Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 187: Treasures have their own spirit

Countless monks' eyes fell tightly on the ruptured mountain of Fuzhou Mountain, but at this moment they were slightly surprised. Bayi Chinese Network W] W] W. 81ZW. Although the commendable power of Lei Tao Tianzun can be called astonishing, enough to meet their desire to see the world's peak power, but Xiao Chen is rumored to have the power of super powers, so how could this be killed without resistance? ? But after all, I saw it with my own eyes, and I could n’t do it. Many monks shook their heads secretly. They could only evade it as a rumor that was too exaggerated. Only by passing on the rumors did Xiao Chen's strength increase countlessly. With such thoughts in their hearts, these monks couldn't help sneering again and again. Since they knew that they didn't have such advanced skills, they dared to arrogantly directly fight for the two peaks of the late period of the ensemble. Now they have been killed, and it is a shame.

But there was also someone who knew a little about Xiao Chen's strength. At the moment, his frown was slightly frowned, and his heart was a little bit suspicious. However, this Lei Chi Tu Juan Wei can not be fake, Xiao Chen is indeed swallowed in. Even if he is self-sustained and does not put his opponent in the eyes, he will not do such a stupid thing?

As for the two old monsters of Jiuxiandao and Jianxiandao, they are secretly anxious, but they can not be revealed on the surface. After all, in this place where Zhoushan is fighting hard, among them are the elders of the Alchemy Association and the mixed elders of the five yuan. These two naturally want to Be wary.

But in addition to these two people, in the terrestrial area, there was a tension in the eyes of the monk who did not fall early. At this moment, Xiao Chen was in danger and his face couldn't help changing.

"Well? Why is Lin Yuan's face so ugly, is there something wrong?" A monk in a black robe beside the monk noticed a change in his companion's face, and asked at the moment.

"Brother is really careless. Brother Lin Yuan's face has been a bit wrong for a long time. You have only noticed it now." A lovely girl beside Lin Yuan rolled her eyes. "Brother Lin Yuan, what are you doing, I still I have never seen you look so ugly. "

The girl opened her mouth carefully, and the meaning of admiration was not covered at all.

Lin Yuan smiled reluctantly, and said, "It's nothing, but it's nothing but fighting with Yuanshen's perception and suffering some backlash."

The monk in a black robe changed his face, and said in a deep voice, "Why Brother Lin Yuan is so careless. How can such a powerful monk fight? You and my level can perceive it. You must not take another shot, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous." This person was serious. Speaking, the girl nodded again and again.

"Thank you Brother Tiancheng for your concern, I wrote it down." Lin Yuan smiled, but his eyes fell on the ground of the battle, but the fist inside the robe sleeve could not help but clenched the group tightly. Magical powers can never fail! "

"Absolutely not!"

As for a lot of monster beasts, it is natural to kill the monks, and it ’s better to die some strong ones, so that the monsters won't be overwhelmed. However, looking at Lei Chitu's mighty power, this time he was still amazed.

But even then, no one revealed anything.

"Hey, the human race was so enthusiastic about a world-fighting war. It ended in a hurry and ended in a hurry. If I knew this, the ancestors wouldn't rush out of the customs, it would be better to sleep comfortably, which is really boring. tight."

Among the monsters of the Demon Clan, the fire crow turned into a gloomy, middle-aged monk and sneered. Although the tone was not high, under the blessing of mana, it was enough to make all the monks around Zhoushan understand clearly.

After hearing this, many powerful people of the tribe became gloomy instantly, but could not refute. This battle was precisely because they negotiated and even used some persecution methods, so that the four imperial elders regressed to allow the monks of the tribe to enter the war of unsightly mountains, and eloquently guaranteed that this war was the pinnacle battle in the realm of cultivation for thousands of years. However, the situation now made them feel shameless, and they felt a little more disgusted with Xiao Chen.

Your kid doesn't know that the heavens and the earth are thick and self-destructing, but they want their entire human race to be ashamed in front of the demons together. This is really not the right thing to do.

But at this moment, the Lord Kitaniko, the alchemy association who had been sitting but showing nothing, suddenly spoke, and said lightly: "It is not possible to conclude things too soon. I am afraid this battle is not over yet. Make this pointless guess here, if you want to know what the result is, just look at it with patience. "The tone is flat and there is no so-called royal domineering, but this person speaks, and the numerous noises inside and outside the whole mountain disappear at the same time.

The middle-aged monk, who turned into a fire crow, changed his face slightly, but never dared to retort.

Both the human race and the demons have to admit that the Lord of the Alchemy Society is the most powerful existence in the whole world. Even the two black and white palace masters of the hidden hall or the four emperors of the demons are far in front of him. . Now that he has said that the battle is not over, there must be another mystery.

For a time, countless monks and monsters converged their minds, and looked intently into the field.

With a word of words, Bei Guzi frowned without traces. Although he could not detect what was happening in the picture of the Thunder Pool, he had a very clear hunch in his mind, that Xiao Chen was by no means so easy to be killed. Moreover, with his cultivation, even if he could not reach the bombing of Lei Chi Tu, it was not difficult to escape from the whole body and retreat. Only then he obviously intended to be swallowed into it, maybe he could hide it from others, but he could not hide the cultivation. For the improbable Alchemist Association.

"What idea the little guy has in mind can't even guess this seat. But it doesn't matter, I just have to be patient and look at it, and I will naturally show what you want to do."

Numerous monks inside and outside Zhoushan went quiet, but no matter how they looked at it, they couldn't find the slightest indication that Xiao Chen had a second hand. Lei Chi's scroll is still showing the power of Thunder in a frantic arrogance, and the violent and horrifying atmosphere rises into the sky. Even if he can fall into it in the later stage of the fit, he will be dead. Even though Xiao Chen had great skills, he entered it for a long time without any action. Could it have been turned to ashes by the power of the Thunder?

However, no one can think of what state Chen Xiao is in in the picture of Lei Chi. Right now he was sitting cross-legged, and there was no magic wave outside his body. He was allowed to destroy the thunder robe into ashes by the force of destroying the thunder, and he flew into the armor of thunder with the physical balance. Perhaps in the many monks' imagination, Xiao Chen has been ridiculed, the most unfortunate is also embarrassed to withstand hardships, or his life is at stake, but their thoughts can only fall through, Xiao Chen feels good now.

The top body of the Yuetian Moral Apparatus was re-hardened after the "Xuantian" exercises, and the quality was improved a bit. It swallowed the blood vine. A large amount of pure energy supplementation made the second world mysterious place to accumulate profoundly, and the physical power surged again . Although the thunder pool chart contains powerful power, it may make him feel a little bit of pain, but he doesn't have that power to destroy him.

At this moment, Xiao Chen was calm, his body's mana flow was extremely slow, and even his heartbeat seemed to stop in general. He would beating slowly every ten minutes. However, his thoughts have never been concentrated, and the delicate induction captured a special atmosphere fluctuation in this Thunderpool chart.

Kitaniko didn't guess wrong, Xiao Chen did enter the Thunder Pool Volunteer voluntarily. Otherwise, with his strength, although he can break it hard, it is not difficult to resist the force of devour. However, when Lei Dao Tianzun urged Lei Chi Tuju to swallow him, Xiao Chen acutely sensed a faint strange breath, so he hesitated a little, relying on Xiuwei to break in. Facts have proved that his choice was not wrong. The moment Xiao Chen entered the Leichi map, he already knew that I am about to have a chance this time.

Treasures have spirits, you can seek the Lord on your own, forcing them to be unavailable. What is said is that there are some top treasures in this world, with their own spirituality, they will automatically find the most suitable host, otherwise, even if they are now in the hands of income, they will eventually lose.

Now, it seems that this is the case with the 24 Heavenly Thunder Pearls of Lei Dao Tianzun.

They are far more interested in Xiao Chen than the old man who has indulged in Thunder Road for countless years. Although Xiao Chen was puzzled by this, he didn't want to miss the opportunity at the moment. After conquering these 24 thunder beads, after all, he would not only get a treasure, but the origin of the thunder road made him quite tempted. Therefore, in this picture of Thunder Pool, outsiders appear to be Lei Dao Tianzun's shot to kill Xiao Chenfeng and even kill him, but Xiao Chen knows clearly that he is only being tested by the test of Tian Dao Lei Zhu. The backhand took this treasure.

It may sound funny, but it's true.

The 24 thunder beads contain the origin of thunder and the inheritance of a certain ancient powerful thunder road. If you choose the successor of the descendants, you will have full control over whoever gets it. Thunder is just to the sun, and the atmosphere is majestic. It requires the monk to be open-minded, and to inherit it without evil and evil. The mind is the first, and the second is the second. Until now, they can barely manipulate it, and they cannot truly recognize the Lord completely.

However, at present Xiao Chen crosses his knees and feels the original fluctuations in the Thunder Pool chart, and bears the Thunder power in the flesh, but always feels worse, preventing him from truly establishing a connection with the 24 Heavenly Thunder Pearls. No treasure can be obtained.

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