The turbulent flow throughout the space, if the influence of other external factors can be eliminated, it should be a forward way that is countless times faster than the monk's teleportation. Bayi Chinese [[<?[W〉W>W?. ) 8) 1] Z>W?. If COM, relying on its own cultivation base, wants to fly from Moro's cultivation world to Xiao Chen's birth cultivation world, the vast distance of the star field may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Moreover, in the star field, there are countless unknown dangers, and the danger is extremely small. Even if the body can meet the chance of survival, it is extremely small.

But right now, according to the advancement degree of the space clone, it only takes half a year to reach the cultivation world where the mind demon clone is located, and the degree is nearly a hundred times higher than before!

The avatar of Yupao whizzed through the turbulent flow of space, holding his left eyebrow in the dojo, while Xiao Chen himself meditated with the dojo.

Time passed, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye. During this day of retreat, Xiao Chen suddenly opened his eyes, and there was joy in his eyes, and the space where the inner demon clone was finally arrived.

The space turbulence is boundless, and only by leaving a heart-connected token in the space can the direction be barely sensed. When Xiao Chen was teleported to Moro's Comprehension Realm, it was precisely because the heart demon clone was here that he would not worry about not finding a way back. As for the small shop, as it merged with the sword body, the connection with Xiao Chen was wiped out abruptly, indicating that this guy had undergone an extremely important change, but he didn't know what was going on.

The silver robe clone stopped, and after half a year of pressing it, it was easier and more proficient to use the abilities obtained in the fusion space, without any movement, and the turbulence of the surrounding space disappeared.

The aura of the void flickered, and Xiao Chen's figure appeared in Qingpao.

"Thanks for your hard work, take a break and leave the rest to me to deal with." Qingpao Xiao Chen said, Yinpao clone nodded and took a step, the figure instantly merged into the body. After fusing with the silver robe clone, Xiao Chen naturally mastered the power of the heart of space. He and the space clone were originally born from the same source, although they cannot directly obtain the power of the space heart, they can be used through the silver robe clone.

However, this requires the clone to work with the body, otherwise the clone will leave and he will still be unable to use the space magical powers.

Standing in the void, Xiao Chen retracted his left eyebrow in the dojo with his backhand. At this moment, watching the turbulent flow in front of him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He couldn't break through the turbulence of the space before, but at this moment he has such strength. Even if he doesn't have a clone of the heart demon or a small shop, he can easily do it.

But at this moment, he still has something to do before breaking through the turbulent flow of space.

Mind moved slightly, and a thought instantly spread out.


Zhao Guo.

Hundreds of years ago, even the Mu Family’s shocking battle is still lingering. For Zhao, who has a relatively backward level of cultivation, fighting and fighting between monks is enough to be a good talk that they have passed on from generation to generation. Every monk in Zhao is self-cultivation. One thing will be told from the beginning of the day:

Hundreds of years ago, in order to maintain its own blood and ensure its status, the Demon Mu Family gathered outstanding young monks from the entire Zhao Kingdom cultivation world every two hundred years, and selected the most outstanding ones to perform evil secret techniques to devour the blood and spiritual roots. The Mu Family's prosperity has dominated the Zhao Kingdom for thousands of years, and it is unknown how many genius monks of the Zhao Kingdom have been destroyed secretly.

Until hundreds of years ago, the ancestor of the ancestor of the Xiao family, Xiao Chen, was born in the holy land. His talents were shining for nine days. There are few comparable people in the ancient records. He was chased and killed when he broke through the ugly face of the Mu family and escaped into the space crack. Seven years later, with the mighty power of the sky, the strength of the monks could not be defeated, and the Mu family could be destroyed. Only then can we completely eliminate and disintegrate the malignant tumors that have grown in Zhao's cultivation world for more than a thousand years, and return us to Zhao's cultivation world.

Later, Senior Xiao Chen went to Zhongzhou, and the Ten Thousand Demon Sects of Beizhou couldn't overwhelm the monks. Zhongzhou's Forbidden Heavenly Sect sect was promoted to a brilliant and generous ceremony, and the power was overwhelming. After that, the message of the fairy trail was cut off. According to rumors, he went to Zhongzhou giant Ji family.

This matter is now known to everyone in the Zhao Kingdom cultivation world, and the Xiao family has also grown from a mere mortal family that no one knew at the time to now has several Yuan Ying monks, and it is rumored that there are even monks who do not fall. Holy Land. The sacred land Xiao family widely accepts disciples. Regardless of their status or status, regardless of their status, as long as the youth in the territory of Zhao is eight years old, they can go to the Holy Land Secret to participate in the January spiritual root test for free. Once they pass, they can directly worship the Holy Land and set foot on the road of cultivation. .

The Shattered Sect, Luoshuimen, and the Beast Controlling Sect in the territory of Zhao State successively returned to the Holy Land and became the subordinate branch of the cultivation line. Among them, the Shattered Sect was greatly favored by the Xiao family because of the relationship between Xing Tian and Xiao Chen, which made the Shattered Sect status. And Xing Tian himself has become one of the seven guardians of the Xiao Family in the Holy Land with his cultivation in the middle of Yuan Ying.

As for the three thousand avenues, the Supreme Demon Sect, the Beast Control Sect, and the Ziwei Sect, which were once incomparably beautiful, they suddenly fell due to some reasons. Now hundreds of years have passed and they have long since vanished. But now, the Xiao family is the core of the entire cultivation world of the Zhao Kingdom. Although it has not been the king, it has dominated the entire cultivation world, and its tyrannical strength has made the cultivation world of neighboring countries subdued. Moreover, the Xiao family acted fairly, and there were no bad practices. It has won the hearts of the people for hundreds of years, and the status of the holy land is well deserved.

The Xiao Chen’s news spread naturally has the Xiao family behind it. For the brothers of the State of Zhao and even countless Xiao family’s juniors, the ancestors of Xiao Chen have been deified into the supreme existence in their hearts. The mention of Xiao Chen is awe-inspiring. The slightest disrespect.

It is the day, and it is the time of the spiritual root assessment in January. All young people over the age of eight in the Zhao country can go to the assembly points arranged by the Xiao family in various places, and then be taken by the monks to the holy place for testing. At this moment, Xiaocheng is Xiao Cheng. The place where the home originated has been expanded several times, and the area covered by it was over a hundred times larger than before, and the entire East City was completely owned by the Xiao family. However, following the orders of Xiao Chen's ancestors, the Xiao family did not do anything bullying and domineering, and the surrounding residents were willing to move away.

The monthly spiritual root test is the busiest day in Xiaocheng.

The Holy Land Spiritual Root Test is not secret, and it is held in Wendao Square outside the Holy Land. Nearly a thousand young people sent from various places were brought here on the three-thousand-zhang square, where they were tested one by one by the monks in the Holy Land.

Outside the square, countless residents of Xiaocheng and people from the surrounding cities gathered and watched the test nervously. There was the teenager's parents in the crowd. Once they saw their child being selected by the Holy Land, they burst into cheers.

For the secular mortals onlookers, the Holy Land Xiao Family does not prohibit them, and even allows some secular mortals to enter the holy place to watch, but the number of places is extremely limited, but they are not restricted by their status, and they are sent immediately.

After hundreds of years, the Xiao family has already multiplied for several generations. So far, the number of people in the clan has exceeded 100,000, and the number of monks has reached as many as hundreds. There are two people who have attained the Nascent Infant realm and above, and they are both holy land protectors. But the real high-level monks knew in their hearts that the one who was now sitting in the Xiao family was an unfathomable Supreme Elder. No one knows the exact identity of the Supreme Elder, only that he came to Xiao's house 10 years ago. It is said that the Taoist Taobao Taoist of the Taishang Elder is an ancestor brother of Xiao Chen, who has supernatural powers and has reached the realm that ordinary monks cannot predict. Over the past 10 years, the Xiao family has faced crises several times, but the Taishang elder took action and all the difficulties were resolved instantly. It is precisely because of the arrival of Duobao that the position of the Xiao family will be extremely stable, and no foreign monks will compete for power.

Today’s spiritual root test, the seven great guardians of the Xiao family gathered together, Xing Tian and the two Yuanying monks of the Xiao family were on the list. As for the other four, they were newly promoted Yuanying monks in the past few hundred years. Gu Lingqiaoer. This woman once testified for Xiao Chen and got rid of the charge of murdering her fellow mates. She has been stationed in Xiaocheng until now. This dexterous child has a good aptitude, and there are some opportunities later, and it is also the achievement of Yuan Ying Dadao.

At the moment, the seven of them watched the spiritual root test in an orderly manner, and their eyes were full of satisfaction. Now that the strength of the Holy Land is getting stronger and stronger, I am afraid that in a few hundred years, it will not be weaker than the Ten Thousand Demon Sect and become a large party.

But at this moment, the seven people's complexion changed drastically, and they suddenly looked up at Zhao Guomu's house.

Just now, a majestic coercion instantly spread from the territory of Zhao State, shocking them extremely. This breath is so strong that it is about to tear the world apart, and the overbearing momentum is even more frightening.

The strong magical energy rushed into the sky, darkening the entire sky.

Feeling this magical power, the seven people's complexion paled in an instant, this kind of coercive aura was far from their ability to resist existence.

A panic arose suddenly and gradually expanded.

But at this moment, a faint cold hum suddenly came. The figure of Daobao Taoist suddenly appeared above the Baizhang Void, frowning and looking at the source of the magic energy in his eyes with cold light, raising his hand with a touch of spiritual power to resist the magic.

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