Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 186: Gathering Thunder Pond Deduction Picture Scroll

The origin of thunder, these 24 heavenly road lightning beads actually contain the power of the origin, and from the induction, it is very possible that the origin of the thunder dragon is infinitely approaching the realm of the Dacheng realm. Although the origin of the power is not much, But the ability to summon Thunder is obviously too much for Thunder Dragon. Bayi ((中.) 81ZW.COM

And at this moment, the will contained in these 24 thunder beads seems to be aware of the origin of another thunder in the little blood. At this moment, the thunder light suddenly soars, and there is a thunder net that condenses in an instant, directly binding its more than 50 feet of body to it. Inside.

Bounding Thunder Dragon with thunder nets seems ridiculous, but from the side it also reflects the powerful power contained in the 24 Heavenly Dao Thunder Orbs, that they dare to attack Thunder Dragon, the thunder master of this world.

If the origin of Thunder Dao in the small blood is great, this method can naturally be broken easily, but its current strength is still weak, and it has never possessed the real body of Thunder Dragon, so that the origin of Thunder Dao grows slowly, and it can't be bound by this lightning net. The inner part broke free, and even if it roared and raged, or even released its own **** thunder, it was still of no use.

Seeing the scene in front of them with their own eyes, perhaps many cultivators would be shocked by the terrifying power of these 24 Heavenly Dao Thunder Orbs, but only two of them knew that the next scene had nothing to do with the treasure. It was within that Thunder Orb that really played a powerful role. The power of the original source of Thunder Road.

Xiao Chen looked cautious, his pupils shrank violently and he was jealous. This time, it is the first time in the human world that he has learned the power of origin from the hands of others, even the origin of Lei Dao, which is close to the realm of Dacheng. Although it was not owned by the monk, but relied on the display of treasures, but even this was enough to shock him, especially the Thunder Ball could forcibly seal the blood with thunder nets, which shocked him even more.

As for the second person, naturally it is the Thunder Dao Tianzun. He has mastered these 24 Heavenly Dao Thunderballs for more than 10,000 years, and he naturally knows the true power contained in them. However, there is a ban on this treasure. Only when he cultivates Thunder Dao's supernatural powers to the ultimate state can he unlock Thunder Orbs and inherit the origin of Thunder Dao. However, he has worked hard for thousands of years, and now he can only be regarded as a small level at best. I don't know how much difference is from the great level or even the extreme level. It is impossible to inherit the origin of Lei Dao by his own means in a short time. But even so, it is not without other methods, such as using foreign objects to forcibly increase the cultivation of Thunder Road, and open the Thunder Bead ban. But where can this world help him look for things that have skyrocketed Thunder Dao's supernatural powers for a while, Lei Dao Tianzun struggled for thousands of years and still didn’t get the slightest gain, until he chased Xiao Chen and saw the Thunder Dragon Spirit, so This old monster shot wildly and desperately in an instant.

As long as he can obtain this thunder dragon spirit, he can naturally find a way to use its origin power to open 24 thunder beads to seal the town in one fell swoop, and then not only can obtain the thunder origin, but also completely refine this treasure. Then the strength skyrocketed.

With 24 thunder beads binding the thunder dragon, Lei Dao Tianzun's eyes suddenly showed a hot color that was hard to hide.

"Kill Xiao Chen and take the Thunder Dragon Soul!"


My heart roared crazily. Under the urging of this old monster, 24 Heavenly Dao Thunder Orbs suddenly exploded more powerfully. The sky above the void was more numerous, rushing into the Thunder Orbs like a bird returning to the forest. It turned into a picture scroll.

Tian Lei Yao Sun Map!

The water wave rolls like a tide like a wave, and there are 24 round beads hanging on it, like the stars of the week, in which there is a scorching sun, radiating the divine light. It's just that the waves are the gathering of thunder, the stars are thunder beads, the scorching sun is magical power, and the tens of thousands of divine light is the light of thunder. Above the void, a radius of thousands of miles turned into a thunder pond, in which thunder waves were surging, like the sea turbulent, 24 thunder beads evolved into the stars of the sky, condensing a little bit of magical powers into the first sun, like the sun rising in the morning, and the stars have not yet disappeared.

The surging and mighty destructive aura diffused from this scroll, spreading, and instantly enveloped the entire Buzhou Mountain. Fortunately, this supernatural power was blocked by the mountain and did not dissipate. Otherwise, the power would be enough to completely suppress a group of Nascent Infants and non-falling cultivators, and even suffer serious trauma. But even so, countless light gathered on the scroll of thousands of miles, still sluggish by the shock, and his body trembled in fear.

Even the peak powers of both humans and demons had a solemn expression at the moment, and there was a sense of fear in his eyes. Based on the 24 Kakutian Dao Thunder Orbs, summoning the Thunder to use the Heavenly Thunder and the Sun’s supernatural powers. Even if they encounter them, they are extremely powerful, and they dare not slap it lightly.

And this time, Xiao Chen was under the thunder pool picture scroll, his Qi was locked by 24 Heavenly Dao Thunder Orbs, and a sense of crisis haunted his mind.

It is not easy to use the origin of thunder to urge supernatural powers, without thinking about it, and knowing that it is never easy. If he is careless, I am afraid he will suffer a lot with his current cultivation base. But even so, Xiao Chen stood proudly, responding to this supernatural power, without fear in his heart.

If you really use this magical power against a monk who has the origin of thunder that is close to the realm of Dacheng, he will naturally be completely killed in an instant without any resistance. But at the moment it is just the Lei Jewelry being driven by itself, and Lei Dao's original aura is weak, although it is still tyrannical, it can't make him think of irresistible.

With Xiao Chen's current cultivation base, the human body, the space clone, and the ancient demon clone are superimposed, and the combat power has already reached the limit of the combination. Once it explodes, no one can stop it in this world. Even if it was 24 Heavenly Dao Thunder Orbs, it only made him jealous, but he was absolutely fearless.

At the beginning, he had become a body when he crossed the robbery. He accumulated the level of cultivation without falling to the limit, and he could hardly shake the nine world-destroying thunders to achieve a combined avenue. How can the situation today be rare for him.

The magical powers have been achieved, Lei Dao Tianzun's hand skills suddenly changed, and he burst out, "Thunderstorm, bind, strangle!"

After the words fell, the thunder pool picture scroll based on 34 Heavenly Dao Thunder Orbs instantly exploded, and the endless thunder power raged and roared, bursting out thousands of thunder. At the same time, a powerful force of deterrence, suppression, and devouring force dispersed from the thunder pond picture scroll, and suddenly enveloped Xiao Chen.

This power is vast and overbearing, it is the Thunder attribute, toughness cannot be resisted, and it actually wants to take Xiao Chen directly into it.

Xiao Chen was confident but never conceited. This Thunder Dao Heavenly Sovereign's ability to possess the original treasure had already made him jealous, how dare he entrust him now. This Lei Chi picture scroll is obviously by no means an ordinary thing. Once you get caught in it, it will definitely not feel good.

It was at this moment that he let out a low drink, and stretched out his hands to both sides and emptied his hands. Grasping and falling with a palm, it seems to directly penetrate into the space, with the help of the power of the void to resist the power of the thunder pond tuju swallowing. But at this moment, the corners of his Lei Dao Tianzun's mouth curled up, revealing a sneer. How could his magical powers of the thunder day be so easy to resist? Now that this old monster has sacrificed this treasure, he is naturally quite confident. Even in the face of the adult of the Alchemy Association, he has a little bit of retreat with this magical power. Grasp.

Sure enough, the next moment the sudden change suddenly occurred, the thunder will in the Thunder Pool scroll instantly exploded, and it suddenly enveloped Xiao Chen. Under the action of this will, it actually shattered the space around him directly, with the intent to seal the town with supreme might. Xiao Chen, swallow him by force.

Xiao Chen's complexion darkened slightly, then his brows wrinkled slightly, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes. He hesitated a little but did not resist, allowing this force to sweep him into the Lei Chi Tuju.

"Hahahaha! Xiao Chen's little **** entered my Lei Chi Picture Scroll. No matter what you have great supernatural powers, you will never escape to death. Today, the old man will completely kill you with soul refining, and let your soul fly and disappear forever. "

Lei Daotian laughed loudly. He was very clear about the magical powers of Lei Chi Tujuan. As long as he fell into it, Xiao Chen would definitely die. It seems that I still looked at this little **** too highly, but made some preparations for nothing.

Thinking of the more beautiful the little girl with green eyebrows, and the plump body, the old monster couldn't help regretting it, but it was too late at the moment, and maybe the boy in plain clothes had already been overwhelmed. But if everything goes well today, this old monster doesn't mind getting close to her a few times in the future, it must be extremely comfortable.

However, all these prerequisites are that Xiao Chen will be killed today.

"Die! Die!"

Lei Dao Tianzun roared ferociously in his heart.

Xiao Chen entered, and the power of the thunder in the Thunder Pool scroll was completely exploded. The violent raging blocked any monk's detection. Although he did not personally feel it, it was enough to make the scalp numb when he saw the madness of the thunder. wonderful.

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