Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 188: Pentagon chaos

"What's the difference?" Xiao Chen frowned, and suddenly lifted his eyes a moment later, his eyes were bright. "The 24 Heavenly Thunder Pearls may think I am more suitable to be their master, but such a powerful treasure will inevitably choose a cowardly Seniors, at the moment they are reluctant to establish contact with me, for fear that they have not seen enough recognized strength from me.? [{八 [一 小说 {网 W? W] W?> 8) 1] Z ] W.COM "

"Although it is not certain whether this is the case, for now, I have to try it. It doesn't make sense to sit still."

The next moment, Xiao Chen opened his eyes suddenly.


Many monks believe that Xiao Chen has fallen into the map of Thunder Pool, but Lei Dao Tianzun does not think so. Based on his understanding of the 24 Thunder Pearls, this thing has a spirit. If Xiao Chen is really dead, they will inevitably Convergence power. However, at the moment, the Leichi picture scroll is still the same as before, and Thunder is violent. There is only one explanation for this situation. That Xiao Chen is still resisting in the Leichi picture scroll may not be as miserable as they think.

Such thoughts suddenly made Lei Dao Tianzun feel a little uneasy in his heart, and he was forcibly suppressed by him. Into the Thunder Pool Map, even if you cultivate a deep magical power, you still do n’t want to retreat from your whole body. Maybe this Xiao Chen can resist for a while, but in the end he will die!

At this moment, a lot of eyes fell on Lei Dao Tianzun, seeing a gloomy gloom on the face of this powerful human race, and then looking at the still-thundered Thousand Miles Pool, it seemed to be aware of some These things, the complexion became dignified.

Kitaniko frowned, and a little puzzled in his heart. "This junior is by no means targeted. This time, he voluntarily entered the Leichi map, but there was no sound at all. There must be a secret in it, but the old man couldn't notice it."

"It seems that this seat may still look down on this person."

Just as the Alchemist Association's adult thoughts turned, a fierce and powerful breath suddenly emerged from the thunder pool chart, which was slightly low at first, then pulled up, and eventually became more violent. In the raging thunder force, he was domineering The situation is still difficult to hide, like the peerless fierce in the silent hibernation, at this moment slowly awake, releasing his own terrifying atmosphere.

This breath is so powerful that it can be called astonishingly shocking, causing countless exclaims in an instant.

"The peak of fit!"

"In just over a hundred years of Xiao Chen's time, Xiu Wei was actually as elevated as he is today. How is it possible!"

"This man must have a great chance."

"If you follow this trend, if you follow this trend, who in the world of cultivation will be Xiao Chen's opponent for hundreds of years."

At this moment, they suddenly remembered that from Xiao Chen's participation in the assessment of the Alchemy Association branch, it is only 2oo years ago, but he has improved to extend the span, but has never fallen from the accumulation level to the peak of the fit! Although such a degree cannot be said to have no future, at least no one in the records of the cultivation world can compare with him. Even if the adult of the alchemy association claims that the Moro cultivation world is strong, there was absolutely no such thing. Dazzling.

Beiguzi's eyes were slightly bright. This Xiao Chen really had that qualification. If he could be allowed to join, it would surely be bigger. But before that, we still need to resolve today's affairs. Lei Dao Tianzun ignores life and death, but the Wuyuan Taoist is the peak of the alchemy association. Since he does not appear on the mountain, he will never let the Wuyuan Taoist appear. accident. Although Xiao Chen is strong, it must be resolved by him. This person should give him some face.

However, the Lord of the Alchemy Association may not know that Xiao Chen has so far been a master who has not suffered losses, not to mention that he now has a strong enough confidence and has no scruples. This time, I'm afraid Kitako looked at his face high.

The sudden burst of breath in the map of Thunder Pond confirmed what Kitaniko said, that the well-known Xiao Chen really was not an incompetent, but could be persisted to the present under the horror of thunderous thunder, and the atmosphere was calm and heavy and there was no weakness It is clear that he has not been seriously attributable before, and now the battle is indeed worth seeing.

Different from the excitement of many monks, the look of Lei Dao Tianzun and the five Taoists was completely gloomy, and there was a sense of anger in his eyes. Especially the former, he naturally knows his supernatural powers, Xiao Chen can resist unharmed, which is far beyond the expectation of Lei Dao Tianzun, which makes this old strange heart even more disturbed.

"Five Yuan Daoyou, five Yuan Chaos Supernatural Power shot and merged into my Thunder Pool Scroll to kill this person!"

Lei Tao Tianzun growled.

Wuyuan Taoist nodded. Before Xiao Chen was under the control of the Thunder Pool Map, this weird and many monks generally thought that he was more fierce and less self-sustaining. However, until this moment Xiao Chen was intractable, and naturally he dared not have any reservation. Although there is an adult Beiguzi here, his life is carefree, but he still does not want to be defeated by Xiao Chen, becoming a stepping stone for others to establish a reputation.

And the most important point is that for the mutant spirit avatars possessed by Xiao Chen, the old man still has no sever thoughts.

"Five yuan chaos, reversing yin and yang, a brush damage sperm, qi and blood disintegration and vitality!"


Wuyuan Taoist people ’s black, yellow, white, green, and red five-colored light suddenly skyrocketed into huge ribbons hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles long, and suddenly rose to the top. At this moment, with this weird drink, five colors Zhongli black **** light shot out instantly, like a poisonous snake out of a hole, and it shot into the thunder pool picture very quickly.

There are endless thunderous powers raging in the map of Thunder Pond. The monk's eyes could not be sensed by the monks, and they couldn't detect the situation, but this time, with the loss of the five yuan chaos, the black light fell, and the envelope suddenly showed one of them. Although the appearance is not visible, the erect posture is straight and loose, and the attitude of domineering is enough to show his identity. This figure is Xiao Chen!

This time the black divine light fell, it was a fierce brush on him, and then he brought back the sky with a breath of vitality, and Xiao Chen's breath was really weak.

When Wuyuan Taoren saw his eyes suddenly flashed, he was ecstatic, and now Xiao Chen is going to fully resist the power of the Thunder Pool, and he will compete with his five-yuan chaos magical powers without any distractions. This will be hit by the light of damage.

Such a god-given opportunity, this old man will not miss it. Since you can't fight back, let's die today!

"Five yuan chaos, reversing yin and yang, two brushing bad bodies, flesh and blood ablation and bone vein peeling!"


The five-colored divine light, the yellow bad body divine light shot out instantly, fell into the thunder pool map, swept away the endless flesh essence skeleton meridians, Xiao Chen's breath was weak again.

"Five yuan chaos, reversing yin and yang, three brush drawing method, repairing the foundation for great reduction!"


The white pumping magic light of the five-colored divine light suddenly trembled, hundreds of miles wide, thousands of miles long and swept down like a white python, and suddenly wrapped the figure of Xiao Chen, and then passed through the body, but was shocked by its amazing mana.

"Five yuan chaos, reverse the yin and yang, four brushes to destroy the gods, split the yuan gods and collapse the gods!"


The light of the green **** of extinction is like an empty ribbon. It seems elegant and beautiful, but it contains endless killing power. Under one volume, Xiao Chen's power of Yuan Shen is brought out.

"Five yuan chaos, reversing yin and yang, five brushing lives, fragmentation and immortal death!"


The sorrow of the red soul is a powerful blow to the five yuan chaos supernatural power, which can rob the monk of the life imprint in the body and peel it out. Once the life imprint breaks down, the monk will die forever and not enter the reincarnation.

The five-colored divine light is shot one after another, and all of them have done their best without resistance. At this moment, the damage, fine body, drawing method, extermination, and life-threatening divine light are all cast, and they are reunited into the five-colored divine light. Each type of divine light has its own points. It is majestic energy.

Wuyuan Taoists were ecstatic, but at this moment they didn't dare to hesitate, and suddenly, one-armed, suddenly pointed at the five-colored **** light, "The five-colored **** light, merged into shape, traced back to its origin, and revealed its true body!"


At the next moment, the five-colored Shenguang hundreds of miles wide and thousands of miles trembled, and quickly turned into a five-colored vortex, releasing all of the majestic energy contained in the various colored lights and condensing at the center of the vortex.

This vortex is almost ten thousand miles in size, covering the sky and covering the sun. The core energy is madly merged into a silhouette instantly. It is slightly blurred at first, but quickly solidifies. This silhouette is actually Xiao Chen! It is exactly the same regardless of the sense of breath and appearance, but the five-colored divine light brushes out the five yuan of the human body and reshapes it. This figure is the real Xiao Chen, which is no different from his body.

At this moment, the five-colored divine light traces back to the origin and manifests Xiao Chen's true body. The supernatural power has reached the most critical step. At this moment, as long as the five-yuan Taoist mind moves, the five-colored vortex will instantly fall apart and completely disintegrate. The horror energy is enough to completely destroy Xiao Chen in the vortex. .

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