cheng could be separated from the scope of this static space. Xiao Chen looked back at the picture in front of him. A huge egg in the static space stood silently, obviously there was a treasure in it.

"If you don't see it, it's better not to see it. Leave it earlier." Xiao Chen shook her head.

Suddenly, he suddenly lifted up, showing shock in his face.

At the core of the still space between them, the huge egg body suddenly broke without warning, and numerous small space fragments spewed out like ions. Tens of thousands of squares of static space, with this sudden change suddenly plunged into endless stormy waves, the force of violent space raging wildly.

In the force of this sudden runaway space, a black stone was dark and dull, but even if the endless tearing force was cut off like a blade, it could not cause any damage to it.

Xiao Chen swallowed a little bit of spit, and his heart beat like a drum.

terror! It's too scary! If a monk sees that it is safe to appear outside, under this unforeseen explosion, I am afraid that it will be destroyed instantly and completely from this world. Even if the combined power can die in this space turbulent power.

At this moment, the sun-like egg-shaped object seemed to sneeze and horrifiedly sprayed space debris out of the disturbed static space. A powerful suction force burst from its core instantly. Under this suction force, countless space debris hurried backwards and go with.

Xiao Chen's face really changed. I don't know what was in the egg-shaped object, but once it was sucked into it, it would definitely not end well. But at this moment did not give him a chance to curse, the black stones in the chaos of space were instantly sucked back without any resistance.

Countless space fragments came together again, and the broken egg shells re-condensed, and the space became static again, as if nothing had happened.

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