Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 160: Primal Fight

[The veteran has been confused for the past two days. The chapter errors cannot be modified because of mobile reading bases. Adjust from this chapter directly to avoid making mistakes in the future. In addition, the period cannot be used as a period, but my usage habits must also be changed. Grumbled and bowed down, all the friends read the book. Bayi Chinese Network W) W] W}. ] 8] 1? ZW. COM

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The silver light cluster has its own heaven and earth, vast and boundless, as beautiful as a silent star field. In this star field, a figure of up to a thousand feet stood quietly, with dazzling silver light all over his body, and a violent wave of breath spread out from this figure.

At the moment when Xiao Chen Yuanshen was noticed, a roar burst into the mouth of the thousands of figures.

"Swallow! Swallow! I want energy! I want energy!"

In this figure induction, Xiao Chen Yuanshen is a huge and pure energy body. Once it is swallowed, it can complete the most crucial step of transformation, and become spiritually powerful.

So at this moment, the thousands of figures will suddenly burst into endless swallowing power, just like a black hole, the force of scattered attraction is extremely extreme. Under the influence of this attraction, Xiao Chen Yuanshen suddenly trembled violently, but there were signs of gradual instability.



There was a small, dense and crisp sound from Yuan Shen, and Xiao Chen's complexion became extremely ugly. This silver figure must be the spirit **** of the silver light group. At this moment, this thing really subconsciously swallows energy from its surroundings and merges into itself. And from the perspective of the induction, this spirit **** has not yet fully emerged, and its spiritual intelligence has not really been turned on.

"Can't continue to delay. Right now, this thing is transforming at a critical moment. If I have a shot now, there is still a chance of success, otherwise once he completes the immediate change and his wisdom is wide open, I will certainly die."

Xiao Chen's eyes burst into a dazzling glare, and a decided breath broke out.

"Leave a seed of the Yuanshen, the ancient tree of Bodhi suppresses me, guarding the black ghosts, all the remaining Yuanshen enter this figure, and fight with it."

"You want to swallow me, Xiao Chen will swallow you up today!"

Under the crisis, Xiao Chen's heart was fiercely excited, and now he was roaring and his face was cold and cold. A pure primordial seed escaped from the eyebrow, flickering with a touch of golden aura, and merged into the ancient Bodhi tree. As the primal seed was introduced, the dense and squeaking leaves of the ancient Bodhi tree trembled at the same time, and the strong aura guarded it Included.

The black ghost jumped out and stood in front of the ancient Bodhi tree, slamming his chest with both palms, banging, and a roaring roar burst out of his mouth.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen stepped forward without any stagnation, and instantly entered the silver figure.

"Swallow! Swallow! Energy! Energy!"

The silver figure uttered an unconscious roar, but the ecstasy could be clearly sensed. It sensed the entry of Xiao Chen Yuanshen. As long as it was refined, it could get a new life. Although the intellect has not yet opened, the object has a somewhat fuzzy sense of judgment.

But the next moment, the silver figure was suddenly stiffened, and then roared violently, pain was extremely painful, and the features were severely distorted.

A violent raging atmosphere wave burst from its body, leaving it unresponsive for an instant. All the energy that had been swallowed into the body before was easily absorbed by it, and never encountered resistance, so this counterattack by Xiao Chen Yuanshen made it a little overwhelmed.

Xiao Chen naturally would not let go of this great opportunity, at this moment the Yuanshen burst out and turned into a big mouth desperately devouring the power in the silver figure.

"Swallow! Swallow! Swallow! You will swallow me, Xiao Chen will eat you and refine it today!"

Yuan Shen's illusionary mouth was swallowed up quickly. With this energy integration, Xiao Chen Yuan Shen gradually appeared a little silver light, and the shape was expanding at a very rapid rate.

The silver figure is the spiritual wisdom that has gradually been nurtured by the heart of this space after tens of thousands of years of growth. At this moment, every energy consumed by Xiao Chen is equivalent to the existence of the monk Yuan Shen, and the pain produced is the same as the Yuan Shen. Tearing and swallowing into the belly, the silver figure instantly fell into rage.

Although unconscious, after being hurt, the mind of space began to fight back. In the silver figure, the originally mild energy was instantly transformed into rage, and the rumbling surging was like a tide, which turned into a siege situation and immediately wrapped Xiao Chen Yuanshen in it.

Xiao Chenyuan's illusionized giant mouth stopped engulfing in an instant, and suddenly turned into a cone-shaped treasure. He didn't sit and wait while he was spinning, and rushed directly to somewhere to drill hard. Although this silver figure has arrogant energy in the air, it does not have psychic control. Although the lethality that can be burst out is arrogant, it can be reluctantly resisted by Xiao Chen Yuanshen.


The Yuanshen Cone and the wave of energy met, and the two sides instantly burst into fierce friction. Both the Yuanshen power and the silver energy were being consumed at an extremely fast rate.

Yuan Shen's damage brought great pain, but Xiao Chen seemed to be unaware of it. At the same time, Yuan Shen's sharp cone pierced the fragmented silver energy. At the same time, the tail part suddenly cracked and turned into two hooks. It was cut instantly. Large pieces of silver energy merge into the Yuanshen and are consumed by instant refining to replenish this Yuanshen's loss.

In the mad encirclement and killing of silver energy, the statue of Xiao Chenyuan is a spiked fish among the huge waves. He fights hard, fights desperately, seizes the opportunity to devour every energy that can be swallowed, to supplement his loss. Xiao Chen Yuanshen seems to be very happy, but the situation is very dangerous. When he is trapped and imprisoned when he penetrates the silver energy, he will be swallowed under the massive energy refining.

The two sides fought fiercely, and the silver figure had no sage in the end. Although the fighting methods became fiercer, Xiao Chen could always seize the opportunity to escape. With the engulfing of the fighting, although Xiao Chen Yuanshen suffered a lot of losses, the Yuanshen shape increased a lot under the engulfing energy refinement.


A violent roar burst from the silver figure's mouth, and Xiao Chen's crazy attack and devour had completely enraged it.


A muffled sound erupted from its body instantly, the silver energy surging like a tide, and turned into a force of strong repulsion. Xiao Chenhua Cone Primordial was forcibly sent out from the silver figure, and once again condensed into a human shape, with caution and fear in his eyes.

Seeing that the scourge that caused great pain and constantly devouring its energy appeared, this silver figure roared again and shot down with a rumbling rage, and wanted to kill Xiao Chen Yuanshen directly. At the moment it only wants revenge, and would rather give up consuming energy, but also smash the existence that dares to hurt it.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed instantly, and then a cold hum, the figure instantly became larger, the Yuanshen swelled to the size of a thousand feet, and he faced the attack of this silver figure without hesitation.


Xiao Chen Yuanshen was forced to fly instantly, and a large number of divine thoughts were scattered and collapsed.

A shout of excitement shouted from the silver figure's mouth, and the figure came frantically to chase down. The palms of the size of a mountain blasted down one after another in order to cause Xiao Chen to die. Faced with the crazy bombardment of this object, Xiao Chen Yuanshen was shot and flew in succession, and the divine thought collapsed, Yuanshen was about to weaken.

But even so, in the face of this silver figure bombardment, he still did not step back half a minute, the look in his eyes was firm, a touch of different colors became more and more bright in the eyes.

There were two figures fighting in the void, the silver figure prevailed, and Xiao Chen Yuanshen was forced to retreat one after another, embarrassed, and it will inevitably end up in the long run.

But a moment later, the increasingly excited and violent silver figure solidified instantly, and a violent wave burst from it instantly.

At this moment, Xiao Chen Yuanshen suddenly lifted up, exuding ecstasy in his eyes, and after such a long sandbag, the situation that he wanted to create finally appeared. This silver figure is the spiritual wisdom condensed from the endless years of the heart of space. Right now, it is a critical breakthrough moment. Once it is passed, it can complete the leap of life. In order to successfully accomplish this, the space heart subconsciously closes itself, attracting space crack fragments to form eggshell guards, in order to avoid accidents. However, during the promotion process, a lot of energy needs to be swallowed up, otherwise this thing will not swallow Xiao Chen's spirit body and Yuan Shen into the body.

However, in the process of evolution, if a large amount of energy is lost, falling below a certain level will cause evolution to fail or even backfire. As many as the heart of space, there is a rare anti-sky existence. It is extremely difficult to produce a spiritual book, and it takes a lot of hardships to complete it. However, if it fails, the cited back-phasing is extremely powerful. Failure, great vitality, and serious crashes are all possible.

Xiao Chen had already noticed this when fighting with it in the mind and mind of space. Therefore, after being forced out of the body by the heart of space, the main reason for killing and killing the object is that it is still underpowered. . As long as the energy of the heart of space is consumed to a certain degree, without the need of Xiao Chen's shot, the back-bite caused by the evolution failure of this object is enough to destroy itself.

Xiao Chen's eyes showed a scorching look. Once the object was back bitten, it would be severely hit if he didn't die. Then he would have the opportunity to swallow it. Consuming the mind and wisdom of space, you will have a great chance to conquer this heaven and earth treasure.

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