Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 163: Demon avatar, shop

"The old man has long noticed that there is a hidden demon in the Mu family. Only because he has a deep body is not under the old man, so he did not take action to eradicate it. Bayi Primary School said [Net

"This is a weird thing. The old man needs to be careful not to let this devil cause damage to Brother Xiao Chen's family."

As the Taoist Taoist man appeared, the panic disappeared instantly, and he saluted thousands of monks of the Xiao family with the seven guardians, saying, "Meet the elders!"

As for the ordinary person, at this moment, he is kneeling down and shouting the name of the immortal master.

Duobao Taoist waved his hand and said, "You don't need to worry, the old man went to see what happened." The words fell, the next step was taken, and the figure disappeared.

Footsteps can span endless spaces, and this method has attracted countless monks in secret.

Duobao Taoists got the blood jade dragon tooth rice, and they have achieved reunification for hundreds of years of retreat. Now, one step forward, the figure reappears but comes to the old wooden house site. At that time, the Mu family was destroyed, and this place of war was preserved to flaunt Xiao Chen's achievements. At the same time, he warned that the monks should not have bad intentions, otherwise Skynet could not escape the end.

For hundreds of years, countless monks have come here to admire the powerful style of their predecessors. Today, there are also more than a hundred monks, most of whom are newcomers to the real world who are led by the teacher. Xiu Wei, at this moment under the sudden explosion of demon power is naturally scared away, only a few monks Jin Dan looked pale at the slender figure in the void.

This is a very handsome monk. Wearing a black robe, he simply stands against his hands but looks like a mountain against a mountain. He has a surge of power in his own right.

Xiao Chen left the Mu family to take over the body of the demon deity, regenerate with the countless living flesh and blood of the Mu family, practice the magical powers of the "Devil Ancestral", and achieve integration for hundreds of years, and the power of the magic.

Duobao Tao's eyes flickered slightly, and his heart was a little calm. Although this demon statue is in this world, it has not killed him. It seems that the situation today may not be as severe as he had imagined, so he is still cautious and careless.

"Mozun Taoist is suffering hard work here, and suddenly made a huge momentum today, I do not know why?"

The demon avatar heard the words flashing. He and Xiao Chen were born together. What Xiao Chen knew was naturally clear in his heart, so he was no stranger to this many Taoist people. : "In the past 1oo years, a Taoist friend has taken pictures of Xiao's family. I remember this in my heart and will have a return in the future."

"I came out today for some trivial matters, and I'll come back to talk with friends afterwards."

The demon avatar has a cold temper. At this moment, he turned lightly and stepped forward, his figure disappeared instantly.

The Duobao Taoist looked slightly dull, this demon statue actually seemed to know him, but even if this old man racked his brains, he couldn't remember when he saw such a demon giant. After thinking for a while, Duobao Taoist shook his head. "Although his appearance looks a little bit like, but ... how could it be him ... Alas, the time limit is not far away now. Brother Chen Chen will not come back again, the old man can't hold it. It's ... "

In a sigh, the old man turned around and returned to the Xiao family.


Beizhou, the former site of Wan Mozong.

When Zongmen was promoted that year, Wanzongzong had already acquired a new Zongmen field in Zhongzhou. Shanmen treasures and disciples had gradually moved away within hundreds of years. But after all, this is the place where Wan Mozong passed down for thousands of years. Many monks still stay here.

Li Xiaoyi took the initiative to stay, just because she wanted to wait for someone to come here to find her, but after hundreds of years, he had no message at all, and whenever she remembered this, it made the little girl secretly hurt.

"Small shop, where do you say Brother Xiao Chen will be now? Why didn't he come back to me? Did he forget me?"

Li Xiaoyi's brittle arms supported his chin, and he opened his mouth against a small sword on the square table.

Demonstration in the Mo Grotto, a hundred years of achievement, Yuan Yuan, but Xiao Chen has been silent since leaving the gate. Even by the Wanzong method, he can only vaguely find out that Xiao Chen went to Ji's house that year, and then there is no news.

"Small shop, do you say that Brother Xiao Chen is not in an accident? Is he trapped in danger?"

Although the little girl has achieved Yuan Ying, she is now reaching the peak level of the middle of Yuan Ying, but at this moment when talking about Xiao Chen, she is still ups and downs like a girl. How can she be cold and domineering in the presence of Monk Monk.

"Ah, you know when you look at the handsome man. I'm so powerful. The owner I chose is definitely not a short-lived ghost."

"Although Xiao Chen ’s boy is a lot worse than his coach, he has many ways to save his life, and he is always cautious. He does n’t count on harm to others, and where will he be conspired. I do n’t think this boy has been for hundreds of years 80% of the gentle hometown that I came back from couldn't bear it. "

"Abominable, this handsome man was annoyed at the thought of this. At first Xiao Xiao chose this body for me. I must be afraid that I will be handsomer, cooler and more powerful than him after transformation. By that time, beautiful women like me. I went to him, so he found me a hard tortoise shell, which ca n’t even be transformed by the powerful means of the coach now, ah ah ah! It will take me many years to complete the greatest in my heart. Ideal, fight with a group of beauties! "

"From then on, I was not handsome and went out. The fight was dark until dawn, repeating for a hundred years, a hundred years! My sex-blessing life, so Xiao Chen boy destroyed me, Xiaoyi waited, this boy came back See how this handsome guy cleans him up! "

The arrogance and arrogance are extremely arrogant, and even if the voice is not heard after 800 years, it can already let people know his identity instantly.


Apart from it, I am afraid that no treasure in this world has such a rogue character.

Li Xiaoyi sniffed her lips, so far she still doesn't understand why the shop likes to fight with beauties, and asked him that this guy also secretly never answered directly, but at this moment, the little girl heard the words and said: Come back, I don't want you to bully him. "

"The elder brother must have suffered a lot in wandering alone outside these years. Hey, I just don't know when he will come back. Is it really like you said, he didn't want to come out in the gentle township."

Li Xiaoyi said this, his expression was a little sad.

The shop secretly pumped her mouth, knowing that the little girl was suspicious now, how could she be so nonsense in front of her, this is not to add to her heart.

"Hey, Xiaoyi, don't worry, my boss told you, Xiao Chen's kid obeys me, otherwise he is as powerful as me and I have already abandoned him."

"I'll let this kid marry you when he comes back. If he dares not agree, see how handsome the coach taught him!"

The shop hippie smiled, but my heart was filled with sorrow. There is no one who likes Mao as handsome and burly as he is handsome and burly. No one likes it, but these beauties all love Xiao Chen, it's just unreasonable.

In the past, he was weak and only surrendered to Xiao Chen's licentious power. This time, it has merged with the body to become completely strong. The shop does not believe that it is quite straight.

Huh! Let Xiao Chen's kid know this time that it is no longer the original shop. Be respectful and courteous towards it in the future, and know how to be modest. . Some beauties can't be enjoyed by themselves, at least some of them can be scored for the small shop handsome pot!

Hey, that's it!

The shop was thinking of Xiao Chen's stunned look after seeing it's mighty and overbearing, only to feel that his heart was extremely refreshed.

Li Xiaoyi was instantly blushed by this uncle, staggering again and again and again, "What are you talking about at the shop, who said ... who said you want to marry Brother Xiao Chen ... If you talk nonsense anymore, they will ignore you. . "

The shop kept talking, but with Li Xiaoyi for hundreds of years, this guy has completely mastered her temperament, knowing that she is thin-skinned and has not continued to joke.

However, at this moment, in the outer space of Wan Mo Shan, a monk in a black robe appeared instantly.

Wan Mo Shan is the place where Wan Mo Zong inherited for thousands of years. After countless years of magic gas quenching, the entire mountain has been turned into a magic mountain, with magic gas clouds tumbling endlessly, revealing a bit of evil spirit. However, at the moment when the monk in the black robe appeared, the magic trembled suddenly, and then he was forced into the mountain as if being suppressed.

The arrogant domineering breath emanated from the monk in the black robe, and it seemed that he would step on this world and instantly envelop the entire Wanzong sect. Numerous monks lifted it up, all showing great changes in fear.

This person is Xiao Chen's demon avatar.

In the courtyard of the valley, the shop changed its laziness, and his body fluttered. "Xiaoyi, you stay here, I will go out and see who is coming, and how to give the coach a little familiar feeling."

In other words, the sword body cut through the space instantly, and the small shop figure shot directly into it and disappeared.

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