Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 167: Gen Hinomoto

"Three fires of heaven, earth and people come together, burn the sky and cook the sea, destroy the sky and destroy the earth!"

"Nether ants, you die for me!"

The old immortal roared, his skinny palms waved endlessly, traversed the mysterious trajectory of the mysterious path, and manipulated this endless flame to burn to Xiao Chen. <[? 八 {{一 中文 网 (<[

The whole world was filled with flames instantly, and the space was incinerated into nothingness!




Three fires exploded, and the burst of fire waves instantly drowned Xiao Chen's figure.

"Ha ha ha ha! Humble monk, even if you dominate it, facing the old man's magical power will undoubtedly die!"

"Till me temper your flesh with the fire of the earth and the fire of the earth, and incinerate your primordial **** with the fire of the person, with the power of the three fires, you will be fully tempered into a perfect one-physical body. My fire tribe coercion once again enveloped the human world.


The old man of the tribe laughed wildly, and the wounds on his face were as horrible as walking wandering. This old immortal is very confident in his own flame magical power, and almost touches the fire as the original level of flame, which Xiao Chen can't resist.

Trapped for thousands of years, today is the time for him to escape.

Thinking of this, even the calm mind tempered by the endless life of the elders of the above clan could not help but get excited, and watched the tense flames burn.

However, after a while, the man's brow could not help but wrinkle slightly, and his eyes were filled with suspicion. According to his calculations, Xiao Chen's cultivation should not be able to persist for a long time, but why the three fire magical powers are still burning and there is no sign of dissipating.

A slight anxiety was born in the heart of the old man of the clans. Just as he could not bear to prepare to take a shot, a faint sound came from the layers of fire waves. "Heaven, Earth, People Vulcan turned out to be like this. Although the power is acceptable, it is still too weak to kill Xiao Chen. "

"Why, am I standing here and standing still and letting you go, and you are the only weirdo you can't do?"

"The so-called upper clan, but this is not the case."

As the voice came out, Monk Tsing Yi marched forward in the waves of fire, and it was Xiao Chen that gradually became clearer. At this moment, his face was calm, and even his clothes and head were not damaged at all. He was relaxed and comfortable, and saw the flames invisible and stood on the waves of fire.

The ancestors of the upper family took a serious look this time and looked at Xiao Chen without any loss. At this moment, he suddenly shouted, "How can you, you can actually resist the three magical powers of the husband!"

No wonder this old ghost is so morbid. This kind of thing is really something he has never heard of. Even at the peak of this year, he must not be able to so easily dissolve the three fires of heaven, earth, and people. !!

Xiao Chen raised the corner of his mouth with a sneer. If it were not for the three fire magical powers to be clarified, he would have waved his hands to break them, would it be a waste of time.

At the space of the eyebrow, the blood of five hundred feet spread out, and there was a blaze of flames on the scales of the whole body, which had the origin of fire. At this time, all the fire magical powers would not hurt Xiao Chen at least as long as they did not exceed their limit.

This time, under the power of the origin, Sanhuo Shentong was easily seen by Xiaoxue and stolen to learn.

Since it has no use, this magical power has no meaning to continue.

Xiao Chen was expressionless. At this moment, one arm stretched out toward the endless fire waves, and said lightly: "Suck." The exit of the three fire magical powers in the sky suddenly trembled, but it was directly out of the control of the upper-class monster. Appeared, madly gathered towards the center, and finally turned into a fireball.

This fireball contains all the power of the three fire magical powers, the temperature is extremely hot, disappeared into the palm of Xiao Chen directly. In the eyebrow space, Xiao Xue was glad to see the fireball suddenly appeared in front of him. The dragon's mouth opened and swallowed it. The external fire waves suddenly burst into flames, but in the flame, the little blood showed no discomfort but showed a relaxed and comfortable appearance, completely incarnate. Fire dragon.

The moment the Xiao Chen shot, the body of the old man suddenly tightened, and then the body trembled violently, showing an incredible color in his eyes, but in this look more greedy and hot. Until now, the fireball was easily swallowed up and disappeared by Xiao Chen, and his mind was finally confirmed in his mind.

"The origin of fire!"

The four-character mouth spoke, but it seemed to weigh more than a thousand weight, letting this old weird mouth dry, his voice trembling faintly.

He can easily break through the three magical powers of heaven, earth, and people instead of destroying them with brute force. This can only be achieved by the source of fire. The monks master the power of the source, and the magical powers can skyrocket. The magical powers will not threaten them any more.

The old man of the clans stared at Xiao Chen. Although he was sure in his heart, he still could not believe in his eyes. Relying on his identity as a fire clan, he was born close to the energy of the fire genus, and he has barely come into contact with the original existence until the endless years of cultivation. But Xiao Chen was just a tribe of cricket ants. He could actually get the origin of fire within hundreds of years. He would never believe such a thing unless he saw it with his own eyes.

But at the moment of shock, the old immortal was equally ecstatic.

The venerated have been punished for thousands of years, and now they finally have the opportunity to completely turn over. As long as he can kill Xiao Chen and take away his flesh, he can take the source of the fire he has in his hands.

Once in control of the origin, the progress of the practice as his fire clan will inevitably go a long way, and the retreat will be hidden for thousands of years. Mo said that if he cultivates himself to the fullest, he will be able to achieve the destruction of His Holiness.

As long as he becomes the Destroyer, he can return to the clan, become the first-level existence of the ancestors, enjoy the worship of the incense of hundreds of millions of people, and set foot on the strongest level under the heaven, and live with heaven and earth forever!

Win the house!

Today, Xiao Chen will stay at all costs. As long as he can succeed, he will get endless opportunities fortune!

The old man ’s breathing gradually became thicker, and two futile flames slowly condensed out in the depths of his eyes. It was strange and strange in the jump, and the violent, raging, and cold air broke out from this old monster, causing the storm to change color. Overcast winds roared, killing the tide.

"Nether ants, you really surprise your husband today, you can have the origin of fire."

"But you still die!"

The sound seemed to come from Jiuyou, bleak and cold. As the old man from the upper class spoke, he actually got up slowly, a crackling noise came out of him, and at the same time, the strangeness of the old man soared wildly.



Nine roots of black iron chain linked to Optimus Nine Peaks, locked him here dead and dead, and could not leave for hundreds of millions of years until the soul was completely destroyed. At this moment, as the old man of the upper class got up, Nine Iron Thorns shuddered and shrank, and wanted to pull them back. The iron cable penetrated the spine. At the moment, as the struggle struck, the horrible wound was suddenly broken, and a stream of blood water flowed out, dripping along the iron chain, soaking it into blood.

However, I felt that the black iron chain sealed the town. The old man of the upper family was expressionless, as if the wound did not feel a little bit of pain on his body. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, revealing a hint of coyness, saying: "For countless years, The old man's blood is flowing and I've soaked you all. Do you really think that the old man's blood is so delicious? "

"Today, the old man has to get out and win the great opportunity. Since then, the sky and the ground have been fearless, relying on your nine iron cables, is it foolish to think that the old man will suppress it forever and live forever, really ridiculous."

"Drank the old man's blood, what else do you want, get me up!"

After saying this, the weird yelled, and suddenly turned to hold the nine iron cords penetrating through the spine, and pushed forward suddenly.


With a pull, the ground shook in the loud noise!

At the same time, the black iron wire suddenly burst into two flames of pure black and blood, fighting and devouring each other frantically, trying to extinguish the enemy.

Although the pure black flame is arrogant, it is slightly thin. Even in the large amount of blood-colored flames, even if it rushes left and right, it will not be able to protect itself and can only be swallowed by layers of refining.

"Even the Lord ’s magical power, after countless years of energy loss, can still retain a bit of power. If you want to absorb the blood essence of the old man to supplement it, the old man will complete it for you, but today my blood flame has been completed, how can you stop me . "

"Break me!"

The old man of the clan suddenly burst into drink, turned and wrapped the nine iron cables around his body, held it with both hands, and stepped back suddenly.


The entire Starfield 6 ground suddenly trembled, and the source of this tremor was the nine peaks of Tianshan Peak in the center of the Big 6. The pure black flame on the black cord was swallowed up by refining and turned into blood, which was then forced out.

call out!

Nine chains broke and screamed.

The old man of the tribe was calm, and the wounds and flesh of his back were wiped away, exposing the sensen white bones, and the nine iron chains penetrated the spine, and they have grown together with them for thousands of years and cannot be removed.

Bloody water, like a spring, instantly soaked the man's shirt, dripping down the ground along the corner of the shirt.

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