Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 161: Achievement Space Avatar


The silver figure roared again, but the voice was already full of fear and panic. It hurriedly stopped the figure, converging energy to prevent the evolutionary back-bite from appearing. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W> W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. COM is just such a god-given opportunity, how can Xiao Chen miss it.

"I was beaten as a sandbag for a long time, and now it's time for me to replace Xiao Xiao." Xiao Chen Yuanshen sneered, the figure rushed out and shot with a single palm.


The palm fell, and the silver figure was photographed and fluttered instantly. There was a roar in his mouth, but he did not dare to fight back because he struggled to suppress the evolutionary backwash. If this thing was extremely unlucky and met by Xiao Chen at the time of evolution, I am afraid this time will be another situation.

The matter of fortune is the most illusory, but it is crucial. Good luck, even if you do n’t do anything in the sky, you will fall into the pie and hit your head. If the luck is bad ... even if you ca n’t retreat, you may provoke murder.

And Xiao Chen's luck has always been good.



The hands, feet, shoulders, elbows, knees, and back all turned into Xiao Chen's attacking methods, and the shots were endless. I wanted to smash this silver figure. The situation is now at a critical juncture. If Xiao Chen can't force this thing to evolve back to life, once it successfully suppresses or completes evolution, Xiao Chen will die.

So now that he has shot, he has no reserve. He does not count on the loss of Yuanshen and shoots frantically, but only pursues the greatest damage in a short time.

In the void, Xiao Chen's Qianzhang Yuanshen Phantom shot frantically. When he attacked, his own Yuanshen also suffered serious injuries, which gradually caused the Yuanshen body to become thin and nearly translucent. The more unstable the breath became.


The crazy roar burst from the mouth of the silver figure of thousands of feet, and now its internal energy has completely fallen below the bottom line required for promotion under the attack of Xiao Chen's crazy attack.

The endless years have accumulated, and thousands of years have survived to this day, but when I saw the last moment, there was a change, and the introduction failed, even if the heart of space did not really produce spiritual wisdom, it was endlessly born.

An anxiety breeds wildly in its heart. At present, the situation is all caused by Xiao Chen. This thing has hated him into the bone marrow, and he wants to kill him soon. Now that evolutionary counter-phasing is unstoppable, the mind of this space has been completely released, and it is no longer blocked. Thousands of silver body exploded and shattered, turning into endless silver energy and whizzing towards Xiao Chen Yuanshen. At this moment, there is only one chance, that is, to consume Xiao Chen Yuanshen in the shortest time, and it is possible for Fang to stop backing to survive.

Driven by the instinct of survival, the heart of space has completely fallen into a state of rage.

Faced with crazy replenishment of this thing, Xiao Chen was unwilling to shake it, but at the moment, it was inside the heart of space. Even if he wanted to avoid it, he could only choose to fight with it.


Xiao Chen's eyes were fiercely decisive, and the figure did not recede a bit, and burst into a myriad of divine thoughts and smashed into the mind of that space.


Two torrents of radically different consciousness slammed into each other instantly, devouring each other madly, desperately trying to kill each other. This is the last battle, and whoever can win will be the biggest winner.

The victory of the heart of space can be stopped by the huge energy obtained by refining Xiao Chen Yuanshen, and then open up the spiritual wisdom in one fell swoop, becoming the first small heart of space born in countless epochs. Practice within the stream, maybe thousands of years later, you can evolve to a mature level and become the pinnacle of the world.

Xiao Chen won, and there is a great chance that he will devour the mind of space, and then take the heart of space as his own, and get this precious treasure that is enough to attract countless powerful monks to fight for it, and inherit the ability of all the hearts of space. Magical powers skyrocketed, with a strong life-saving hole card.

Both have entered a desperate situation. There is no right or wrong in this battle, but the two souls under this heaven are struggling to survive.


Within the turbulent flow of space, the still space has long collapsed and was refilled with the force of the raging space, but here there is a silver light cluster of a size the size of which, the aura of light flickers endlessly, exuding the breath of unstable vibration.

Beside this silver light group, a black stone was suspended in silence, silently resisting the force of space tearing from all directions, as if it had been here for thousands of years, and will stay here forever.

Within the turbulent flow of space, there is no living being. Only the silver space energy is raging. In the blink of an eye 5o years, the silver light group that flickers with light is completely silent, and there is only an inconspicuous silver light on it.

As time passed, the silver light on the silver light group became denser and denser. Finally, another 1oo year passed. At a certain moment, a "snack" light rang out from this object, and then the volume of this silver light group was naked to the naked eye. Visibility swelled quickly, and eventually turned into a silver robe monk.

This person was slender and slightly thin, with his back straight, as if Wanshan's suppression could not bend his waist slightly. But now his face was blurry, with the faint mist lingering and the trembling rolling.

A moment later, when the fog disappeared on the silver robe monk's face, and his face was completely solidified, a young handsome face appeared.

The next moment, the man opened his eyes, and there was a flash of silver in his eyes, where the gaze was fixed, and the turbulence of the space suddenly stood still, as if suppressed by unknown forces. After a while, the silver light in the silver robe monk's eyes dissipated, revealing the dark eyes, a little confused, and the thoughts became calm and firm for a moment.

"It's been here for 15o years, but getting this treasure is worth even more time."

"The heart of space, if you did n’t want to swallow me, how could you end up being swallowed by me, huh, this peck and a drink are all causality, and I should have a great chance this day."

This silver robe monk is Xiao Chen.

Fighting with the mind of space, Nine Dead won a lifetime, but was forced to fall into a deep sleep because of too much wear and tear, and has only awakened since the recovery of Yuan Shen's injury. At this moment, as he opened his eyes, within the boundless space, the space turbulence instantly shook. Under the force of a rule, all raging space forces were forcibly expelled.

Xiao Chen's avatar was swallowed up by the heart of space, but the end result was his primordial deprivation, erasing the mind of space. However, the heart of this space is a spirit generated by the heavens and the earth, and cannot be integrated into the flesh and blood body. Therefore, Xiao Chen merged it with the spirit body, reshaped it to create a new one, and performed mystery to split the elementary spirit into the body. .

Since then, his avatar has become a real avatar, possessing all the attributes of the spiritual body, but can practice on his own like an ordinary monk, and can be promoted to a higher level without being restricted by the body. And this avatar blends the heart of space. Although it can only cultivate the power of space, the potential for real growth is limitless!

It's all because of the origin of space!

The heart of space is a special life born in the chaos of space. Once condensed, you can acquire the natural origin of space and grow to maturity. You can obtain the principle of the original origin of space, which recognizes that the achievement is broken, and the power of destructive power can destroy the world.

Although Xiao Chen is now in the state of fit, he has come into contact with the three origins of thunder, fire, and space! Such an opportunity is enough to make Xiao Qianjie the envy of countless overlords in Da Qianjie!

A strange and quiet place appeared in the turbulent space, with a flash of aura, Xiao Chen Yuanshen appeared with the ancient tree of Bodhi, and instantly entered the left eyebrow dojo to return to the body. The next moment, the figure of the blue shirt Xiao Chen also appeared in the turbulent space.

15o years outside, 45oo years in the left eyebrow dojo. Although Xiao Chen could n’t practice outside the body, but the body ’s body was hardened by the power of the blood in the body, and the breath was obviously solidified and deepened. deep.

At this moment, the silver robe Xiao Chen and the blue robe Xiao Chen looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths were smiling at the same time.

"Let's go, and let me see, what exactly is the power of this space avatar?" Qing Chen Xiao Chen said, turning and integrating directly into the left eyebrow dojo.

Xiao Chen, a silver robe, smiled and nodded, and the aura of his hand lightly took the left eyebrow dojo body into his hands, and then took the next step, relying on the body to move forward in this turbulent space. As the figure shows, the raging space forces have evaded to reveal a calm passage, as if they met the emperor in general. For the living creatures in the world like the turbulent flow of the dead domain, at the moment, they are as flat as the ground at the foot of the space avatar.

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