Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 185: Sky Thunder Pearl

"Thunder Dragon spirit! It is rumored that Xiao Chen has such a treasure. I have doubts in my heart, but today I saw it with my own eyes. It is true!"

"This thunder dragon's spirit obviously has his own spiritual wisdom. In the future, he might not have the opportunity to become a real thunder dragon in practice. It is really a great chance!"

"It is no wonder that Lei Dao Tianzun chased and killed this person with his Lei Dao's supernatural power. If he had the spirit of Thunder Dragon again, it would be even more powerful.

"This Xiao Chen really is a generation with great opportunities."

Countless monks secretly tongued out, their eyes gathered on the body of five hundred feet of Thunder Dragon, all showing fiery awe.

Among the four emperors of the Yao Clan, the King of Dragons, the hotness in the eyes of the third Xuanming Python King could not be concealed. The two great peerless monsters have dragon blood in them. If they can devour the thunder dragon's essence, they will definitely get great benefits, and it is very likely that they will evolve into the true dragon body in the future.

For a time, the looks of the two monsters were cloudy, and they clearly had their own calculations.

However, in addition to paying attention to the essence of Lei Long, many monks have bet on the smashing and killing spirit. This killing breath was the manifestation of the killing power of the two powerful men in the later period of integration, and the mighty power was incomparable, but this time it was directly dispersed in front of Xiao Chen, and the matter was strange.

"The spirit of killing is born of slaughter. When the monks gather together, how can the mighty power collapse easily?"

"If Xiao Chen hadn't cultivated some powerful magical powers to kill Taoism, he would have to suppress and dispel the killing gas, and he would have the treasure, otherwise he would never have the situation at hand."

"The latter is more likely. Xiao Chen has no killer exposure outside his body, apparently relying on treasure power."

"If you can get this treasure,"

For a time, many demon giants, evil spirits, and powerful demons were rising in their hearts. It must be noted that the more killings, the stronger the killing spirit gathered in the body, and the harsher the monk's test will be. If he cannot bear it, he will be attacked by the killing breath, his mind will disappear, and he will become a monster that only knows to kill.

But if the treasure of suppressing the heart and breaking the killing can be obtained, the danger will naturally cease to exist.

Xiao Chen appeared, breaking through the space turbulence first, then breaking the thunder, and then killing the spirit of killing, showing endless power, but also exposed many of his hole cards secrets, attracted countless monks, and secretly produced evil calculations.

However, even if Xiao Chen noticed this time, he smiled coldly in his heart and did not take it into his eyes. Today, since he is shooting brightly, he has full confidence in his heart. If anyone dares to shoot, he will never mind shooting and killing him.

However, when everyone was shocked, awed, jealous, or calculated, two of them looked extremely gloomy, and their pupils contracted with fear.

This Xiao Chen method is really more powerful than before!

Lei Dao Tianzun stared at the person, it was impossible to think of, but in just a hundred years, what kind of anti-climate opportunity did this little hybrid get, so that it would soar into the sky and grow into a confidant.

As for today, the enmity between the two cannot be resolved, and only one party can end it.

"Little hybrid, you must be the one who dies today, even if it is sacrificed to the treasure, this seat will let you die without burial place!"

Wuyuan Taoist looks dignified, but there is no fear in his heart. Xiuwei has reached such a point that he has long been calm and cannot be shaken by foreign objects. Moreover, the adult Beiguzi is close today, there are adults sitting in town, even if this Xiao Chen fierce monstrous, absolutely can not hurt him.

In that case, why should he be afraid?

Whether he wins or loses today, he can retreat. For this, Wuyuan Taoists are convinced.

Xiao Chen raised his eyes and fell on Lei Dao Tianzun without any temperature, and said lightly, "Where is Qingmei now? Send her well, and I can give you a lot of joy, so as not to suffer more." The voice was dull, But confidently filled his chest.

Lei Dao Tianzun smiled "Hey", and said, "The little girl is naturally the best place. Xiao Chen's little hybrid can rest assured that the old man will definitely take care of her."

"As for wanting to know where she is, before your soul is gone, the old man will tell you, so that you can go to Enron."

This weird self-confessed that he and Xiao Chen were immortal today, and his mouth was naturally cold.

Xiao Chen frowned. He always felt that there was something in this old ghost's words. He had a very bad hunch in his heart and made him even more murderous. "Since you are not willing to speak, this block will kill you and perform the soul-searching technique after you are killed. That's it. "

"When I left this place more than a hundred years ago, I said, let you two wash your heads and wait for me to collect them."

"Today is the time when Xiao Chen fulfills his promise."

Quietly speaking, the outside breath bursts into the sky, blazes directly into the sky, the mad killer has no cover up, making the blue robe grin, the black turn flying like a devil, arrogant!

"Good come! The old man missed and let your little hybrid survive to this day, but today you have no chance to survive."

"Five Yuan Daoyou, this Xiao Chen is here to fight you and me. Is this Daoyou still trying to get rid of something else and shoot with this seat to kill this person?"

In the roar of Lei Dao Tianzun, the Taoist Wuyuan stepped forward, and the two old monsters stood side by side and shot without any warning.

"Day of Thunder Road Thundery Day!"

"Five yuan chaos!"

During the roar, magical powers were shot.

Lei Dao Tianzun inherited an ancient Lei Dao mighty ethics to achieve today's achievements. There are not many people who know this about many fit monks in the realm of cultivation, but they only stop there. There are very few people who really know his life.

The Kitako of the Alchemy Society is among them.

"With the help of 24 heavenly thunder beads, the day after the thunderstorm is brought together, the thunders of the heavens are gathered, and the illusion of the thunder pool is cast into extinction. If you get involved in it, it will take a lot of effort. I do n’t know how Xiao Chen can resist.

"If you look down on it, you're probably going to suffer a lot."

Just as this mighty man's thoughts turned, the thunderbolt Tianzun Tianlei the next day magical powers had already begun.

Leidao Tianzun has a cold face. These 24 heavenly Thunderballs are the most powerful treasures in his hands, which contains endless fine Thunder energy, which is very beneficial to his practice of Thunderbolt exercises. He can have today's achievements. These 24 Thunderball exercises It is absolutely necessary, and all the exercises and magical powers he has cultivated are all imprinted in them, and one cannot be practiced.

This old monster gets a thunderous heritage, in short, this thunder jewellery. Therefore, the 24 heavenly Thunderballs are not only a life-saving treasure to the Heavenly Thunderlord, but also the imprint of his magical powers. If there is no need, this old monster will not be sacrificed to avoid a difference. However, today's response to Xiao Chen, only to see the monstrous power of seeing with his own eyes, so that Lei Daotian is extremely jealous, and this is the shot of Xeon, so that Xiao Chen can be killed by thunder.


The 24 Tiandao Thunder Pearls have already been refined by Lei Tao Tianzun into the body for life. At this moment, they made a sudden move and shot and suspended above his head. Each of them had the size of an adult fist and was dark purple, exuding the destruction of the Thunder Riot. With the offering of 24 thunderballs, the sky suddenly darkened within tens of thousands of miles on the mountain. Under the restraint of a mighty force, the endless thunder was forcibly torn by the space. Here came the thunderball and went straight to the thunderball. go with.

Above the void, Xiaoxue 5oo Yu Zhang's body fluttered open, and Longmu was already full of fearfulness when he saw the 24 heavenly thunder beads. This object is obviously full of endless thunder power, but in its induction, it is full of violent destruction, and it is even less awed. It must be known that Thunder Dragon controls the Thunder in the world. Any Thunder force must be controlled by them, but Thunder Ball is completely outside the control of Little Blood. It can't even interfere with the Thunder power. It seems that the Thunder already has a master. And the origin of Lei Dao under Xiaoxue's eyes is not yet qualified to rob them of their right to control.

For the situation at hand, Little Blood was furious.

As a thunder dragon, any sighted thunder must be controlled by it, and if it does not comply, it will be completely destroyed. In addition, the pure thunder power contained in these 24 heavenly thunder pearls is also no small temptation to it, and it will definitely get great benefits if it is swallowed and absorbed.


Thunder Dragon growled, calling thousands of Thunder.

In the void, the thunder trembled from the 24 heavenly thunder beads, but it shook violently, as if to break free from control. But at this moment, 24 thunderballs will burst into dazzling thunder, and there will be a thunder, and they will be connected to each other in a crackling, and the next moment, a mighty will burst out from it.

Thunder's will!

Under this powerful will, the shaken Thunder obeyed instantly, and was not affected by Thunder Dragon's summoning, and plunged directly into the 24 Sky Thunder Thunderblades under the cloth of the Heavenly Thunder Bead, turning into pure Thunder force.

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