Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 166: Three Fire Shinto

In the clouds, Jiufeng pointed to the sky, like a sharp sword in the sky, loosing in the arrogant and overbearing. ({Bayi [[Fiction [{? 网 {W> WW.81ZW.COM

In the middle of these nine peaks, a skinny old man sits cross-legged, with a scar on his face, which looks horrifying as if he is a slapstick.

Tick, tick.

A black iron chain behind penetrates the spine and locks it tightly. Blood and water flow at all times, dripping down the iron chain, dipping it into a dark red color. This iron chain came from the depths of the clouds, a total of nine, the thickness of an adult arm.

At this moment, the old man suddenly opened his eyes, with a hint of surprise, "I did not expect that you have grown to such a point in hundreds of years. This is really beyond the expectation of the old man."

"But this is better, but it saves the old man a lot of trouble."

The old man of the clan spoke slowly, his voice hoarse like a stone rubbing, sharp and harsh.

With this statement falling, a little fluctuation appeared in the void. During this fluctuation, Xiao Chen's figure gradually appeared, and his eyes calmly fell on this person.

Xiao Chen stands in the void, the old man sits on the top of the mountain, and the clouds are swaying below. The two looked at each other, although there was no hint of Mori cold air, but they could clearly sense the murder in each other's hearts.

The old man's brows frowned slightly, and said lightly: "The old man thought he hadn't exposed anything strange at that time, but I don't know where the vultures of your descendants saw the flaw?"

The skin was torn right now, but this weird mouth was extremely direct.

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered and he said, "Heart Demon."

The old man shook his head when he heard the words, and regretted: "The old man sensed the existence of this thing, and felt that his arrogance should be enough to devour you. I did not expect that he was not your adversary, but he would tell you this matter. Unexpectedly my husband. "

"That's the case, there is no doubt in the old man's mind. But even so, I know that you will definitely come back, and the Tao of Humanity is here. You can't resist this temptation."

Xiao Chen nodded, "Yes, Renyuan Daoguo was raised from the flesh and blood of our ancestors. Xiao Chen naturally took it away. Is it left to you to be a weirdo?"

"Today, I will completely destroy the place left by the so-called Lords."

The old man shook his head with a slight smile, and the scars on his face wriggled like a living creature. "The ants are after all ants, even if they have cultivated some means, they are not worth mentioning in front of me."

"You can cultivate to the state of today in just a few hundred years. Obviously, you have to go through a lot of opportunities to become so arrogant. Then today, the deity will let you know what it means to do nothing by yourself."

"The old man will leave you today, take away your flesh, and restore the glory of my tribe by your hand!"

After saying this, this old strange face was already filled with crazy fiery.

"Dead." The old man of the clan's voice dropped, and he shot without any warning. His dry palms were raised and he moved forward.


Sudden changes in the sky above the sky, the violent wind came from nine days, screaming endlessly. Under the grasp of this old man, a **** claw phantom shadow condensed out in the void, and the most strange thing was that there was a flame jumping and burning on this blood claw. The fire was tumbling in silence, and the faint cold air came out, faintly heard the ghost crying.

"The old man was sealed by the honored and suffered thousands of years of suffering. Although it has been repaired for countless years, the power is still very easy to kill you, and it depends on how you escaped my **** ghost claw."

Xiao Chen's mind had been on guard for a long time, and at the moment when this strange man took the shot, his complexion could not help but change slightly.

This old immortality really hides cultivation.

At that time, many Taoist people were restrained, and the old monk had said that he couldn't take it to kill him completely. He could only seal the town, presumably to confuse him. At this moment alone, the **** ghost and ghost claws exhibited by the old immortal, the power of power is comparable to the late-stage fit.

However, by this means, he wanted to kill Xiao Chen, but it was delusional.

Li Chen flashed in his eyes, and Xiao Chen also stretched out with one hand, thinking about the blood claws in the void.

"The void is incarcerated, closed!"

With the help of space avatars, although Xiao Chen can't perform strong taboo magic such as space imprisonment and space collapse at the moment, with his current practice, it is not difficult to bind the power of the space with the power of space to bind the later magic.

After having a space avatar, Xiao Chen's own combat power soared, coupled with the integration of the demon avatar, making him stronger. At this moment, the powerful old man like the old man of the clan is not shaken at all.

Above the void above the head, the square-shaped space instantly freezes, as is the case with the so-called void. Within this town space, the **** claws of the old man from the tribe ravaged wildly, and the blood flames on it were tumbling and jumping. Although this flame has no temperature, the power can not be underestimated, the confinement space is roasted into red blood, and the ghost claws shake out layer after layer.

But even so, it is impossible to break the void cage with this supernatural power.

Xiao Chen's heart was full of enthusiasm, and now his three avatars are gathered together. The combat power is superimposed on the late powerful man who can fight together. With his many cards, it is still unknown how he won. However, in the late period of the enemy combination, it means that from now on, he has become the strongest monk in the world, arranging the world, and embracing everything!

For a while, Xiao Chen's intention to fight outside the country skyrocketed.

The old man ’s complexion changed slightly, his eyes were completely gloomy, Xiao Chen was able to resist his blood flame ghost ghost claw supernatural power, which was somewhat unexpected, and judging from the ease and comfort of Xiao Chen, he apparently shot this time. There is still room for reservation.

But even so, the old ghost still sneered, without any nervousness.

"Hey, you maggots have really grown over the years, and they have grown to such an extent that it is no wonder that they dare to return to find an old man. But if you think that by doing so, you can be fearless, really wrong."

"The old man will let you see it today. My superiors are truly supremely powerful, so that you can die with dazzling eyes!"

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and there was no slight difference in color on his face. He heard a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said lightly, "Old man, you and I are not dead today, so why bother talking?"

"If you really have that anticlinic means, you might as well show it, and see how I can smash it."

The eyes of the old man's eyes flashed fiercely, sneer did not continue to talk, his hands waved.


The pop drink emerged from this population. With the sound falling, the entire sky above the Big 6 was instantly transformed into a fiery red color. The endless fire cloud appeared like a jumping flame and instantly condensed. It burned Jiuxiao, and there was a horrible hotness.

The clouds of fire continually converge, and the temperature overlaps into a sea of ​​endless fire.

"Ground fire!"

The ground trembled and rumbling came from the bottom of the ground, and then in the sound of "click", numerous horror abyss were cracked, all of which had depths of thousands of meters, connecting the ground to the place where the deep magma was located, exuding a hot breath.



Numerous pillars of fire blasted out from within the cracks, standing on the Big 6 like the torch of the sky, the flames were rising, and the whistling rushed to the center of the Big 6 to gather.

"Human fire!"

The old man of the tribe looked dignified. At this moment, his thin hands grasped tightly, and his index finger spread out to Xiao Chen's finger.

The next moment, a slightly unreal flame burst from Xiao Chen's body instantly. This fire does not exist as a real fire in the ordinary sense, but a kind of futile flame. It was born of monks' emotions, hi and hi, anger and anger, and sorrow and sorrow.

The flame is invisible, but the monks, mana, and flesh are burning. Once they ignite, they will continue to burn until they are turned to ashes.

Sky fire is the easiest to cultivate. It is the monk's mana to mobilize the external fire spiritual power, driven by magical powers to come out of the congregation. The combination and above can be easily cast.

The ground fire is not easy, and the supernatural powers of the supernatural powers are needed. The supernatural understanding of the supernatural powers of the fire can lead to the resonance of the magma flames in the ground.

Of the three, fire is the hardest.

Even among the so-called upper clans, very few people can cultivate adult fire magical powers. Those who can display this supernatural power must have been immersed in the fire genus for many years, almost touching the strong level of the fire genus level, and it is only one step away from the source. With a little breakthrough, you can combine the three fires of heaven and earth, and then understand the origin of fire. Since then, you have set foot on the avenue of magic, and the magic power has skyrocketed.

Although the old man of the tribe was rebellious and impeccable in the past, this magical power can only reach the level of earth fire at most. It is precisely because of being trapped here for thousands of years that he can continue to realize that fire is a great advancement of magical power, and now reaches people. Fire levels.

As long as you go further, it is the source.

However, it is also the last and the most difficult step. If the epiphany of the chance may be crossed in the next moment, if the bottleneck of bad luck encounters, let alone 10,000 years, even 100,000, million years will not break through.

But even so, at this moment, the old man of the tribe has shot three magical powers in succession, but it has already burst out his peak repair ability, and it is not difficult to kill the powerful man in the late period of the ordinary fit.

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